Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 106: Leaf Green Light

"Before you all leave, there are a few other things that I would like to put into place. If you are Ruby Rank or higher, then I require you to go out once a week with a lover lever group," I explained to the gathered people.

This went for all the members, including the ones that we already had. I wanted to make sure everyone was learning and growing, they would need it for the coming storms.

"Doing this will also help your fellow guild members group, and teach them tricks that will help them prosper. You benefit from having strong members, so helping the newbies will be a requirement, even for solo adventures. I will not chase you all to do this, but there will be serious consequences if you fail to do this simple task, that is all," I said, finishing with a nod of dismissal to everyone.

These few points were just some of many that would be brought up in the future. I didn't want to shove all my ideals down their throat all at once.

I spotted Corbit and the siblings and they were sitting across from Braum, and… wait.

"Tim?" I asked loud enough for him to hear as I walked over with the girls behind me and Lesha behind me.

I heard her gasp from behind me, and my breath caught as both Hershal and Tim turned to look at me with massive grins.

I could hardly believe my eyes, both of the men looked years younger. I put a hand over my heart and took deep breaths.

Tim's eye was no longer massive, but it still glowed a soft green and not so sickly. Hershal's was the same, but if he hadn't been sitting between them I wouldn't have recognized him.

"Was this from me?" I asked, not knowing what else to do, I was just so blown away by the change.

"K, I don't even know what to say or how to thank you," Tim said, losing his smile.

"Call us even for helping me out from the beginning, I am just happy to see you as a young man. You will fit in with the other boys now," I said with a smile.

"That's not all, do you remember about the horrible green light I told you about before? It changed when we did! Watch, Victor, do you mind?" Tim asked, turning to Victor, pulling a knife out, and handing it to him.

"Sure, this is pretty cool, so I don't mind, this is nothing," Vitor said as he slashed his arm and blood sprayed up.

"HEY, YOU IDIOT!" Tim yelled, and his eye started to glow intensely.

I had already caught the flying blood and was taking it in, but I watched what Tim did. The light from his eye was a beautiful leaf green, and it bathed Victor's bleeding arm in it.

I watched as the deep cut grew and knitted back together in a matter of seconds. I was starting to be able to pick up the scent of magic when it was being used, but I was getting nothing like that from Tim.

"Don't be an idiot! I can only make it grow back, not return the lost blood," Tim scolded Vitor who was looking pale.

"Yeah, I might have overdone it a bit," Victor said, wobbling, almost falling out of his chair, but Corbit caught him, and we all laughed.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked turning to Braum, but Hershal spoke up first.

"Umm, I know I was wrong yesterday, and like Tim said, after this, I have no real way to repay you for giving me my life back, but I would like to serve you as one of your Guild Members," Hershal said to me with a weak smile.

"Where do you want it?" I asked, and Hershal looked startled.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"Where do you want the crest? You do want to join, right?" I asked with a smile.

"Well, yes, I guess on my check the same as Tim. Are you sure?" Hershal asked, but I was already taking my hand away, leaving the fresh red crest that never seemed to fade.

"Today I would like you and time to go out with the greenest looking groups and teach them the ropes, this your new abilities, I think you two will be good for the job for today and tomorrow, okay?" I asked, and both nodded and left without saying another word.

"You know, you are the strangest person that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing," Braum said with a smile.

"Thank you?" I said, not knowing if that was actually a compliment or not.

"Gear is loaded on the ship and everything is down there waiting for us! I ever brought a medical kit," Braum said grinning as he pulled up a picnic basket of all things.

"Medical lunch?" Candi asked, stepping forward and looking inside the basket.

There were a bunch of crackers and some green glass bottles that were capped. Something in my mind told me this was a ginger drink that had air forced into it to make it bubble, but that was all I knew, like some random bit of useless information.

This was starting to happen more often lately. I was getting flashes and memories of the past lives more frequently. It was getting to the point where it felt like a dam was about to burst in my mind.

"Drinks and food to help with the boat ride," Braum said as he stood up.

"Now, are we ready to go, we are losing precious time," I said, turning to leave, but then I turned back to the group.

"All of the new Guild Members need to go over to that tree and take your red ribbons. Right now they won't do much, but when we go back into the dungeon they will be important. One of my brothers already died and came back with an arm from the shoulder growing out of his head for a week, but he is still alive," I explained to the group as we got ready to leave for the docks.

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