Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 16

This Kamen Rider, who claims to be the most original idea of ​​Mr. Ishimori, can even play the role of a weirdo directly if he changes his appearance on the set. Since his transformation is a real change of flesh and blood, it will bring great pain to the person who transforms. .Zheng Yi, who was lucky enough to watch this work as a child, was deeply impressed by the close-up scenes of the real transformation.

"...SIC style?!"

After touching his unrecognizable face and feeling the cold touch from his fingertips, Zheng Yi remembered where this completely different but familiar gesture came from.

"As for your question on 913, the terminal cannot fully understand it, but these products are all randomly selected, and it is not ruled out that they may come from other parallel worlds in one world."

"Hey... that is to say, if I meet other seniors in the future, maybe it is a TV style or a SIC style..."

That being said, I won't be beaten up by any Showa senior as a weirdo in the future.

Shaking his head and getting rid of the messy thoughts in his head, Zheng Yi is actually clear about his sometimes bad-mouthing character, but because of his self-consciousness, he often consciously controls his words and deeds.Although it's not bad to relax your mind a little bit when you have to deal with big things alone like this, but it can't affect the business.

"My idea is to directly use the Titan form to enter from the front. According to the previous description of Inspector Miyamoto, the staff of the building at that time broadcast the evacuation information, and the personnel of the entire shopping center building should have left the building when the incident happened. The worst thing is that the first and second floors are redundant like that small square. Judging from this number, the Titan mode should be able to enter directly."

Picking up the wooden knife by the wall, Zheng Yi leaned on the wall to observe the semicircular square in front of the building.

"That is to say, 913, do you have another strategy?"

"Temporarily hug Buddha's feet, develop the blue dragon form, bypass the front of the square and jump directly to the top of the ordinary individuals on the first and second floors. This building has only six floors, and the top floor is not too high. Using the jumping power of the blue dragon form should be able to jump directly Go to the top floor, no matter how bad it is, you can bypass ordinary individuals and jump to higher floors, counting shortcuts."

"But this method is much more dangerous than the first solution."

"You're right, Terminal."

The difficulty of the second plan is not to develop the blue dragon form.From the perspective of the Titan form, because I learned the four basic forms of Kuuga in advance, compared to the five generations of Mr. Wudai at that time, such as [jump higher], [see more clearly], [stronger defense] Li] and other vague thoughts, Zheng Yi's thoughts to Lingshi are more accurate and efficient, so as long as this kind of thought is strong enough, Lingshi seems to be able to quickly feedback it.

The real danger lies in the two time periods when jumping up and after jumping up.

Neither Zheng Yi nor the terminal knows whether the top floor and the position close to the top floor are dangerous. If you jump blindly, if you encounter an ambush or obstruction in the air, Zheng Yi, who has nowhere to rely on, will not be able to protect himself even if he relies on the excellent reaction nerves of the blue dragon form. something will happen.Secondly, if a battle occurs on the top floor, it is hard to say whether it will attract ordinary individuals below to rush up.At that time, he will be attacked from both sides, and even if ordinary individuals can't pose a threat to him, Zheng Yi really doesn't want to see such a big change in a close battle.

There are not many problems with the first solution, but the efficiency will be very slow.

——But this is what Zheng Yi cares most about.

He wanted to solve this incident as soon as possible, and control the mutation in this city to end it.

"From the perspective of the courtyard, the terminal recommends that you implement the first plan."

"Terminal, you are actually a cute guy, but a little rigid, but from my point of view, I am very happy to have a serious helper like you."

The hard cuticle could not outline the arc of the smile, but Zheng Yi still raised his hand and gave a thumbs up.He held the wooden knife with his right hand, but this time Zheng Yi didn't grab the handle of the knife, but the center of the blade.

The boy took a deep breath.

I need faster reflexes...

I need more agile mobility...

I need legs that can jump higher...

——And what I hold in my hand is a wooden stick for swinging!

"Super transformation!!"

The armor on the shoulders quickly shrunk into the skin, and the armor on the chest and back gradually became thinner. The red color of the whole body receded like a tide. Accompanied by the faint sound like a spring, the azure wave licked Zheng Yi's body and swept away. superior.Even those compound eyes that looked like jumping flames were plated with an ice-like blue at some point.

The raging fire that engulfed him dissipated, freezing his fighting spirit in his body like frozen ice, clear as a mirror, and as quiet as a winter spring.

Whenever an evil thing appears, turn its various skills into invisible, like flowing water to calm down the evil warrior.

A bright mirror stops water, in the form of a green dragon.

"...It's done."

Holding the green dragon stick transformed from a wooden knife in his hand, Zheng Yi let out a long sigh.

As for the action of using a wooden knife to transform into a green dragon stick, he based it on the fact that when he watched Kuwo as a child, he often used wooden sticks or even broken branches as a medium to transform the green dragon stick.It was slightly beyond Zheng Yi's expectation to be able to succeed once, but it also proved that his idea was correct.

For Lingshi, more specific and accurate thoughts will make it easier for her to give feedback to users.

With a little effort on his legs, Zheng Yi tried Qinglong's jumping power with the help of his horns.Just the usual small movement of stepping over the four steps made him easily get up from the alley, and landed firmly on the top of the second-floor shop that he was holding on to the wall just now.

In this case, as long as it is not interrupted during the jump, six floors are more than enough.

Knowing well, Zheng Yi raised his head and looked at the group of zombies in front of the square. He had already conceived a plan when he was looking at the map to go here, so he had already designed a route to avoid these guys and jump directly.

The problem now is that a little help may be needed to hide the special individuals among these ordinary individuals.

Looking at the button in his hand, Zheng Yi's expressionless face did not change for the time being, but from the way he shook his head helplessly, if there were Pang people present, he could definitely feel the sense of dumbfounding .

I had no idea I would actually be able to use this.

Zheng Yi, in a complicated mood, lightly pressed the button on the remote control.


From Zheng Yi's right on the avenue two to three hundred meters away, there was a piercing long blast like an air defense siren.

In an instant, the zombies that were still swaying in the semicircle square rushed towards the direction of the sound, screaming and howling under Zheng Yi's gaze, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.Compared with the ordinary individuals encountered before, these ordinary individuals can actually run like ordinary people instead of staggering forward.

It was a great help, Shiratori Police Department added.

Seeing those special individuals also leave, Zheng Yi jumped off the roof without hesitation and ran towards the building.

PS: As for the change of shape, as I said in the article, in my opinion, Lingshi may respond to vague thoughts, but she needs to give feedback from a benign perspective according to your needs. The several forms of Wudai in TV are basically analyzed by Ms. Sakurako. As Wudai has a clearer concept of these forms, it is easier to drive them.In contrast, Zheng Yi has known these forms for a long time, so he can tell Lingshi with specific and accurate thoughts, and it is easier for Lingshi to feed back to him.

To put it simply, Wudai seemed to have an idea to tell Lingshi, but Lingshi had to think about how to write it first, and found that these ideas could match a previous template, so he handed over the template to Wudai.And Zheng Yi told Lingshi directly, I need those templates, just give them to me, so the process of inspiring the form is much simpler.

Chapter push

"High School Girl X Married Wife"

Author: Pastry

Original daily lily, the book lives up to its name, the writing is OK, it is worth looking forward to the dog food lily


Chapter 25: The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield

The remote control was given to Zheng Yi along with the map by the Shiratori Police Department when he learned that he was going to the shopping center.

[This is the remote control lock of a police car we abandoned nearby when we evacuated. Although I don’t know if this thing can help you, we have no chance to recover that car anyway. If you use Use it if you can. 】

Thinking back to the scene where Shiratori Police Department stuffed him with the map face and the electronic key with an awkward expression when he was leaving.Zheng Yi was still a little helpless at the time, he could see that Shiratori Police Bubu was actually a bit of a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person, although he tried to interrupt the conversation between him and Miss Lingzi before, but from his point of view, it was indeed out of respect for everyone. A proper consideration of human safety.Now, after realizing that Zheng Yi can't be stopped from going to the mansion, he also uses his own way to try to give Zheng Yi an extra boost.

Of course, Zheng Yi at the time really thought that neither the car nor the electronic key should be used by him.

Running along the green belt on the left, Zheng Yi's strengthened eyes can still see the group of zombies on the right more clearly.It is roughly estimated that there are more than 100 ordinary individuals mixed with more than a dozen special individuals. Compared with the ordinary individuals encountered before, these ordinary individuals are better in terms of mobility and ferocity.And the special individuals mixed in it are obviously much stronger than the few that were killed at the beginning station at that time, and Zheng Yi even discovered many types that he had never seen before.

If you use the Titan mode to go up directly, there may still be no threat, but Zheng Yi may need to spend a lot of effort to deal with the special individual in the upper position.

As a result, the electronic key donated by the Shiratori Police Department really helped a lot.

is the way possible...

From the corner of his eye, he saw that the police car, which was buzzing with the siren alarm system activated by the electronic key, was beaten by a group of furious ordinary individuals, and was submerged in the torrent of flesh and blood in the blink of an eye. Zheng Yi withdrew his gaze in embarrassment.

I hope that the Shiratori Police Department will not pursue this matter after the repair... But I am afraid that no one will recognize the car that has been dismantled like that.

Controlling his scattered thoughts, Zheng Yi maintained a light and fast pace on his feet, relying on the police car as a bait to gallop towards the shopping mall building without making too much noise.

The movement speed of [-] meters and three seconds, even though the sprint range was slightly reduced to reduce the movement, still allowed Zheng Yi to cross this not-so-large semicircle square in less than ten seconds.Without stopping, Zheng Yi immediately continued running to the right, avoiding the direction of the main entrance.

As he expected, from a distance, he saw a large number of ordinary individuals hoarded inside the first floor.Fortunately, the visual ability of these ordinary individuals still seems to be necrotic. After reducing the sound caused by the movement, although these ordinary individuals also began to rush out due to the commotion at the bait, they didn't care that they were almost head-on with them. Zheng Yi.

After successfully bypassing these troublesome guys, Zheng Yi stopped on the left side of the shopping center building.This is the No. [-] gate of the shopping center building. Although it is also one of the exits, because of the commotion over there, the ordinary individuals remaining here have already squeezed past.When Zheng Yi stopped and looked up, there was only a mess and no one left at Gate No. [-].

"Outdoor coffee, outdoor coffee... there is."

Mumbling, he found a spit-out platform on the sixth floor, and Zheng Yi slowly squatted down.

In addition to avoiding the tide of corpses at the main entrance, he chose to go to Gate No. [-]. He also learned from Miss Reiko that there was an open-air coffee shop on the sixth floor above Gate No. [-].The entire building is a cube, and there are no regular windows or openings for Zheng Yi to jump in from the outside, so this open-air cafe is the only place where you can directly enter the sixth floor from the outside.

"One, two..."

It was the first time he tried to jump with all his strength in the form of a green dragon. Zheng Yi squatted down and took a deep breath, whispering the beat while adjusting his body posture to accumulate strength.Different from the mountain-like solid feeling in Titan mode, and completely different from Almighty mode where all the muscles are burning, Zheng Yi can clearly feel the state of every inch of muscle in Qinglong mode. You don't need to think too much, you just need to conceive the next move in your mind, and then your body will be able to fulfill all Zheng Yi's requests considerately and lovingly.People always think that their body is their own, but in fact most people neither know how to communicate with the body nor what the body wants to tell them.Even Zheng Yi, he can only occasionally understand what his body is telling him.

Just like a somewhat willful girl, only when you are truly loyal to her and give her your deepest love, will she let go of her reserve at certain times and tell you her heart.

But the Qinglong mode seems to make this girl mature suddenly. She begins to understand your distress and needs, is obedient to you, and knows you well.

It's an unprecedented feeling.

The legs stretched out suddenly, and the power was like a turbulent undercurrent under the frozen ice. At this moment, it broke through the thick ice layer on the surface and burst into the sky.

Zheng Yi jumped up and stretched his body like a dragon soaring in the sky at a height of more than 20 meters.

Looking at the rapidly approaching fence in front of him, Zheng Yi held the green dragon stick in his right hand, and stretched out his left hand to grab the edge fence of the open-air platform. Once he had a point of strength, he immediately exerted strength on his waist and abdomen, and pulled his body up with his left hand and shoulder back at the same time. , and then stood upside down on the fence with the left hand as the fulcrum, a dexterous front somersault, and landed quietly and steadily on the open-air platform.

Looking around, Zheng Yi saw that the open-air platform was quite delicately decorated.The floor is paved with mahogany, and the solid wooden tables carved from logs are arranged along the edge of the platform so that customers can really appreciate the scenery outside, while the center of the platform is the cash register and the kitchen counter for making coffee and snacks.

Judging from the situation of the entire platform, it seemed that the business had only started when the incident happened. He saw that the mop was thrown directly on the ground, the bucket was also overturned on the ground, and the foamy water in it dripped along the wooden floor, leaving The next wet trail.A few tables and chairs were knocked over or pushed aside, the cashier counter and the kitchen counter were in a mess, the cash register on the counter was turned sideways, the insulation lamp inside the kitchen counter was smashed on the desk, fragments of light bulbs and The glass shards of many spice bottles were mixed together and scattered all over the floor.

It looks like an earthquake site.

Standing up and leaving the edge of the platform, Zheng Yi approached the cashier counter and the kitchen counter, and let the yellow, white or black powder aggregates and glass shards on the ground look inside to make sure that there were no hidden survivors or hidden people. The special individual then looked back and turned to look at the door of this open-air coffee.

Pushing open the door means stepping into the sixth floor.

Since Zheng Yi jumped onto the platform, he has been feeling a faint pain like a pinprick in his head, and this pain became more and more obvious as he gradually got closer to the gate.

Obviously, even if there is no designated recycling on the sixth floor, there must be something not very good.

After hesitating for a moment, Zheng Yi held his breath and concentrated on it. After a second of silence, he murmured under his throat.

"Super transformation."

The azure blue receded, and the blue silver and deep purple wrapped up, and the green dragon stick in Zheng Yi's hand also experienced the process of changing back into a wooden knife and into a Titan sword.

Zheng Yi was also relieved that he could successfully complete this switch.Although it may not be possible to switch forms anytime and anywhere during the battle, Zheng Yi can successfully complete the form switch in a very short time as long as he concentrates on conveying specific thoughts to Lingshi.

As for why you want to convert into Titan form.

From just now, as Zheng Yi walked to the gate, the pain had evolved to the point where it could affect his concentration.Although it wasn't considered severe, even if this kind of mental disturbance couldn't have an immediate effect in an evenly matched battle, it would still make him gradually be at a disadvantage because he was tired of coping with the offensive.Moreover, this pain has already affected Zheng Yi's ability to perceive the surrounding threats to a certain extent, so he took the lead in transforming into a Titan form, on the one hand, to improve the fault tolerance rate of his next actions, and on the other hand, to facilitate him in the possible first confrontation There is room to observe the opponent.

After completing all the preparations that could be made in advance, Zheng Yi let out a long breath, and stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the door.


Seeing everyone's desire for a new form, let me give you a little spoiler (no)

The new form is related to the next world. If I open the new form, I will not choose the script of Apocalypse

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