Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

83. I Am The Senior Brother!

Mean whilst Bu Cai was still spending his time at the Spear God's place, Chen Fei and Sun Ting had both run into each other at a local smithy as they both intended to purchase the same pair of swords.

Coincidentally, they both placed their hands on one of the swords, therefore drawing their attention to one another.

One had an arrogant disposition due to his prominent background and great talents, whilst the other had recently realised his shocking aptitude causing his ego to soar tremendously.

Due to both of them having such an attitude, naturally, neither of them would consider conceding the item they want.

They both already determined their plan of action, which was oppressing the other individual through their background or strength, and only needed to execute it.

However, neither Chen Fei nor Sun Ting ended up doing what they planned as they were both stunned once they saw each other.

Sun Ting exclaimed, "Wannabe Bu Cai?!"

Chen Fei said, "Depressed Dog?!"

They both recognised one another.

This was because when Bu Cai attended social events to make friends, he'd drag Chen Fei along with him in order to try and get him to be less anti-social.

Most of the time, Chen Fei would just make some basic conversation and then leave early with an excuse, hence, not really getting acquainted with anyone.

Notice the word choice of 'most of the time'.

Yeah, sometimes things went south.

This was especially so when the arrogant young masters that went to these sorts of things weren't given the face or respect they desired from Chen Fei.

One such occasion, was when Bu Cai and Chen Fei attended the birthday banquet of a certain high-tier Clan's descendant.

This was also Chen Fei and Sun Ting's first encounter with each other.

Why was a well-known deadbeat like Sun Ting allowed to attend?

This was because he was the son of the Sun Clan's Leader and therefore has to be given some face regardless of his infamous reputation!

Normally though, even if he was invited, Sun Ting wouldn't attend this sort of social event. However, by some twist of fate, it just so happened to be that Bu Cai, who was quite a good friend of Sun Ting's at the time, urged him to go to this one.

Inevitably, both Sun Ting and Chen Fei ended up interacting with one another due to their mutual connection with Bu Cai, and their equally not-so-great reputations.

In the beginning, they both hit it off well and things were heading off to a good start.

Bu Cai even thought that they were destined to be brothers!

Unfortunately, one thing led to another and soon enough a heated argument spurred between them whilst Bu Cai was away talking to others.

In a matter of a mere few minutes, they went from laughing and smiling to frowning and glaring. They constantly hurled insults at one another that were not only aimed at the other person, but also at their family.

It got so bad that Bu Cai had to intervene, as he was afraid one of them would pull a blade out and start swinging it at the other person!  

After splitting them up, Bu Cai felt too embarrassed to stay any longer and politely took his leave with Chen Fei who was cursing Sun Ting and his nine generations.

If Bu Cai didn't know any better, he may have thought that Chen Fei had encountered his sworn enemy he cursed that much!

After they left, Bu Cai asked Chen Fei why he suddenly went ballistic, and Chen Fei answered,

"Hmph, there is nothing more I hate than seeing a self-pitying ambitionless person!

I, Chen Fei, look down on such people more than anyone else!"

A difference in ambition.

This was what led to all this.

Chen Fei had lost his mother, who he loved dearly, due to the birth of his sister. But not only did he overcome the grief caused by it, he even grew an insane ambition from it- To revive her!

In order to achieve this, he isolated himself from others and focused on training hard and improving himself.

In contrast, Sun Ting who was basically exiled from his family fell deeper and deeper into depression and wasted himself away. Not only was his ambition small, but he also didn't even try his best to achieve it!

Once Sun Ting vaguely mentioned something about this in passing conversation, Chen Fei instantly insulted him for it, which then sparked an argument.

Of course, although this happened, there were no greater repercussions to either side as it was just a quibble between the younger generation, and no harm was actually done.

This was the reason why they both recognised each other.

Chen Fei was first to talk and said,

"For your own interest, I advise you to let go of the sword and scram!

It's not as if trash like yourself would be able to make use of them anyway."

Chen Fei seemed to have hit a sore spot, as Sun Ting's face immediately turned red and he snorted coldly,

"You don't get to dictate what this young master does!

Maybe if you could actually beat your junior brother, and act as a senior, I'd be willing. But a failure like you doesn't deserve my respect!"

After hearing that insult, Chen Fei's face became grim.

It had always annoyed him that he couldn't beat Bu Cai, someone who was younger than him. It was mostly kept quiet but large forces had ways of getting intel, so it wasn't a surprise that someone like Sun Ting, who was from a high-tier clan, could find out.

In fact, it might not have even been due to his Clan's information that he found out.

Maybe, Bu Cai had blurted it out himself!

Chen Fei kept in mind to ask that guy about this later, and he replied back saying,

"So what?

At least I don't drink my days away like a lowlife and don't bring shame to my family!

Oh wait, you're not even treated as a member of your family.


This time, Sun Ting didn't reply.

The shop was in silence.

Every customer who had wanted to enter in the past few minutes had promptly taken themselves back out of the store as they knew nothing good would come out of interrupting these two high-status individuals.

After a few moments of silence passed, Chen Fei was a bit confused.

Was my insult so good he became a mute?

Seems like my repertoire of talents has grown once more!

But suddenly Sun Ting once again spoke, this time though, he spoke with a tone devoid of arrogance.

"Chen Fei, I'll admit it, you are an impressive individual!

This past week or so a huge change has occurred in my life, and through this change, I've thought a lot and come to understand that you were right back then.

I was pathetic.

I mean, how could a person's life ambition be to get their family's recognition?!

But things are different now, my ambitions aren't so lacklustre and simple now. And through this, my life has gotten more colourful.

So first and foremost, I'd like to thank you!

Thank you for ridiculing my weak self, and teaching me a valuable lesson on ambition.

However, since I've become a changed man, a better man, I can no longer take these insults to my pride.

So although I respect you to some degree, I must teach you a lesson!

So fight me, Chen Fei!

I will prove to you, who pointed out my faults bluntly, that I have changed!"

Chen Fei, "..."

He was speechless.

After listening to what Sun Ting just said, all he could think of was,

Brother, I was just ridiculing you back then.

It's really not that deep!

He honestly thought there was something wrong with this kid's brain. After all, how could someone say something so embarrassing in public?

Chen Fei took a moment to re-organise himself, then done a fake cough and said confidently,

"I can see that you have changed a bit from the last time I've seen you, however, this is not enough to close the gap in cultivation.

I, Chen Fei, will not bully someone who is vastly inferior to me, therefore, I cannot accept this duel.

Today also seems to be my uncle's cousin's goldfish's sworn brother's birthday, hence, I must leave to pay respects. I'll let you take care of these swords on my behalf, feel honoured."

Chen Fei wanted to get away from this weirdo, and resume his free day peacefully!

Like hell did he want to fight!

Sun Ting said, "Oh, Che-Brother Chen, there is no need for you to worry about cultivation. I've already reached the sixth stage of Qi refining realm, therefore I should stand some chance against you."

"No need to thank me for-... Did you just say the sixth stage of Qi refining?!"  

If Chen Fei hadn't focused on keeping up an aloof and unrestrained persona, his jaw would most certainly be touching the ground.

He, himself, was only at the pinnacle of Qi Refining, which normally would qualify him to be a great genius. Yet some notorious trash, who was younger than him by a few years, was that close to him in cultivation?

Bu Cai was one thing, but now another person is catching up to him?

Wasn't this Sun Ting a body refining realm scrub a few years ago?

What sort of bullshit is this?

"You heard right Brother Chen, after awakening my talents I rose from the depths of body refining straight to Qi Refining realm, in fact, I recently broke through again a few days ago!

So I am hoping we can have a quick spar to resolve our differences, then you can go along to your relative's birthday, or perhaps you are...


Externally, Chen Fei still maintained a prideful expression and replied arrogantly,

"Hmph, you really don't know what's good for you!

As a senior Daoist, it is my job to teach a junior like you the immensity of heaven and earth!

So let's do it then!"

Internally though, Chen Fei was contemplating life.

How dare this fucker call me a relative of a goldfish!

I was planning on verifying his cultivation later, but now it seems I have to teach him a lesson otherwise every tom, dick and harry will think they can spit on my face like this!

Frankly, I don't believe what he is saying and even if it's the truth it doesn't change the fact that my years of combat practice are not something this guy can contest with.

Sun Ting nodded with satisfaction and said,

"Let's both use one of these swords, as then we can ensure the contest is fair!"

Without saying anything else, they both took one sword from the pair of swords and walked out after purchasing.

They walked around for fifteen minutes in silence until Chen Fei finally asked,

"So where are you taking me to do this?"

Sun Ting looked at him with a confused expression and said,

"Shouldn't you know?

I've been following you for the past few minutes."


After hearing that reply, Chen Fei sighed and muttered unenthusiastically,

"Today's going to be a long day."


Well, he was wrong.

Turns out the chemistry between them back at the party wasn't a fluke. 

They both decided to go back to the Chen Clan to do the fight, but on the way back they ended up having so much fun in each other's company that they went to a local restaurant and had a few drinks with each other!

Hours went by with them just rambling on about various topics, and by then they had long resolved any past grudges.

It went so well that Chen Fei proposed that they should both become sworn brothers.

Sun Ting's eyes lit up as he quickly agreed.

However, that was when things took a turn for the worst.

Chen Fei said whilst sitting down at the table with a cup of wine in his hand,

"Hahaha, this day has gone great!

I've gotten myself a valiant younger brother who has ambitions that soar to the nine heavens, just like me!

I bet that Bu Cai will be seething once he realises that he will have to pour wine for you and me every time we drink, after all, we are his senior brothers!

Isn't that great younger brother Sun?"

Just as Chen Fei finished and was about to have another drink, the table was slammed by Sun Ting as he said,

"Brother Chen!

Although it is indeed true you are older than me, in the cultivation world strength takes precedence!

Not to be arrogant, but it is almost a certainty that I will overtake you. So in order to not make this awkward in the future, I reckon I should be the senior brother in this brotherhood!"

This then erupted another wave of conflict, which then led to the present fight.

What a wonderful beginning to a brotherhood!


(Bu Cai POV)

Sometimes I wonder why I ever bothered with these idiots.

For the past ten minutes, I've spectated a one-sided match that I cannot make sense of.

It consists of Sun Ting getting knocked down, getting back up, and then repeating the cycle. Add in the occasional, 'You'll never be my senior' and 'Stop dodging me, you slimy rodent', and that would sum up Sun Ting's actions.

Chen Fei on the other hand is just swinging his fists over and over again, while frequently shouting, 'Even if you don't want to, you have to!' and 'Don't blame me for this, I am just doing my duty as the elder brother'.

What nonsense.

You are telling me that these two are supposedly young masters of influential clans and not escapees from the mental ward?

At this point, it was getting rather boring, so I decided to run outside and say hi.

As I got out the back door into the grass field where training usually takes place, I see that both of them hadn't even noticed my presence. 

They just continued on with their 'duel' as if they were in their own world.

From my knowledge of Xianxia, this isn't the way you should be treating your senior brother.


Seems like I'm forced to make a move, after all, what kind of senior brother would I be if I don't teach the juniors a lesson?

Next time I'm afraid they'll be stepping on my head if I don't put them in their place!

As I affirmed what I want to do, I took my sword out of my storage ring.

I then wrapped both my hand around the hilt firmly, and began to gather Qi..

But this wasn't just normal Qi.

It was my new sword Qi I never got to try.

The shiny metal blade started to glow with a concentrated grey light- which is different from the usual Qi that shines blue. The more I gathered, the denser this grey glow became.

After just a few moments, the layer of sword Qi changed from an almost unnoticeable gleam to a lustrous dense coating.

I then bring up the blade at the moment where both Sun Ting and Chen Fei are separated and slash!

Instantly a big beam erupts from the sword and traverses between the two people creating a barrier of pure sword Qi for a split second!

Both Chen Fei and Sun Ting's eyes widen as they see it, and fall backwards onto their asses due to the shock.

After my slash, the ground had a deep gash which spanned over thirty metres!

So powerful!

A simple slash, that wasn't even a technique, could actually do this much damage?!

How insane was that!

I blanked out for a moment due to disbelief, however, my attention was swiftly brought back due to the oncoming angry complaints from my two brothers.

They both said simultaneously,


They both were glaring at me, awaiting an explanation to which I replied indignantly,

"Is this how you treat your handsome and thoughtful senior brother?!

I was merely just broadening your horizons and teaching you a lesson on respect, but you dare scream at me as if I was doing something wrong?!"

Hmph, although I admit I should have tested the power of my sword Qi before using it, it's not like anyone got hurt!

"Isn't that too shameless of an explanation, and since when were you my senior brother?!"

"Yeah! You are the youngest out of all of us, since when have you gotten the right to proclaim yourself as our senior brother?!"


...Senior brothers truly do have it rough these days!

These ignorant juniors lack basic etiquette!

Hehehe, sounds to me like I'll have to beat the manners into them!



Author's note:

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

After this chapter, I'll move on from this post-tournament section as I realise that I've dragged it on for too long.

So expect a mini-time skip of a few months.

Wanted to try out a third-person POV, so feedback would be appreciated.

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