E004 – Sorry Levi, I don’t really roll that way.

Ares awoke with a shudder as though icy cold water had been dunked over him.

It had been.

Levi had splashed him with some cold water.

Ares shuddered as the cold took the sleepiness away from his bone, he rolled over and then hopped onto his feet, wrapping his arms around myself.

‘What a guy…’ Ares thought.

“Did you sleep well?” Levi asked, staring down at Ares who was shifting into flames, trying to dry off his clothes.

“Yeah, I slept the opposite of like a baby,” Ares joked as he chuckled.

“That sounds like a restful sleep.” Levi then motioned his, or rather, their head towards Ares. “After some discussion, it seems as though I do not have much to offer to you to protect you beyond that of your ability. However, please do take these.” The water around him began to sway and shift before it splashed against the ground between them.

There lay three items.

A blade that caught the light in such a way with both blue and silver, like a refined gem that had been cut until it was near paper thin.

There was a cloak, so sleek and thin, as though it was made from fine silk. There was a gleam to it at all times, as though it was sun-kissed.

Then a ring. It was a plain and simple ring, slightly scuffed silver, but the inner ring was a deep black, like an endless void.

“Sorry Levi, I don’t really roll that way,” Ares said as he picked up the ring, chuckling to himself. It was cool to the touch.

“You do not wish to roll?”

“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s a joke from my world, it’s rather awkward to explain. What’s with the…” Ares picked up the sword and peered over it. ‘Whoa… beautiful.’ He brought it closer to his eye as though he was appraising it like a fine jewel. “Is this mithril?”

“Indeed, it is.”

“Whoa!” Ares then started to swing the sword around, holding the shaft with both hands so that it didn’t slip out of his grip. “It feels so light.” It cut through the air with such ease, it was like Ares was being guided to dance by a partner.

“Indeed. I am glad you are enjoying yourself.” Levi watched on as Ares continued to swing the blade around, as though it was a performance.

When Ares was done messing around with the blade he reached down to pick up the cloak, pulling it over himself. It was warm enough, though he wasn’t entirely sure if it was to keep him warm. There was something tingly about it. Then he eyed up the ring

“So what do these do?” He looked up at Levi.

“The ring allows you to store items into another realm, where time does not pass. You cannot send a living being through, but items will be fine.”

“Hmm. Does it send each item to the same place?”

“No, each item will remain in it’s own void.”

Ares nodded his head, not completely understanding whether that was good or bad. “Nothing living, just items, which are sent to different places…” He thought for a long moment and then said, “how much can I send through?”

“That is an interesting question. I do not know. This item is an ancient artifact, it is something that has been in my possession for centuries. There are few items like it, and I entrust it to you.”

“Whoa…” Ares’ heart dropped slightly, the coolness filling through his body, and butterflies began to float within his stomach. “That’s a lot of faith that you have in me, Levi.” He exhaled in order to calm himself.

“Indeed. The cloak will protect you from magical abilities and effects.”

“That sounds really useful.” Ares placed his chin onto his hand and then narrowed his eyes. “Do you mean magical effect won’t affect me?”

“Your natural abilities, along with this cloak, will reduce magical abilities to but trivial circumstances.”

“That sounds cool.”

“Indeed, it is.” Levi nodded. “I do have a request, if you would be willing…”

“Aaaah, I see how it is.” Ares smirked. “Butter me up with these items and then ask a question now that I am indebted to you. You’re a crafty one, Levi.” Ares laughed as he pointed accusingly at the deity ahead of him. “I’m just joking. What do you need from me?”

“I would like for you to help the beast folk of this realm.”

“That is a tall ask,” Ares mused aloud as he rubbed his chin and then cocked his head to the side. To help all of the beastfolk of this realm isn’t such a small task. How many beastfolk were in this realm? A few hundred thousand? A few million? Tens of millions? Hundred of millions?

How would he even go about such a thing… he’d probably have to rally a few clans together against the humans, then try and impress the others to join, or forcibly convert them with might, though he wasn’t sure if he was able to do such a thing. Could he be so evil?

He looked up towards Levi, who awaited an answer.

“Alright, I’ll do it.” Ares nodded his head. “Since you’ve already done so much for me, and since I should be able to reincarnate, I can always have fun in a later life. Immortality will be boring if I just go and do the same thing over and over again.” Ares laughed at how dismissive he was being about dying.

“You have my gratitude,” Levi said as they bowed their head.

“Don’t worry about it.” Ares kept laughing. When he was done with his fill of laughter he threw a glance towards the large body of water.

“I’ll check out the ring for a bit,” he said as he then pointed it towards the water, imagining it entering his ring. In that instant the water swirled into his ring, though very quickly he realised that he didn’t need to imagine it going into his ring, and then the water just disappeared into nothingness.

“Whooooa!” He grinned and then imagined the water shooting back out, imagining it coming out like a beam from the centre of his ring. It did so, blasting the lake water to cause it to fly up.

He continued to play with the ring, testing it’s limits, how obvious it was when using it, the range, and then just how long he could keep it active.

Levi watched Ares’ childlike wonder, though they remained silent, allowing him to go along with his experiments. Then Ares stopped, keeping some of the water in his ring.

“Alright, now to test out the cloak. Levi, do you know any mag-”

It was then that Levi shot a blast of water towards him. Ares winced as the giant ball of water struck him, causing him to fall back. As it swept him backwards as though he was a doll being flung across the way. He eventually fell to the ground.

“Oof.” He stood up and then brushed off some of the water, noting that he was quite dry considering he had been blasted with quite a bit of water. “Well, I guess that settles that then.” Ares chuckled and swept the water off the back of the cloak.

“Indeed.” Levi bowed their head.

Ares grabbed the mithril sword and then eyed it up. He could see a few symbols around the hilt as well as on the blade.

“Runes of magic. They shall active when certain conditions are met.”

“Not going to tell me?” Ares asked as politely as he could muster.

“I believe it is best that you should figure such things out for yourself, if you are to search for knowledge of such lost lore, why not also practise by finding how to activate the power of the sword?” Levi said as they stared down at Ares.

“You make a lot of sense, Levi.” Ares laughed again and then nodded his head, agreeing with the sentiment. “Well then… I guess I’ll be off then?” Ares said with a heavy heart.

“Indeed. It was an honour to meet one such as yourself.”

“Yeah, I feel the same. I’ll try and visit now and again, but I don’t want to get too annoying.”

“Your company is always welcome, Ares.”

“I’ll try and visit once I’ve gotten the beastfolk settled, or even if I’ve settled.”Ares laughed, wondering if such a thing could even happen to him. “Alright, I’ll see you later, Levi.”

“You as well, Ares.”

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