Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 34: An Extra Person

Upon hearing Lin Qiushi’s statement, Ruan Nanzhu’s thin lips moved in an attempt to speak, but Lin Qiushi immediately raised his hand in a stop gesture, giving the other no chance to object. He interrupted, “You and I both know you’re not in the best condition right now. Furthermore, if you go up and something happens to you, what are we supposed to do then? Besides, you can’t always accompany me through the door worlds.”

Ruan Nanzhu grew oddly silent at Lin Qiushi’s words. After a few tense moments had passed, he swiveled around and pointed at Cheng Qianli, “You’re going up with him.”

Surprisingly, Cheng Qianli didn’t raise any complaints, and he obediently agreed.

Xu Jin looked like she wanted to interject, but in the end, she never spoke up. She had truly wanted to persuade Lin Qiushi from going, but no matter how long she wracked her brains for any excuse to stop him, her mind kept coming up blank.

With the matter now settled, the four quickly found the wooden ladder near the temple. Standing at a height of more than ten meters, the ladder was almost as tall as the temple.

“So, this is it, huh?” Lin Qiushi reached out with his hand and firmly pressed on the ladder, ensuring it was sturdy enough to support both him and Cheng Qianli.

“Mhm.” Ruan Nanzhu added, “If anything happens or if you feel something’s wrong, come down right away. Your safety should be your number one priority; focus on staying alive, and nothing else.”

With the nod of his head, Lin Qiushi stepped on the wooden ladder.

The wooden rack looked fairly old, but fortunately, it was decently strong and stable; it didn’t feel as though it would collapse under them as they climbed it.

As Lin Qiushi took slow, cautious steps, ever-so-carefully making his way up, he directed a question at the young boy, “Cheng Qianli, you’re not scared of heights?”

Cheng Qianli: “I’m not scared of anything but ghosts.”

With that, Lin Qiushi was rest assured; he thought everything would be fine. Cheng Qianli could instantly think on his feet and respond to stressful situations quite well. At the mere age of 16, this boy was at the peak of his youth, overflowing with energy and quickly reacting to anything. In fact, had the boy not narrowly grabbed and protected Lin Qiushi when he was shoved off the ladder as they were climbing up the same platform last time, Lin Qiushi surely would’ve died.

The winds grew even fiercer the higher up the ladder they went, forcing Lin Qiushi to reduce his speed. As he steadily advanced forward, he surveyed the area, assessing the situation around him.

The ladder was no less ten meters tall, leading to a wooden platform connected to the top of the temple. While positioned at the highest point on the ladder, he was able to behold a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding scenery. Whether it was the magnificent temple or the mysterious jungle, everything was clearly captured by his eyes. Although he had already seen the same sight when they were at ground-level, looking at the scenery from this angle was a whole new experience, allowing him to genuinely appreciate such a beautiful view.

Seeing that Cheng Qianli was close to reaching the top as well, Lin Qiushi glanced down at the kid and reminded, “Once you’re here, be careful.”

Cheng Qianli bobbed his head and hummed, “Okay.”

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qiushi braced himself as he hoisted his body directly onto the platform. He had originally thought there would be half-devoured, decaying corpses; however, he discovered that the platform was empty of what he’d expected—there was nothing.

Well, that wasn’t necessarily correct; there wasn’t exactly nothing. To be precise, the corpses had been utterly devoured, from their hair down to their bones. Only the gory puddles of concealed blood, messily caking the platform and dripping through the cracks on the floor, revealed the grisly horrors that had transpired.

The roof of the temple should’ve have been visible from where Lin Qiushi was standing on the platform; however, within moments, a thick layer of fog blanketed the terrain, cloaking everything in his sight; before long, the scenery before his eyes turned hazy, distorting like a mirage.

Lin Qiushi stepped aside, giving way to Cheng Qianli.

Once Cheng Qianli stepped onto the wooden platform, he gave his surroundings a quick once-over, only to be rendered speechless. The despondent fog that had unexpectedly creeped up on them left him frozen in place, frightened out of his wits, “It’s only noon, but this fog…”

He spun around to face Lin Qiushi, a look of panic swept over his face, “Are we still going through with this?”

Lin Qiushi hesitated for a moment, before peeking downwards.

Both Xu Jin and Ruan Nanzhu were intently watching them from down below. Seeing that the two had climbed onto the platform, they waved at them.

Because they were too far away, he couldn’t make out their expression clearly, but he somehow sensed they were filled with worry and agitation.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” Lin Qiushi swallowed hard, and determination glinted in his eyes “It’s just as sister Zhu Meng said, we need to take risks in order to survive.”

“En.” Cheng Qianli grunted in assent.

The two cautiously treaded forward, gradually approaching the roof. Eerie music drifted to their ears, resounding throughout the air. The nearer they got to their destination, the louder and more piercing that inhuman song became. It was as if the person playing the instrument was within arm’s reach.

At long last, Lin Qiushi crossed over from the platform to the roof of the temple.

Upon stepping onto the roof, Lin Qiushi paused slightly. The was something different about the ground; the surface beneath his feet felt a bit off, rather strange.

Cheng Qianli presumably held the same thoughts as him, for he suddenly began stomping on the ground, “…Fuck my life. Please don’t tell me this is what I think it is.”

“Who knows.” Lin Qiushi grimly replied. “In any case, this roof is far from normal.”

The surface of the roof was neither too hard nor too soft; if they had to describe it, it was more elastic and tensile, like a springy trampoline. According to what they concluded about this temple earlier, if the entire temple was the body of the drum, then shouldn’t the roof of the temple, which technically represented the top of the drum, be made of human skin too?

Having now confirmed their suspicions, Lin Qiushi and Cheng Qianli’s faces became twisted, their expressions darkening with solemnity.

At a steady pace, Lin Qiushi marched onwards, only to discover that each step he took generated a clear, reverberating sound of a percussion. It was the same sound he heard the day before yesterday, just before the rain of blades poured down from the skies.

So, it wasn’t that someone was playing the drum, but that someone was actually running across the roof instead?

In the depths of this thick, ominous fog, the sound of music guided them. Although the temple wasn’t exactly enormous, Lin Qiushi felt as though he had been wandering aimlessly for centuries. No matter where he turned to look, all he would see was hazy mist; it was like there was nothing else around. Just when Lin Qiushi began doubting whether he was simply circling the same spot, a different image emerged before his eyes.

It was the shadow of someone’s back. A young girl’s silhouette.

Long black hair cascaded down her back, veiling most of her body. With her figure shrouded, it was almost impossible to identify the other, but Lin Qiushi immediately recognized her by her clothes—she was wearing the same exact clothes as the girl he saw in the illusion.

“Where are you?” The young girl called out. She repeated, “Where are you?”

Lin Qiushi and Cheng Qianli held their breaths in. They were both aware that the girl before them couldn’t possibly be human.

“Where are you?” She was the source of that music. The girl seemed to have perceived their arrival, for she abruptly stopped playing the instrument. She then uttered, “Someone has come.”

She slowly turned her body around, revealing her entire self.

A face without skin. Strips of flesh and tissue flimsily hanging from her cheeks. Blood dyeing her face scarlet, ever-so-often dripping to the ground. Both eyeballs carved out, leaving black holes in its place. Such a harrowing sight couldn’t be described in mere words. She cried aloud, “It’s so painful.”

Lin Qiushi didn’t dare waste time. He promptly grabbed a dazed Cheng Qianli, quickly pulling the other to his side, and whirled around to make a fast escape.

Cheng Qianli had long been scared shitless by this nightmarish scene; his entire body was stiff, and his eyes, vacant. With Lin Qiushi forcefully hauling him away, the petrified Cheng Qianli had no choice but to numbly follow.

The two ran like hell; their feet pounded on the rubbery surface of the roof, each footstep issuing a crisp beat of the human skin drum.

“It’s so painful.” The young girl’s voice rang from behind them. Once again, she called, “Where are you?”

The sound of the drum grew louder and louder, nearer and nearer, gradually increasing in tempo. Lin Qiushi felt as if an oppressive weight was crushing his body, forcing him to the ground. His body was on the verge of collapse, and he fought for breath, desperately gasping for air in between his heavy pants. He pushed his body to the extremes, but he still couldn’t force himself to run faster. The agonizing pain from a lack of oxygen assailed his body, causing him to choke… For the first time in his life, Lin Qiushi realized just how weak and burdensome his body was.

Lin Qiushi’s strength was failing him. His body grew unbearably exhausted, and he grew sluggish, his pace slowing down greatly. He threw a sharp glance behind him, but didn’t spot the young girl who should’ve been chasing after him.

“Huff huff huff.” His heart was racing wildly, pounding roughly against his chest. Hunched forward, he breathed in violently, sucking as much cold air into his lungs. Just when he finished catching his breath, he heard a soft voice.

The voice came directly from his back. The little girl whispered, “Why aren’t you beating the drum?”

Lin Qiushi stiffly turned his head, only to come across a grotesque face with two bloody, abyss-like holes staring deeply at him.

“Kek kek kek kek!” Caught off guard by this hideous sight, Lin Qiushi’s bent over in a fit of coughing; the wracking coughs violently tore into him, increasing in intensity with each passing second. His body stumbled forward and he fell to the ground, hard. His outstretched hands braced against the floor in an attempt to alleviate the impact, only to come into contact with elastic skin.

It was extremely supple to the touch. And warm, just like the temperature of a living human being. Lin Qiushi lowered his head, trying to calm his palpitating heart and stop himself from coughing. The girl behind him laggardly heaved her body towards him, freakishly crawling until she was right in front of him.

“Where is she?” The girl asked, crookedly cocking her head to one side. It was as if those were the only things she could say. “It’s so painful.”

Sweating profusely, Lin Qiushi looked up, directly facing the little girl and finally getting a closer look at her appearance.

The young girl had no legs; they had been ripped off. With her missing limbs, she could only crawl with her hands, sluggishly dragging her bloodied upper half across the ground. Her skin had been savagely peeled off, exposing the festering, deep red textured flesh, raw pink tissue, and viscous blood underneath. Her eyes had been cruelly dug out, leaving behind two gory, cavernous holes with residual pulp. As of this moment, those black, gaping holes were watching Lin Qiushi indifferently, awaiting his answer.

Lin Qiushi suddenly recalled the writings in the diary. He swallowed hard, his thick spit painfully sliding down his throat, before replying to the girl, “She is looking for you.”

The girl fell silent.

“She has always been looking for you.” Lin Qiushi tentatively continued, “As long as you both exist and until one of you leaves this world…she will always be looking for you.”

The girl straightened her body, then stretched out her hand and furiously slapped the surface of her drum.

“Badump!” The rich sound of the percussion sent shivers down his spine, causing goosebumps to form on his skin. Soon after, the hazy mist lifted, and his surroundings became visibly clear.

“Do you…wish to see her?” Lin Qiushi gingerly asked.

“Bring her to me.” And with that one demand, the girl vanished before Lin Qiushi’s eyes.

Having confronted Death in the flesh, Lin Qiushi’s strength completely left him. Traumatized, he could barely heave himself up off the ground. Struggling to stand, he glanced at Cheng Qianli, who was weakly kneeling beside him, and saw that the boy’s soul had long left him, as well.

Cheng Qianli peered back up at Lin Qiushi and let out a frightened gurgle, before croaking, “Holy fuck. Lin Qiushi, let’s hurry up and get out of here.”

Lin Qiushi briskly nodded and strode over to the edge of the platform with Cheng Qianli.

Cheng Qianli’s face was drained of blood, his complexion beyond pale. After this incident, he didn’t make a single peep. His clothes had also been stained with blood, but Lin Qiushi couldn’t exactly remember if the girl had also come into contact with the boy.

Like zombies, they listlessly descended the ladder until they reached the bottom. Their dull eyes were hooded by lifelessness, and their weary bodies were engulfed in an aura of bleakness.

Ruan Nanzhu hurriedly approached them to inquire about the situation.

Lin Qiushi slumped on the ground and shook his head, giving a brief rundown of what happened.

After hearing the other’s account, Ruan Nanzhu noticed something, “Cheng Qianli, what have you got in your arms?”

Lin Qiushi looked over at Cheng Qianli, only to find the boy’s t-shirt bulging abnormally. With this one glance, he automatically knew the boy was hiding something under his shirt.

Cheng Qianli took a deep breath, before fishing out the object he was secretly caressing under his shirt—it was a bone flute. Although the original shape had been altered quite a bit, one could still see that it was made of human bones.

Lin Qiushi: “…Wow, you really are something else, you know that?” You really must have no fear to bring this out, huh?

The terrified Cheng Qianli, who was courageous for once, was sobbing loudly. Like a frightened rabbit, he began groveling towards Lin Qiushi, hugging the other’s leg and messily rubbing his snot and tears all over the other. Through his unsightly snivels and hiccups, he poured out all his grievances, “It wasn’t easy for me, you know! Seeing that godawful monster standing right in front of you, how could a coward like me dare rush in to save you ah! It was so stressful. I could only grit my teeth, stamp my feet, pray for your happiness in the afterlife, and see if I could try to get anything helpful out of the situation, especially since I didn’t want your sacrifice to go to waste, and I didn’t know if you’d actually make it…”

Lin Qiushi: “…”

Ruan Nanzhu patted the boy’s head, “Don’t cry. You’re already this big; aren’t you embarrassed crying like this?”

With swollen red eyes, Cheng Qianli pouted, “I still have two more years before I’m an adult.”

Ruan Nanzhu: “How about telling that to the monster up there. Maybe she’ll give you an easy death once she realizes you’re a minor.”

Cheng Qianli: “No no no, I’m good…”

At the sight of the bone flute, Lin Qiushi finally came to understand why the girl’s legs looked like that. He offhandedly remarked, “Well, I suppose it isn’t too big of a deal, since the girl ultimately let Cheng Qianli take the flute from her and bring it down here.”

Ruan Nanzhu: “So, now she wants us to bring her younger sister to her?”

Lin Qiushi: “That seems to be the case.” As he contemplated, puzzlement flashed on his face. “But how are we supposed to identify her younger sister’s bones?” If his surmise was correct, the younger sister’s body should be hidden in one of the towers at the other location. But the problem was that there were so many skeletal remains in all of those towers, it was practically impossible to go through each and every one.

Ruan Nanzhu rubbed his chin in thought, “Well, if there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Having finally recovered from his panic attack, Cheng Qianli wiped the snot and tears messily streaking his face, and began to heavily exaggerate the perilous and horrifying experience he had on the roof, weaving a thrilling, macabre tale of morbid grotesquerie.

“You don’t understand how scared I was when I saw that dreadful thing latching onto Lin Qiushi’s back. I nearly pissed my pants!” Cheng Qianli narrated. “I wanted to tell big brother Linlin so badly, but that thing kept staring at me with its evil-looking, empty eyes. I seriously thought we were goners for sure!”

“Hah.” Lin Qiushi sighed deeply. “I thought that was the end for us, as well.” He bowed his head and tugged his t-shirt. The entire shirt was soaked in crimson blood, making it seem as though he was the victim of a callous murder.

“Well, at least you guys made it down safely.” Ruan Nanzhu calmly offered words of comfort to the two. He then added, “It seems that the key will only appear once the sisters reunite. But we still need to find the door…”

They conversed along the way to the temple. When they finally reached the temple, they caught sight of Meng Yu and a young woman chatting. The two appeared very intimate, and the mood between them was quite suggestive.

Ruan Nanzhu and Xu Jin locked gazes, sharing a look of mutual understanding.

At the side, Xu Jin softly murmured, “It’s truly wonderful that people can still fall in love in this place.” After saying this, she flirtatiously peeked at Lin Qiushi.

An utterly baffled Lin Qiushi was simply unable to comprehend her statement, but Ruan Nanzhu wasn’t to be underestimated. Well-aware of the other’s intentions, Ruan Nanzhu pasted himself onto Lin Qiushi’s body and let out a dazzling smile, coyly purring, “Ah, Linlin, it was quite uncomfortable squeezing in with Mu Yu last night, wasn’t it? Why don’t you and I sleep together tonight then…”

Lin Qiushi: “Sure, if it’ll make you happy.”

Grating sounds could be heard from Xu Jin’s clenched teeth.

Despite realizing he had been discovered, Meng Yu remained composed and confident. He greeted them with a bright beam.

“Have you guys found anything?” Meng Yu asked.

“Nope.” Ruan Nanzhu denied, awfully coolly.

Meng Yu quirked his brow, and his eyes curved gleefully, but one could tell he was far from amused. His peach blossom eyes shifted over to Lin Qiushi’s body. “What did you guys run into? How did your clothes become like this?”

Ruan Nanzhu: “It was unfortunate luck on our behalf. Like last time, we ran into a monster, but thankfully, we managed to escape.” As he said this, he added a few weak coughs to make the story more believable, appearing as a fragile woman who looked like a delicate willow. Looking as though she could topple over with the slightest of breezes, her feeble appearance made onlookers’ hearts stir with pity and protectiveness.

Meng Yu no longer hounded them for answers. He simply told them to be careful, before walking away with the woman.

Contrary to what Lin Qiushi expected, Meng Yu let them off so easily. Lin Qiushi couldn’t fathom what had just happened, and he felt that something was amiss. But Ruan Nanzhu merely waved his hand, and with a deep frown, he said there was no need for them to concern themselves with the other, and that he was probably someone who was in the same line of work as them—an experienced individual who took on clients. As long as they guaranteed their client’s safety, they normally didn’t care if the means they used were fair or foul. In his case, if it was going to increase the chances of him and his client exiting the door alive and well, he might as well use the hands of those toiling tirelessly to open the door; after all, obtaining success without lifting a finger was, naturally, the most appealing option.

“However,” Ruan Nanzhu started, “That Meng Yu looks awfully familiar…”

Lin Qiushi: “He looks familiar?”

Ruan Nanzhu: “I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before…”

He combed through his memories, trying to recall anything he had on the other, but it seemed he couldn’t come up with any leads. And so, he no longer dwelled on the matter. “Forget it. Since he doesn’t pose a threat to us, let’s just think about it when we leave this place. Right now, the most important thing at hand is to find the key as soon as possible.”

Lin Qiushi nodded.

When they entered the temple, they were met with an overwhelmingly tense atmosphere. After prudently inquiring about the situation, the four discovered that the creatures they had encountered previously appeared again while they were exploring outside the temple. As before, the monsters were lugging long swords behind them, but this time, it wasn’t raining blades, so everyone rushed outside to escape. It was only after those abominable creatures had disappeared, that they returned to the temple.

There were some in the crowd who pointed out that the monsters only appeared following the sound of a drum. Lin Qiushi immediately recalled the memory of him and Cheng Qianli madly running across the roof for a long time. Thinking back on it, there was a great possibility that this incident was connected to them.

But even if he highly suspected this matter had to do with them, he certainly didn’t admit it. Like everyone else, he knitted his brows and expressed his concerns and doubts.

Fortunately, apart from this incident, there were no other accidents or victims.

Once dusk fell, the tour guide punctually arrived at the appointed location. With a smile, she repeated the same words she had spoken the day before yesterday, before bringing everyone back to their residences.

After informing everyone of their appointment for the next day, the tour guide bid everyone goodbye. Before leaving, however, she suddenly added a new sentence that wasn’t in the script two days ago, “Everyone had better show up on time tomorrow morning! There should be no less than twelve people.”

As soon as this sentence fell from her lips, the half-hearted grins on everyone’s faces instantly slid off. There were some whose complexion had turned ashen with fear, and others who looked as though they had eaten the sourest lemon in the world.

As if the guide hadn’t noticed the everyone’s twisted expression, she cheerily waved her hand before going away.

“Twelve? Why only twelve? Aren’t there thirteen of us?” The crowd grew boisterous and outraged, with everyone’s cries of dissent pouring over each other. “Does that mean someone’s going to die tonight…”

“Yes, that must be the case!” Someone shouted, soon generating an echo of agreement from the rest of the crowd. “That’s right! Since there will only be twelve people tomorrow, one of us won’t survive tonight!”

The more they rambled on about their suspicions, the more panic-stricken the crowd grew. It was obvious that no one wanted to end up as the poor victim.

Both Meng Yu and Ruan Nanzhu remained silent in the face of this chaos. Rather blasé and refusing to waste any breath by adding their own opinions to the conversation, they wordlessly listened to their other’s hysterical chatters.

“I’m so sleepy. Let’s head to bed early today.” Ruan Nanzhu slothfully yawned, completely unaffected by the tour guide’s announcement. He rubbed his eyes and sleepily leaned against Lin Qiushi’s shoulder.

“Let’s go,” replied Lin Qiushi with the nod of his head.

Upon hearing Ruan Nanzhu’s voice, Meng Yu, who was casually sitting beside him, chuckled in delight, his lips curling up in amusement, “Young lady, you must have some guts to still want to sleep in this kind of situation, huh?”

Ruan Nanzhu: “People die needlessly from a lack of sleep, didn’t you know?” He lazily waved his hand. “In any case, it’s just death. But a deserving death is far better than a bland death from a lack of sleep.”

Meng Yu: “Well, you aren’t exactly wrong.”

Soon after, the four returned to their rooms. After quickly washing up, they crawled into bed. Since Ruan Nanzhu had already decided earlier that day to sleep on Lin Qiushi bed for the night, Cheng Qianli was forced to sleep by himself.

Xu Jin had long grown apathetic to this situation. Constantly witnessing those two people scatter dog food in front of her caused her to grow numb. She didn’t’ seem to be in such high spirits today. She barely said anything the entire day, and even now, she fell asleep faster than usually after tucking herself into bed.

Just when Lin Qiushi thought Ruan Nanzhu had fallen asleep, the other leaned closely into him, his warm breath tickling his ear, and murmured, “What are your thoughts on the tour guide’s words today?”

“The others might be right.” Lin Qiushi whispered back. “Something might happen tonight…”

“I believe otherwise.” Ruan Nanzhu said. “But I’m not certain. We’ll see after tonight.”

Lin Qiushi tenderly caressed the top of the other’s head, “How are you feeling now?”

Ruan Nanzhu hummed indolently, “Much better. Now, go to sleep.”

“Okay.” Lin Qiushi shut his eyes.

Whenever Ruan Nanzhu slept next to him, Lin Qiushi slept so peacefully, and tonight was no different. Lin Qiushi slumbered through the entire night and didn’t wake up once until the next morning.

The one who looked as if he didn’t have a restful night was Cheng Qianli. With dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, he commented, “Big brother Linlin, you’re really brave, you know that?”

Lin Qiushi: “How so? What do you mean?”

Cheng Qianli was beyond gobsmacked, “What do you mean by what do I mean?! Don’t tell me you forgot all about the bloody handprints we saw under the bed yesterday?!”

Lin Qiushi: “…” Whoops, looks like he really did forget. Nevertheless, he still acted as if he didn’t just completely trash that horrifying memory out of his mind. With false sincerity, he solemnly declared, “I haven’t forgotten; how could I ever forget about something that important?”

Cheng Qianli: “Weren’t you scared?”

Lin Qiushi, who was unreservedly lying through his teeth without so much of a blink of an eye, confidently responded, “Would being scared solve anything?” He firmly patted Cheng Qianli on the shoulder and offered heartfelt words of encouragement to the boy, “You must be brave!”

With wide eyes sparkling with pure admiration, the simple-minded Cheng Qianli gasped in sheer awe, before vigorously nodded his head, unaware that he had just been fully deceived.

After Lin Qiushi gave the boy a meaningful pep-talk, he guiltily sneaked over to Ruan Nanzhu’s side and meekly whispered, “Hey Nanzhu, did you also remember the bloody handprints from yesterday?”

“Yeah,” grunted Ruan Nanzhu.

Lin Qiushi: “Were you still able to fall asleep next to me? Weren’t you afraid?”

Ruan Nanzhu expression showed that he didn’t have a single clue as to what Lin Qiushi was talking about; with a slight look of confusion on his face, he replied, “I’m not afraid of ghosts. I’m afraid of what the source behind the bloody handprints could do to you.”

Lin Qiushi: “…” As expected, this big brother was truly worthy of being called Boss.

Because of the tour guide’s ominous words yesterday, insufferable apprehension had corrupted everyone’s minds. It was only after everyone gathered in the morning, only to find that the so-called victim hadn’t appeared, that their minds were at ease.

There were thirteen people yesterday, and there were thirteen people today, not more nor less.

“Thank goodness. That tour guide really gave us a heart attack.” Someone within the crowed breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yeah. Fortunately, there isn’t one less person.” One after another, everyone began thanking the heavens, their reassured voices resounding throughout the room.

However, Lin Qiushi noticed that after discovering the number of people hadn’t decreased, a dark expression clouded Ruan Nanzhu’s visage. He didn’t touch his breakfast like usual, and his eyes trailed over to the crowd, scrutinizing every person.

“What’s the matter”? Lin Qiushi was slightly taken aback.

“It would’ve been better if someone died.” Ruan Nanzhu growled, in a foul mood. “I didn’t expect to encounter something this troublesome again.”

“What do you mean?” Lin Qiushi was bewildered.

Ruan Nanzhu offered a short explanation, “Vital NPCs generally do not lie.”

“Then…” At Ruan Nanzhu’s statement, Lin Qiushi’s eyes widened in realization, “You mean to say that one individual amongst the thirteen of us isn’t human?”

“If someone died yesterday, things would’ve been much easier to handle.” Ruan Nanzhu ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Unfortunately, that isn’t the case anymore.”

He picked up a glass of water and took a sip, “Now, things have gotten even more complicated. How annoying.”

This matter was indeed quite troublesome. Four days had already passed since they came here, yet Lin Qiushi didn’t even clearly remember everyone’s faces, let alone their names. Needless to say, trying to find who amongst them wasn’t human wasn’t going to be an easy task.

Seeing that nothing happened the night before, everyone seemed very optimistic and carefree.

With the exception of Ruan Nanzhu and Meng Yu, of course.

At first glance, the grave expression marking Ruan Nanzhu and Meng Yu’s faces were somewhat similar. Their brows were drawn together in a slight frown, and their eyes flashed with faint indifference and pensiveness.

Within moments, the two’s line of sight collided with each other. Without missing a beat, Meng Yu casually stood up and sauntered over to Ruan Nanzhu, directing his usual gentle smile at the other, “Would you mind coming outside with me for a small chat?”

“Not at all.” Ruan Nanzhu answered with a professional smile of his own. Turning to his side, he told Lin Qiushi, “Wait for me for a while. I’ll be back soon.”

Thereafter, he left with Meng Yu.

“What happened?” Cheng Qianli and Xu Jin, who were coming back after grabbing some breakfast, ran into Ruan Nanzhu and Meng Yu as they were heading out. The boy didn’t hear what Ruan Nanzhu said earlier, so naturally, he was unaware of Ruan Nanzhu’s forbidding suspicion. Like everyone else, he rejoiced at the fact that no one had died yesterday night.

Lin Qiushi had originally wanted to update him with this news, but he suddenly hesitated. In the end, he decided it was best to leave the boy in the dark until Ruan Nanzhu returned, and simply said, “Meng Yu had something to tell him.”

“Oh, okay.” Cheng Qianli distractedly bobbed his head, no longer asking any questions.

Xu Jin took a seat beside Lin Qiushi and curiously probed, “Big brother Linlin, the two are spending time alone. Aren’t you jealous?”

Lin Qiushi: “Jealous? Why would I be jealous?”

Xu Jin “… Well, aren’t you and Zhu Meng…”

“We’re just friends.” Lin Qiushi cut her off.

Xu Jin: “Friends???”

Lin Qiushi: “It’s just a platonic friendship… Can’t a man and a woman just be friends?”

Xu Jin fell silent, before saying, “Big brother Linlin, you truly are a good man.” It’s just that you’re a bit too foolish and forgiving.1

After a few minutes had passed, Ruan Nanzhu and Meng Yu returned, grimness no longer showing on their faces. Although their expressions didn’t carry any smiles, they certainly seemed to be in a better mood than before.

“So, what did you guys talk about?” Cheng Qianli nosily wondered.

Ruan Nanzhu: “Children shouldn’t speak unless spoken to. Just why is this child always asking so many questions, aiya.” He then turned to look at Lin Qiushi, “Would you like to know what we were discussing?”

Cheng Qianli: “…” This is too much, ah…

Lin Qiushi timidly nodded.

Ruan Nanzhu slyly narrowed his eyes, the corners of his mouth drawing a lovely arc. “Kiss me, then I’ll tell you.”

Lin Qiushi was struck dumb: “Hah???”

Bitterly clenching her fists and averting her gaze, Xu Jin hatefully glared at the ground, sorrow and longing raged inside her.

Translator’s Comment:

Idk if it’s just me, but whenever I‘m reading/translating Xu Jin’s parts, I can’t help but want to rooot for her, lol.

1Original: 就是头发有点绿. The literal translation is “It’s just that your hair’s a bit green”. This is referring to a green hat or the act of being cuckolded. This is part of an expression that translated into something like: To live a decent life, you must have a little green on your head. It pretty much means as long as you’re tolerant and close your eyes to certain stuff, you will lead a happier life, which is basically the equivalent of “ignorance is bliss”. Chinese explanation: Link 1 || Link 2

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