
Kigal-Note/Extra Skills: [Golden Heavenly King – Sakata no Kintoki]

Skill: Golden Heavenly King - Sakata no Kintoki
Skill Type: Extra Skill
Skill Tier: Extra
Attribute: Gold/Lightning
Extra Skill Category: "Shinto", "Knight"
  1. Allows one to summon and use a "Masakari Kintarō" Idea Weapon.
  2. (Passive) Grants [100 * Skill Level] extra points to STR, as well as a boost to STR whenever the user uses a Gold or Lightning-type skill.
  3. (Passive) Allows the user to talk with other animal and monster races without knowing their language
  4. (Demerit) Treats the user as the owner of Dragon-type traits. Does not grant the traits' effects.


One of the "four heavenly kings" skills of the Shinto Extra Skill category, [Golden Heavenly King - Sakata no Kintoki]. Including the Shinto category, it is also part of the Knight category, as in Extra Skills related to Warrior-line classes, making it a skill popular known as a "Samurai Extra Skill". The other three Heavenly King skills share these traits.

As part of this skill's effect, the user can summon the axe-type Idea Weapon, "Masakari Kintaro". It is a two-handed battleaxe with the ability to inflict Lightning and Gold-type damage with each blow, making it the source of why this skill requires the user to possess either the Lightning attribute, the Gold attribute, or both at the same time. The battleaxe's basic stats increase with the skill's level. 

Another effect of this battleaxe is that it can inflict Lightning-based [Paralyze] ailments on targets it hits, depending on the owner's STR. It will also inflict extra damage to demonic-type and youkai-type enemies. 

To assist with the usage of the battleaxe, another effect of the skill is to grant 100 extra STR points for each skill level to the skill user. In addition, the user's STR will be increased if they use a Gold-type or Lightning-type skill, giving them even more offensive power than they ever needed. 

The third effect comes out of the blue, but it functions as a translation ability similar to the [Language Addaption] skill that Migrants are known for having. This effect is filling out the missing pieces of [Language Addaption]. While the T3 skill allows the user to get familiar with and comprehend any foreign languages, [Golden Heavenly King - Sakata no Kintoki] allows the user to understand monsters and animals on an instinctive level. This "instinctive" translation gets better and better the higher with higher skill levels. 

Finally, another effect that comes out of the blue, is the "negative" effect of making the user be treated as a Dragon-type trait holder. They do not gain any of the effects from any Dragon-type traits, nor do they require more LP to be recruited into groups, but the skill user becomes vulnerable to "dragon slayer" effects. Having this skill will not unlock any dragon-type evolutions or anything else of that nature. 

Noire's comment: This explains that stupidly destructive attack power. 

Grangron's comment: Ghahahaha!! ...Who are you calling stupid!?

Sei's comment: That is not the worst part skill he has...*shiver, shiver*...

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