E227 – Super Seven won’t work any longer.

Ares inhaled the crisp air deeply, for when the air was so crisp one couldn’t help but feel their mind grow with such power. Yet, with all the crispness of the air, and the stimulation of the mind, Ares could only think of one thing.

‘The return of the Super Seven, nice.’ He smiled to himself with such a thought, though the other six seemed to not quite understand why he was smiling.

Ares cleared his throat. “Sorry for calling you all so late, I understand that some of you were probably busy with some work and such, but I have gathered you all with a proposal. I have spoken with Lana-kin and Rori-kin about a matter at hand. If you all recall, we were besieged not long ago by some people, and though we were heavily outnumbered, we managed to survive.”

They all nodded, for in some way, shape or form, they were all participants of the battle.

“Well… you see, I have given it a little thought, and with some advice from Torak-kin, and the discussion with my wife and the Consul, I have thought it would be best that a small, but powerful group should accompany me there, so that Rivea may remain defended by as many warriors as we can muster, but that I don’t go and get myself killed, which is a great worry of my wife.”

“It is a great worry for all of us, Ares-kin,” Torak said.

Heria nodded her head and raised her brow at Ares, as if she was offended he wouldn’t include them in.

Ares reached up to his heart and feigned as though he was hurt from such a thought. “Excuse me, I didn’t mean to imply anything otherwise. I am very sorry, I understand that I am quite the foolish King, Lana-kin wishes to remind me of such on the daily.” Ares laughed and elicited a small laugh from a few of them, Torak and Heria mostly, but Ezak seemed to chuckle lightly in order to not be left out, at least that was the way he looked.

Ares nodded his head towards them and then ran his eyes across the each of them. “I have chosen the six of you, with some advice from my Consul, and I would hope you accept the task of accompanying me.”

“When do you wish to leave?” Torak asked.

“Probably tomorrow afternoon, we’ll celebrate with Rivea a little and then head out. I also have a small matter to deal with-”

The Roaring Tridents shifted around, and even Orndu raised his blade, stepping towards Ares’ side to protect him. A pair of footsteps approached Ares, and then a few more sets.

It was Beor, as well as Abdan, flanked by a single Phoenix Guard, as well as a couple of other human guards, before another Phoenix Guard brought up the rear.

“What do I owe the pleasure?” Ares asked.

Abdan motioned a hand towards Beor, allowing him to speak first. Beor narrowed his eyes suspiciously towards Abdan, but nodded.

“I hear you are heading to the southlands,” Beor said. “I wish to join.”

“I am heading to the southlands soon, too soon for you to come.” Ares eyed the bearman up. “You are still too injured.”

It was true. Beor had been quite injured and the fatigue in his body was evident, especially on his face. He was far more gaunt looking than previous.

“You will need someone to guide you. I was part of the scouting party, and as the leader of the expedition, it’s the least I can do.”

Ares winced slightly. It wasn’t that he was making sense, but rather this was a matter of pride for the bearman. Ares looked down at his hand, a hand that could heal the bearman. He clenched his fist and sighed. “Very well, come to me.”

Beor stepped forward and Ares raised a hand. He placed it onto Beor’s body and then the heat began to expand forward, covering the bearman as the flames engulfed him for a long moment before he reappeared to the world, not quite so injured or wounded. The fatigue was still there, but he was healed.

“Rest, and do not come to me until a little after breakfast. You will rest up and eat up, ask someone else to prepare for you.” Ares turned to his Roaring Tridents. “One of you will pack for him, I trust you enough.”

The Roaring Tridents glanced between one another, and in a few seconds they had already decided which of the pair would help. Ares nodded his head, his chest filled with pride at how far these warriors had come already. They did things efficiently, and that’s all he really wanted.

Then his eyes darted to the second King within Rivea.

“King Abdan,” Ares said with a bow of his head.

“King Ahreez,” Abdan said as he returned the bow, “I wish to speak with you, if it is no bother.”

“I’m in the middle of speaking with some friends about heading southward,” Ares replied.

Abdan nodded his head. “I wish to recommend Jiaga to go with you.”

Ares stared at Abdan awkwardly for a long moment before his eyes darted to Beor, his group of six and then back to Abdan. “Uh… I’m not entirely sure how they would take to seeing a human.”

Abdan looked over to Zika, and when he did Ares couldn’t help but think Rivea was actually home to two Kings and two queens, with Zaka being the second after Zika stepped down.

“If there is one with scales, the feral dragons, uh, how you say… Reptai?” Abdan asked before he continued, “Then there is no issue?”

Ares turned to look at Beor. “Beor… you are somewhat familiar with the southlands, what do you think?”

“They won’t take too kindly to a human in your company, but the Reptai will already bring some suspicion.”

Ares nodded his head and then thought for a long moment. If he brought the people back and then they found out there were humans and Reptai and such… perhaps it was truly a better idea to bring a diverse cast of individuals, similar as he had before. Though again, he didn’t want to bring Emerli along…

He inhaled deeply. “I have promised your soldiers some glory and it had been denied,” Ares said. Heria cleared her throat and Ares raised his brow towards her before his brows returned back to their usual place. Right… Heria was the same. “In that case, I will happily accept Jiaga within the group, though only Jiaga.”

Abdan bowed his head. “You honour me, Ahreez.”

“And you, me.” Ares returned the bow.

With that Abdan politely excused himself, going to speak with Jiaga to let him know, and Beor left to go to sleep.

Ares looked at his group of warriors, a small frown on his face. “Super Seven won’t work any longer.” Torak and Heria, who had both heard of the tale, smiled.

At least someone gets his jokes.

“So…” Ares threw a look between all of them, before finally resting his eyes on Ezak for some time. Every single one of them were great warriors. Heria, who had been the chief of an entire tribe. Torak had been the Horn of tribe. Saykkera was… well, she was Saykkera. Zika had been the queen of some ferocious warriors. Orndu, well it did take some skill to be the leader of the Roaring Tridents. Ezak… Ezak was barely above a boy.

“Where were we?”

“You were telling us when you wanted to leave,” Torak said.

“Right! Right, I have something I need to do in the morning, but then we can go. Is that alright? Is there anyone that wants to decline?”

With the extra two that wanted to join along, Jiaga and Beor, he could leave a couple behind. Ezak looked to the others, and Zika was sizing everyone else up as well.

“I must join? Is this part of the trial?” Zika asked.

“I will consider it to be, yes.” Ares nodded.

“Then I will accept.” Zika licked the air ahead of her and then fell silent.

Ares nodded and then looked at the others. They shrugged and nodded and then Ares smiled. “Cool, cool… well then, I’ll see you in the morning? I’ll make sure we have enough supplies for the journey.”

Heria rode over. “Would you want me to bring along my wolf?”

Ares nodded. “I may need your assistance in scouting.”

“Very well,” Heria then left them be and everyone else soon dispersed.

Ares rubbed the back of his neck and then excused himself as he returned to his tent. He wanted to relax with Lana after all that. She was chewing on a leaf and humming to Runar, who was falling fast asleep. Ares remained quiet as he entered the tent and then spooned Lana being careful to not wake up his little girl.

Yet even though he wanted to snuggle and talk with Lana a little, the humming took him to slumber.

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