E225 – I’ll need to speak with the wife.

Evening had come, and Ares was still at the fort. He was still overwhelmed by the fact that so many people had died scouting for him. A thousand… a thousand warriors, all gone, just like that. He hadn’t even known that these warriors had gone out, not that he blamed Rori or anything for such a thing. He wasn’t mad that he lost warriors per say, but rather that so many people had died for Rivea.

The warriors were resting at the fort for the moment. Ares had sent them some supplies and food, as well as making sure the soldiers understood that the scouts were to be treated well, though Emerli was dealing with that task, but for the scouts to also be housed well too. They needed to sleep properly in order to heal their wounds, and Ares wouldn’t suffer the shame of treating such honourable fellows poorly.

Footsteps approached Ares, it was Asyllia who had flown over some time ago. She was waiting for her next task, as it was Asyllia who had escorted Emerli on the way to Ares. Emerli had about four of the Phoenix Guard nearby in case anything was to happen, but Ares could still feel his stomach churning at the thought of something happening to her.

“Would you please guard Emerli as well?” Ares whispered.

Asyllia bowed her head. “If that is what you wish, Ares-kin.”

Ares remained silent for a long while. He wasn’t sure what he should be thinking about. The Reptai and their introduction to Rivea? The scouts who had all been hurt for Rivea, coming with quite a large amount of information he could use. In fact, Rori had come to speak with Beor and had drawn a small map using the bearman’s knowledge. Ares had been listening in, but he hadn’t been watching.

Another thought was occupying his mind. ‘I should leave on the morning…’ His eyes fell to the nearby hyenafolk, close to a thousand of them that had followed Yinyin to Rivea. The rest wanted to leave and head south, where they originally were from. No doubt they had gone so after hearing just how those that populated the south had come to Rivea, but found their demise soon after. Though he wasn’t sure if that made any sense either, he didn’t entirely know the time line, but he shook his head away from the wandering thought.

Tomorrow. Hyenafolk. Roaring Tridents.

He was trying to figure out how they would go around and then make the nearby villages kneel before him. He could offer them to join Rivea, and then war with them if they refused, but then again… he needed more soldiers if he wanted to do that effectively. What he really needed was…


What did he need? How could he effectively absorb more people into Rivea? He had already tried the honourable way, and the way through the sword, and yet none of that truly worked. Did he need to create…

Ares pulled back in thought. He could head south…

South, where most of those that remained were the civilians of those that had attacked, and not exactly all of them either. Many of the warriors that had come were actually civilians, those unused to battle. Even now his stomach churned with what he had done. A cold sweat poured down his face and his hair stood on end. He slapped the back of his hand and then brought it up.

No. He had already committed to being a monster. He would be Ares, the nightmare of the realm, and he would do so willingly in order to create a world for his family to grow up healthy and happy. Ares stared down across the land, to the wall that was being quickly built thanks to the help of the hundreds of Reptai and his own soldiers.

The fort was making great progress as well, though would they be okay with Ares leaving? Suddenly his stomach twisted and he could feel the hot burning of anxiety run through his body. If he left and another few thousand came to siege the fort, would they be able to stave the enemy off without his help?

He reached to his now cold stomach, which tightened further. Then there was a hand on his back. Ares almost jumped up, throwing a look back to see Torak there with Ozri within his powerful arms. Torak offered Ozri to Ares, and being that he couldn’t refuse, Ares took his son within his own arms. Ozri rest his head against Ares’ head and he smiled. He leaned down to nuzzle against the tiny boy’s ear. Then the coldness disappeared and there were no knots.

“Did you miss papa?” Ares asked, partly trying to figure out which affectionate name for father he wanted his children to call him.

Ozri cooed quietly and then hid his face into Ares’ chest. Ares pet his head and brushed through the thin strands of hair.

“It’s alright, papa’s always here for you, okay?” He began to gently rock before looking up to Torak, who was looking around the area, across to the wall and the plains and then back to the camp. Then finally he caught Ares looking at him and he nodded his head.

“Ares-kin,” he said.

“Torak-kin,” Ares replied. “What brings you here?”

“Lana-kin believed that you would be sick with your thoughts and sent me here with the boy twins,” Torak said as he threw a thumb backwards. “Ozar is headbutting Emerli.”

Ares began to laugh, tears flowing within his eyes at the thought of such a thing. “Well, what can I say? Runar’s such a bad influence.” Ares then hoisted Ozri up, who stared at Ares a little confused. “You’re such a quiet boy, huh?” Ozri continued to stare at Ares. “It’s alright, daddy loves you anyway.” He pulled in his son and kissed his forehead. “I love all of my children equally, just some more equal than others,” Ares joked.

Ares threw a look back up to Torak. “Thank you,” he said.

Torak nodded his head. “Lana-kin also sent me to ask you what foolish plan are you plotting now?”

Ares smirked. He tried not to wink, but he couldn’t help himself. “Nothing, for now… well… something.”

“Something? Is it a good something or a bad something?”

“It’s probably a bad something,” Ares said as he thought about it. “Hopefully it’s good for Rivea though.” Ares sighed and then rubbed his cheek and Ozri’s head.

There was a long moment of silence, and Ares couldn’t help but think about his plan, but he finally looked over to Torak. “I’m thinking about heading out with a few soldiers and then bringing back the civilians from the south land.”

“The civilians?” Torak asked.

“The civilians that remain from the rhinoman that we dealt with.”

Torak nodded his head as he remained silent for some time. “How many soldiers?”

“I don’t know… a hundred infantry, and a couple of hundred archer cavalry, that’s the goal anyway.” Ares tried to judge Torak’s facial expression, but the older oxfolk had gone deep into thought.

Torak did not reply for some time. He was thinking quite hard about the matter, surprising Ares as he hadn’t expected it. Ares sat up a little straighter, glad that he had someone like Torak batting for him.

“What if you went with a small group, as you had done previously?” Torak said as he stared into Ares’ eyes.

Ares narrowed his eyes. He could feel the coldness already begin to set into his body at the thought of mentioning such a thing to Lana, and Torak could see the look within Ares’ eyes.

“Take with you both the dragonfolk, and some of the more elite warriors within our city.”

Ares winced at the thought of taking both Asyllia and Saykkera. “No. One should remain…” The firepower each dragonfolk possessed was enough to ease Ares’ thoughts. “I want one of them to be here in case something was to happen.”

Torak nodded his head. “Then what of me?”

“You?” Ares raised a brow. Torak was a powerful being, but Ares liked the fact that Torak remained here to look after his children.

“The Phoenix Guard will be able to handle such matters, and if you wish to take only a handful of warriors, then myself, one of the dragonfolk, and… just the three of us should be able to handle such a thing.”

“Just the three of us?” Ares asked as he raised his brow.

“I have been training every day and my abilities have increased.”

“I’m not doubting you, Torak,” Ares quickly said. “I am doubting that just the three of us could handle hundreds, if not thousands, of the others.”

“I have seen you fight so many others, and if there are a few warriors, myself and the dragonfolk can handle them.”

Ares could understand the logic, but even so he didn’t feel too great about it. “I don’t know.”

“Then perhaps two or three more. I believe our most elite are able to handle such a thing.”

Ares sighed. “I’ll need to speak with the wife.”

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