Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

57.Trickery To Acquire The Opportunity

(Free Market, Late Afternoon)

(Bu Cai POV)


Not this one either...

That one looks promi-...Nevermind.

Haaaaaaa... Dammit.

Is it really all over?

Must all my exploitation come to a halt?

...Today is a grim day.


I stop scrutinizing each musty and crusty herbs on the large oak table, and look up to my biggest sponsor from eight years ago.

Old man Gong.

Humble he looks, with his simple long grey beard, simple grey robe, old wrinkly face, and eyes that seem reflect all his vicissitudes of life.

Along with his humble looks, comes a variety of humble prices on his herbs- Such that even the nastiest ingrate would feel touched by it.

And all this humbleness in his humble ancient herbs stall.

I honestly feel quite touched by his inner goodness.

Whether he knows it or not, he has gifted to me many valuable, or even priceless, herbs at the small cost of a couple coppers!

Sadly though, this was all eight years ago.

Now the once useful herbs for foundation building and cultivation are simply ineffective on me!

Simply put, I've out classed this shop!

He sees me look at him and whilst sitting down at the counter, he says in his raspy and croaky voice,

"No luck findin the herbs ye want?"

I reply in a disappointed tone,

"Indeed Old man, Indeed.

"It's a sad day, I tell you. Though you may not remember since I was just some small kid, eight years ago I found some real treasures here!"

This evoked a laugh from the old man as he said,

"HAHAHA... Is that so kiddo?

"Well it seems to me that yer luck has run dry!"

"HAHAHA-*Cough* *Cough*"

I replied sadly,

"Seems to be so. I'll come back here again though and maybe I'll find another treasure...Hopefully.

I then promptly walk away from the stall while yelling,

"Goodbye old man!"


I then proceeded to check out the rest of the this area where ancient herb collectors and sellers usually set up their stalls, but once again...Nothing.

By this point I was desperate.

I knew beforehand that I wouldn't get too much out of this, but I never thought I'd get absolutely nothing!

For a last ditch effort I headed off into the trash spirit weapons section nearby and the best I found there was...



[Item: Broken Seven Steel Sword]

[Material: Seven Emblem Steel, Serenity Wood]

[Rank: E]

[Extra Information:

Was crafted by an apprentice of a renowned blacksmith sixty years ago.

It was preciously used by a Nascent Soul Cultivator, however has lost it's edge and a huge chunk of the blade has been wrecked due to a clash between it's user and another cultivator.

It is currently useless, however if you are able to fix it then it can easily be a handy weapon until martial lord realm.]


Although this wasn't particularly bad, and I did still buy it for a very cheap price, it still wasn't anything particularly useful.

My current blade was crafted by an expert blacksmith of the Chen Clan and was specifically modified to suit me, therefore I didn't need it as much.

Anyways, after walking away from the last stall empty handed, I felt I had to suck it up and concede that I won't be able to get anything today...

...Seems like the Son Of Heavens' luck isn't contagious- How unfortunate.

As I made my way towards the exit, which was closest to my way back to the Chen Clan mansion...

...A glimmer hope seemed to shine through all the dark hopelessness, in the form of a stall.

This stall was simple and plain like any other, yet the only item on display was nothing short of a miracle from the heavens.

This very item was a... Herb!

Suppressing my excitement, I rush over and use analyse on the herb once again to make sure I didn't see it wrong...



[Material: Hazy Emerald Grass]

[Rank: B]

[Extra Information:

Hazy Emerald Grass was very common herb back in the Era of Eternal Bloom. This herb has the useful effect of helping with the absorption of Qi whilst cultivating for a few hours, as well as cleanses some impurities within the Dantian.

This species of herb is a close relative to the Emerald Grass, that used the Ancient Emperor Of Purity's favourite herb.

The Ancient Emperor loved it so much in fact, that he cultivated a stalk of it in Heavenly Soil and dense Qi for millions of years.

This act which was more of a hobby to him turned out to be an incredible opportunity, as the stalk of Emerald Grass mutated and evolved into a stalk of Genesis Grass- Which was one of the ingredients for the Elixir Of Immortality and Resurrection.

Emerald Grass was also an alchemist's go to herb as it was the staple of most ancient pill recipes due to it's simple and concise properties of purity.

This particular down-grade combined with it's poor condition, is only very effective for those under martial lord- unless made into a pill.]



I always knew that something would come up if I put in enough effort!

I hurriedly spit out, "Hey Sir, how much are you selling this thing for?"

I calm myself down and hurriedly look up to the seller, however the person I saw behind the counter made me panic...


Currently, Dai Huo was sitting at a rented stall in the Free Market.

He was hoping to sell an intriguing herb he had found a while back.

It was intriguing because it gave of a very pleasant scent, but the herb was something no one he knew could identify and in the end he didn't want to risk poisoning himself by keeping this unknown thing with him- Who knew, it could even be something that weakens the Dao Heart with it's calming scent!

As he was sitting waiting for any buyer that wanted this herb, his mind began to wonder to the past.

He began to think about why life didn't seem as great as it used to...

One reason was his sworn brother, Long Tian, had seemed to have vanished into thin air after a year of the news being released that he had trash grade roots.

This news obviously made Dai Huo feel rather sad back when he heard it, as his best friend and rival was now no better than a cripple, and was being ridiculed by every dog on the street.

However ultimately, Dai Huo never once wavered in his resolution to stay brothers with Long Tian.

Even though all the Sect elders who raised him, and Sect mates who respected him, voiced their objections on remaining friends with Long Tian, he didn't once falter and visited and wrote to Long Tian frequently.

Even though he noticed that Long Tian's personality drastically changed, he still didn't think of him negatively and just thought it was a coping mechanism.

But after Long Tian got kicked out of the family a year later, he lost contact with Long Tian.

For five whole years he never once heard of Long Tian.

The other thing which gravely irritated him and made life worse... was the defeat from eight years ago.

It was so humiliating to him that he didn't dare to leave his room in the sect, once they got back, until a whole month of coaxing from the Elders!

It was a massive stain on his reputation, that he had vowed to get rid of this tournament!

He had grown a huge grudge over the years for the root of all this which was... Bu Cai!

Just the news of Bu Cai awakening King Grade spirit roots made him cough blood a soon as he heard it, as his roots were only Top-grade!

Just thinking of Bu Cai's face made him flare up with anger!

However, just as Dai Huo was falling deeper into his reminiscence, a voice called out to him.

"Hey Sir, how much are you selling this thing for?"

This voice sounded quite familiar to something he once had heard, but Dai Huo couldn't quite put his finger on where exactly he heard it before.

He focused his attention on this potential buyer, his expression turned into on of confusion as he thought...

Why's this weirdo have his face covered by his hair?



Thank god for the fact that he was distracted in his thoughts and my quick thinking!

I just can't believe that the owner of this herb was Dai Huo!

Just why must it be him out of every other damn person in this universe?!

I knew for a definite that this guy despised me to his very core as, after all, I was the reason he failed all of the expectations others had on him and shattered his God(King)- Complex.

Therefore if I didn't mask my identity by using my long hair, then he would never consider selling the beautiful specimen of a herb right there to me.

It's so beautiful in fact, that I had vague hunch that this was one of Long Tian's little doggie treats from plot armour!

And this hunch is becoming more realistic after finding out that Dai Huo is the one selling it!

Anyways, I am completely blinded right now by my own hair...


Who even needs sight to make a nice exchange of interests?

I hear him reply to me shortly after I asked saying,

"Hello customer, this herb here is for sale at a fair price of 75 gold coins, or a low tier black grade treasure."

After hearing that I stand there and although I am covered by hair, it doesn't stop me from bearing a huge frown.

Did this fucker just say 75 gold coins or something of low grade black tier?!

If I didn't know the true value behind this thing, I would be thinking he was a scammer!

How dare he suggest such a dogshit price with a serious tone and intact head?

I quickly restrain my fury and say,

"Fellow Daoist. To put it nicely, you must be joking with me!

"How could this old looking herb be of such value?

"Do you honestly look at that pathetic little piece of out of date grass, and say it's equivalent in worth to years luxury in the capital?!

"I'll give you 50 silvers and a high tier yellow grade herb. And this is only because I've have interest in research!"

Dai Huo's response was a bit delayed as it seemed he was thinking about it, but soon enough he said,

"I can't do this price, it's absolutely one of a kind!

"I can do 25 gold coins and a low tier black grade herb!"

I instantly replied in a muffled yet furious voice,



I then began walking away with blind confidence to wherever my feet would go, whilst counting down in my head...


"Please wait fellow Daoist!"

"In the account of my respect for your hobby, I'll offer you a bargain price of 100 silver coins and 3 high tier yellow grade herbs!"

After hearing the new counter offer, I slowly but surely did a 180 degree turn and walked back towards where the stall was.

After arriving, I slammed the desk and said in a deadly serious tone as if this was a life changing occurence,

"Respectable Daoist friend, 70 silvers, 2 high tier yellow grade herbs and you have yourself a deal!

"I'll even throw in a handshake!"

I heard a weary sigh as he said,

"You know what fellow Daoist?

"I've waited here for a while however no one seems to want it, add on the fact that I am feeling generous all of a sudden...



I've successfully finessed my way to cutting down an already great deal, into an even better one!

Even if I took the very first offer, I would have still made a great profit from it. But since I am a bit stingy and feel reluctant to part with more than fifty gold at a time, no matter how rich I am, I haggled.

And it seemed to have paid off!

I quickly hover my hand over the table and inject Qi into the spatial ring, then the requested items fall on the desk.

I then rapidly tap my hand on the rest of the desk to try and feel for the herb, and soon I get my palms on it.

I quickly shove it into my spatial ring, then stand straight, stick out my hand, and say,

"Good doing business with you, friend!"

I soon felt a hand join mine, and heard Dai Huo reply,

"Same for me customer, I sincerely wish for you to have great success in researching this herb!"


As the two young men stood face to face with each other, and only a table separating them, a gust of wind blew towards one of them.

This gust seemed to have a target as it directly approached the boy masked with his own hair.

As the wind reached him, the hair covering the boys face fluttered and revealed his handsome face behind.

As soon as his face was revealed.

They both seemed to be petrified for a moment and time seemed to have stopped, as they just looked at each other in silence.



However this moment of stillness was broken by the boy who was just exposed, as he cut the handshake with the other boy and sprinted away whilst saying,

"Thanks for the herb my good buddy Dai Huo. Say hi to your senior sisters in the Sect for me!"

"...And don't forget to leave some nice words!"

The other boy, who was the stall owner, rapidly changed expressions after hearing that.

His face morphed from a satisfied grin, to a large frown and his face turned bright red.

He shouted at the top of his lungs...







Author's Note:

How you feeling about the return of the Self-Proclaimed Godking,

...As you best be excited, as he will definitely prove his irrefutable might this time.

Trust me!


Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and If you have any suggestions or feedback then feel free to leave them in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

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