King of Mercenaries

Chapter 32: Do it again, I like to listen

In the evening, when everyone was camping, Sauer returned, and brought back a news that made Marin shocked. At 10 am tomorrow, the emperor will be visiting the south gate to inspect the situation. Marlin was excited. The emperor, although a poor emperor, could not give you money, but he can give you identity with a word. Moreover, if it is recruited by the emperor, it can actually give you money, although it is only a low salary.

Early the next morning, Marin set off for the whole team and went outside the south gate of Vienna to observe the emperor. However, because the emperor is going to patrol. When arriving outside the South Gate, Marin even seized the legal evidence of the Hoffmann Mercenary Corps and their weapons were temporarily seized. Because, unlike those scattered soldiers, Marin is a group of hundreds of people. If they continue to hold weapons, they may be able to assassinate the emperor. Not only that, the Vienna garrison also mobilized 50 fully armed knight to monitor the Hoffman mercenary group and guard the emperor. In this regard, Marin does not matter, anyway, he did not want to assassinate the emperor, but to please the emperor. He let all members of the Hoffmann Mercenary Corps line up neatly on the side of the boulevard. And beside him, there are 50 cavalry.

At this time, it is already around 9 o'clock in the morning. The "handset" that Marin carried and was almost the same as the alarm clock also told him that it was 9 am. Speaking of it, this year, the pocket watch is really pit. Ma Lin was so excited to buy a pocket watch, but he bought a "pocket watch" that was almost the same as the alarm clock that he used to wake up when he was a child. Although the spring has been applied, it is limited by the technical conditions and cannot be made very small at present. It is said that some skilled craftsmen can make the "candle clock" smaller. But obviously, there are no such craftsmen in Austria. It seems that powerful craftsmen are in Nuremberg and Cologne. As for the post-production world of Switzerland, this clock watch industry has not yet developed. It seems that after the Christian Calvinist founder Calvin banned wearing jewelry in Switzerland, Swiss talents pondered how to make watches into beautifully worn accessories. Then, there was a famous Swiss watch. However, that is a matter of decades.

Marin chose a better location, next to the avenue on the edge of the Recruitment Square outside the South Gate of Vienna. The emperor entered the Recruitment Square and must pass through here. Such a good location, of course, many people want to take up. However, Marin had 100 slaps of thugs in his hands, and those squadrons were brave enough to provoke and provoke. However, it is precisely because they occupy such a good position, causing doubts from the recruiting officers. Therefore, the recruiting department placed 50 cavalry here to protect the safety of the emperor on the one hand, and to monitor the Marin group on the other hand.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the emperor's travel team appeared outside the South Gate. The emperor came by a horse-drawn carriage. However, the carriages around him were all German Knights, all wearing armor. You just want to assassinate the emperor, you have to go through the steel walls around you.

When the emperor arrived at the square, the square was boiling. Thousands of people present were all shaken up. Many people began to yell and want to attract the attention of the emperor:

"Long live the emperor!"

"Long live the Holy Roman Empire!"

"I am Jol!"

"I am Hansen!"



When the emperor's team passed near Marin, Marin suddenly raised his right hand forward and performed an ancient Roman military ceremony similar to the Nazi military service (the Nazi military rites learned from the ancient Roman military service). Then he shouted:

"Hey, holy Rome!" (Artim's note: God please kill me)

As soon as I saw the head move, there were more than 100 younger brothers wearing white vests on the side. The rest stretched out their right hand and performed the ancient Roman military salute.

"Hey, holy Rome!"

The movement of the Hoffmann Mercenary Corps, frightened the 50 cavalry on the side of the big jump, they have drawn out their sword. Even the knights guarded by the emperor, they also pulled out the knight sword and wanted to protect the Emperor. But they soon discovered that it was only a team of white vests on the roadside who bowed down to the emperor. So, they are relieved.However, the movements and sounds of Marin's more than 100 people are really eye-catching. Even the emperor Maximilian I in the carriage, curiously through the window of the carriage, looked at the more than 100 stations on the roadside that were straight and still marching.

"Good military capacity, which army is this? Looks very sharp!" Maximilian I asked Frederick II, the Earl of Hohenzollern, who was on the same side with him.

The Count of Frederick certainly didn't know, so he shrugged:

"Who knows, I have never seen it, and has never heard of it."


After a while, the emperor came to the table in the middle of the square and boarded it, and made a few words of speech. Later, the Earl of Hohenzollern announced that the selection had officially begun (it was the special emperor to start the selection today). Then the whole square was turbulent. Everyone has to queue up as required.

Marlin saw:

"Rely, we are a little far from the queue..."

He thought about it and decided to cut the queue... and it was the whole queue...

Then he waved his hand and began to direct the team to go to the queue. However, they are queued in neat rows, often arrogant.

"Step by step, 1 - 1 - 121, 1 - 1 - 121..."

Then, all members of the Hoffmann Mercenary Corps took a neat step and walked straight ahead from the side. Marin had a command to die at the beginning - without his orders, not to stop, in front of the knife and the sea will continue to move forward. Then, under Marlin's 105 men, under the command of Marin, stepping on the extremely neat pace of the outsiders, arrogantly rushing to the front of the crowd waiting in line.

"Where is this guy? So I don't know the rules?" Earl Hohenzollern was somewhat unhappy and planned to send someone to drive Marin. But the emperor seemed interested in them and stopped the count.

Those who have been lining up well, naturally are not willing to be squeezed away. However, Marin's 100th person, like not seeing them, looked ahead, still moving forward and kicking forward. In the end, they chose to give in under the powerful momentum of Marin, the 100th person.

After entering the team, Marin shouted:


Then, to the order, the 100th man suddenly stopped neatly. Then Marin shouted again:

"turn right!"

All members of the Hoffmann Mercenary Corps, neatly turned to the right, facing forward, with no expression on their faces and no confusing look.

"This... discipline is very strict!"

"If you are disciplined, you won't be in the queue, or the whole team..." Count Frederick is very speechless. Do you use a neat queue to cut the queue to show that your team is disciplined? Disciplined, are you still in the queue? Earl Hohenzollen didn't want to say anything at this time.

"Right, Frederick, this team is coming to apply? Why is such a strong team not directly contacting you, but running to participate in the selection?"

"Maybe, their leader can't get in touch with me..." Frederick is also very uncertain. Although he was a bit angry with the team's unruly rules, he also had to admit that, from a disciplined point of view, this small team is definitely top-notch. At least, it is stronger than most German troops.

The emperor and the count did not expect that Marin had not yet tossed. After he grabbed the registration position of others, he did not immediately register, but began to show. He raised his hand again and performed a Roman military ceremony, facing the emperor's high platform, and shouted:

"All members of the Hoffman Mercenary Corps, who died for the Emperor. May my great Holy Roman Empire attack and be invincible! Hey, Holy Rome!"

Then, under the command of 105 people, with the conditioned reflexes, they all stretched out their right hands, and they performed a Roman military ceremony and shouted:

"Hey, holy Rome!"

"Hey, holy Rome!"

Then, Marin, regardless of the fact that the recruiters had not recruited themselves, began to pledge allegiance to the emperor. I saw him facing the high platform where the emperor was, raised his right hand and began to swear:

"I am a lifelong glory for being a brave and loyal Holy Roman Empire warrior..."

Afterwards, all members of the Hoffmann Mercenary Corps were in a general condition, raising their right hands in a brush, palms forward, and swearing in unison:

"I am a life-long glory for being a brave and loyal Holy Roman Empire.

Every comrade is my brother and sister, regardless of origin, status,

For the emperor to swear allegiance!

The will of the emperor is above all else! "

Marlin quickly picked up:

"The order of the emperor -"

"Beyond all truth and law! Oh, holy Rome!" the soldiers shouted in unison.


For a time, the people in the square were all stunned, and also stunned – where is this group of emperors fans?

On the high platform, Emperor Maximilian I first stunned for a while, then suddenly excited:

"It's too good, the emperor's order is higher than all the truths and laws... I'm so happy, I'm so happy!" Which emperor didn't want to say a word?

Count Frederick, although he despised Maring, this group of people should not be forced to slap their faces, but as the emperor's favorite, he could not dismantle the emperor's station. So he had to reconcile.

Suddenly, the emperor came to the wind with a sentence:

"Freat, tell them that this oath is very much like listening, let them swear again, accept their allegiance!"

"Do it again?"

"Yes! Again!"

"Don't you check it out?"

"Use it? Look at their queue, and the style of the team, you know that this is a strong army!"

"Okay!" As the emperor's favorite, Frederick understands that Marin is a group of people who are right. His Majesty the Emperor seems to be very fond of this set, and he likes this oath. Then, Marlin led 105 men (except for Kohler who looked at materials and weapons), and his face was not red-hearted. He once again swears to the emperor in front of tens of thousands of people. The most exaggerated thing is that Marin looked at the emperor's eyes, full of fanaticism, and lived off a super loyal supporter who dared to die for the emperor. Most of the onlookers were shocked, and the big princes and the Earl of Frederick were commenting in their hearts:

"This kid is so good, the skill of flattering is not under the us!"

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