E221 – I am honoured to have you consider joining Rivea.

Ares was dressed properly to receive his guests, that is to say the typical Rivean attire that he had helped deign. The grey outfit matched the expression on his face, unassuming, inoffensive, neutral. Soon though, he recalled exactly why the Reptai may have come to see him.

Zika awaited with around a hundred of her warriors, and though the Riveans kept their distance and shot over wary glances, Ares help no such reservations. He welcomed them with open arms, almost literally.

“Zika, it’s good to see you.”

“You as well, Ares,” she said as her eyes fell across the wary Riveans off a little ways away.

Ares nodded his head towards her and then motioned with a hand to lead her off towards the centre where he usually received guests, out in the open for all the Riveans to see, for he had nothing to hide.

“Have you come because of the offer?”

Zika nodded her head, her eyes still darting between the faces of the worried Riveans. “I have.”

Ares offered her a seat and then motioned a head towards one of the Phoenix Guard that had appeared to escort the Reptai, and now Zika. “If you could ask Amal and Salea for something to eat.”

The Phoenix Guard saluted and then marched off to go and find one of the cooks, and in doing so the Riveans could all see Ares’ intentions. Zika was a guest, and as such, would be treated as one. The same as King Abdan and the humans, Zika, and the other Reptai were currently being received by Ares.

Ares motioned a head to another Phoenix Guard to escort the Reptai nearby so they may eat as well, whilst Ares and Zika became comfortable near the large open space where Ares had been married the day before.

“So Zika, have you come to a conclusion to the offer I proposed?”

Zika nodded her head. “I, as well as mine, wish to accept.”

Ares rubbed his chin gently. “Do you not want to know what such a task would entail?”

“We have accepted, the task will be done.”

Ares raised his brows in surprise. He had expected to speak with the Reptai and to convince them, but it seemed as though as per usual he had over thought such a matter. Ares rubbed his forehead gently and then threw Zika a look, narrowing his eyes slightly. He was a little upset he didn’t get to convince her, it seemed like it would have been fun, but no matter. A hundred Reptai were willing to join him, such a thing was a godsend in Rivea’s current state.

“Great…” Ares said as he looked over towards Rori who was approaching them. “Rori-kin, have you heard the great news? Zika and the other Reptai wish to join us.”

Rori looked at Ares and then to Zika. “May I?” he asked as he motioned to join them.

Ares nodded his head, and Zika bowed hers. With that Rori took his place near them and then sat down opposite Ares. “Zika-kin, I have been told you are a Queen of some kind.”

Zika bowed her head. “Queen of Zanz,” she said.

“Zanz is an ancient place, one of great heritage and great stories have come from such a place. Are you sure you wish to give up such a title?”

Ares felt as though many butterflies were colliding within his stomach. He hadn’t actually considered the fact that Zika was a Queen. It had slipped his mind, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. His eyes quickly flashed over to Zika.

“I have thought of such things. My daughter, Zaka, will lead the Reptai in my stead.”

“You are willing to give up your title to your daughter to join us… why?”

Ares looked back to Rori and then to Zika. This was a good enough question, but Ares saw it simply through the lens of Rivea being so great and mighty that of course Zika would want to join, but… she had seen just how fragile Rivea was, in fact the only reason Rivea was still here was because of the Reptai mercenaries.

Zika looked over to Ares for a long second, her reptilian eyes judging him long and harsh until even Ares felt bare. “To ride on the waves of mother serpent.”

Rori nodded his head as though he understood, but Ares wasn’t entirely sure he did. Ride on the waves of mother serpent? He recalled mother serpent being Levi, or at least Rivee, but what did riding on the waves mean?

“We, Ares-kin and I and various others, have discussed whether to accept the Reptai into Rivea.”

Zika nodded her head. “I have heard.”

Rori threw a look towards Ares and then back to Zika. “You wish to go through such a process then?”

Zika nodded her head. “We have accepted these terms. We wish to become like those of the Roaring Tridents, that is what they are called, yes?”

“Right,” Ares said.

“We have no qualms with accepted you if you complete the task,” Rori said. “Three months of education and work, that is what we will task you and your Reptai with.”

Ares nodded his head. “You will be considered a different rank of citizen, a Silver Resident, one that will enjoy such things as food and shelter, but no rights beyond, such as voting and choosing which work you wish to obtain for the moment.” Ares threw another look to Rori, who could tell Ares was half making it up.

“As long as you listen and obey the superiors for your tasks, there should be no issue,” Rori said.

“Since you’ll be joining as potential Riveans and there are only about a hundred of you, Rori, myself, and persons such as Lana will deal with guiding you and judging whether you have completed the task at an appropriate level.” Ares remained looking at Rori, who didn’t seem to protest at his words.

Zika seemed to have no issues either, she merely nodded her head. “Will such a task begin today?”

“We’ll start tomorrow,” Ares said, “first let’s enjoy the food and I’ll check with the other Reptai to see who will be eager to sign up. Once they are fed and such, tomorrow morning I will go through the process of giving you more specifics, and a final chance at accepting or declining the invitation.”

Zika bowed her head. “We give you many thanks, Ares.”

“I will return those thanks in kind,” Ares said. “I am honoured to have you consider joining Rivea.”

Rori nodded his head, but said no more.

“Then, shall we eat?” Ares asked as the food was brought over.

There were large slabs of meat that had been brought over, and another slab of meat that was raw for Zika. The other Reptai were fed with raw meat too, and they didn’t seem to mind at all.

Zika began to tear into the meat, and Ares was about to follow suit, until he saw that Rori was being far more graceful with eating. Ares then slowly began to eat, before Lana then appeared, sitting right beside him.

Ares cut some meat for her and fed her, whilst she returned the favour.

“So are these the Reptai that saved your life?” Lana asked as she looked over to the Reptai, and then to Zika.

“Yes,” Ares said as he raised a hand to motion between the two women. “Lana-kin, please meet Zika, Zika, please meet Lana-kin. Zika was the Queen of Zanz, she led the warriors to my aid.”

“So you were the one to save my foolish husband from his demise,” Lana said as she narrowed her eyes, “I suppose I should thank you for saving him.”

Ares wasn’t sure he liked how nonchalant she was about thanking Zika for saving his life, but he gathered her anger was still simmering under the surface.

“It is no matter,” Zika said as she swallowed another strand of stringy meat, swallowing it whole as quietly as she could.

Ares was rather envious of such an ability. He looked down at the meat and then back to Zika. He wondered whether he could swallow meat whole in such a manner, or if he needed his phoenix form. Yet Lana shoved some food into his mouth, noting he had a peculiar look on his face.

She glared at him, as if to tell him he was thinking too much. Ares could feel that from the look on her face, so he stopped thinking and returned to feeding her to stave away her annoyance.

Finally a few steps from behind him alerted Ares. He leaned back to see Xan, the Storm Lord, approaching the area. The elite guards stepped forward, having not seen him approach until now.

“What’s up?” Ares asked.

Xan motioned with his head. “I would like to speak with you alone.”

Ares resisted Lana’s glare and stood up. “I’ll be back,” he said as he brushed her horns gently before stepping out with Xan alone.


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