Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

74. Rapid Improvement, Confirming Rumours For The Greater Good

(Third Person POV)

The fresh morning breeze blew gently over a large flat field.

This wind caused the verdant leaves of the trees to sway, and the luscious green grass which covered the ground to dance.

The soft sunlight shone down over everything, as due to the absence blue sky of clouds in the sky, nothing could obstruct it.

As you would expect, this is the simplistic  garden of the Chen Clan mansion.

And currently in this exact garden, two teenagers were present...

Both had blindfolds covering their eyes, and were positioned in such a way that it was obvious they were preparing for an attack.

They had their arms firmly stationed at chest height, and both their legs were separated just enough that it maximised their stability.

They were standing completely still and the only noises which could be heard were the gusts of the morning breeze and the melodious sounds of birds chirping.

It was peaceful scene which anyone would appreciate. Yet instead of enjoying this pleasant scenery, both boys much rather found this ambiance to be... uneasing


(Bu Cai POV)


*Whoosh* *Whoosh*


No deviation in wind.


No sounds of footsteps.


Just when will he strik-

A sudden urge arises in me and in response to this, I spontaneously twist my body in such a way that I distance myself as far away as possible from the thing I 'feel' approaching me.

This was presumably my 'sixth sense'.

It is akin to getting a shock from touching something you shouldn't have and it's such an unfathomable thing that I can only describe it as 'bizarre'.

Though this 'feeling' is very faint and weak for me currently, it's at least a beginning.

I had only just started to get a wisp of this primary 'sixth sense' by the end of yesterday, and could I, today, start attempting to use it.

Unfortunately though, it seems like this feeling has came too late this time, as I cannot capitilise on it.

Consequently, a forceful and rock-hard fist digs into my chest, as punishment for not being able to dodge. I get knocked back and feel an intense pain coming from the area of impact however... it is bearable.

If I had taken this blow a few days ago, then I'm sure I would be squirming on the ground and coughing like a maniac right now.

However through constant and repeated beatings, my body became more accustomed to pain. Hence my pain tolerance threshold increased- maybe this was another part of the training.

I quickly adjusted my breathing pattern to recover, and contained my squelch of agony that seemed to want to escape from inside me.

I got into my stable position again, then prepared myself for the next strike by discarding all miscellaneous thoughts.


*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

The wind's howling was all that I could hear.


My mind was now serene.


I fully focused on emulating and intensifying that 'spark' from earlier.


And it worked...

I started to 'feel' something again...

A faint jolt had suddenly just spread throughout me, and it warned me of the danger approaching- though there should be seemingly no way I should know this.

My body twists and turns instinctively after feeling this compulsion spread within me.

This time no pain had come...

...I felt nothing other than the fresh morning air blow on me gently...



I felt such joy, that I was tempted to jump up and down in glee.

However I suppressed it, and calmed myself back down.

I knew this wasn't neither the time nor place for such antics as, before I would even know it, another damn punch would be sent my way.

This was no time for carelessness, in fact, maybe this was another part of the training- to never let temporary emotions sway your judgement.

So once again, I shifted into an optimal position for reacting and awaited the next fist coming my way to evade...



I got up and tried again...


Another failure.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam*...

Failure again, and again, and again...

...Just why can't I reenact what I had done just a few moments ago?!


(Chen Long POV)

What an absurd situation have I just witnessed...

Initially, I had anticipated this training to only start yielding some results after a full month. Yet this little monster is starting to understand the sixth sense in a measly six days!

This is a terrifyingly fast rate of improvement, it almost defies common sense!

Improvement of the sixth sense doesn't derive from talent in martial arts, or cultivation. In fact, even someone who is absolutely incompetent in either of these areas could have a remarkably sharp sixth sense/intuition.

The main requirements of building your sense is more shifted towards experience and something more spiritual. As such, it is relatively uncommon for someone to be so adept at building such a sense, without having gone through some of life's vicissitudes.

Yet this young boy in front of me isn't only very promising this area, but he also has immense talent in cultivation and martial arts?

Additionally, he is incredibly willful to the point were he would stop at nothing to achieve whatever he desires!

Haaaaaaa... this world is truly getting more and more unrecognisable as the years go by.

...Am I just incapable of keeping up with the times, or am I becoming senile?


I continue to attack both of them sporadically, Fei'er is not doing too bad but he has only just started to get adept in changing his state of mind.

Bu Cai also seems to be failing repeatedly as well, however this boy seems to be able to slightly react whenever I approach.

Like this, hours pass...

...Both now seem to have reached the limits of fatigue.

This training though, was very much surprising for me. To think Bu Cai could be very talented in this aspect as well!

...However I now also realise that his dodge earlier seemed to be a lucky fluke.

Deciding to round this training session off, I go for one final strike at him.

I aim for the top of the head...

Approaching from behind, I swiftly struck my fist downwards, towards the top of his head.

It inches closer and closer to exhausted boy's head, with haste.

It appears this one is going to be a clean hit as well.

His whole body seemed to be completely frozen, with the only exception being his arms, that were trembling from fatigue and pain.

I guess this is the end.

After all... just how could he possibly dodge in such a condi-!




Seems like I've spoken too soon!

Just when my fist was going to reach him, he desperately ducked at the exact right time, and leapt forward with all he could muster!

He had actually done it once again!


...Oh my dear friend, Wu Kang.

You have truly made a horrendous miscalculation by considering this monster is someone insignificant!

Not only will you not succeed in your plans of ruining my family, you'll also lose grasp on this opportunity for power that you oh so desire.


HAHAHAHAHAH... It seems the heavens have not forsaken me and my family yet!


(Bu Cai POV)

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

I'm laying on the grass and wheezing like an exhausted dog.

But even my exhaustion cannot restrict my levels of exhilaration increasing because...

I've just done it!

I've actually just dodged that devilish fist that has brought me so much agony...






Whilst cheering for myself, I decide to reflect on what I had just done.

And in all honesty... it was madness.

During the entirety of the last dodge, my legs felt like large boulders, my arms were wobbling like jelly, and if I took one more fist I was absolutely sure I'd have been knocked out cold.

...But I wasn't!

I prevailed through this shit, and now a day of amusement and leisure awaits me!

Chen Long's voice entered my ears and he said with a delighted tone,

"Well done both of you!"

"Your progress is relatively fast and I can't help but be slightly impressed.This is especially so for Bu Cai, who managed to complete the challenge and dodge twice!"

"Therefore, he can receive a well deserved break for the day."

"Unfortunately though, Fei'er had not dodged once."

"So regrettably, he must proceed with training hard to improve himself for next time!"

He then blinked away to god knows where, and also took both our blindfolds off of us in an instant.


Some time had passed with me just laying down on the grass whilst unable to move a muscle, but eventually I was able to feel strength return to my arms.

So without hesitation I retrieved some pain relieving pills from my storage ring, and took them out so I could provide some immediate relief to my aching body.

Now with my boost from the painkillers, I bolted through the back door which lead into the mansion, and sprinted up the stairs to my room. Where after arrival a relaxing herbal bath was prepared for me.


Oh. And before you get curious.

It's every man for themselves.

So Chen Fei isn't getting any assistance from me.

That dog can just lie down on the ground and mourn over his inferiority for the rest of the day.

...It's what he deserves after calling me a mud connoisseur for the past week.


After a whole hour of bathing, I finally had felt my limbs again and the pain had marginally receded. So I knew i had to begin my glorious rest day as soon as possible!

I stuck on my whitest robe, my sleek immortal socks, and my super expensive pair of black shoes.

I also made sure that my hair was nicely done and that I also smelled as fresh as possible.

Then onwards I went towards the streets of the capital.

It was currently mid-day, so it was busy to the point of the word 'busy' not giving it justice.

The pavement could not be seen at all since wherever you looked, you'd see another individual furiously shoving to get through this clusterfuck.

However, would I really be able to call myself a mighty cultivator with a straight face if I didn't have my ways of getting past these mortals?

Of course I can't just whip out my sword and fly, because randomly flying is prohibited here. It's seen as demeaning towards the royal authorities or something- bit nonsensical if you ask me, but I don't dictate the rules around here.

The only reason I could fly in the capital last time is because I went to a flying zone and left from there-It's basically a cultivator airport.

And when I was 'illegally' flying during the date, I was with Wu Yan, someone who is a direct royalty- so who would actually dare speak up?

So I used another method of getting through.


I had instantly began to utilise my trusty footwork, and simply swayed in and about all the sea of people with ease.

Of course, I made sure to execute it with care and went at a slower pace since I wasn't looking to cripple some mortal if, by any chance, I make a misstep.

Plus this was relatively good practice as well, so might as well do it.

With this my masterful use, I had easily made my way through everything.

Whether it be through the slight gaps between people, or jumping over some merchants carriages which plugged the busy roads, I had been able to traverse through it like a fish in water.

Eventually, I made my way to my first desired destination...

The Sun Clan's residence.

I mainly wanted to go there to catch up with my good buddy Sun Ting.

Addtionally, while catching up with him. I can also acquire the latest gossip as Sun Ting doesn't even have to pretend to cultivate for his family.

So he had a lot time on his hands to keep up with rumours and news.

Poor guy... If only I could somehow help him unlock and realise his true potential. Up until now I could only sway him to dabble in arts, and luckily for me he was hooked and is a naturally a natural in it.

But sadly, I can't convince him at all about the fact that he has a special physique. So he hasn't even tried to put his whole heart into arts and try to explore the Dao of arts.

And the only way to truly deepen your understanding of the Dao and follow it, you mostly must put your heart into it.

Of course there are individuals who were able to discover their own Dao by accident, however they usually get an epiphany of some sorts through their lifestyle or a serendipity.


But meeting Sun Ting wasn't the only reason I wanted to go.

You see... coincidentally there was another major occurrence happening there...

Sun Ting's big sister, and the Sun Family's young miss, Sun Qiu, will be at home.

And that's a big deal!

She is someone who is immensely talented in the Spear Dao, and reached Spear Master level* at the age of 19!

That is absolutely ridiculous!

Most common geniuses are only able to reach the level of mastery in a Dao, after they become 40!

Add on the fact that she has defeated and killed multiple cultivators and beasts of a higher cultivation than herself, it's unsurprising that she is titled as the 'Spear Princess'.

Her beauty is also described as extraordinary and kingdom-destroying. So needless to say, many desperately yearn for her.

Sadly for them, they cannot force anything from her as she is the direct disciple of best spear wielder in the entire empire, The Spear God!

To though, this smells very much like a Jade beauty destined for Long Tian's collection, so I want to verify it and see if there is anything interesting I can fish from using [Analyse] on her.

I'll also be honest... I'm quite curious on how her beauty compares to people like Xie Xinyi and Song Ju- though I haven't really seen Song Jue's bare face.


I'd even call it rude not to verify whether her beauty is as it is all cracked up to be.

Add on the fact that it will only be a matter of time before I charm this fairy, due to my naturally unparalleled disposition...

...I may as well just verify the rumours.



Author's notes:

*Reminder- Master level in a Dao means the ability to use that Dao's Qi, in this case she can use Spear Qi in her techniques and such rather than normal Qi.

I am currently planning on prioritising quality over quantity, so releases will be less frequent. Add on the fact I have exams on right now, I cannot fully focus on releasing so I apologise for the drop in number of chapters.

I'm also planning on making a patreon and uploading extra chapters onto their at some point since I've had a few people ask for it, however it will still take me time to stockpile a decent number of chapters.

I'm also intending on having a set release schedule from now on to around two chapters a week, but I'm not 100% sure what days and such though and it's currently just a plan.

Thank you all for reading my story, and hopefully the quality of this chapter is noticeably better than previous ones as I've spent time doing multiple edits.

Some grammatical mistakes may still occur, but it shouldn't be as bad as previously.


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