Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 90: Please, No Baby!

The next morning I woke up with Lesha's face buried into my chest. I had no idea how she was even breathing, and only the rise and fall of her back told me she was alive.

It was early, but the sun would be still far away. It would get bright out first, then the sun would come over the hill sometime later.

That would mean the morning would be a bit chilly, so I would get the girls to dress up warm. I think the girls were going to be in rough shape, except Gloria.

I was going to have to catch up and pass her on my own terms. It wasn't like I held it against her, it was the exact opposite.

I needed someone like that in my life, always ready for the next challenge. Maybe that's what I would do, go see Gloria and see if she wanted to go out and train with me.

There was no way that any of the others, including Lesha, were going to come to training. So, I pried her face out of my tits, getting out of the covers, then sliding off the end of the bed.

I went over and leaned over the bed, kissing Lesha's cheek. She smiled and then felt around and her smile disappeared.

Lesha's eyes cracked open ever the barest bit, and she turned like a rusty hinge towards me.

"Baby, where are you going? Why did you take your face warmers away? They are so soft and warm, Baby, where are you going? Come back to bed!" Lesha complained in a cute little croaky voice.

"I am going to get Gloria to go and do some training. Would you like to come with us, dear?" I asked, trying my damndest to keep the smile out of my voice, this was adorable.

"No, baby, please no. Did it hit my head last night? Or get run over by a wagon? Or maybe a couple of them? I don't feel good baby," She said after rolling back over into the fetal position.

I was almost in tears, and finally, I couldn't hold it back any longer and burst into laughter. Lesha rolled back over, and glared at me, with her eyes open just the slightest bit more.

"SSSSH! What are you laughing so loud? Hammers to my head, my head! How are you even walking, you psycho?! You drank a whole bottle, and I had half a cup! Ooo, my head! Baby, it hurts!" Lesha complained, grabbing at her head.

"Just get some rest, okay. I had to come to get you off the toilet after you fell asleep on it," I said, quieting down, and stopping my laughter.

"Don't tell fibs, I did… not… did I? What happened to me last night? All I remember is getting you to the room," Lesha said, confused.

I leaned over more and kissed her softly on the cheek and neck. That made her giggle softly, so I whispered I love you to her and left the room quietly.

"How is she feeling," Gloria asked from beside the door.

I would have been surprised, but she had shifted her weight around as I unlocked the door. That let me know that there was someone on the other side of the door from the loud creaking.

"Like she got run over, multiple times," I said to Gloria after closing the door. "What did you give her?"

"I didn't really give it to her on purpose, the arm-wrestle burned some of the alcohol off. So, I added some of the alcohol from the people of Westoff to my wine and didn't think about it till after. Lesha was also fine, Candi was watching to see which would fall asleep first," Gloria said with a smile.

"Well, that was nice of her," I said, giving a half slime.

"No, it wasn't. She must have known that you would have something to counteract the alcohol! That little witch," Gloria went on.

"Vampire," I said coughing.

"... made a bet to match twenty good pieces of anyone who wants to take the bet! She even showed off the gold! Now she is filthy rich!" Gloria complained without noticing my input.

Little did she know that I had pulled Candi aside. It was before I had started drinking too much. I had talked to her in the bathroom last night in the mess hall.

For some reason, like a gut feeling, I knew that Candi was very good with money. The problem was that I had had no idea at the time in what way.

I just knew that she was more than trustworthy. So, I have given her all the coin. that I had brought. Plus, the ten platinum we had got from the Gem Hearts.

"Well, I am sure that money will be put to good use. Later today I would like to find the housing office and see if we can rent a place. For now, Would you like to go and do some training?" I asked Gloria.

"That's why I am here, I want to see this advanced course and try it. Then we will be the judges of how hard it is! You are right though, I would feel a lot more comfortable if we had our own place," Gloria said as we started to walk to the stairs leading down.

"Just not having a bathroom in our room or a private one was going to become a problem," I said as we walked down to the bottom level.

Tim, Corbit, Braum, and Hershal, were waiting for us in the mess hall. They all looked in good shape, except for Corbit, but he was still here, and that was better than the rest of the girls.

"Good to see you two awake, I am guessing that the rest are not going to be joining us this morning?" Hershal asked with a smile.

"No, it will just be us joining you all," I said as the group headed for the door outside.

"Follow us," Braum said with a big evil-looking grin.

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