
Kigal-Note/Monsters/Insects: Hercuroach

Name: Hercuroach
Rank: E+
Type: Insect (Cockroach)
Lifespan: 100 Year
Attribute: none
Traits: Insect Monster, Vermin, Demi-Monster


The evolution for male Rushroaches, the Hercuroach. Holding great power and matching physique, the Hercuroach acts like the main enforcer of the Crushroach swarm.

The Hercuroaches charges at the enemy in groups with faultless teamwork. They drag any survivors back into their nests, but the fate of these poor victims is best to be left untold... especially the females'.


The Hercuroach is a 2-meter high, jet-black insectoid monster. It has the physique that consists of a muscular upper-body that shows even underneath the exoskeleton.

The legs of the Hercuroach is the same as when it was a Rushroach, and its arms are humanoid in appearance, but still covered with the exoskeleton.

The lower half of the Hercuroach's face is a human mouth and jaw, but the upper half is that of a cockroach. On the back, the Hercuroach has a set of wings, normally hidden by their wing covers.


Average HP: E Average MP: G Average SP: E+
Average STR: D Average VIT: F+ Average MAG: G-
Average RES: F Average SPD: F Average DEX: F-
Average INT: F- Rarity: D- Danger Rank: E-

An Hercuroach is one thing: muscles. It has incredible physical strength and endurance, then, if you add the speed-related skills it had as a Rushroach, the insectoid becomes a force strong enough to be able to clash with the weaker racial rank D monsters.

On the other hand, they lack any sort of magical abilities, and their intellect is drastically reduced due to the evolution. This can be compensated through the leadership of a Queen Crushroach, but this is equal to the Hercuroaches becoming soulless dolls for the Queen.

Alvatria's comment: Rest in pieces, poor victims. Especially the girls.

Garami's comment: Scary! This thing's scary in way too many ways!

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