Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

28. Top 50, A-Rank Herb, Exposed?

(Bu Cai POV)

The rest of the games were either uninteresting or predictable.

I Easily Blitzed the Lu Clan kid, he was posturing before the game but then instantly begged for mercy after a couple jabs to the face.

And Xie Xinyi didn't have much trouble against Xu Dan, regardless of how much The Xu Family's young miss tried to slash her, It was futile. Xie Xinyi had been able to dodge all of her strikes and easily found an opportunity to defeat her.

And therefore I was able to get into top 25 with ease.

However what is next really concerns me.

By now the competition only has talented and strong people with strong backgrounds, Me and Xie Xinyi are the only ones currently that are not part of the elite clans and sects.

Due to this even if i get lucky and avoid one of the monsters, I still won't be having an easy time.

For example the White Tiger Clan's Bai Ru is someone who is particularly scary, due to his incredible close combat techniques and refined martial arts.

Or the Su Clan's Su Yan who is someone that is very skilled with the bow and has incredible footwork which could cause a huge headache to me as I am someone who prefers to out sword my opponent and don't exactly like playing cat and mouse.

As I am about to leave due to all the fights being over, I make sure to go over to Xie Xinyi and say goodbye, As currently, my goal is to make this talented beauty into someone who I am at least familiar with.

Although it would be perfect If I could try and focus on Song Ju, I know that since she is mainly apathetic, getting close to her abruptly will only cause her to have a bad impression on me and will most likely ignore me. Someone like that needs to be gradually pursued and communicated with or it just won't work.

Although Xie Xinyi would also be like that, I had been able to have a chance encounter with her as well as draw her attention due to both enjoying calligraphy.

Although I don't have to much time to get my plans sorted, impatience will breed mistakes that will therefore lead to my demise.

As such I am taking thing as they go to try and minimise error.

Soon after leaving, i arrive at the market again, determine to find something today. However this time I will make sure not to spend the rest of my day her as it would be tragic if i had a repeat of yesterday.

Making Some errors is fine, However not learning from them is foolish and ignorant.

I Make my way through the hustle and bustle of people, and head towards the usual places where cheap herbs are sold.

As always, the musty and old table is out with a variety of herbs, which are a complete mystery to me, as although I know a bit on herbs and names. I am by no means an expert.

However, I believe that even master herbalists may not know what type of herbs these are as they are all herbs that are either ancient or very old.

The only reason I can capitalise on this old man's unknown fortune is due to the system, and even though I have the system I can only identify some herbs as others have spiritual energy which i cannot Identify yet, but I am sure they are also valuable as fuck.

I am relieved that this time, the old man has once again brought me some goodies.

However this time it isn't just simple goodies.

Oh No.




[Material: 3 Revolutions True Grass]

[Rank: A]

[Extra Information: This stalk of grass has been able to comprehend a sliver of the dao through multiple experiences and human tribulations over it's stationary life. Great Foundation Building material and even allows for a slight enlightenment. ]


Calming down my hand that is slightly shaking due to excitement, I composedly reach for it so that I don't alert the old man of it's real value.

However just as I am about to grab it...

Another hand gets a hold of it.



Who's the fucker that would actually grab a random herb that they surely know absolutely fucking nothing of?

And Not only has the lucky fucker actually grabbed something of value, it's the highest rank herb I've seen to date.

I turn my head to look at the individual and my expressions of confusion, Shock adn incomprehension instantly fade...

An extremely handsome young man followed by 2 incredibly cute and pretty girls appears in my sight.


My desire to pull out my blade and slash him in half is overwhelmingly strong right now.

I finally understand why I have been able to spot such a god-tier herb...

It's because it's one of this cockroach's many fortuitous encounters!

I then watched him purchase it for a measly 3 copper...


Now I only have one more option,

Coercion and scamming the lucky pest...


(Long Tian POV)

As I made my way through the market with my girls, Yue Mei's Premonition suddenly came and we quickly went to where it wanted us to go.

As I completely trust in her premonitions I follow.

Soon we arrive at a run down store were a dirty old man is sitting in wait for customers.

I ignore everyone else their and Yue Mei soon points at thre reason her Instincts went mad.

A simple and old looking her was laying out between variety of others.

however strangely, I felt as if there was something special about it and i could instantly recognise the one she meant even without her help.

I swiftly approach it and grab it.

I then walk up to the old man and purchase it for 3 copper.

Although i am not sure what it is, for some reason i felt that i had just made a great purchase...

Soon after I start walking away, i hear a call for my name and I my instincts tel me something bad is going to happen, but i am unsure of what?

Danger? Impossible, this is the capital and nothing can hurt me here.

Annoyance? I can just ignore it or slap it.

Just what is it that is making me feel this unease...

I turn around and am faced with the a handsome young boy, with Abyssal black hair and deep black eyes, His skin looks health and on the whiter side which makes a great contrast with his other features which are black, He is definitely someone who will be very attractive to women, Maybe only second to me.

I know this person quite well aswell.

Bu Cai.

After watching his first match, my whole perspective on him has changed. His previously polite and humble actions gave me an impression of someone meek and unremarkable, however after seeing him brutalise his first opponent to such an extent, with a beaming smile on his face.

I couldn't help but find him someone very two faced and scheming and this is the type of person I least want to associate with.

I see a gentle and composed smile on his face as he greets me with familiarity as if we were long time brothers.

"Hello my good Brother Long, i was just casually exploring this grand market place and spotted you, so I couldn't resist approaching you and giving my greetings, I hope I am not imposing on you."

"I also wanted to greet Fairy Xue and Fairy Mei, as I believe that we may have gotten off to a wrong start and you may have misunderstood my intentions of friendship as some malicious scheme, and I can assure you that I have no Ill intentions towards any of you, so I hope you can understand."

I almost couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at his statement.

Yes. It is clear that he has no intentions towards either girls. However, The fact that he pretended to be a commoner to trick me into giving him a favour, to then breaking his polite demeanor by brutulising someone in front of a crowd, to then once again being polite and friendly.

If such a person doesn't cause a 'misunderstanding' then the other party must be Brainless.

They both them greet Bu Cai with courtesy and realise that they can't make excuses to escape form this conversation and then stay quiet and leave it to me, His 'Brother' to talk with him.

I then say to him,

"It is great to see you once again brother Bu! Sadly due to some issues with cultivation I have been unable to catch up with you, i hope you can excuse me. May I also inquire on what do i owe the pleasure?"

He then replied with a slightly saddened expression,

"That is indeed an important matter and I completely understand, However it saddens me that you would think that i would approach with intentions other than having a catch up with a person I call a Brother."

I hastily respond,

"Surely you Jest my good brother, It is a joy to be able to have a nice chat however I also know that you are a busy person as well as I am, hence, as someone who is resourceful and intelligent, I would imagine you also have some other motives."

He then gave a seemingly sincere laugh and said,

"Hahaha, Of course my brother knows me best, I am indeed here to offer something for something that you recently bought. As someone who has enjoyed collecting mysterious and older herbs, I couldn't help but be attracted by the herb you bought from the store I regularly visit and wanted to see if you would be willing to trade for it."

Collecting Old herbs, indeed...

Although I have wanted to avoid this 'Brother' of mine due to his unpredictable nature and the uneasiness he brings in me, I have investigated what he has done recently in the Capital through using manpower of the Long Family, And it isn't a lie that he has been buying quite a lot of herbs that are relatively useless.

It is quite peculiar but nothing out of the ordinary as he may just be using it as inspiration for his Calligraphy, which he used to somehow catch the attention of Xie Xinyi. Who I have already decided will be mine in the future.

Due to this I am more inclined to reject him so that he can't deceive My Xinyi.

But I am curious on how far he will go for this, as well as the fact that there is a slight chance that he can identify old herbs which makes me uneasy.

To test his desire for it I tell him,

"As my brother, if you desire it for your hobby i will give you it for free, this can be said to be a token of apology on behalf of the prejudice you have received from my Maid and Little sister." 

His Face instantly brightens up and his eyes reflect pure Joy.

Could he really be able to Identify Old herbs?

If this is truly the case, I must absolutely rid of him, as he would be able to rise in power exponentially through this.

I only took the uneasiness I felt from him as something that will pass as i get stronger, However it may turn out otherwise if he can do such a miraculous thing.

And due to the fact that i Must become invincible, i cannot let such nuisances get in my way to the Pinnacle of the Dao!

So for the better of worse, I hope that it isn't the case my dear 'Brother'.


Author's Notes:

Has Bu Cai made an error?

Could it be that Long Tian will find out about his Identify Shenanigans?

Find out next time On, Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia World for Self-Preservation.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have nay suggestions or things I could improve on, feel free to comment.

Thanks For Reading!

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