Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 131: Microwavable Dinners?!

Getting spat back out from the Rift for a third time today was starting to play hell with my stomach, and I was surprised to find most of the men up waiting for me. I looked around, rubbing my head, but then Tim and Hershal stepped forward.

"Why are you all up here? It's good, but I am surprised to see you all ready to leave," I said look at the gathered men.

"We were all worried about you, but about an hour ago, we heard a large thump up here. We came up to look and found a large rock with a note that said for us to be ready. The members of Laughing Crow, including Jester, are here," Tim explained to me as I wave the big smiling shirtless men into the Rift.

"Good, that will save me a lot of time, and I would have to deal with Dyster. Where are the rest of them?" I asked, only seeing a couple faces that I didn't remember.

"Don't worry, we are coming! Just bringing some toys with us," said the familiar voice of Milo called out as he entered.

I felt any stress that I had melt away as Milo, Dean, and a large number of other men entered the room. Most of the men were holding heavy burlap sacks that were filled to splitting.

"I am very pleased that you are all here and you decided to come. Are there any others that we need to collect? What about Crass? I can't," I started to say, but Gastbo's brother cut me off as he entered the room from the stairs.

There were three of the large shirtless Guild Members behind them, and they were all carrying some cumbersome forge tools, including an anvil. I looked the group over and frowned at Crass.

"I think we have an anvil and most of the tools you will need at the Guild," I told Crass as he waved the men to go through the Rift.

I had stepped off to the side so everyone else could start going through, and Crass came over to me. He had a big and stupid smile plastered all over his face that even cracked my steely facade and forced a smile on my face.

"Ha! That's better! You know, for a person that has been cut to pieces, blown up, drowned, and mauled to death by a savage monster, you look like you're doing well, hehe. So, from the note that was sent, I got that my brother will be there, right?" Crass asked, grinning maniacally.

"Yes, why?" I asked, losing my smile and eyeing the man suspiciously.

"Good, now I can show that little shit who the best is!" Crass said as he got fire in his eye and clenched his fist in front of him.

The others were still pilling into the Rift, and I had to force myself not to roll my eyes. I needed to hear the rest of this; I didn't want to have these to cause havoc, but some healthy competition might be good for the place.

"Come on, spit it out already. What is this about?" I asked, trying to not sound as unimpressed as I actually was.

"That little shit beat me in a smith forging contest right after we had opened the forge in Dyster. The two of us have always been competitive, but the little shit won and then ran off to Tiagelia, so I couldn't ever have the chance to rechallenge him! The little bastard won't even step into the back of my forge when he comes to sell me all the shit he has made!" Crass said, shaking his fist at me like I was the one that wronged him.

"Oh, I would pay to see that, and I will see it. Don't worry, I like your brother for the aid he gave me, but you're right about him being a nasty little shit. I will set something up on the way to the first dungeon, but I think that my Father, James, will want to join you in this," I said as the last of the Guild Members filed into the Rift.

That left only us two and Tim, and Hershal, and I turned to them.

"Everything we need is taken from here?" I asked, looking directly at Tim.

It still felt weird to her that the two of them look so young now, but they both nodded to me. So, I waved them through and sent Crass with them, only leaving me.

"KIADA! I KNOW YOU'RE UP HERE!" I heard Dyster yell up, and that made me smile as I stood in the light of the window. 

"I am up to her, little Godlet. Have you come to see me off?" I called out as Dyster banged up the stairs. 

Freiburg was already crawling onto my hand from inside of me, but he looked like a newt with wings. That was by design, and by making him smaller, I could control the blast radius, but I was still going to cause some damage.

Something like this couldn't be helped, but the best part was that Dyster couldn't do anything about it. Oh, he could try, but without his powers, he was no match for me, and I didn't think that he would be stupid enough to let me take his magic.

"YOU COW! WHERE ARE HALF THE WORKERS IN THE CITY! YOU CAN'T JUST COME AND STEAL MY PEOPLE! THEY ARE MINE!" Dyster screamed at me as he entered the doorway but not entering the room.

"Your people? Since when did you own them? You should be happy, fewer mouths to feed, and all of my supporters are gone with me. I would think that this should make you happy, no?" I said, giving him a pretend sad face that made the liquid green fire pour down his face from his eyes in rage.

"No! You're taking them all, not just one! All the scuba shops are gone, and why the hell can I call it a scuba shop… wait a fucking minute. What did you do? Tv? Cellphone? MICROWAVABLE DINNERS?!" Dyster shouted out in surprise at himself. 

"Really, you can finally use your brain, and those are the first three words you decide to shout out? Whether you can remember or not doesn't matter. We are all still stuck here, and you all still have to do your jobs and try to stop me, but know this. If you and Giyadel keep fucking around and killing NPC for your perverted fun, I will be using this world's restricted weapon of you when I find it, and there won't be enough bits left for even Blank to put back together; understood?" I said with menace, causing the room to bleed to a violent shade of red.

"Fine, I will stop, but I don't think using a God killer on some of them will be a bad idea. Do you know how long it has been? I have remembered every game, but this has never happened. I can only hope that it means you are getting closer to what everyone had originally planned, right?" Dyster asked, letting the green fire go out of his eyes.

"Yes, that is the plan, but there is no point in making false promises. You and I both know that the original plan is so far gone that there is no point in trying to mull it over. Do your job, be a dick, but keep it in your pants, or lose it," I said as I tossed Firburg into the air, and then I turned my head to look back at Dyster with a smile. "You also have about five seconds to get out of here before I level this entire guild."

"You what? HEY! Don't put a big hole in my city, you witch!" Dyster stout at me as I turned back to the Rift.

"Sorry, you're the bad guy, remember? I'm not supposed to do what you say, right?" I said as I snapped my fingers, and the world exploded behind me as I was sucked into the Rift and then spit out the other side.

Lesha was there to catch me, and I was thankful for that. Four times through that shit strainer was too much for anyone, and I had to fight to keep the food in my stomach, but then that reminded me that I was hungry.

"Are you okay, baby?" Lesha asked me as she helped me up.

"Yes, my love, but now I want every girl in a separate room. Healia, you will go with Candi and wait for me, the rest of you go find separate rooms. I don't want any questions or talking, understood? That goes for you two as well," I said while looking directly at Drania and Lishtani. 

The girls all looked at me strangely, but all of them started to move after a moment's pause. I had a brief moment where I thought that I was going to have to order them to do it, but I was relieved when they left, and it was just Lesha and me.

Candi had looked troubled, which made me worry more, but that was why I sent Healia with her. Lesha was looking up into my eyes, and I could feel the heartfelt emotion in them.

"It's going to be hard, but Drania and Lishtani will join her, and we will all do it together. We need to get this part of things out of the way so we can start moving on," I said as I took Lesha out of the Waystone room and down the stairs. 

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