E008 – That kind of thinking will get you killed.

The village elder was an older man, thin of build, with white wispy hair that covered his mostly balding head, as well as white ears with several grey stripes.

He sat opposite Ares, drinking some hot tea. Ares had waited for his own to cool down, but then remembered that he had the powers of a phoenix, so then sipped on the hot tea which seemed to flow down smoothly. It was a subtle flavour of some kind of flower, and it was thin and smooth.

He was sitting in the middle of the village, which was made up of several large wooden buildings and a large number of tents. There was a wooden wall that surrounded it to keep most creatures out.

Ares had surmised that there were about four hundred people living in the village. There were a large number of armed beastfolk too, most carrying with them a dagger or two, but others carrying spears, bows, and axes.

Right now he was surrounded by about twenty armed hunters and warriors.

“Many blessings upon you, stranger. I am Voshk, and I welcome you to my village.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Voshk, I am Ares.”

“Whilst we share this tea, none within my village shall seek to spill your blood.”

“Then I’ll not shed any of their blood whilst we share this tea.” Ares chuckled.

“You carry about yourself in a way that you believe you are able to fight them all.”

“I probably could. You should ask Ash for confirmation of how I fight.”

“Indeed. I was told of your exploits, though it was rather rushed. Would you be willing to share your tale with me.”

“I’m afraid Ash had probably told you everything I’d be willing to share. That I came and helped him, killed a few soldiers, then found him and his family as some officer was playing around with them, saved them again after killing the others, then now I’m here.”

“It does not fill me with much confidence that you will not share your past. You say a friend of yours sent you to help us?”

“Not quite. A friend of mine asked me to help you, and I told them that I’d do my best. It’s not that they sent me, but rather I agreed to their request.”

“There is very little difference between those words.”

“Yes, but that’s important. I am not here because someone sent me, but rather, I am here to volunteer my help, should you so want it.”

“If we refuse?”

“Then I’ll carry on along my way. Eventually I should be able to find some beastfolk that would like to fight back, and I’ll help them.”

“You would leave our village in peace.”

“Though the humans won’t, I will. I don’t think there’s a need for me to disrupt your life if you’re happy to be subjugated by the humans.” He shrugged.

“You do not believe that we can co-exist with the humans side by side?”

“Not right now.”

“Do you believe we ever could?”

“Oh yeah, of course. If you guys fought back and taught them that you aren’t going to let them walk all over you. If you establish yourself as a nation with equal strength, they have to. It’s the only way.”

“We live to not fight with the humans, but to find a way to peace.”

“That kind of thinking will get you killed.”

“There is a chance they listen.”

“There is no chance. They’ll march here with a hundred soldiers, and they’ll cut down any man, woman, or child they can see until you’re broken. They’ll capture the rest, and depending on how nice they are, they might even knock you unconscious before they… abuse your people.” Ares tried not to even mention the word. It brought a shudder through himself. “Some of you will live so that they can torture you for fun, for sport.”

“You speak as though you know of such plight.”

“I merely have opened my eyes to reality. Such is the disposition of a leader.”

“Have you led people before?”

“Not on this scale.”

“… Stranger, you are rather persuasive. I cannot allow my people to be drawn into a war against the humans.”

“You’re already in a war with the humans. They are allowing you to sit here and eat in peace because they are still gathering their bearings in this land.” Ares could only assume that was the case, not that he could actually confirm it.

“Then this where we disagree.” The elder said simply, bowing his head.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“What are your plans now?”

“I’ll head West, I think. Though, if you wouldn’t mind, could I remain here for some time?”
“How long are you wishing to stay?”

Ares thought for a little while. “Until I decide to leave? I don’t mean it in such an ominous way, it’s just that I still need to gather my bearings and you seem to be a tolerant elder, so I think it’s best if I stay here for a bit. Is that agreeable with you?”

“I will not turn you away for tonight, but for such a long stay, I cannot be certain.”

“Well if I start some trouble, you can kick me out.”

“Very well then. As long as you don’t start any trouble, I have no reason to kick you out.”

“Is there anything you’d like to request from me? I’d like to earn my way as best as I can, though I’m not entirely certain what skills I have to offer you other than being able to fight.” He admitted, chuckling. “Oh, well…” Ares thought about telling the guild leader about his skill in storing and carrying items, but he thought it was best that he keep that a secret for now. “Let’s just say that’s all I can do for now.”

“Are you able to hunt?”

“I’m willing to learn to.”

The elder nodded. “Very well. You may sleep tonight and then tomorrow we can assign you a task.”

“Oh, well… I do have something I can offer you.” Ares said. “Could I get some space?” He asked those around him.

The elder nodded his head and the hunters around him moved away. Ares then reached out and swiped his hand over the air as the bits and pieces of armour of the soldiers he had killed dropped down.

“I can offer you these weapons and these armours to bolster your people.”

“You would give these items to us?”

“Yeah. I’m sure they are worth quite a bit, and they can be used to protect your people.”

The elder thought about it for some time. “Very well, I thank you for your offer.”

Ares bowed his head. “Thank you for the tea.” He chuckled. “It was delicious. If we are done here, could I be pointed to a nearby water source? I would like to bathe, I have been travelling for some time. I guess I’ll have to hunt to procure more clothing for myself.” Ares chuckled.

“If it is clothing you need, I’m sure we can provide for such a thing.”

“Ah, really? Thank you very much, Voshk.”

“Welcome, Ares.”

They shook hands and then Ares was finally allowed to roam free. He followed the bear man, Rori, over to the nearby river.

“Thanks for that, Rori. It’s just that I’m losing my mind after not having the ability to bathe, you know?”

“I’m not sure you haven’t already lost your mind.”

Ares laughed once more, his smile wide. “You never know.” He then stripped out of his clothing and his cloak, then slipping into the water in his nude form. Rori was at least looking away, so Ares could bathe in peace. He sucked up some of the water into his ring as he began to dunk his head into the water to rinse off his head. Then he emerged from the water and then started to change into the new set of clothing, which were a loose pair of pants and blouse, brown in colour.

As he did, he heard the rustling of several beings approaching. He pulled up his pants as swiftly as he could. Rori drew his axe, facing the beastfolk that arrived.

They growled to one another for a little while as Ares then started to slip into the blouse, one arm at a time, slowly as to not aggravate the other beastfolk.

He didn’t reach for his sword, since there were a pair of bows pointed towards him. Then again, it’s not like he needed to have it at his side considering the power of his ring.

Ares pulled over his cloak and then brushed along his shoulder, still eyeing up the beastfolk. All three were wolves, the two he had met with Rori, and another older wolf.

“Ares, you should run.” Rori said.

“I can handle myself, thanks.”

“I can’t have you killing them, they are still my family.”

“I won’t kill them.” Ares laughed as he then rubbed his chin. As he did, the bows within the wolves’ hands, disappeared. “I have other ways of winning a fight.” He said, grabbing onto his sword and then tying it around his side.

The three wolves rushed forward. The older man went for Rori, who clashed with them with a grunt.

As the two wolves rushed Ares, Ares inhaled deeply. Then he dropped back, finally kicked them over to the river and then landed on his back. He grunted and then hopped onto his feet as he looked over to Rori.

“Rori step back.” He said as he then walked over towards Rori. Rori stepped aside and then Ares used his ring to cause the pair of short swords the wolf man had to disappear. “Alright, let’s head ba-” Ares then turned around to see the pair of wolf beastfolk step up from the stream. Then Ares shifted the water in the river, taking it, before he then blasted them with water back into the stream. “Would you mind staying down?” When they tried to leave the stream, he blasted them back down again, and again…

Rori had managed to wrestle the older wolf man to the ground.

“Oh, good job.” Ares said as he blasted the pair of wolves back into the stream. “Shall we head back?” Ares asked as he then blasted his clothes with some water, and then made them disappear into his ring.

Rori tossed the wolf man aside and then walked beside Ares.

“Thanks for not killing them.”

“Something like that, you don’t really need to thank me for it. I’m not here to start some trouble. I don’t want to be rude to the elder after he’s been so kind to me.” Ares smiled.

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