E034 – Then I want you to stab me.

As went to check on the other horns to see how many would like to join him, it seemed that Grita's tribe was fairly open to him as she said that a few hundred were ready to join him, though some were still thinking about it. 

The three meat head horns had a few too, though most seemed to be of the craftsmen nature, a handful of great warriors sprinkled between them. There were about a thousand of them from each, though they seemed to be those that struggled the most in the tribes.

When he came to Sohka's tribe, he was surprised to see quite a few powerful warriors willing to join him, though most were quite old already. It seemed Sohka had quite a few that were dissatisfied with his approach, so joined Ares instead. They seemed to be the warmongering kind, which Ares would have to beat out of them. Ares welcomed them anyway. 

He went to check on Morak's tribe, which was still in some disarray due to their horn leaving so rapidly. Morak had been named heir, but there seemed to be an issue, so Ares left to check on the other tribe, which Lana had taken the reins of once more. 

"So you've decided to not join me?" Ares asked, waiting for Lana to respond. 

"I have, but I need to sort out a few things. I'm gathering those that wish to leave and join you, and then naming an heir from those that remain. It would have been much simpler to have everyone join you." 

"For the moment, perhaps." Ares replied back. "I'm glad you're still joining, Lana. Thank you." 

"Well, let me sort out the future of my tribe… the tribe, and then we can celebrate together tonight." 

"I'll be looking forward to it." Ares bowed his head and left, having forgotten to check how many were going to join him. He returned to his own tribe, that was about to start their meal. He went to Torak and Rori.

“Are you guys having fun?” Ares smiled at the pair. He glanced around but couldn’t see the other oxfolk that had joined, other than Salea who was helping Amon. “Hey Torak, you said you’re loyal to me now, right?”

Torak nodded and then shot out a curious gaze towards Ares, who merely smiled in response. Then finally he spoke.

“Then I want you to stab me.” Ares asked as simply as he could.

Rori watched silently, as Torak then exchanged a look with them. Torak then drew a dagger from behind him and thrust forward. As he did, Rori grabbed onto their arm to make them veer off course.

Ares smiled, his cheeks reaching up to his eyes, and he cocked his head to one side. It was a smile in the truest form, one that reassured the pair ahead of him, as well as Ares himself. He let out a long sigh of pride and then he reached up to rub their shoulders.

“Perfect! Perfect! Never change, both of you, alright?” Ares laughed out and then marched away, leaving them alone. He did stop for a second. “No more stabbing me.” He chuckled and then marched off.

Ares inhaled deeply and then looked around at his tribe. Soon these familiar faces would get lost in the crowd, considering how many oxfolk would soon be joining him. No longer would be a chief of a few hundred, now he’d be a force to be reckoned with. He inhaled in deeply once more as his body began to sweat. He’d be in charge of so many people… every single one of them would be in his care, and it was his responsibility to take care of them. He clenched his clammy hands into fists and then marched stiffly towards where his milk mothers were. 

They had just stepped out with the babes in their arms, aiming to take their place near the cooking pot. When they saw Ares approach they gave pause and greeted him. Ares returned the greetings, but swiftly motioned to Runar and took her from Aspara. 

“I hope everything is well.” He said to the women. When he looked up to their faces, he noticed their eyes were surrounded by bags of black. “Are you not sleeping well?” Ares asked.

“The little ones have been waking up during the night, and it has been some trouble sleeping.” Aspara stated. Though she had bags under her eyes too, she seemed to be holding together.

Then Ares stood up straighter. He eyed the three up, realising that he hadn’t seen anyone else with his children. “… Is it only the three of you looking after the children?”

“We are the only milk mothers, yes.” Aspara bowed her head. 

Ares tried to keep a straight face though his eyes widened. ‘How did I fuck up this badly?’ He then bowed his head. “I’m sorry, because of my negligence, I caused you all trouble.” He almost face palmed, but didn’t want to whilst he carried Runar. 

Though the others began to protest, he swiftly silenced them by continuing. “Aspara, could you…” Then he realised. “No, wait. Let’s wait until everyone has gathered for lunch, it’ll be a good idea to get everything out the way in one go.” He sighed. “For now, please let me trouble you a little longer.” He then held out Runar, sighing out. Aspara took her and Ares made his leave, rubbing his forehead. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid… I need to think about all the things, not just how to make the tribe bigger…’

He walked back to Rori and Torak, who turned to face him once more. He sighed at them and then motioned with his head. “Please follow me, I need to speak with you a little and I need to walk to think.” Without any protest the pair followed him as he circled around the outskirts of the village, away from as many people as he could.

“I’ve been thinking about what kind of positions that some people will have in the tribe, and I’m looking to get your advice on it. Torak, you were a horn for so long, so your wisdom is appreciated. Rori, you’re someone I trust, and you’ve taken the role as my stand in several times already, so your insight is appreciated too.” He then inhaled deeply once more and the pair nodded for him to continue.

“I’ve been thinking. I am the chief of the tribe, but eventually I will aim for something much bigger. However, for now I think chief will do. Rori, I’m going to give you a rank that’s right under my own, vice-chief, or something similar. You’ll be acting chief whenever I am not around, which may be frequent towards the beginning of our tribe’s expansion. I’m not asking you if you want it, I’m telling you that this is your rank.” Ares waited to see what Rori thought, but the bearman simply bowed their head. Then Ares looked over to Torak.

“Your position is interesting. I can’t give you too much power, it’ll unsettle those within the tribe, I think. However, I can’t give you nothing, then those that joined from your tribe, and even the other oxfolk tribes, will feel slighted. So right now my thoughts are making you the protector of my children.”

Torak’s eyes shot up in surprise. Soon that won’t be something they’ll do in front of Ares. “The protector of your children?” He crossed his arms and waited for Ares to explain.

“Yes. I want you to guard my children, to protect them. You’re pretty strong, and I can’t have too many people coddling my children. I would have wanted you as someone in a different rank, something like someone training the warriors of the tribe, but… I want to sleep peacefully knowing my kids won’t die. You’re a good man, at least from what I can gather. I would have liked Rori to do it, but vice-chief is a busy role, even busier than chief. He’s got to clean up my messes.” Ares chuckled.

“…” Torak seemed to mull it over for some time, but he finally replied with. “What exactly would my role entail?”

“You’d protect my children from all threats. I’ll leave the rest to your discretion. As much as I don’t want to say it, but if you ever do something that I find abhorrent or against the code and it’s for the sake of protecting my children, I will probably over look it. However, I’m also asking you to give your life to my children. Right now, there’s only you. Once I find more people I trust that are capable warriors, I will assign them to a child each. You will be some-what of a mentor for them once they are old enough, and you’ll be responsible for training them how to fight. Or rather, that’s what I’m thinking. Right now all you have to do is make sure they’re relatively unharmed and are still alive to see tomorrow.”

Torak continued to think it over, and then looked up into Ares’ eyes. Finally they nodded. “I will accept this honour, chief.” Torak reached out to grab onto his forearm, and then they shook each other’s arms. Then Ares stood up straighter. “Wait, this is the way we’ll do it.” Ares then pulled back, extending out his arm and formed a fist. “Come on.” Rori and Torak both reached over, forming a fist and then they met each other’s fists in the middle, forming a triangle between their knuckles. 

“Ah, right. I had a few other roles in mind. Stuff like shamans, milk mothers, that kind of thing. I was thinking of making Aspara the head milk mother, she would over see the other milk mothers and rotate them. She wouldn’t directly look after the children, but she would help the others in doing so. I’ll need to make sure there are a few milk mothers, and that each of them are comfortable helping out, and comfortable in general. Eventually I’ll appoint positions for warriors and the like, but I’ll figure that out once we have all the warriors at hand. I want to figure out a way to incorporate your oxenblut too. Though they may not be oxenblut anymore, it’s in some way something that you have vouched for, so I’ll do my best on that.” Ares bowed his head to Torak, who bowed their head in response.

“Is there anything else you guys want to talk about?” Ares asked both Torak and Rori.

“We will need to also form an oxenblut for you, or whatever you wish to call it.” Torak stated.

Ares nodded. “I will, one day, but right now I want to make sure everyone else is secure. I won’t die so easily.” Ares smirked. Then his brows raised. “We’ll form one for Rori first.” Then quickly. “I mean, I don’t… I don’t mean any offence by it, but I have quite a few abilities that makes it hard for me to die… however, without you, this entire thing will be much harder.” Ares rubbed his face, having just realised he shamed Rori in front of Torak.

Rori just bowed his head and then Ares’ eyes shot open. “Ah! Not vice chief, but something else. I want it to be a separate thing entirely. Someone that councils the chief. This way there are always two that would be in charge, and that person will always be appointed by the current reigning chief. I’ll have to figure out a name for it.” There were a few he had in mind, but they didn’t seem to mesh well right now. 

“Speaking of council… I should form one of those too…” Ares sighed. “Well, that’ll come in time. Right now, it’s us three.” Ares chuckled and then sighed out again. “That’s really taken a lot off of my shoulders. Is there anything else?”

The pair shook their heads, going into thought about what he had said. Ares smiled and then waved at them before heading over to follow the smell of the food. His stomach growled, mostly due to the stress of his thoughts.

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