E215 – I still don’t know how I feel about such a thing.

This time Ares was the one to remain near Lana at all times. He felt uncomfortable leaving his fiance alone, and he assigned two Phoenix Guard to Lana at all times, who switched every six hours, including in the evening.

“Remember, Lana before me,” Ares said as he informed his own Roaring Tridents. They remained silent and nodded their heads at him, for they had been informed before about their new instructions.

Ares felt uneasy knowing that Lana was walking around with their child and within an unfortunate misstep, their lives could be ruined. The uneasiness spread throughout his group, though soon Ares was distracted.

“The Reptai want to speak to me?” Ares asked. He raised his brow towards the messenger, one of the Flaming Wolves that had been at the fort.

“Yes Ares-kin,” the soldier began, “the Queen said she wished to speak with Ares-kin, if you will it so.”

Ares rubbed his chin and then narrowed his eyes. He still felt uneasy about Lana, but this situation was quite sensitive too.

“If Zika wishes to speak with me, then of course I will offer her my ear. Please return a message and tell her that I shall be there shortly, there are some matters I need to deal with quickly.”

The soldier saluted and was off like the wind, bounding away. What did Zika need to speak to him about? Well he probably didn’t need to worry about it, he’d be there soon.

Ares walked with Lana some way before she finally dismissed him.

“The Reptai wish to speak with you,” she said, “you should go.”

Ares turned to face her and held her slightly rough warm hands in his own slightly rough warm hands. “Alright, alright…” he said as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Is there anything you’d like me to bring from the fort?”

Lana raised her brows. “What could you bring me from the fort?”

Ares shrugged.

Then he was off, grabbing onto his oxen before he was escorted by four of his Roaring Tridents, and then about ten of his Flying Wolves. The Roaring Tridents had their own oxen, and two went ahead of him and two behind, whereas the wolffolk went five and five ahead and behind even them.

They arrived at the fort not long after, and Ares could see everything was thankfully quite orderly. He hoisted himself off the oxen and then marched his way passed the saluting soldiers before approaching Zika, who had noticed him some time ago and was preparing to meet him with respect.

“Do forgive me for taking so long, Zika, I had been speaking with Lana about some things.”

Zika nodded her head. “It is fine, Ares. I wish to speak with you of some thoughts some Reptai had.” She looked to his guards. “May we speak alone?”

Ares looked back to his guards and then back to Zika. “They are my Roaring Tridents. They are not soldiers, but my most trusted. I would ask, if it is not so personal, then I would like them with me. If it is just important and impersonal, then I would… request that they remain.” Ares smiled, hiding the cringe behind it.

Zika nodded and then began to lead him away until it was her and then Ares with his guards. Ares motioned with a hand and they spread out a little further around them, keeping an eye out on the scenery around them.

“What was it that you wished to speak about?” Ares asked.

“Some of mine have wished to join you.”

Ares raised his brows in surprise. “They want to become Riveans?”

Zika remained silent for some time and then she turned to one of the guards. “Like your guards.”

“Like my guards?”

“They wish to become your guards.”

Ares raised his brows in surprise. “What? My guards?”

Zika bowed her head. “They wish to join you.”

Ares remained silent for some time. He was quite taken aback.

“Many wish for glory, and they see that soon you will bring them such glory. You are mother serpent’s chosen, and they wish to fight alongside you.”

Ares felt a little flush come to his face. “Well… I’m very thankful for their thoughts and wishes, though I am not sure how I feel about such a thing.”

“I too wish to become one of your guards.”

Ares raised his brows in further surprise and they threatened to tear off of his face. “I am… beyond honoured by your words, though… I still don’t know how I feel about such a thing.”

“If you wish to decline, I will bow my head in understanding.”

“I don’t wish to decline, but I won’t affirm it either. I’m just a little taken aback by all of this, it was entirely unexpected. I am glad for the sentiment, but I will have to discuss such things with my people. Becoming my guard may seem like it’s my decision, but even as a King I need to listen to my people in such matters.”

Zika nodded her head. “It is understood.”

“If the Queen of Zanz becomes my guard, what will become of the Reptai?”

“They shall find glory under my daughter.”

“Well I’m glad to hear about that…” Ares was still uncertain about it all. “Do you wish to be hired as mercenaries, or do you want to become my honour guard, that is to say, Rivean and then a member of my guard?”

“We will accept both realities, we wish to find our glory beside you.”

Ares rubbed his head. He stared down into her eyes. “How many wish to join me?”

“I can show you, if it pleases you.”

Ares nodded his head and followed Zika to a large group of Reptai that had broken off from the rest. Ares waited for a moment before he realised.

“All of them?” Ares asked.

Zike nodded her head.

Ares went to counting them, two by two, until he had come to a little over a hundred, one hundred and seven to be exact.

Ares turned to look at Zika. “I will need to discuss such matters with at least my Consul.”

Zika bowed her head once more and Ares left, his body feeling light. He hadn’t expected such a thing, not at all.

A hundred Reptai as part of his honour guard? It sounded cool.

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