Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 111: The Heat Of Passion/ The Chill Of Hunger

The ride back was calm and relaxing, and I was surprised when Braum used his Mana to lift the boat up to his deck. One thing that was very different now was the flames.

Not only did I always hold the flames now, but I could see the flames in others. It was in the center of their chests of others that had Mana. Just how easily could I take someone's magic?

I helped Alana out of the boat, but a smile Victor, and a burning red Corbit were standing there waiting to greet her. Oh by the nine Gods did they do to that poor boy?

Victor rushed over and gave his sister a hug, but Corbit stayed back, wringing the life out of his green shirt. When the siblings finished hugging I was just getting out of the boat, and then Alana turned to Corbit.

For all he was worth, Corbit stepped forward, and then smiled down at Alana. Corbit was still growing, and I hadn't noticed that he was amongst the same height as me.

"I am sorry for not noticing you before. Also, you look very pretty today," Corbit, said as he then tried to back away.

At this point, I was almost directly across from him, and I saw something inside of her light up. I blinked and then squeezed my eyes closed, but that just made me focus on it.

Impossible, but the green-white flame was there, and burning stabbed as she grabbed Corbit's shirt, and then pounced on him. My eyes snapped open as the pair thudded to the deck, and Alana's face was only a breath from Corbit's.

That was, when I grabbed Victor in a headlock and then Lesha, daring them both with me into the cabin area where we changed. Both were grinning, and neither one of them fought to get free or struggle so I was sure I had nabbed the right two.

After I got the two into the room and closed the door, letting going of the two of them. They both rubbed the back of their neck, and then looked up at me with grins on their faces.

"What did you two do to that poor boy? He looked like the tomato on the sandwich I never got to eat! Where is that blood?" I asked, realizing that I was getting short with them. "Sorry, I just used a lot of blood, and I'm cold."

Lesha's face instantly changed to worried as she came over to me.

"Victor, go get Braum and ask him for the blood, run!" Lesha ordered Victor, and she ran to the door, opening it, and running. "Come with me. Baby your hands are freezing, I couldn't feel it in your arms?!"

Lesha took me to the bench and sat me down, but I didn't have an answer and I only just noticed it. What did this mean?

[Your power is starting to control you hungry more to make it less evasive, but you still need to have blood. As to your earlier question, the magic in this world is not normal, and it shouldn't be here. When you take the magic, you are leaving a hole that this world's own magic can fill.]

"The power is helping me some," I said to Lesha. "Right now Lishtani is explaining my new powers, and I will explain them after to you."

I closed my eyes and leaned into Lesha as I waited, but now I had some questions.

What is this magic? Mana, you mean? And does this mean I should be taking their powers? How will I deal with so much magic?

[Mana is the power that fuels magical spells, and yes you will be taking it all. As you gather the powers, they will slowly be pulled apart and fuse with their basic element. Once that happens the Magical properties will become stronger and you will be able to use what you want at will, even without casting like you already are.]

But when I take their magic, it's going to change right? Aren't there going to be upset people?

[This isn't about a couple people. If you want to save this world, then you need to remove all traces of the Gods, except for the dungeons. Those will be the only things that stay, and there is nothing that we can do about that.]

That's what I said I was going to do, and knowing that she had put it like that I was starting to understand what she meant. This magic was not natural of this world and it was something brought by the Gods, and that meant it must be removed.

I wondered how I was going to remove all the magic from myself when I had it all? It was fine for me to collect it, but then what?

[You will know when the time comes. For now, just concentrate on the task at hand.]

I could hear the footsteps running back to the room, and Lesha got up quickly. She went over to the door and opened it as Victor and all the girls, including Alana, came in.

Victor was holding a rectangular metal box, and he rushed over to me. He put the box down and then opened the lid.

Inside, there was a pair of jars packed in with paper, and Victor pulled one out. It was filled with the dark red life fluid that I need so dearly.

No one spoke as Victor tried to open the jar, but he was having too much trouble with it and I was losing patience. I extended my arm and took the large jar from him, and easily opened it.

The blood poured from the jar and into me even as I unscrewed the lid, and I could feel the warmth coming back into my body. I pulled every drop out, but then reached my hand for the other, and Victor handed it to me.

Once I was done, I stood up and stretched, but then I looked at the group that was assembled.

"Boy, out, I need to talk to the girls and get changed. Thank you for rushing like that," I said, ruffling his hair.

Now, it was time to go get ready for a swim!

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