King of Industry

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 – Shadow Of The Year

Chapter 72 The shadow of the year

After Zhao Guoyang talked eloquently, the old man couldn’t help being stunned for a long time.

He really never expected to meet such a freak in the Siyang Group.

This old man is Li Kejian, an academician of the Academy of Engineering of the Republic of China and the former dean of the General Academy of Mechanical Sciences. Now that he has reached the age of retiring from the second line, he was transferred back to the Machinery Industry Committee and assumed the name of deputy director.

Not only in the Machinery Industry Committee, but also in the national machinery industry, and even in the industry of the entire Republic, this old man is a well-deserved leader.

Speaking of the industry of the Republic, one has to mention the phrase “eight machines coexist”.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in order to revitalize the industry of the Republic, the country established the First Ministry of Machinery Industry and the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry.

Among them, the First Ministry of Machinery Industry mainly manages civil machinery, telecommunications, and ships; the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry mainly manages weapons, tanks, and aviation industries.

Later, after a series of reorganization and division, it developed into eight machinery industry departments. They are respectively: the first machinery department in charge of civil machinery; the second machinery department in charge of nuclear industry and nuclear weapons; the third machinery department in charge of aviation; the fourth machinery department in charge of the electronic industry; the fifth machinery department in charge of weapons; the sixth machinery department in charge of shipbuilding ; the Seventh Machinery Department in charge of aerospace; and the Eighth Machinery Department in charge of agricultural machinery.

This old man, Li Kejian, used to work at the General Institute of Mechanical Science, which was originally a deputy ministerial research institute directly under the Ministry of Machinery.

A few years ago, the country reorganized eight machinery industry ministries, and successively established the Republic Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, the Republic Aerospace Industry Department and other important departments.

The Ministry of Machinery Industry and the Ministry of Ordnance Industry were also merged into the National Machinery Industry Committee. Not only that, the General Institute of Mechanical Science Research, which was originally under the Ministry of Machinery Industry, was also merged into the jurisdiction of the Machinery Industry Committee.

Li Kejian, in the era of “coexistence of eight machines”, was already a well-known veteran expert in the domestic machinery industry, and had an absolute say in large machinery and power.

Although he belongs to the Ministry of Machinery Industry, several other machinery industry departments often ask him for help. After going back and forth, he got the nickname of “Eight Machinery Consultant”.

Li Kejian has spent almost his entire life working tirelessly for the industrial progress of the Republic, and has made considerable achievements, but he is still far away from the goal he wants to achieve.

Because of unfulfilled wishes, the old man is still enthusiastic even though he has arrived.

This time, Fang Xuesen, the executive deputy director of the State Machinery Industry Committee, and his party went south to inspect several large state-owned enterprises, and invited him to join him, and he followed without hesitation.

After arriving at the Siyang Group, Li Kejian and Director Fang proposed that they should go around by themselves instead of participating in any welcome ceremony with the large troops.

Director Fang once had the experience of working in the First Ministry of Machinery and worked with Li Kejian, so he was half of Li Kejian’s apprentice. It is naturally not easy to stop the elderly.

He also knows that Li Kejian is a pragmatic person, he doesn’t like superficial articles, and it is more comfortable to act freely by himself. So after Li Kejian made the request, Director Fang agreed.

Being worried about the safety of the elderly, Director Fang wanted to send an orderly to follow him, but Li Kejian sternly refused.

In his words, he is only sixty-three, and his body is still strong, so is he afraid of getting lost?

Li Kejian’s attitude is firm, and Director Fang can’t force it, so he can only let him act on his own.

So the old man wandered around in various places of Siyang Group, and came to the test track.

Listening to the obviously excessive noise during the test drive, Li Kejian was not in a good mood.

In the eyes of the elderly, Siyang Group is a pioneer in the industry, and its products should be at the top level in China, and it is not far from being world-class.

But judging from the noise alone, Siyang Group’s products undoubtedly disappointed him a bit.

Although the test drivers guessed that this stranger was led by the superior in all likelihood, they didn’t know his specific identity. After Li Kejian came to the test track and asked a question, everyone was a little confused.

At this time, Zhao Guoyang suddenly came uninvited. While helping the Siyang Group out of the siege, it also aroused the strong interest of Li Kejian.

Looking at the young man with firm eyes and full of confidence in front of him, Li Kejian sighed for a while, as if he saw the shadow of himself back then.

A young man who is engaged in machinery and motorcycles, even knows the shortcomings of the Republic of China in terms of ballpoint pens. This is already a freak that cannot be described.

Li Kejian really wanted to have a good conversation with this young man to see what else he knew.

Zhao Guoyang didn’t know what was going on in the old man’s mind. Seeing that the old man stopped talking at this time, he thought that his words had convinced him, so he changed the topic back.

“Old man, let’s put aside the objective reasons first. As far as the performance comparison between domestic motorcycles and imported motorcycles is concerned, I admit that there is a certain gap.”

“Most of these differences are reflected in details such as noise, vibration, and fuel consumption, as well as the durability of some small parts. Imported products may be better than ours.”

“But we must also see that domestic enterprises are also constantly improving and striving to improve. Let’s talk about the cooperation between Siyang Group and Yamaha Group of the island country. Isn’t it also a process of learning from each other? Isn’t that the reason to control the barbarians?” Zhao Guoyang finally added.

“Hehe, although these words are a bit of excuses for myself, they also make sense.” Hearing this, Li Kejian finally showed a smile.

Seeing the disapproving expression on Zhao Guoyang’s face, Li Kejian smiled and said, “Young man, listen to me, you know a lot about vehicles!”

“It’s not enough to be knowledgeable, just know a thing or two, after all, you are a technical person.” Zhao Guoyang said rather reservedly.

Hearing Zhao Guoyang say that he is engaged in technology, Li Kejian became energetic.

He squinted his eyes and stared at Zhao Guoyang for a moment, then asked, “Since you are in technology, I just have a few questions I want to ask you.”

Zhao Guoyang shrugged and said with a smile: “Old man, just ask, I will tell you what I know.”

“That’s right. I heard that your Siyang Group is planning to develop a large-displacement motorcycle, and you need to purchase imported large-displacement engines. The cost may be very high.”

“Since it’s not cost-effective, why don’t you go directly to buy the engine from the automobile factory? Isn’t the displacement sure enough? I heard that Yangcheng Automobile Group Co., Ltd. is not far from here. If possible, why don’t you go find it?” where are they?”

Zhao Guoyang didn’t know that Li Kejian was trying to find out about him. After hearing what the old comrade had said, he couldn’t help but laugh: “I said old man, your business is quite big, and you plan to enter the car business too?”

Li Kejian was stunned for a moment, nodded noncommittally and said: “Well, I really want to visit Yangcheng Automobile Group Co., Ltd. in a while.”

Zhao Guoyang didn’t notice the strange color on Li Kejian’s face, thought for a while and began to explain on his own.

(end of this chapter)

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