Kaiser of the New World

Tick tock (1)

"Tick tock tick tock tick tock"

How long has it been? Kai thought to himself as he continuously stared at the bright white ceiling, feeling the light burn in his eyes as he did.

Days, weeks, months...years?

"Tick tock tick tock tick tock"

Well, probably not years, I would be able to tell if years passed...

... probably.

With a sigh, Kai blinked repeatedly and sat up on the padded, white floor and stopped imitating a clock, not like there was an actual clock in this place. It's completely empty...bar Kai.  The white room seems to be about 25 × 25 in size, and is as boring as can possibly be.

As for the bathroom situation, for some reason, since Kai got here he hasn't had to go toilet once, and he definitely should've by now. But there's nothing he can do about it, if he has to go he will go.

With little motivation, Kai crawled over to the corner of the cubed room and sat back against it, his back sinking into the padding on the walls.

How long...

Back before this whole mess Kai had a pretty average life. A good amount of friends, a good social life...sorta, he still never had a girlfriend but he didn't mind that, he was only seventeen after all.

It was probably due to the fact he was overweight, not that overweight though. All in all Kai was an average teenager. An average teenager who ended up trapped in an empty white room after The Flashing.

I still remember it like it was yesterday, hell, it could have been yesterday

The last thing Kai remembered before waking up here was walking home from school and planning to go out with friends to celebrate his seventeenth birthday... only to feel a slight tremor in the ground, followed by the ringing in his ears, followed by his phone setting off with constant notifications, followed by the sirens coming from somewhere...followed by the nuclear warnings.

The last thing the red headed boy remembered seeing was a bright light in the sky, which was quickly replaced by the bright light on the roof of his current room. God only knows how much time passed in between, but Kai wasn't God, so he could only guess.

Thinking back he realised he probably could have done something to mark how many sleeps he's had, as it's not like there's a day and night cycle in the white room. The constant light really didn't help when he wanted to sleep, hence him repeatedly saying "tick tock" to help him find the sweet release of sleep.

"Shit...it hasn't been helping recently"

Kai groaned and whipped his head backwards, whacking it off the padded wall a few times. He's gonna have to try something different to be able to sleep.

Maybe counting sheep would work...


"Damn it"

Kai walked in a circle as he scratched his head. After reaching over four thousand sheep and still not falling asleep he gave up. After doing a few laps of the room he got an idea


In Kai's defence, he didn't think of this before as it's not something he would usually do, and it shows with the way he moves.

Maybe it's the boredom getting to him, or maybe it's just the atmosphere in the room, but excersise really doesn't sound like a bad idea.

With some newfound motivation Kai dropped down and got into the push up postition, getting ready to do twenty push-ups.








Giving up at seven, Kai collapsed onto his chest, the soft padding of the floor cushioning his fall.

Maybe...maybe I should start with something easier

Kai thought to himself as he is too busy panting and catching his breath to actually say it aloud.

And with that said...or thought...Kai switched to doing sit ups, continuing to do them until he ends up accidently falling asleep mid thirty-fifth push up, softly whacking his head off the soft white floor.


Kai sat up with a groan and placed his hand on his back, soreness harrasing his bones. Sleeping on a floor for the last however long would do that to you.

As he sat up, Kai looked around and spotted what he is looking for. Not like it was hard due to it being the only thing in the room other than him.

In the center of the room sat a steel tray with a bowl of porridge, a few oat bars and a bottle of water, all the food a growing boy needs to get through the day...

With a sigh, Kai trudged over to the tray and sits down, crossing his legs as he picks up the bowl, blowing on it softly before taking a spoonful, savouring the taste of the sweet gloop.

This is the only thing that happens in the room, his breakfast...or maybe its his dinner arriving in the middle of the room while he slept. He had no idea where it comes from, he's already tried ripping off every pad on the wall and floor, so he guessed it's the roof as that's the only he place he can't reach.

After enjoying...tolerating...his breakfast, Kai stood up and stretched.

All right...might as well do this

Kai gets back into it and picks up where he left off yesterday...the seventh push-up, and today...today he gets eight! Bringing his total to fifteen. With a proud smile, he took a few sips of his water while realised how rough this is going to be.


And like this, thirty days pass...or Kai assumed it's been thirty since he has slept around thirty times since then, but since he can't tell the hours he could have been sleeping for only and hour or two, messing up the math and making it many days less than what he assumed.

Kai followed his daily routine, sit-ups, push-ups, laps of the white room. After much work, effort and hyping himself up not to quit after sleep two, he can finally do fifty push-ups without stopping...much, but it's still a lot better than the beginning.

With a bright eyes and a smiling face...and a stinking smell due to there being no shower in the damn room, Kai closed his eyes to go to sleep. And just about he is about to fall into his awaited slumber, he heard a sweet, feminine voice whisper into his ear.

"Optimal body weight reached, commencing stage two of tutorial"

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