E217 – Man, f*ck politics.

The end of the discussion had Ares thinking. What if the Reptai denied wanting to become Rivean, in which case he wouldn’t be able to hire them as an elite guard. Would they be offended? He had no idea, but it could be seen as a slight against them, and Ares didn’t want that to happen.

He had already planned to reward them in some way, in fact the items were almost complete. He wanted to show the people of Rivea the good will that Ares had for the Reptai, but in a way that could warm up the people towards the mass of Reptai right outside their fort. How would he be able to do such a thing to also appease the Reptai and to show that Ares appreciated them, not just with his words, but with his actions.

Ares took a long puff of the leaf that Azzo had gifted to him in order for him to just relax. The warmth of the smoke filled him deeply, caressing his insides before he exhaled.

He was battling his own thoughts. Should he do it in front of all the Riveans, or should he do it in front of the army and the Reptai, or just the Reptai and his elite units, or the upper echelon and the Reptai…

Ares threw his head back and then blew out the smoke. This was all so complication. ‘Man, fuck politics.’

It was then Torak appeared with Runar, Ozar and Ozri. Ozri was holding on to Torak’s neck, with Ozar and Runar stomping confidently towards Ares. Ares placed his pipe aside and blew out the air away before Ozar head butt his leg, before realising his father’s leg was quite tough and then began to cry. Runar almost followed, but Ares hoisted them both up as he held the bundles. Ozar continued to cry and then rubbed his head against Ares’ body all over as if to soothe himself.

“My kids are the cutest,” Ares said proudly. He kissed their foreheads repeatedly, and when Ozri saw, he stared at Ares. Ares got up and then kissed his forehead all over too. “Don’t worry Ozri, you’re cute too.” Ares chuckled as he then held onto Ozri too before realising having two arms and three babies did not work out so he let Runar and Ozar down and held Ozri.

“Sorry, Torak.” Ares chuckled as he turned to face the larger oxfolk. “Did you want to speak?”

Torak nodded and then threw a few looks out to see the Roaring Tridents, as well as the Phoenix Guard moving around to position themselves properly to protect them. “I wanted to speak to you about Morak.”

“Right?” Ares furrowed his brows. He hadn’t heard or seen of Morak in some time and then Ares felt the cold take him. Did he kill Torak’s son during the rebellion?

“Do not worry, Morak left during the war.” Torak smiled towards Ares as the panic finally left his face.

Ares reached up with his free hand and then rubbed his forehead in relief.

“Right, that’s good… what, uh, what did you want to talk about exactly?”

“If he were to return, would he return as a foe?”

“That’s up to him.”

“If he returns peacefully, you would accept him back?”

“He would have to go through the months to become a Rivean, but yes, of course.” Ares nodded his head.

Torak stared at Ares for a long time. “You are a fair man.”

Ares smiled, a flutter within his body. “Thank you, I try to be…” Ares rubbed Ozri’s forehead and then rubbed around his head gently, feeling the tiny nubs of the horns. “I know that… if I had the option to, if I could, I would welcome Morak back just for you, but… I can’t just do that kind of thing, I need to be fair and firm as King. I hope you understand.”

“I understand.”

“If Morak does return as an enemy, I will offer him as many chances as I can, and I will have you speak with him too.”

Torak stared into Ares’ eyes. Ares looked up at him with a sorry look in his eye, but Torak nodded.

“Thank you, Ares.”

“Any time, Torak.”

Torak nodded his head. Ares reached over and grabbed his shoulder. “I will do my best.”

Torak nodded once more. “I know, Ares, I know.”

With that the pair walked for some time, Runar and Ozar leading the way as they stomped along.

Finally Ares finished his thoughts and then called for a Flying Wolf, sending them off to send for the Reptai. Ares made his way to the various smiths and woodworkers.

They knew why Ares had come and so handed over the items he had requested. Ares eyed them up and revealed them to Torak, who nodded his head. If they received Torak’s approval, then that was fine with him.

Then finally Ares returned back to the centre of Rivea, directing others. The food was being cooked and Ares waited for the Reptai to come.

And come they did, the twenty he had called for with Zika at the helm. The Flaming Wolves, about twenty of them, as well as another twenty of the Flying Wolves that flanked them, as well as a pair of Marching Blades and Roaring Tridents. Ares realised he needed a larger army.

When they had finally arrived it was still early evening, yet the food was almost completely cooked.

He walked over to them and then greeted Zika, thanking her for coming and then led her and her group towards the centre.

“I want to thank everyone here, all the Riveans watching, and the Reptai that have so graciously accepted our invitation.” Ares could see that the Riveans seemed a little confused and wary of what Ares was about to say. Ares flashed a smile to try and disarm them, but they definitely had taken it the wrong way.

“I have called for this gathering for one reason in particular, and that is because I want to thank those that have helped me. I believe in thanking people, and considering how I almost died and…” Ares’ smile faltered, and then he let it go.

“I made a mistake when I fought. I was caught due to my own ego, and I am certain I was going to die. These Reptai you see before you, came to my aid. They did not come alone, they had many brothers and sisters with them, and it was only these twenty that survived to save me.” Ares swallowed a heavy stone in his throat. “I am sorry for getting you caught in such a position, and I want to say thank you for what you have done for me. I know that talk is cheap, so I bring you these.” Ares motioned a head to Torak who approached, with Ares’ three children following him as they usually did, as well as the Phoenix Guard assigned to them.

Ares picked up a medal, it was made of iron and wood, combined together. The wood was stuck in the metal, and the symbol formed a stylised phoenix from the side, just it’s head and wings behind it.

“These medals are for each of you who helped me,” Ares threw a look to Zika and then motioned his head for her to move aside. She did not entirely understand and Ares walked over. “I will bring you yours later,” Ares whispered.

Zika stepped aside and then Ares began to place the medals, one by one, on the necks of the Reptai. He thanked each one, and when they were done, Ares turned to his people.

“Each one of these noble warriors has earned my favour, and these medals describe as such. Therefore, any that disrespect these noble nineteen, disrespect and bring shame to Rivea. I shall not tolerate such behaviour!” Ares was clear and loud in his response, his eyes a glare.

Then the drumming began and Ares sighed, relaxing himself. “Now I invite you all to feast and dance, let us celebrate.” Ares clapped his hands together, and that was that.

Ares stepped beside Zika and spoke with her. “Sorry about not giving you one right now, I feel it would be better if I give yours later, for I also need to speak with you about a few matters after and it would be much easier then.”

“As you wish, Ares.”

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