King of Industry

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 – Host Work

Chapter 68 Hosting work

The two deputy section chiefs in the office were fighting, this kind of situation is not uncommon.

Seeing Huang Xiaohua trembling with anger, a group of melon-eating people are you looking at me and I looking at you, secretly gloating.

Actually, people in the technical department basically don’t think highly of Huang Xiaohua. It’s not that this guy is not capable, but his character is really not good.

Speaking of which, the various bonuses of the technology department are quite generous. In the past, when Wang Youchang was in charge of the technical department, everyone basically got a share and distributed it equally.

But after Huang Xiaohua became the deputy section chief, every time the technical department got a bonus, the money distributed to other people was much less. Everyone is not a fool, so they naturally knew that this guy took the big head.

Everyone suffers all year round, isn’t it just to get more money? How can everyone have a good impression of Huang Xiaohua after going back and forth.

The opposite of Huang Xiaohua, Zhao Guoyang, the deputy section chief, is much more generous.

After taking office, everyone has been invited to eat more than once, and it’s not a problem to smoke at ordinary times. He really has the atmosphere of being a leader.

What people are most afraid of is comparison. When the hatchback is compared, it is very clear which is better.

“Hey, everyone, come out and have a look, there is a notice posted at the entrance of the workshop.” Xu Dongfeng came out of nowhere and shouted loudly.

After hearing this, the people who had already had good things ran out with trot.

Zhao Guoyang was indifferent, and continued to talk with Hua Guosheng about some points for attention in frame production. Huang Xiaohua, on the other hand, sulked silently.

Not long after, Xu Dongfeng and several other members of the technical department came back.

After entering the office, when the group looked at Huang Xiaohua, their faces were a little embarrassed.

“What, you guys are dumb? Why are you staring at me! What did the announcement say?” Seeing a few people looking at him with dodgy eyes, Huang Xiaohua shouted a little annoyed.

“That…” A few people looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn’t really want to say anything.

Xu Dongfeng didn’t care much, he glanced at Huang Xiaohua, and said carelessly: “It’s stated in the public notice that in our technical department, Guoyang is temporarily in charge of the work of the technical department, and you, Section Chief Huang, are responsible for assisting.”

“Xu Dongfeng, what the **** are you talking about?” Huang Xiaohua felt dizzy when he heard this.

Xu Dongfeng rolled his eyes, and said angrily: “I’m not talking nonsense, if you don’t believe me, go and see for yourself!”

Huang Xiaohua rushed out of the office in a huff, and came in after a while before walking in with a dejected and unwilling face.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Guoyang felt disdainful for a while. Who asked you to do it yourself? This is called self-inflicted!

When he got off work at night, Huang Xiaohua was the first to leave the office. Everyone knows that he has a fire in his heart, and no one touches his bad luck.

After Huang Xiaohua left, Xu Dongfeng said cheerfully to Zhao Guoyang: “Guoyang, you’ve already started presiding over the work, don’t forget to treat the guests.”

Hua Guosheng, who was talking with Zhao Guoyang, immediately kicked Xu Dongfeng, and said unceremoniously: “Eat, eat, you know how to eat. Guoyang is going on a business trip tonight, don’t you know?”

Xu Dongfeng was still very respectful to Master Hua Guosheng, and immediately begged for forgiveness: “Master, of course I know that Guoyang will be on a business trip tonight. After I asked him to come back, don’t forget to treat him to dinner…”

“Say it again!” Hua Guosheng pretended to teach Xu Dongfeng a lesson, and the guy left the office in a hurry.

Seeing Xu Dongfeng go out, the others also bid farewell to Zhao Guoyang and Hua Guosheng.

After explaining some things about work, Zhao Guoyang looked at his watch and said, “Master Hua, it’s getting late, you should go back first, I’m going to leave soon.”

“Okay, Guoyang, have a good trip!” Hua Guosheng nodded, got up and went out.

At seven o’clock in the evening, the small truck in the factory arrived as scheduled. Seeing the visitor, Zhao Guoyang was overjoyed.

The driver here is an acquaintance, Xiao Feng, the driver who delivered goods to Siyang Group last time.

“Chief Zhao, shall we start now?” Xiao Feng smiled when he saw Zhao Guoyang.

When he was in Siyang Group last time, the young technical section chief left a deep impression on him, and he was very happy to travel with Zhao Guoyang on business.

“Let’s go, first go to the south gate to eat something, and then go.” Zhao Guoyang patted Xiao Feng on the shoulder and said.

At the South Gate, Zhao Guoyang invited Xiao Feng to eat a bowl of Yangji Xiaopai wonton noodles, and packed two servings of cooked dry dumplings to eat on the way.

After eating and drinking enough, the two set off immediately and set off for Yangcheng.

Although the road is high-speed, the speed of the minivan is still not as fast as that of a car. It took almost a day to arrive in Yangcheng on this road.

In order to catch up with time, the two of them only got out of the car and had a meal. When they arrived in Yangcheng, they were already hungry.

Seeing that it was already past lunch time, Zhao Guoyang thought about it, and asked Xiao Feng to stop in Yangcheng City first, have something to eat before going to Siyang Group.

Xiao Feng parked his car near Dongyuan District, Yangcheng. When he saw the signpost, Zhao Guoyang’s heart skipped a beat, as if Bairou’s food factory was nearby.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guoyang got out of the car first, bought a pack of cigarettes at a small shop by the side of the road, and hung up on the number given by Bai Rou.

The call was connected quickly, and the soft and sweet voice reached Zhao Guoyang’s ears.

“Hi, hello, who is this?”

“Sister Bai, it’s me, Zhao Guoyang.”

“Ah! Guoyang! I’m not mistaken, why are you using a local fixed number in Yangcheng… Ah, are you in Yangcheng?” Bai Rou asked inexplicably excitedly.

Zhao Guoyang said: “Yes, Sister Bai, I am on a business trip to Yangcheng again. Now it seems to be near your food factory, in a place called ‘Chang’an Street’ in Dongyuan District.”

“Ah, Chang’an Avenue, I’m not far from here. Just wait there, sister will be here soon.” Bai Rou said quickly.

Not long after Zhao Guoyang hung up the phone, a taxi stopped on the side of the road, and then, a beautiful woman in a light yellow sweater and a white coat got out of the car.

As soon as he saw someone, Zhao Guoyang waved to her loudly: “Sister Bai, here!”

Hearing Zhao Guoyang’s shout, Bai Rou turned her head and saw him. She waved to Zhao Guoyang and trotted over briskly.

“Brother Guoyang, it’s only been less than ten days. Why have you come to Yangcheng again? No way, you miss your sister?” Bai Rou still said to Zhao Guoyang in a teasing tone.

Hearing Bai Rou’s words, Zhao Guoyang scratched his head for a while, and pointed to the small truck driveway parked on the side of the road: “The factory is in a hurry to deliver the goods, so I came in a small truck with the driver. No, it’s over there! “

“By car? From Jiangnan Province to Nanyue Province? It’s really hard work!” Bai Rou giggled.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhao Guoyang smiled and asked Bai Rou to introduce the more famous snacks nearby, and asked her to have a meal.

(end of this chapter)

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