Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

32. Rest Day, Talking With Long Zhen (Part 1)

(Next Morning)

(Bu Cai POV)

After finding nothing in the market, I went back to the Inn and made plans as well as meditated for a while.

How do I catch the attention of an apathetic beauty that even the universe's protagonist couldn't get?

Of course I could just mention her physique or maternal family as that would surely interest her.

However I have no proof of those things at all.

Her physique is locked and i have no clue on how to unlock it; And her maternal family is in a realm above!

She will think of me as a mad man!

And even if we forego this fact and say she believes me, what would stop her from just killing me to keep these facts a secret?

My previous life memories mean almost nothing either, as what the fuck does high school biology that I learned 14 years ago going to mean to someone who is from a lineage of medicine and poison? Teach her about a frog from Earth's anatomy?

The only 2 decent plans I had was:

1. Intercept Long Tian's advances as much as possible.

2. Try and play some western music (Who knows, Maybe That'll get her attention?)

Afterwards I fell asleep.

And now it is morning.

Due to these Damnable events, I have now come to the mindset where every morning is just a countdown to my eventual demise.

I miss the simple times :(

What makes this even worse is the fact that there is no matches today, so i will have no genuine reason to keep an eye on that shitty cockroach or interact with Song Ju.

Although I am no Casanova.

I at least know that to get the attention of someone like Song Ju you have to try and get her to make the first move, otherwise you will just be a nuisance to her.

I do my routine and make my way outside to await a miracle such as, a brand new Song Ju who is madly in love with me or someone else who hates that cockroach...


Am I turning braindead?

Someone who hates the Protagonist?

A Villain of course!

If I can secretly coerce many young masters that see Long Tian as an eyesore to group up on him, as well as force Long Tian to make more enemies...

Won't they at least act as a shield so that i can have more time make Song Ju more interested in me or...

...Hehehehe... make her even harder to conquer?

As long as I ensure that the heart demon remains, Long Tian's Cultivation will be a lot harder. Which can help bridge the gap in talent between us as well as make him more vulnerable.


(Grand Sword City, Streets)

I am now in the main tourist locations in the capital, It consists of a huge area with statues of the founder and his men as well as a huge museum which recounts the history of the Divine Sword Empire.

After finishing the tour around the place, I decided to head towards the Long Family's estate to see someone vital to my plans.

Long Zhen.

The foolish and arrogant Young Master who is labelled the, Master Of YM's in the first realm.

I head towards his huge mansion with confidence.

The guards outside stop me, however i tell them who I am and persuade them to tell Long Zhen that I am here for some important business.

They initially wanted to tell me that I am speaking nonsense and that I should scram, however my advanced persuasion skill isn't for nothing.

Soon enough, Long Zhen himself got curious as to who would look for him?

After telling the guards that they can let me in I couldn't help but slightly smile as they took me to him.

The hardest part is finished.

Now then...

...Although he was quite stupid when it came to Long Tian (Probably Plot), he was self aware of his situation.

Why would anyone look for the useless dethroned heir that was completely inferior to his half brother?

After Long Tian kicked him down to nothing a waste in the eyes of his father and family, he has always humiliated himself by trying his hardest to prove that he was worth something.

However no one cared;

His mother only wanted him so she could fuel her greed for vanity and power.

His father had long given up on him and couldn't care less about him.

His friends left him so they could suck up to Long Tian.

And his relationship with his brother was awful, as you would expect.

...Yet someone actually came to see him?

This was what Long Zhen had experienced which led him to be someone who despises Long Tian.

And his pitiful fate had only ended once Long Tian slaughtered him miserably.


As someone who had experienced the same but to an arguably worse scale, I knew that he would make...

The perfect pawn.



(A Couple Hours Later)

(Long Zhen POV)

"Goodbye, Long Zhen, I hope you think through my proposal and actually fight to be free of the shackles that bind you and become someone you want to be."

Said the boy that I had just met today. Bu Cai.

He is a boy that is basically the same age as me...

Yet he is actually this cunning?

The words that I had heard from him in this conversation was something I would have never expected to hear from anyone, let alone someone who is still an 8 year old, In my entire life.

How? Why me?

But most importantly why do I feel, for the first time, that I should go for it regardless of whether I have permission from someone or not?

Taking a drink from the glass of water, I recall my conversation with him.


(Hours Prior)

I am sitting in my living room thinking about why one of the top twelve talents in the tournament want to see me.

On cue, the doors open and I see a very handsome young boy enter with my two guards.

He takes a step forward, before anything could be said, and done a slight bow.

He then said,

"Greetings Young Master Long, My name is Bu Cai."

"I am not good with fancy words, so I will get straight to the point...

"I Came here for two things today."

Two things?

What could he possibly get from me?

If it is riches or cultivation materials then I have none; All my expenses are funded by the family and I don't get much else for myself due to everything going towards the heir rather than me, the abandoned son.

If it is connections; I also have none. As who would want to make connections with garbage like me?

I am sure he knows this, so what could it be...

He smirks once he sees my confusion, and then satisfied my curiosity by saying,

"The first thing is to talk to you about a very important proposal which I am sure you would be curious about. But we can leave that for later."

He then pauses for a moment before saying to me with a complete honesty,

"The other thing is simple..."

"I want to be your friend!"



My friend and a proposal?

Is this kid an idiot?

What have I ever done to warrant a friendship?


Although I won't admit it.

It would be nice to have a friend as it does get lonely with no one caring about me.

However, I have standards!

This person could be planning on using me for impressing Long Tian, which I absolutely won't allow.

Therefore I will discern whether he is genuine through listening to his 'Important' proposal.

...Plus, it will help relieve my boredom by being able to talk to someone. Even if they may have ill intentions.

And possibly. Just possibly.

He could become my friend...

So don't disappoint me Bu Cai!


Authors's Notes:

Thanks for reading the chapter and hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any suggestions or feedback then feel free to comment them so that I can improve my story.

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