Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 125: Blood Shakes


That was all that went through my mind as I was spat out. I landed in the room I had seen Healia in before, and she was waiting for me. I had never seen someone arrive from a Waystone, only people leaving, and it was not a pleasant experience.

It was like having your entire body squished down to the size of a pinhead, then let go of like a spring. When I stumbled out, Healia was there to catch me, but I was able to get my head straight fast, and I grabbed her by the cheeks.

"Oh, K, I know you have always had a thing for me, but now isn't the…." Healia tried to say, but the feeling of my teeth sinking into her neck cut her off, and pure sugar filled my mouth.

Cotton candy was the flavor, but I had no idea what cotton was, but then something happened as I pulled away.

[Blood System] Completed!

[Blood Queen System] Released!

[Blood Queen] Activated!

Power like an old friend ran through my body, and I watched my skin fade to black, but then I started to feel dizzy. I stumbled, but then Healia caught me and helped me to the ground, I didn't have time for this, but something was changing.

"The circle is complete, and you now have the final service. Now, you are changing to your favorite form, but turning into a vampire is hard on the body. You will have to die first, but you won't be the same person when you come back. I need you to burn all the stored blood, every drop of it," Healia told me as she stroked my hair.

"But I need to save the others; I don't have time for this!" I said as I tried to resist the blackness.

"Where you are going, time doesn't matter. You will only be gone from here briefly, and then you will be able to get them. I don't think you can face Giyadel without your memories; we gods are strong, but the… it won't allow me to fight him, and my power is now sealed into you like mothers are, now go!" Healia told me with urgency.

I burned every drop, but it was different now, like it was burning all the blood parts as a whole. Then the weight crushed me, and I fell through my body and into darkness.


[Gameworld 12: The Final Gameworld]

I opened my eyes, and I was in a cave-like room, and there was a hair-looking man that I felt like I knew. He noticed me and got a big stupid-looking grin on his face, and I also notice red and black tattoos like vines that covered his arms and neck.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" The man asked in a rough voice.

"No, but I should, shouldn't I?" I asked him.

"Ya, but the Zodiac World has your brain all fuckered. Now, don't ducking kill me, but I need to kiss you," The man said with that same stupid grin.


"Don't be like that! I don't want to kiss you either yeah, damn lesbo, but this is going to happen, we have to finish the fucking game, so I can get to my girls. Now, bitch get over here!" The man said, still smiling.

"You aren't very good at this, are you? And what did you just call me? A Lesbo?" I tried to ask, but the man rushed and kissed me, and I drove my knee into his groin.

"OwO! Not the boys! My only weakness!" Hyde said as he grabbed himself.

"Shut up. Have you been back yet?" I asked as I finally stepped back into my actual mind.

"Yes, woman. Don't get all saucy with me! How are the girls?" Hyde asked as he straightened back out.

"They are good, I have them all, and I drained all my blood to force me to come here," I told him.

"What? You didn't have to activate it on your own? What the fuck? I had to build a fucking city. Why did Dave give you the easy way?" Hyde asked in disbelief.

"I have tits, and I made rules before we came in. unlike you to yahoos, I asked him to modify some things," I said.

"Oh, like the blood shakes, and having tits is an easy win with my brother even if he doesn't get to touch them, hehe. Okay, wench, ready to get shit head? He just left, so we might be able to catch him before he gets to the casino," Hyde said as he walked funnily to the door.

"He just couldn't let the last of our earnings go to waste; why didn't you just put him under a rock?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

Hyde was brother to Dave, and he was the one who created this hell hole gone wrong. But I was still missing something, but maybe seeing Bhan might loosen things up. 

This was my second run through the world. Now we had almost made it to the Zodiac worlds, or that was the place in time that I was. I had already made it to Pisces, and there were people I care about in trouble, but at the moment, that didn't exist.

"You know what he is like; the man is a savage about anything that he likes. Look, there is a whole bunch of monster ants outside, and they are just waiting for us to come out and fuck their shit up!" Hyde said with a fist pump, and I rolled my eyes, but I did follow him out of the cave and into a tunnel.

This would be good, I had my memories all back now, but It had still been ages since I had adequately burned blood. This would be a chance to stretch my legs and warm up before I fought Giyadel.

Hyde led me down the tunnel until we came out to a small ledge to a hundred-meter drop, and I turned to Hyde, and he smiled and me with his stupid boyish grin.

"Ready to fuck some shit up?"

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