
Character Page: Garami (Reha Zera)


  • Race: Reha Zera
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 68 cm
  • Weight: 16.1 kg

General information:

  • Age: 18 years 
  • Birthday: 04 of the month of Alvatria, year X551
  • Likes: Sweets, Skill collection, Acting like a phantom thief.
  • Dislikes: Boss monsters, Machinerz, Idiots
  • Talents: Sneaking, Information gathering, Thread arts
  • Natural enemies: Scarecrow
  • Image color: Jet black


The insignificant demon has climbed up the ranks (and Floors) and has finally reached the entrance floor of the Dungeon she was born (trapped) in. 

However, she's diving down into the Dungeon again because she dislikes her current appearance!? Garami starts her Dungeon clearing adventurer for real as she aims for a humanoid body to enjoy the luxury of civilized life!


As a Reha Zera, Garami has the appearance of a jet black spider with a small abdomen and a spider head connected with a neck like an ant. She only has two ruby-colored eyes, as opposed to the eight of regular spiders.


Garami has several personality traits like her curiosity towards everything new in the fantasy world, her prideful, but not overconfident attitude, and not to forget, her laziness on certain parts.

Despite being able to be called lazy, Garami has an intense drive for what she wishes for. She utilizes every trick in the book to get what she wants, and more if that is needed. She would even use the book as a projectile if that became necessary.

Garami has developed a sense of confidence after her recent successes, and it keeps on growing for each Floor she clears. This makes her take more drastic measures and brave the risks if the payout is good enough for her to do so. Even then, she always tries to make sure to have an escape path in case things go south.

And while she may not notice it herself, Garami has developed a sense of loneliness in her heart. Due to this, she is more likely to spare monsters she does not need to fight, even reaching a helping hand to those who need it. She is also weak to a crowd due to this.

Even so, her prideful nature refuses to simply help people out for free, so she needs a good reason for her to help that individual. This doesn't prevent her from taking the honor and gloating over her actions.


As a Reha Zera, Garami's abilities with spider threads have increased considerably compared to her time as a Grey Demon. Due to this, she has started to add even more different types of traps to her arsenal.

Even so, she is still weak to fistfights. Rather than fighting people head-on, Garami will rather sneak around them and stab them from behind. Her skills are chosen to help her succeed with this strategy, and her Rogue class is there to help her even more.

As the Champion of Alvatria, Garami has great compatibility with Darkness attribute skills, starting from her [Aura of Darkness] skill. Even so, she has not obtained much more of these types of skills, mostly because she is improving her body with Passive Skills so that she can stand up to the stronger monsters of the Dungeon.

Garami can use the Kigal-Note to find more information about subjects she knows off, at the drawback that it is almost useless to find information about something she has no clue of. Another power of the Note is that she can trap creatures into it and utilize their powers as if it was the Kigal-Note's abilities. 

Due to temporarily taking control of the Queen Crushroach's army of Hercuroaches with the Kigal-Note on the Queen's [Kin Domination] skill, Garami has been able to greatly enhance her physical-directed skills. Due to that, and her status as a Champion grants her double the Skill Points every time she obtains some, Garami has been able to obtain more than 80 different skills, a feat normally impossible for a rank F monster.

  • [Aura of Darkness]: A skill granted to Garami for becoming the Champion of Alvatria. The skill emits a black haze-like aura that weakness anyone except for Garami, reducing their stat values, and may even inflict status ailments such as Poison, Weakness, Curse, and much more as the level increases.
  • [Spider Thread]: A skill that lets Garami make silk threads like a spider. One of the most used skills in Garami's arsenal.
  • [Grudge Evil Eye]: The final skill Garami obtained as a reincarnation bonus. It reduces all status values for any living creatures in Garami's sight when in use for a decent cost for such a powerful skill. This allows Garami to weaken targets without having to touch them and allows her to capture monsters into her Kigal-Note much easier than before.

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