E238 – So you’ve heard of me?

They trekked their way through the plains, taking their time. They couldn’t make much ground because the boy and girl were of lighter disposition at the moment. Heria tried to travel as normal, but the movement of the wolf had caused the pair to lose their lunch and so they had to stop to replenish that food. Then they travelled at a leisurely pace in order to stop that from happening. Ares was glad he could control water, because the wolf had stunk and Heria had been rather annoyed.
The day grew into the cool dusk and they stopped to make camp, not able to reach the next village. The girl had known the way to the nearest rhinofolk village, but it was still some ways away.
Ares created a camp for them and then offered the pair some more water and milk as Ezak got to work on a curry for them. There was one thing that Ares knew and that was curry helped cure the sick, or at least it helped in… something. He assumed it was the property of ginger, that’s what he had been told.
Ares had created several layers of a circle as part of their camp, the inner centre of it being for eating, the second layer being for three little tents, and then the third for the remainder of the tents, before then finally the last layer was the walls with, with two boxes where those on watch could look beyond, like little towers, and then of course three pathways in and out of the camp in a peace sign.
“A wonderful design,” Torak said as he checked out the new shape of the camp.
“Thank you.” Ares puffed up his chest and held his chin up.
“Were you inspired by the It’to and his folk?”
“Yeah, I thought it looked a little cooler than what we had before…” Ares chuckled. “Let’s see if this is a little better?”
“It should be fine,” Torak said, “as long as we are able to see all sides during our watch.”
Ares nodded and then smiled. “That’s exactly why I did it this way.”
“Shall we take the same watches?”
Ares nodded. “I prefer to have my sleep uninterrupted.”
With that Ares checked on the pair of children. “If you get hungry you can have this bread, keep this water with you.” Ares said as he handed over a bowl of water and then some flat bread between two plates so the air wouldn’t seep in to them and then ruin them over the night.
“Thank you,” Ikkora said.
Ares smiled. “If you need anything, let whoever is on watch know. If you need the use the bathroom or anything, just do so and…” Ares then created a small hook using the earth near the wall and then placed a blanket around it. “Use this to cover yourself.”
The girl nodded her head.
Ares then left her, checking in on the watch and letting them know to check on the children every so often whenever and continued the sentiment through the camp before he turned in to his tent.
Ares yawned and then thought about the recent day, wondering what exactly the world had in store for him. He’d need to make sure the children got to safety first, then he could continue. Plus returning some children to the rhinofolk will probably build him quite a bit of brownie points, which should at least soften the fact they were at war not long ago…
Ares closed his eyes and then fell asleep, letting the night take him. He was awoken by Orndu and then took his watch with Ezak, who began working on breakfast right away as Ares kept an eye out.
After some time listening to the crackling fire, the bubbling water, and smelling the delicious food that was about to be made, Ares could see off in the distance some movement. He squinted his eyes and saw, many miles away a mass of rhinofolk riding on some rhinos, heading not exactly in their direction. Ares paused for a long moment, thinking about whether he should awaken his party.
When the rhinofolk eventually turned to make their way to him, he decided to do so.
“Up! Up!” Ares called out as Ezak looked out to see the rhinofolk. Ezak grabbed onto his bident as the others awoke.
Ares did what he always did and stepped out to meet the rhinofolk, who were forming a triangle as they charged forward. Eventually the leader of the charge pointed his spear backwards and then the rhinofolk began to fan out and created a semi circle, though it continued to spread out and the formation threatened to surround the camp.
“Hmmm,” Ares hummed out. He did not enjoy such a thought and so he raised a hand. With that the earth around him spiked up, causing a barrier that headed out in each direction, like a fence of jagged stakes.
The rhinofolk tried to slow down, but eventually just ran off to the side and then behind Ares, though they were now separated from their allies. The group was split into two.
“Protect our back,” Ares whispered to the others as everyone woke up. Even the rhinofolk children stepped out to see what was going on.
They couldn’t see out though, due to the fact that the enemy was too far away and the walls were rather high and slanted inwards to make it difficult for those outside to peek in too.
Then a voice called out from behind Ares.
“What brings you trespassers to our lands?”
Ares hadn’t expected the leader to be on the other side. His tongue pushed to his cheek and jut it out for a moment before he turned on his heel and then hopped onto the mini tower that he had created for those on watch. He sat down on it and then stared out to the rhinofolk woman who had spoken out, luckily she was about a metre ahead of the others so it was pretty obvious to make her out.
“Good morning, it’s a nice day isn’t it? A wonderful morning for a stroll, don’t you think?”
The rhinofolk stared at him and then a flash of recognition fell across her eyes. She clutched at her spear, and the other rhinofolk pointed their spears towards the camp too.
“You!” she roared. “You’re Ares, aren’t you?”
“Oh! So you’ve heard of me?” Ares chuckled. He stared into her suspicious eyes. “Well, why don’t you introduce yourself then?”
“Shut it!” she snarled and then she snapped back at her warriors. “Surround them!”
Ares raised his hand and then a hundred arrows appeared from nowhere, shooting towards them, though they landed many metres ahead.
“I would suggest against it,” Ares replied. “Unless you want to go home as porcupinefolk.”
She snarled at him, but motioned her hand aside as the rhinofolk pulled back.
“You’re rather rude, aren’t you?” Ares raised his brow towards her.
She stared at him with a glare within her eye, as though they could shoot out arrows back at him.
There was a long moment of silence.
“Before we continue, I do have something for you.” Ares looked down to the rhinofolk pair and then nodded his head towards them. They stepped out to see who it was and then retreated back to the camp. Ares furrowed his brows, a little confused.
“So you have a pair of ours hostage? This is why you humans are so despicable!”
“Speak for yourself,” Ares scoffed. “They’re free to leave as they please, but it looks like they prefer the-” Ares raised a finger threateningly. “I’m no human. Jiaga is a human, I’m not.” Ares then summoned a shower of arrows towards the rhinofolk, but they landed in the same place again.
Torak cleared his throat quietly beside Ares, keeping an eye on those behind him. Ares threw a glance back, seeing nothing was wrong, before then looking down at Torak.
“Keep on the task,” Torak whispered.
“Sorry,” Ares whispered back.
The rhinofolk were still, waiting.
“So are you not going to tell me your name?”
“It is not needed,” the rhinofolk woman said.
“Alright, alright…” Ares shrugged. “So what now?”
The woman glared at Ares but then motioned with her hand. “Leave this place at once! We shall warn you this once!” She motioned with a hand and then her rhinofolk gathered around her cautiously before she rode off as the other warriors took their positions ahead of her.
The ground rumbled for a long while before they left.
“I guess we’re not going to meet with the rhinofolk…”
An arrow loosed towards the rhinofolk who were far gone at this point.
“Sorry Heria…”

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