
Kigal-Note/Monsters/Insects: Crushroach

Name: Crushroach
Rank: G
Type: Insect (Cockroach)
Lifespan: 1 Year
Attribute: none
Traits: Insect Monster, Vermin


The Crushroaches are one of the most resilient and bothersome Vermin monsters to live. They follow only the orders of the Crushroach Queen and are extremely territorial.

If someone tries to steal bounty from the area they consider their territory, be it an empty cave in the wilderness or the holiest church in the greatest humanoid city, they will fight to their death to kill whoever trespassed on "their" land.


The Crushroaches looks exactly like their non-monstrous siblings, except that the Crushroaches are as big as a house cat. They also have a lack of wings.


Average HP: G Average MP: G- Average SP: F-
Average STR: G Average VIT: G+ Average MAG: G-
Average RES: G- Average SPD: G+ Average DEX: G
Average INT: F Rarity: G Danger Rank: G-~E+

Crushroaches are surprisingly durable despite their weak bodies. However, they are susceptible to magic, flames, and poison. 

A single Crushroach is considered to have a Danger Rank of G, but if they attack in a swarm, the Danger Rank can increase to rank E, or in the worst case, to rank D.

The reason for this drastic increase lies in the Crushroaches' insatiable hunger and that their abilities increase when working as a swarm due to their Vermin trait and [Swarm] skill. A starved Crushroach swarm can even eat a metal armor with ease. They can also eat much more than their own body mass, but there have been found some individuals that have eaten themselves to death.

Alvatria's comment: Ugh, I hate bugs! Why must they always live in my domain?

Garami's comment: Bugs living in darkness is a natural occurrence. But yeah, I hate them too.

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