E006 – Would you like to come have some fun with me instead?

Apparently they had taken his words to heart, and they had left him alone. They had also left him alone, for when he awoke in the morning, there was no one around.

Ares blinked a few times and then his lips grew taut. ‘Oh man, come on…’ he grumbled to himself. Well he supposed he couldn’t really trust them, but at the same time he assumed he couldn’t trust them either. He checked the ring on his finger with his thumb, and feeling the metal against his thumb tip. He got up and then looked down at the floor. He transformed part of his hand to flames. He could see their tracks lead out into both tunnels, and as he followed them, he could see they had walked to the end of each tunnel.

“Huh…” He shook his head and then aimed to take a slither of the wall, but a deep chunk of it. When he saw that it didn’t continue further, he returned the slither of earth that he had taken. He repeated the action every few feet until finally he saw a hole.

“There we go,” he said, looking around to see how at all the earth could have shifted. No doubt a lever of some kind, but…

He then replaced the earth, only to then take the entirety of it and then he crouched to see fresh tracks leading onward. He stepped inside and then replaced the earth behind him, before then shifting only his pinky into flames.

He cautiously made his way forward, but then eventually grew bored, so he shifted into his phoenix form and then began to awkwardly hop-fly through the tunnel. Once he could see light at the end of the tunnel he shifted back to human, reaching over to the vines and then peeked out to see he was deep into the forest once more. He crawled out to see that he had come out of a thick log that had long since sunk into the earth.

As he stepped out, he looked around to find anymore tracks. He found them quickly, noting they headed towards the west.

He didn’t really need to be walking with them for him to find a place to stay, following them worked too. He continued along his way for some time, taking his sweet time. The sun was already over head by the time he heard something off in the distance.

‘I guess I should check that out… might be something interesting,’ he mused to himself as he sped along, his feet moving as though he was running through a cloud.

He finally landed nearby before emerging from the trees to reveal himself to the others nearby.

Ahead of him were several beings, half of them being quite familiar to him. Ash, Rala, as well as his three children. Ash and Rala were up front, wielding spears and currently clashing along with a pair of guards, though it didn’t seem that the guards were taking the pair too seriously. Ash and Rala were covered with the thick sweat of effort. Mala was keeping the two children safe, swiping towards another heavily armoured man, who was toying with her using his sword. She was retreating every few swipes whilst the soldier waited for her.

Another heavily armoured man was sitting on a log, his gaze fixated on the new arrival. He didn’t wear the same armour as the others, who wore a full plate around their torsos and a helmet. This individual wore segmented armour, and at his side a long sword, a short sword on the other, as well as a long red cloak that framed his athletic body.

Ares stepped towards the log nearby and then sat down, sitting opposite the man in the segmented armour, keeping the beastfolk and solders between himself and the, he presumed, officer.

The fighting had slowed, with the beastfolk pausing near Ares, and the soldiers near the knightly fellow. The beastfolk had glanced back to see Ares, their faces painted with surprise, though they did not say anything.

“State your business, stranger,” the officer finally said.

“Good afternoon.” Ares bowed his head. “Oh, I’m just taking a little walk.” He smiled.

“It’s dangerous to walk alone through the forest.”

“That may be so, but I was abandoned.”

“What unfortunate luck you have.” The officer chuckled, a chuckle that was far too joyful. “If you need a place to stay, our barracks would welcome more soldiers.”

“I suppose you would, but I don’t think you could afford me.” Ares smirked like a kitten.

“Is that so?” The officer leaned in slightly, his eyes judging Ares.

The fighting started up once more, but the pair continued to speak with one another.

“What is your name, stranger?” asked the officer.

“It’s rude to ask me for my name without giving your own.”

The officer smiled whilst narrowing his eyes, and then shifted a hand towards the hilt of his longsword, resting his palm there.

“I am Marius,” he said.

“I am Ares.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“You as well.”

They said whilst the fighting continued between them, the sounds breaking the silence.

“Is that a mithril sword at your side, Ares?”

“Yes it is,” Ares said, pulling his cloak up to show it for a moment, before covering it.

The officer paused for a moment. He remained silent, but he stared deep into Ares’ eyes as one would do when they were trying to see shapes through the sea.

“Are you friend or foe?” Marius finally asked.

“Neither,” Ares replied.

“You must pick one.”

“I am neither your friend or foe, nor am I Ash’s friend or foe.”


“The male beastfolk, the one that is currently being toyed with by your man.” Ares threw a look towards Ash, who was still struggling in the fight.

“You know of his name?”

“Though little else.”

“Why would you know of his name?” Marius asked as he leaned back, his head cocked back as he narrowed his eyes.

“He told it to me.”

“Indeed, he did?” Marius’ voice dripped with poisonous sarcasm. “Why?”

“Well, it would have been difficult to speak with him otherwise.”

The officer raised his free hand and called out, “halt.”

The guards then stepped back away from the beastfolk, though weapons still in hand.

The beastfolk were sweaty, with little nicks littered across their bodies. The other soldiers were still fresh and eager to continue, gleeful in fact.

“Why would you speak with a beastfolk?” Marius asked, a smile on his face. It was as though he had been told the funniest joke, and it was only becoming more and more humorous with each passing second.

“Why not?”

“They are no better than beasts,” Marius stated with a tone that was so matter of fact, it was as though he was teaching Ares math. “What conversation could they provide?”

“Well I’m afraid the other company around them were dead, so I supposed they must be better than those men.”

“Those men?” Marius narrowed his eyes just a millimetre.

“Yes. They were donned within similar armour, and carried those spears Ash and his family are currently holding.”

“You mean to tell me that the beastfolk killed my men?”

“No, not at all. They didn’t.”


Ares stared into Marius’ eyes, trying to stop his smirk from curling further upward. “I did.”

Marius’ eyes narrowed further. “You did… why?”

“If they had been capturing or beating on the adults, I probably would have let them live. I saw one of them abusing a child, so I couldn’t let that go.”

“He was abusing a beastfolk child?”


“I don’t see what the issue is there,” Marius said as his voice grew darker, “they are but savage beasts. It is only right that we teach them their place.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Marius sat up straighter at those words. His face shifted slightly, the confusion evident enough to Ares.

“It’s only right I had to teach them their place,” Ares said as he let the smile slip. “So I do hope you hold to your ideals.”

“You attacked my men,” Marius clutched his sword tighter. “I am obligated to bring you to justice.”

“I would suggest you not use the word justice, it wouldn’t be so accurate. You could say that you are obligated to back up your boys, or rather, to regain the little honour your men lost, but don’t say justice.” Ares smiled.

Marius stood up. “You should hold your tongue, before I cut it off.”

Ares chuckled and then pulled his cloak back to reveal the hilt of his blade, which was ready to sing in the air. “You can certainly try,” Ares said as his eyes darted around the beastfolk and the humans. “Though right now, I have no real qualms against you, so I would suggest you sit down.”

“You should pray to the heavens above and ask them why they have brought you in front of me to dispense justice.” Marius drew his sword and stepped forward, his blade pointed down.

This guy knew how to use a sword.

Ares did not move, instead he fingered the ring on his left hand. “If you take another step towards me, I’ll have to draw my blade too.”

Without hesitation, Marius stepped forward, just a single step.

Ares sighed and then stood up. He really didn’t want to fight, he was happy to let the man go. He was forced to move though, otherwise he’d lost face. He reached down to draw his blade, however by the time he had drawn it, Marius leapt forward like a wild cat. Ares met the blade with his own, staring into Marius’ eyes.

As Marius was about to talk, Ares smiled. He kicked Marius in the stomach, though met the steel that was the segmented plates. However it was then they slashed at one another, a single swipe and glance, followed by another. Then Ares leapt over, using the air to his advantage, twisting his body like a snake as he spun upside down and then cut down Marius’ back with his mithril blade.

Marius dropped, convulsing in pain. The human’s gasps and groans caused Ares to shudder, for the pain within them cut through him as though he had been struck by the mithril blade.

Ares shuddered before he silenced the noises, piercing Marius through the back of his head. As he pulled his sword out, he looked to the soldiers that stared at him wide eyed. They clutched at their weapons, both surprised and confused.

Ares bowed his head. “Good thing you didn’t step towards me.” He chuckled and then he reached down to pick up the sword, checking out the hilt and then it’s weight. It had a sigil of some kind on the bottom of it, and so did the short sword. It was a crown with a small blade coming from the centre, as though the crown was a large hilt. He undid the belt around the officer’s waist and then hoisted it on.

“Don’t mind me, I’m just taking my spoils of war,” Ares joked as he checked out both blades. Then finally he sheathed the pair. “Well, I’ll be seeing you.”

“Wait!” Ash called out.

“Mnn?” Ares threw a glance back.

“Where are you going?” Ash was looking pretty rough, and so was his wife Rala and his daughter Mala.

“Well, I’m not sure. I’ll need to find some beastfolk. Then I’ll try and help them out against the humans.”

“Aren’t we beastfolk that need help against the humans.”

“I thought you could handle yourself, isn’t that why you left me?”

Ash’s face grew taut, his eyes filled with fear and shame. “I’m sorry.”

“Saying sorry is just the first step.”


“Enough. We have no qualms with you, Ares, leave us to our business,” a rather courageous soldier managed out. Not courageous enough to stop him, but courageous enough to hope Ares would leave.

Ares stared at Ash. “Stab your leg,” he said.

Ash’s brows raised in surprise and alarm, his eyes filled with confusion.

“If you want to save your family… stab your leg.” Ares stared into Ash’s eyes.

Ash took a moment before he spun the spear to grab it and then thrust it downward to his thigh.

The spear disappeared from his hand, and then found itself buried in the face of the soldier ahead of him. The other soldiers froze up in fear as the spear disappeared once again, and in the next moment, the other guard ahead of Rala dropped down as the spear planted in his face. The one in front of Mala stared at the spear. It did not disappear.

“You seemed to be having a lot of fun over there with little Mala. Would you like to come have some fun with me instead?” Ares asked, masking the rage within his voice. His body was tingling, he wiggled his fingers to warm them up.

The soldier gripped his blade tight. He let out a little sigh and then stepped towards Ares.

“I’m glad you have a little pride,” Ares said as he then spun his mithril sword over the back of his hand before grasping the hilt once more. The flourish was just for show, though he was half surprised he had managed it. The mithril blade felt like a third arm.

He met the soldier in the middle, the pair striking for a moment, before Ares cut through his leg, just slashing once. The soldier stumbled back as the crimson oozed from his leg.

“Come on, I thought you wanted to play.” Ares raised his brow as the soldier stepped forward again. Ares continued to slash, prodding the soldier with the tip of his sword repeatedly to form many small cuts along their body.

Finally the soldier dropped down onto their knees. With a swift, single movement, Ares cut through their throat and then stepped aside, letting them fall down as he sheathed his sword.

He then motioned with a hand over the various items nearby, sending them over to the other realm within his ring.

He then tore pieces of his clothing into long strips and handed them over to Ash and Rala so they could tend to their wounds, as well as Mala’s.

“Ala, Rash, are you two okay?” he asked as he dropped down to a knee in front of them.

The pair nodded, though the quickly scurried to their mother’s side.

“Are you thirsty?” Ares asked. The pair held out their hands and he waved a hand over them to fill their hands up with water. Ares smiled as the pairs sipped the water down.

Then Ares turned to face Ash. “I’ll let you lead the way. If we get into trouble, I’ll handle it.”

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