Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 109: Taking It In

The shield was forming into my hand, but I made it huge and round. I slammed it into the ground, and that was the moment when everything slowed to a near crawl.

Even turned up, I had no chance to make it to the water, I had to stand, and face the destruction head-on. I had separated the two with my shield and I dropped, and then pulled her over to me as time was slowly speeding back up.

Right before the final shield snapped, I burned almost the blood I had making my body cold. I didn't think that it would help me with the blast that was about to hit me.

I had overused my Mana, and now I could do nothing but wait for the inevitable to come. I could feel Alana shaking slowly, but speeding up as the moment caught back up with time.

Right before the blast went off, I pulled Alana into my chest. There was nothing I could physically do to help her, so just whispered to her as the last shield broke.

"Don't worry, I am here with you."

Then the world erupted with yellow and orange flames that blasted out in a furious outburst of fire, but it was more than just fire.

Suddenly I was hit with memories of battles and fights with humanoid-shaped massive metal men. They would fire rockets that would do this exact same thing, tearing apart the land.

The heat was starting to make the air hard to breathe and each breath was scorching my lungs. The fire tried to burn my skin, and it burned like nothing I had felt before.

The tears were burning off my face, and I did the only thing I could think of, I sought the flame. It was a small ember, taxed to its max, but it was still there, and with it, I could close out the world around me.

Then another light began to slowly appear, and I know what it was. I didn't know what I could do, but I tried anyway.

I reached out with my flame and tried to connect with Alana's blue fire that looked like it was blowing in the wind. She was a tempest of pain and horrible memories that was washing around inside of her making it impossible to connect.

As I reached forward with the flame, the raging emotions that frothed inside of her pushed me back. I was trying to keep myself from reaching my target, making my own flame waiver.

No, I would not be pushed aside! I was not that type, and I got mad, then something happened.

A different type of power grew up and became stronger than my white flame, but then, they mixed. Like a peppermint cane, whatever that was, I could see the striped canes hanging from trees, but that wasn't important.

No, not at all. Something was changing… no, not changing… returning… THIS POWER.

Suddenly, the red white from reaching forward without my help, and grabbed blue flame, and snuffed it out. My eyes snapped open and the fire was gone.

What had I just done? Then I felt it, and I forced my eyes closed quickly, searching out my flame, and I was stunned at what I found.

Orange, red, and white flames burned in a row, except for the middle one. While it looked like it was burning, it just moved like fire, and I knew what it was or thought that I did.

This was my anger, or that ever power my anger controlled, but that also meant that I had just stolen Alana's magic. I didn't want to take it from her, I only wanted to help her control it, yet, this was the better option.

"Miss K? Are you okay? Did you stop it? Where did Furburg go?" Alana asked looking around as I opened my eyes, but she didn't seem upset, she was happy.

"Are you okay?" I asked, standing back up, feeling stiff, and very cold.

"Yes! I feel great! What did you do? And where did the Mana stuff go?" Alana asked, but I put a hand up to stop her before more questions could come out.

I opened my hand and summoned the little dragon into it. Alana gasped and stepped back, but I reassured her.

"Don't worry, he is mine now, and I have control over him. I am sorry that I have to talk the Mana away from you, but it was the only way to stop it," I said with some resignation.

"Sorry? Why? I am free, and now I don't have to wear that collar! Miss K, Thank you so much! I don't know how I will ever repay you?" Alana said to me.

"Repay? No, you are part of my family now and this is what we do for each other. I really hope you can start getting back to living a normal life with us at the Guild. Well, as normal as can be expected from everyone," I said with a smile and then throwing up the dragon into the air.

I commanded Firburg with my mind and ordered him to fly up about five hundred meters into the air. Upon taking him from her, I was filled with all basic knowledge of the creature, and what its abilities were.

Unfortunately, the beginner rank of explosion summoning Mana had one skill, Explode. So, I was going to get him to do just that to act as a beacon and to go let off some steam.

Letting him do it was going to let him burn off all that stored up power. If didn't he could hurt someone even with me controlling him, so I would have to be careful.

I would need to get him to a dungeon soon. Having something like this would almost be like cheating, and not even a boss would be able to stop him.

"Miss K, can I stay with you and Miss Lesha? I really like you guys, and," she tried to continue, but I wrapped her in a hug and pulled her head down to rest on my chest.

"I told you, you are part of my family now. You can stay with us for as long as you want. In the future, things are going to start getting more dangerous, so we will need to train and work hard, okay?" I asked as Firburg reached five hundred feet.

"Yes, Mama K! Wait, can I call you that?" Alana asked as Firburg exploded about us.

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