King of Industry

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 – Recognize People

Chapter 54

Looking at Zhao Guoyang’s casual gesture design, Hua Guosheng was completely convinced.

He sighed and said, “Guoyang, your design level is really amazing. I’m ashamed that even Xiao Huang can’t catch up with you.”

“Our Hongda Machinery Factory counts up and down, I am afraid that only Director Wang can compare with you…”

“Are you talking about Section Chief Huang Xiaohua?” Zhao Guoyang asked with a thought.

Xu Dongfeng on the side was surprised when he heard the words: “Hey, Guoyang, how do you know Section Chief Huang, I don’t seem to have told you!”

Zhao Guoyang smiled and did not answer his question.

Hua Guosheng glared at Xu Dongfeng with reprimanding eyes, then turned to Zhao Guoyang and said, “Xiao Huang has some abilities, but he is too arrogant and not easy to get along with. Unlike you, Guoyang, who has strong abilities , there is no airs yet…”

Perhaps because he felt that what he said was provocative, Hua Guosheng coughed quickly and said, “Well, Guoyang, I will re-edit the tooling drawing according to your idea, and I will try to fix it today!”

“It’s okay, there’s no rush. At the workshop, it’s not so fast to make the parts before. The few pictures you have on hand, you can give them to them tomorrow.” Zhao Guoyang comforted.

Hua Guosheng and Xu Dongfeng went to change the drawings. Zhao Guoyang saw that there was nothing to do in the technical department, so he decided to go to the workshop to see the production progress of other parts.

As soon as he entered the second production workshop, Zhao Guoyang heard a sound of dispute.

“I said, Lao Zhu, why don’t you listen to other people’s advice. We have technically determined to use 20-gauge steel for the pipes in the front of the car, so you can just follow it. Why do you have to use Q235? “

It was a man named Zhang Chaoyang from the technical department who spoke. Although he was not very old, he was only twenty-seven or eighteen. But he has been in the factory for ten years, so he can be regarded as an old man in the technical department.

Zhang Chaoyang is usually not very talkative. He belongs to the type that I will do whatever the leader arranges.

This kind of person, although not very capable, can perform the tasks assigned by the leader without compromise.

Many times, it is still very useful. Zhao Guoyang arranged for him and another technician, Chang Yuan, to come to the workshop to guide production, because he valued him.

After Zhang Chaoyang finished speaking, he groaned for a while: “Hmph, it’s not like I haven’t produced motorcycle frames before, and they are bigger than your underbone frame.”

“But even with the big frame before, the material used for the front pipe is only Q235. Why should the material be better now that the frame is smaller?”

“People in the technical department know that you can make a random decision with a slap in the face. No. 20 steel is much more expensive than Q235. Isn’t it a waste to follow you around like this?” the voice continued.

Although Zhang Chaoyang knew that production should be carried out according to the requirements of the drawings, it would be embarrassing for him to tell the reason.

Hearing this person’s rebuttal at this time, he was a little speechless.

Seeing that the other party couldn’t answer his own question, this old Zhu became more energetic: “Huh, what’s the matter, can’t you answer it? Let me tell you, the head tube of this car is Q235, absolutely no problem…”

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t help but stepped forward and said: “Master Zhu, the frame we trial-produce this time is a new model, and it is a different concept from the original straddle frame. It cannot be because of the size of the frame, Just to judge whether it needs to use stronger materials.”

“Hey, Guoyang, are you here?” As soon as he saw Zhao Guoyang, Zhang Fusheng, the workshop director who had been smoothing things over, hurried over to say hello.

Zhao Guoyang and Zhang Fusheng nodded their heads, and then turned their attention to Lao Zhu again.

This old Zhu is in his 40s or 50s this year. He is tall and thin, his hair is a little white, and he looks older than his actual age.

He is an old technician in the workshop. He can make parts with high speed and high precision. He is the backbone of the workshop.

This person is notoriously stubborn in the factory, and he has always recognized reason but not others.

What he believes, even the factory director Mu Aijun, it is difficult for him to change his mind.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang approaching, Lao Zhu slightly raised his eyelids, and let out a cold snort from his nose. Obviously, he didn’t have a good impression of the newly appointed technical section chief.

Zhao Guoyang walked to Lao Zhu’s side indifferently, and explained earnestly: “Old Master Zhu, when making parts, you can of course question the accuracy of our technical drawings, but after our technicians confirm the correctness of the drawings After that, you should execute it without compromise.”

“After all, whether it’s manufacturing or technical quality, everyone must perform their duties and manage their own share. Otherwise, it will only fall into chaos and wrangling.”

“Then you have to be right! Let’s just talk about the choice of materials, I think it’s unreasonable!” Old Zhu’s voice rose when he heard this.

After Lao Zhu finished speaking, a few workers behind him nodded in agreement: “Yes, our Lao Zhu is an experienced skilled worker, and his experience must be much richer than those yellow-haired boys in the technical department. He must be right!”

Zhao Guoyang was not disturbed by the surrounding voices, he calmly said: “Okay, since you insist on understanding, old master Zhu, then I will explain it to you.”

“If I can understand you, I hope that in the production process in the future, you will not be impulsive and complete the work at hand as required!”

“Okay, as long as you can convince me, I will listen to you from now on!” Lao Zhu got angry and said humbly.

Zhao Guoyang nodded, took out a pen and notebook, and began to explain while drawing and writing.

“Old Master Zhu, you should be familiar with the technical conditions of the two-wheeled motorcycle frame. Next, let’s check the strength of our new frame.”

Zhao Guoyang drew a picture, which reads F(0) for horizontal loading, F(Z) for vertically upward loading at the center of the rear wheel, and F(S) for vertically downward loading by rear seat members.

After listing these three values, Zhao Guoyang listed the stress distribution of the frame one by one, and pointed out the possible stress concentration parts one by one.

Zhao Guoyang pointed to the series of values already listed, and said to Lao Zhu: “Master Zhu, you must have seen it, the frame of our curved beam car, the load distribution and the original straddle frame It’s different. Our frame is more prone to buckling at the front end due to the overall center of gravity being more forward.”

Zhao Guoyang listed a formula: “According to the load calculation formula, the horizontal reciprocating load F(0) should be equal to…the vertical impact force F(Z) on the rear wheel of the frame should be equal to…the vertical downward force on the rear seat of the frame. The load F(S) should be equal to… Master Zhu, you should understand this, right?”

Old Zhu looked blankly at Zhao Guoyang listing one formula after another, and nodded subconsciously.

(Note: horizontal reciprocating load F (0) = [(G+K) gwd2-(G+K) ge]/d1;

The vertical impact force F(Z)=K(Z)F(0) on the rear wheel of the frame;

The vertical downward load F(S)=K(Z)F(0),)

(end of this chapter)

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