E029 – That woman is the devil.

He had decided to take his time on the return home, reaching the make-shift village in the evening. He was first met by several oxfolk, who had welcome his return, before leading him to his tribe. 

Rori had come to greet him. They looked surprised to see him, but exchanged a brotherly handshake before they led him back to the tribe. 

When the tribe saw him they all gathered around. Mala had come and then poked at his arms, before he noticed what she was poking at. There were no scars or anything, but he only just noticed that his arms had grown thicker. A little bit of fat, but quite the bit of muscle. 

He looked up at everyone. "Do I look different?" None had dared to reply, though Jorgan nodded their head. 

He then went over to the pot of gold, staring into the water. Though it was murky, he could see the strangely familiar face staring back at him. 'I'll check in the morning…' He was far too hungry, he had missed Amal's cooking. As he ate, he took Runar into his arms. 

"I'm not the only one that's grown…" He chuckled as he held the tiny girl, who seemed to have grown by a few millimetres. Apparently the new oxfolk babies had been handed over too, and Rori had made sure they were all given to the nurses to be fed. 

Ares snuggled with Runar, focusing on her for the night as he ate and then chatted to Rori. The people had continued training under them, so he was glad for that. No one had injured themselves as of yet, and pretty much everyone but a few select elderly, injured and some of the children, joined in on the training.

"Since you've been gone, much has changed. Tomorrow the horns will arrive with most of their tribe. Torak will be facing you, Lana and Sohka as well. The rest have decided to give the glory to their heirs instead, to strengthen their resolve and the respect of their tribes." 

Ares smiled. To think that Torak would come face him, how truly blessed he was. "Sounds like a lot of fun." 

"We shall have a festival tomorrow, and the day after the bouts will take place. How are you feeling?" 

"Tired. Excited. Tired." Ares chuckled as he kissed Runar's forehead. "I missed my little princess. Being a father is rather lonely when you're the chief…" He sighed. "Still, this is but the first step to conquering the Dragon's Spine…" 

Runar started to hiccup and then cry. He pulled her to sleep quietly, rocking her in his arms before then humming. She quieted down soon after, and he carried her to her tent with Aspara, which was right beside his own. 

Saying good night to Rori, Ares went to his tent and then passed out. 
He dreamt of flying on a dragon, taking a spear through the chest, then falling into an empty home. When he awoke, the sun was barely lightening the sky. However, he went back to sleep. Today he could rest. 

He was awoken by Rori, who had come to check on him. He hopped out of the tent and then went to go bathe, relaxing within the river. The other members of his tribe joined him later, but not until after he had checked himself out. It looked as though he had gained about ten kilogrammes. His muscles were far more defined, his forearms were even thicker than before. He smiled to himself as he admired his form before then sinking into the river. 

He then went to check on Runar, and then the two other oxfolk babies. They were equally as adorable as Runar, a pair of male twins. He poked their chubby cheeks once and then began to talk to all three, speaking of what was happening in the day. He made it a note to keep that a part of his daily routine. 

When he was done, he stepped out to see a giant sea of oxfolk appearing on the horizon. Terror struck through him for an instant, as if they had come to trample his tribe, before he relaxed. It was quite the sight, and made him wonder if perhaps the oxfolk could handle themselves against the humans… 

They settled beside the city of Lana's oxfolk, rather quickly in fact. It was Grita's tribe, as she had come to pay her respects.

"Are you ready to give me a good show?" She asked, offering a few barrels of alcohol. 

Ares waved a hand, offering her some of the snake skin as well as some meat. Ares flexed in response. "These aren't just for show, but yes, a show is what you'll have." He winced slightly at how cringe his response was. 

Grita laughed and then bowed her head, accepting the offering of the snake pieces before heading out.

Roshe appeared soon after, carrying with him a pair of boots as well as a backpack. Ares beamed at them and then swiftly kicked off his boots to try them on.

They were a perfect fit, and beyond that, perhaps the comfiest pair of footwear in his lives. He inhaled deeply and then sighed out, walking around.

"They are wonderful!" He exclaimed with excitement. "Now, when you're next free, I'd like you to make a pair for Rori, and then yourself." 

"I can make the pair for Rori, I do not need a pair." He replied back. 

"You said you'd make me whatever I wished, and this is what I wish for. I want Rori to at least have a pair by the time the fights start, can you do that?" 

Roshe nodded. "Yes, I'll get started right away." Then he turned and left. 

Ares hoisted the backpack, which felt equally as comfortable, plus it looked cool as hell. He then went to go see Aspara. She was currently feeding the twins. 

"Hey Aspara, here you are." He said, tossing the backpack beside her. As she protested, he swiftly left the tent she was at and then made his way towards the new ocean of oxfolk. 

This scene repeated itself right away, before continuing to do so. Each tribe sent a delegation to meet with him, though none of the horns personally came. Rehka had come to say hello, and so did Korra. He showed off his new boots to them and touted how comfortable they were. He offered them some more snake skin to make their own, which Rehka happily accepted, though only if he lost the gauntlet to the seven, which is what they called the task. If he won it, she would hand him a silver boar pelt she had gathered recently. 

The other delegations were oxfolk he didn't know personally, but he offered them his thanks, a bit of the snake skin and meat which they accepted. 

He noticed a large swath of land sat empty where the seven tribes gathered, right between them all. The tribes were like points in a seven sided star, and in the middle was a hole. A hole where about a dozen from each tribe made their home, the horns and their family. 

Ares fumbled in thought. He didn't really have a family, well not beyond the tribe itself. He thought about who he was closest to. Rori, Ash and Rala, plus their children. Aspara, Runar, and of course now the twins were included. Amal, too, thanks to his great food. So he went to invite them.

Though most were hesitant, they relented and followed him to the circle. 

"Jorgan, make sure no one starts any trouble, will you?" Ares laughed as his family made their way.

Finally they arrived, with the seven horns all around. They bumped their horns, and he bowed his head. They sat down on the open floor, a large fire raging before them. 

Lana, who had been assigned the head horn for this, started to speak. 

"We have gathered our tribes together for an occasion most rare. Ares had asked for a gauntlet of the seven, and though he may be unaware of such a thing, it is similar to another tradition that we hold. The price he has asked for us to pay is for our tribes to listen with open hearts, to join in his quest to conquer the Dragon's Spine, then eventually to unite the beastfolk. We have already united, but his visions go beyond just us." She looked at Ares, who nodded his head. "Then, I shall start. I nominate myself to face him."

It went from horn to horn. Grita monster her grandson, the three muscle bro oxfolk nominated their heirs, those that were their sons, and Sohka and Torak nominated themselves. 

Ares nodded to Torak, who sat high and proud, as Ares had expected. 

"I have come to repay my debt, Ares." Torak had said, bumping his fists against the base of his horns. 

"How are you feeling?" Ares asked.

"I will not lie. I am not at my tallest, but I shall give you a fight."

"Then let's fight first, I would feel guilty if I faced you with all my might." Ares smirked. "Though, I have been eager to face you." 

Torak bowed his head, agreeing with the sentiment. 

Then they all began to eat, dance, laugh and join in merriment with one another. It eventually devolved into an orgy, which Ares and his tribe excused themselves in order to get an early night. 

Ares hadn't expected the orgy, though when he excused himself, so did Lana. She had followed Ares, who felt like he was being stalked. 

"Ares." She finally called out. 

Rori placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezed it, then left him alone. 

"Lana. A pleasure to see you."

"A pleasure to see you too." She smiled. "How are you feeling for the fight?" She asked. 

"Excited. I can't wait to face you tomorrow." He admitted. "Thought, I can't wait to face you…" He stopped, recalling the orgy. "Well, I should be heading to sleep…"


"Yes?" Ares asked, swallowing as his nerves filled him. 

"I'll be seeing you."


Lana smiled at him and then nodded her head, turning and then leaving him. 

Ares found himself the most disciplined he had ever been in his lives, staring up at her horns. He wasn't sure if Lana wanted to pound him, or if she wanted to pound him. When he made his way back to his tent, he met Rori's expectant gaze.

"That woman is the devil." Ares muttered before slipping into his tent. 

His mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts, his dreams filled with thick thighs and horns once again. 

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