E002 – You’re a cool guy.

"So Zeus was real…" Never in a thousand years had he expected such a thing. Though he hadn't expected any of this either.

"If that's the case, why don't I call myself something too? Something keeping to the theme… Ares is pretty cool."

"Very well," Levi said. "I shall call you Ares. Did you pick such a name to become the god of war?"

Ares chuckled.

They had been talking for some time, now the shadows were long cast and purple began to seep against the horizon. They had spoken of history, philosophy, and what little else Ares knew, such as the literature he had enjoyed in his youth, and the various technologies that existed in his world.

“An airplane to fly? Does one not tame wyverns?”

“We don’t have wyverns.” Ares laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

“No wyverns, dragons, minotaurs, no leviathans, no elves, no dwarves, no beastfolk…" Levi almost looked as though they were shaking their head. "Your world sounds rather sparse.”

“We normally differentiate ourselves based on our nationality and our ethnicity.”

“Are you not a human?”

“Yeah, well, that’s how it goes. We like to stay with our own tribe normally. There’s a lot of pain and history that goes along with it, so we’ve kept it.”

“Interesting. Many in this realm do such similar things, but it is used as a tool to unite their tribe to war with another, though they may be humans as well.”

“Yeah, exactly right.”

“I see. So some things do not change.”

Ares laughed and then nodded his head. “So you said that the beastfolk and the humans nearby have been warring for some time?”

“Indeed. The humans had come to this land and have settled near the East. They warred with the beast folk for some time, until the beast folk retreated further West. However, some tribes do remain. Humans either enslave them or murder them whenever they are found." Levi's eyes fell. "Even those that wish for peace.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Ares sighed and then rubbed his neck. “Ah, right. I seem to have gained some powers, though I’m not sure to the extent of them. I assume I have enhanced physical abilities, but I’m not entirely sure what they are.”

“If you so wish, I can check upon your soul to see what it is that you possess?”

“Ah, really? That’d really help, I’d appreciate that.”

“It will be quite uncomfortable for you, I must swallow you hole within my very being.”

“What?” Ares said, blinking.

“I assure you, you will be safe. I must swallow you, then I will spit you out. It is so that you can touch my core, and then I shall be able to understand your very being better.”

“Look, Levi. That sounds shady.”


“I mean. It sounds horrible.”

“It is, quite so.”

“Is there another way?”

“You may speak with a mage of great power, and they shall be able to tell you if you so allow them to.”

“I don’t know, I don’t think I want…" Ares narrowed his eyes as he went into thought about mages and their secrets and their plots. "Alright, you know what? Go ahead Levi, I’m trusting you.”

“I shall return that trust in kind, Ares.”

It was then the giant form of the serpent, made of what looked like water, then plunged forward.

Ares gasped for air and then was quickly engulfed within the water, rushing down into the water. His eyes grew wide and he claimed his limbs, his entire body shaking violently against the water. Terror filled him, but the curiosity that came with it at least kept him from wetting himself. It was probably quite rude to piss inside Levi, and he didn’t want to find out if Levi could tell...

The water continued to drag him further down, darker and darker. Within his mind, Levi came to him with their booming voice.

“You need not worry, you shall not drown. I will not allow it. Breathe as you would normally.”

Ares gasped for air, but he found that water came in. Though it was uncomfortable, his nostrils filling with water and his lungs grew heavy, he found himself being able to breathe the water in and out, and his lungs no longer screamed for air or water.

‘Levi, you weren’t kidding about it being uncomfortable.’

Ares shuddered as the discomfort spread through every being of his body, twitching and aching within Levi’s body.

Then he saw light, and it grew larger quickly until he was welcomed within it. The water within his lungs disappeared and the area within the blue light was full of air. There was a pumping sound, like the sound of a heart beating. An electricity tingled at his body.


There was a tiny little gem, perhaps no bigger than his finger nail, which floated in the air. There was blue light that pulsed around it, like a heart beating. Even from here, the force of the gem and it's presence forced Ares on his knees.

“The gem is what you would call my heart," Levi said. "The blue light protects it from any threats."

“Whoa, that’s cool.” Ares smiled to himself. This was truly fantasty.

“It is quite cool, icy," Levi said, not understanding what Ares had meant. "Do you feel it?”

“No, I feel… electricity…” Ares could feel the tingle within his finger tips, as though he was being brushed by tiny tendrils of magic.

“Perhaps you are truly kin of Zeus, one of his descendants?” Levi mused.

“No, it’s not like that." Ares shook his head and brought his fingers up to his gaze. His body grew lighter with each passing moment. "It’s more like… a tingle… of power.”

“Indeed. With this gem, one could no doubt rule over every mortal.”

Ares stared at the tiny gem, a gem so small and yet so conspicuous. “So if one were to grab the gem, they could possess its power?”

“Indeed, for it is the core of a leviathan, one of the most powerful cores in existence.”

“That’s terrifying.” Ares stepped back, feeling something obstructing his back from getting into the water. His stomach squeezed tightly at the thought of such power.

“You do not wish to grab the crystal?” Levi asked.

“Are you kidding? I don’t think I can handle the responsibility that comes with that kind of thing.”

“Indeed? I would be unable to stop you doing such a thing.”

“What? I just assumed you could kill me if I tried.”

“No, I would be unable to.”

“Why are you telling me that?”

“It is the trust I have given to you." Levi paused for a moment. "Or perhaps I am just lying."

Ares couldn’t help but turn a little scarlet from the compliment, but then laughed by the end of it. “Levi, you’re a cool guy.”

“Indeed, it is the nature of being made of water.”

“No, I mean… cool is like, good. You’re a cool guy, meaning you’re nice to be around.”

“Is that so? Then you too, Ares, are a cool guy. What does guy mean?”

“Like, a person. Though most people use it for men.”

“I am no man.”

“I meant gender. You know, like, a man mates with a woman and then makes a child.”

“Yes, I see. I understand now. I am no man, I have no gender.”

“Leviathans have no gender?”

“No, we have no need to mate with one another.”

“How do you guys have kids?”

“We do not.”

“Then how are more leviathans made?”

“That knowledge has been lost for ages.”

“What? Damn… that sucks… I’m sorry to hear that…” Ares felt his body grow colder, the chill filling him. “Wow… are you the last of your kind?”

“There are more, but I cannot say how many. That is not for me to say. I apologise, Ares.”

“You don’t need to say sorry about that kind of thing, I understand.” Ares smiled. “Damn…" Ares furrowed his brows and thought for a long moment. "There was once a way for more leviathans to be made, right?”


“Hmm. If the knowledge is lost, perhaps it can be found again?”

“Indeed, perhaps so.”

“Then I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll try and figure it out, but no promises.”

“I would be most grateful to you.”

“It sounds like a lot of fun to adventure and search for that kinda thing. I can’t be too sure that I’ll find that information out before I die, but, I’ll do my best.”

“Do you plan to die in this realm?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Do you not wish to return to where you came from?”

“What? Are you kidding? This place sounds awesome, I want to stay!” Ares laughed wildly.

“Is that the case?”

“Yeah. I wonder if there’s a way to extend my life a little. Then I can experience more and more of this place.”

“There are many ways to do such a thing, though all are taboo.”

“Are they?”

“They are considered to be. However, there…”


“No, it’s nothing.”

“You sure? I don’t want to press you, but I’d like to know if there’s a way I can do that without hurting anyone.”

“Indeed? Is that truly your intention?”

“Yeah. Plus, if I can extend my life, I can probably gain influence over the world in a way that I can find the knowledge I need to help you.”

“Why would you do such a thing?”

“It sounds like fun.”

“You would enjoy such a thing?”

“Yeah. There are very few things better than to help out a friend.”

“Indeed… are we such?”

“Well, I would hope that we could be.” Ares smiled.

“Ares, you are an interesting one.”


“Indeed. You are a cool guy, truly.”

“Thanks!” Ares let out another laugh.

“I shall tell you… No. Perhaps I can do you more.”

“What? Do me?”

“I know of your abilities, but I shall offer you more.”

“Whoa, what?”

“An old friend of mine, whom I was once close with, offered me salvation beyond. It is a concept that may take some time to explain, however, they have left within my being their own core. I offer to you, the core of my companion. They were a being of great power, perhaps the greatest power. Immortality.”

“Whoa…” Ares’ heart pounded within his chest. ‘Immortality? Holy shit…’ Fear filled his very being.

“You are afraid of such an ability?”

“Yeah, immortality is… it sounds pretty fun, but immortality is a large task.”

“Indeed. They were burdened by such a fate, and so they offered me salvation beyond, and so they are no more, but their core is here with me.”

“Oh. Could I offer you salvation beyond and pass on?”

“Indeed, you could.”

“Oh…” Ares sighed out. “Well then, that sounds great! What was your friend?”

“They were a phoenix.”

“A phoenix? Like… they died, were reborn, died, reborn, and so on?”

“Indeed. They had other abilities, that of regeneration, flames, flames of healing, flight, among other abilities.”

“Whoa. So if I take the core, I’ll gain all those powers?”

“Indeed, though it shall cause a great disturbance within the world if one were to show up with the core of a phoenix.”

“Damn… that sounds about right.”

“What do you think?”

“Yeah, well… it sounds like a lot of responsibility, plus it’d paint a target on my back…” Ares thought for some time. “What if… I could get an essence of the core? Instead of taking the core, could I get a little bit of its total power in me?”

“Hmmm. Indeed, though… I do know of a way. You would require another being to split the core into.”

“So basically I get half the power, and the other person does too?”

“Indeed, and so with the decreased abilities, you would be able to live a life that isn’t quite so revered, or feared.”

“Alright, how about we split the core then?”

“Indeed. If you are to find someone you trust, then I shall do such a thing for you.”

“No, let’s do it. You and me.”

“You and I?”

“Yeah, you and I.”

“I already have my powers, I am a leviathan.”

“So you can’t split the powers with me?”

“I would be able to.”

“So why not?”

Levi remained silent for some time. “Please allow me some time to think about it. Would you be willing to wait inside my core for some time?”

“Yeah, take your time.” Ares laughed and then he sat down. However, not even moments after, Levi spoke within his mind.

“Very well. I shall accept your offer.”

“It wasn’t my offer, it was yours.” Ares laughed again.

“Ares, you are truly a cool guy.”

Ares continued to laugh.

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