Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

70. Despair?

(Bu Cai POV)

Whilst the crowd was in shock from Long Tian's actions.

I knew that this is going bad.... Very bad.

An Ex-Godking who only focused on the Sword Dao is about to pull on indestructible sword out on me?

I could only grimace at the fact that the old fucker has no integrity, and try make a move preemptively.

I decide to rush him whilst he is posing, with the aim of catching him off guard.

In seconds I cross the distance between us, and rapidly execute one of the my most practiced sword techniques,

[Absolute Agility Sword Art, Second Form]

[Fifty Slashes]

Instantly, all my Qi Condensed into my arm and sword.

I let out a barrage of a fifty powerful strikes in seconds, all at point blank.

Feeling half confident that I'd at least got him a bit, I continued to assault him with one slash after another in hopes that I could keep up this momentum.

But then suddenly...

I saw a bright light come towards me out of nowhere and I hurriedly changed my stance to a defensive one by horizontally tilting my sword!

However it couldn't prevent me from being blasted away due to the impact.

I felt as if a truck had collided with me, and if I didn't raise my sword there I was sure I would have been cut in half.

...Ruthless Bastard.

I adjust myself midair and land on my two feet.

I feel a bit of blood seep from the corner of my mouth. But rather than caring about that, I instantly set my eyes back on the opponent.

And my eyes widen with shock from what I saw.





What I saw in front of me was Long Tian, In his monk disguise, standing calmly in pristine condition.

He stared at me with a tooth grin that went from ear to ear.

He's completely unscathed after I let out that many slashes right at his face!?


Seeing him like that, I feel frustration arise in me.

I knew from his face that he was mocking me for my attempt, as well as laughing at me for my powerlessness.


Just what right do you have to laugh at all my efforts?!

I grit my teeth and once again dash forward and begin to rain down slashes.


I tried my absolute hardest to hit him.

Over and over, I let out a large variety of techniques I had learned over the years...

But it was all meaningless.

Each time he'd easily dodge my attacks as if they were in slow motion, and then hit me with just enough force to send me rag-dolling away.

All the while this was happening, he'd have that same irritating humoured grin on his face.

After my seventh attempt, I felt an overwhelming feeling of dread and rage build up in me, alongside humiliation.

Every time I'd look up at him after being smacked away, his image in my mind would distort.

At the beginning of this fight, I saw him as annoying and was someone I looked down on.

But now what do I see from him?

...A mountain.

An insurmountable mountain that I cannot hope to overcome.

I felt pathetic and powerless.

But the emotion I had that dwarfed all the other emotions was... Fear.

This fear came from understanding the gap between our powers, as well as the fact that this monster was aiming for my complete downfall.


...What can I do?


(Long Tian POV)


An immense wave of joy and satisfaction fills me again, as I send this peasant flying for the seventh time.

I keep a wide grin on my face that conveys mockery and amusement the whole time.

I proceed look at him once again.

And there it is...

The look that so many other garbage in my way have had due to me crushing their dreams and hopes.

...An expression of hopelessness.

...An expression of despair.


I already feel excited at the notion that this is only the beginning!

What face will he make when I crush his bones and destroy him both mentally and physically?

Not only will he have to wallow on bed for a while, his reputation will be over.

Consequently the people in his clan will mock him and begin to estrange themselves from him.

After all... How could the representative of such a prestigious clan be beaten so helplessly by some no name monk?

Then this will mark the beginning of his end!

Soon enough, his family and all that he values will follow him to their demise.


I soon snap out my thoughts as I see him approach me once again.

HAHAHA... What a stupid imbecile!

Doesn't he realise that everything he is trying is meaningless?

As I watch him approach, I notice he seems more half-hearted and hopeless in this attempt than his previous ones.


Seems like he's already on his last stand.

I respond casually by countering all his weak attempts, and dodge around all his slashes.


Time to send him flying away and humiliate him in front of the audience again!

I use a simplified version of one of my self made sword techniques,

[Simplified Repulse Technique, First Form]

[Slight Repulsion]


Getting prepared to see him helplessly being sent back, I look up before he is hit so I can see it in it's entirety.

I can't wai- A BLADE?!

I instantaneously execute my footwork and try to get away from it...


The blade makes a large gash on the side of my face and only then did I escape!




I quickly raise my hand to my face so that I can close the gash and salvage this horrific situation,

...But it doesn't matter.


I hastily shift my gaze towards the low-life and once I see him again he is...?!





(Bu Cai POV)




HAHAHA...I knew it!

If I could put up a convincing enough charade to him and act as if I lost all hope, he would definitely slip up!

But to ensure that even a old fossil like Long Tian is tricked...

I had to trick myself.

Because If even I believe my lie, how would he not?

And so I've finally achieved the realistic goal I've set myself...

Unmask that insufferable asshole and expose him!

It was honestly a gamble as I was unsure how he disguised himself, but it seems like a little slash to the face was the correct answer!

Hehehe... Now I'm sure more than a few people will be intrigued as to why Long Tian can cultivate.

Meaning I've successfully ruined whatever plans he had, and I also saved my reputation!

You may be asking why?


Everyone seeing him cultivate and fight like this will make them all remember that he is a top genius and freak of nature.

Now, what will everyone do once they realise that they had wronged and abused this upcoming calamity before, and will have to pay for it?

...Isn't it clear?


...Get rid of him before he grows into the calamity.




What a beautiful day this is!



Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading the chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated!

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