Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 104: Take A Mile

I walked back into our room in my towel with Lesha hanging off my arm. I wasn't that tired before, but after that, my body felt spent.

"Can you go get Alana?" I asked Lesha after slipping on a large white shirt of my father's that I had stolen back from Mei.

"Yes, but I think you should just wear that all the time," Lesha said, coming over to give me a kiss.

As she did Lesha grabbed my nipple and pinched down playfully, but they were still sensitive. I let out one of my horrible squawking noises, and jumped back, covering my breasts as Lesha advanced on me.

"GIT! Go get the damn girl, you vile woman!"

"Oh, but baby, I just want a little squeeze, I will be gentle this time!" Lesha said in her oh-so-sweet voice, but with zeal burning in her eyes.

"Get your damn hands out of my shirt or I will…" I started to threaten, but there was a knock at the door.

Lesha leaned in with her hands on my hips and gave me a quick but deep kiss that left me blinking as she turned and called to come in. I shook my head and smiled, every moment was another memory to be cherished.

If I really had spent multiple lifetimes with this woman, I could see the appeal in the idea. In the twenty-two years that I have been breathing, I had never felt so alive, and happy.

"This will be like a sleepover, I never had them as a kid, but K was the first girl I had a sleepover with. Maybe that isn't a good example, but I think you know what I mean!" Lesha said to Alana as they closed the door.

I grinned at Lesha's fumbling and walked over, taking Alana by the shoulders and guiding her to the bathroom. I showed her a toothbrush and she knew how to use it, so I left her be and walked back out to Lesha who was crawling into bed.

"No, I am sleeping on the edge," I said flatly.

I wasn't playing this game with her again. Last time I ended up getting no sleep. So, this time she could deal with the "Sleepover" because I was tired and I had things to do tomorrow.

"But baby! I need to hang my arms over the edge! Baby, please?! Baby!" Lesha said in her adorable voice.

"I will hurt you if you ruin that word for me! I love when you call me that, but now you're overdoing it," I said scowling at her.

"Okay, fine, you win, I will sleep in the middle, where my hands will be hot. I probably will have trouble getting to sleep, so I am sorry if I keep you up," Lesha said slowly moving over.

"Good," I said, going to the slide of the bed and pushing her over and out of my spot.

"HEY! You're not supposed to do that! You're supposed to…"

"...Go to sleep in the designated sleeping areas we decided on? Oh yeah, working on it!" I said trying to get into bed, but Lesha sat up, leaning over onto the place that I was trying to get into.

"But… please?" Lesha asked, giving me her big eyes.

A firestorm of emotions raged inside of me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to kiss her or throw her out of the bed. I sighed and rolled my eyes, and Lesha tried to hold back her grin but failed.

I was about to start tickling her, but that was when Alana walked back out of the bathroom. I pulled my hands back from Lesha and smiled at Alana as she slowly walked over.

"Do you two always sleep together?" Alana asked as she crawled into the bed beside Lesha.

What was going on here? Lesha grinned up at me, patted the massive open section of the bed beside Alana. I just shook my head, give an inch and they took a mile.

That was something my father used to always say about my brothers, and I never really truly understood the veracity in the statement. Now though, crawling into my side of the bed with a little girl separating me from the woman I wanted to throttle, I understood.


"VICTOR! I CAN'T STOP HIM! VICTOR!" Alana screamed at the top of her lungs, making me bolt up straight.

Alana was sitting up, and I put a hand on her arm, starting her out of the nightmare trance. I pulled her down into my arms as she began to cry into my chest.

Lesha, of course, was still asleep. The woman could sleep through a hurricane tearing the roof of the Guild.

"Are you alright?" I asked Alana quietly.

"Mmhm, I am sorry, I had a bad dream… I saw it happen again. I can't unsee all the people disappearing in flames, and it comes in my dreams," Alana said quietly as I stroked her hair.

"Victor is very important to you isn't he?" I asked.

"Mmhm, he has always protected me, or tried to," Alana said.

"Then, just think about him, or Corbit and try to go to sleep. I will try to keep the bad dreams away," I said with a smile, but I got the look I just was coming.

"W-W-What do y-y-you mean? W-W-Why would I think about something like that? Or him I mean? Do you really like girls? Do you and Lesha…" Alana asked with an expert level switcheroo, leaving me short for words.

"Get to sleep!" I growled, and she let out a small giggle.

"Thank you, you have been so good to me, and I will probably never be able to repay you, but I just want you to know that I really appreciate what you have done," Alana said, cuddling into me, and soon she was asleep.

"I know you're awake you witch! Next stray we get, you're in charge of her!" I whispered to Lesha, and she rolled over with a grin.

"But you so friggin cute with them, baby!"

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