King of Eschatology

Chapter 63 - release the news

In the dark sewers, Lu Fan found a clean place to sit, with a gas mask on his mouth and nose, which looked very funny.

This is also no way to do it. I don’t know why, after being attacked twice by Lu Fan, the black lotus became more and more stinky.

Fortunately, Lu Fan’s storage space is complete, otherwise he will suffer.

Wait, wait, wait, Lu Fan waits, day and night.

“I’m really grass, this is a pit!”

Lu Lufan was speechless. If he waited so long, it would be the next century.

The black lotus is inaccessible. With Lu Fan’s current combat power, he cannot cause any damage to it at all.

The black lotus grows in the blood of zombies, and it is impossible to transplant it. Lu Fan has no other choice but to write down this place and wait to see it later.

Maybe when the black lotus is in bloom, it will produce an amazing thing.

Lu Fan blocked the sewers that lead in all directions, leaving only the intersection of one person to pass. After marking the same, it was also blocked.

In this way, if there is a wandering zombie, this black lotus will not be found, and other survivors will be less likely to find it. Only Lu Fan knows this secret.

After doing all this, Lu Fan decided to leave here and explore again later.

At the same time, Tianyue Base welcomed the first group of survivors, with a total of 800 people.

He said he was a survivor. In fact, it is more appropriate to call him a refugee. Everyone is ragged, his skin is yellow, and his skin is thin.

知道 Since knowing that Tencent Bookstore can release news, Lin Xiaoxiao decisively used this powerful platform to release relevant information of Tianyue Base.

Nowadays, the major survivor bases have released their own information, hoping to recruit more survivors to come.

In order to show the mighty strength of their base, the publishers of the base information are exaggerating, saying how many people they have, how many combat troops, and even how many new humans write clearly.

In fact, their own strength is far from being so strong, all to attract more survivors.

Lin Xiaoxiao released the news of Tianyue Base for the first time. The content did not show the strength of Tianyue Base. There was only one: “Tianyue Base is abundant in materials and has a lot of food. As long as you are a member of Tianyue Base, you can receive it for free. . “

Lin Xiaoxiao is indeed an intelligence enhancer, and she immediately grasped the core of the problem.

The survivors in the last days do not care whether the base is strong or not. They only care about whether there is food. As long as they can eat enough, they will rush through the first time.

Therefore, after the recruitment information of Tianyue Base was released, nearby survivors began to gather towards this place, directly blocking the gate of Tianyue Base.

陆 When Lu Fan returned to the Tianyue base, the entire Tianyue base had changed a lot, at least the number had doubled.

什么 “What’s the situation, only two days of work, why are there so many people in the base?”

Lu Fan muttered in his heart, wondering what happened in the past two days.

Especially at the gate of Tianyue Base, many new survivors lined up, and there are more survivors coming in all directions.

“Boss, you are finally back!”

小 Xu Xiaopeng ran forward happily, welcoming Lu Fan and said excitedly: “Boss, tell you good news, the news of our Tianyue base has been released, and now there are many survivors coming.”

“Go in and talk.”

Lu Lufan went straight to the top floor without much speech.

凡 In the conference hall, Lu Fanduan sat in the first place, quietly listening to Xu Xiaopeng’s report, and basically understood the general situation of Tianyue Base.

Lin Xiaoxiao sat aside, smiling like a little woman, landing on Fanfan, waiting for the compliment of the other party.

她 In her opinion, it is a good thing to publish the relevant information of Tianyue Base. There are many people and strength, and the number of survivors directly determines whether the base is strong or not. This approach is obviously conducive to the development of the base.

However, after Lu Fan listened to Xu Xiaopeng’s report, his brow frowned tightly, and he did not look very happy.

When everyone saw Lu Fan’s expression unpleasant, they all stood awkwardly, and they didn’t dare to breathe.

Lin Xiaoxiao also became tense, and secretly said, “Is it possible for me to release the news of Tianyue base without authorization, and Lu Fan is not happy?”

After groaning for a moment, Lu Fan finally spoke.

“Although the announcement can speed up the development of the base, it also exposes the existence of our base, and may cause unnecessary trouble.”

After Lu Lufan’s words were over, everyone’s hearts sank and they realized the seriousness of the matter.

All major bases are accelerating development. In order to make themselves stronger, invasion and plundering happen from time to time, especially in small and medium-sized bases.

Qi Lanxi stepped up to Lu Fan and said jokingly: “Hi, our boss Lu will not be afraid of being robbed?”

She Lanyi changed her blouse today, her long black hair was casually tied behind her head, she looked extraordinarily spirited, and her delicate face was full of smiles ~ ~ drunk eyes.

Behind Wu Lan, a delicate little girl followed her closely, which was Guan Tongtong who was saved at the time.

Lu Fan saw Lan Yan’s smirk, and suddenly he didn’t get angry. This special thing was even ridiculed by her sister, which was simply intolerable.

As a result, Lu Fan said solemnly: “I’m not afraid of being robbed, but this is a kind of trouble in the end.”

Lin Xiaoxiao was displeased when she heard Lu Fan’s words. She pursed her **** little mouth and said softly: “Trouble, let’s prepare in advance. Whoever will rob us, we will come to anti-robbery, how easy it is.”

Lu Lufan smiled awkwardly and said, “This idea is a good idea.”

When I heard Lu Fansong’s mouth, Lin Xiaoxiao smiled immediately, and the beautiful face bloomed, making everyone feel that the world was bright.

Others could not help but look at each other, secretly: “Boss is wise and mighty, in front of outsiders is like a big demon who kills and does not blink, but there is no resistance against beautiful women.”

Just when everyone thought that Lu Fan was about to fall into the gentle village, Lu Fan, who was originally a hippie smile, suddenly became serious. He stood up and said to Xu Xiaopeng, “It is important to let the Lu Jiajun members gather in the square.” Announce. “


Xu Xiaopeng looked for a moment, turned and left quickly.

Lu Lufan glanced at the crowd and said, “All sit down, have a meeting!”

The population in the base is soaring, and the food issue is the top priority. Tianyue Base does not support idle people. If anyone is trying to make a speculation, Lu Fan will definitely kick them out without hesitation.

As a result, Lu Fan had a bold idea in his heart, even a little crazy, but he knew that once successful, it would make Tianyue base a great leap.

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