Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 102 : Red Territory of Athen

Irijina and Leliana had been exchanging blows for several minutes. Irijina used a wooden pole while Leliana fought bare handed, with extended hand armour covering from her fist to her arm.

Leliana, who was already enhanced by sex beast ability, couldn't cope with Irijina's fluid attacks, fell to her knees and breathed heavily. On the other side, Irijina was smiling and standing proudly. I hadn't claimed Irijina's body yet, which meant she was not yet upgraded by my sex Beast ability but she easily overcame Leliana with just skill.  Leliana, the female monk, was the most powerful close combat fighter amongst the girls, far superior than Brita, Mireille and the thief, Reina.

Meanwhile, our 700 hired soldiers were practicing simple attack combos using their assigned weapons. Usually, men's bodies reached limit after 3 hours of all out exercises. However, our soldiers, despite originally being total beginners, were now able to train for over 10 hours daily due to fatigue recovery potions.

Upon becoming "Conquered Woman", Milennia had unlocked the skills to create 2 skills, fatigue recovery potions making and minor healing potions. Although minor healing potions could only heal small external wounds, I had enhanced her fatigue recovery potions skills up to Level 4. Level 4 potions could fully restore bodies to the pre-exhausted condition and each person could use it up to 3 times per day. The raw materials required to make both types of potions were merely green coloured leaf and a cup of raw water. 

The potion enable our soldiers to train over their physical limitations. They could now train over 3 times daily.

We currently had 1,000 men, which mostly comprised of refugees from Arkland and Goldonia who escaped to Athena from their war-torn places, with the hope better lives in the rumoured country where people had the power to elect their own Rulers. However, they turned out to be jobless vagabonds. As all the refugees were men and were willing to do anything, I decided to hire them. With large number of men under and the popular support among the local citizens, the hostile families were cautious. They no longer disturbed us in broad daylight like before.

It seemed there were assassins sent to kill us numerous times but nearly all of them were disposed by the skeleton ninja, that were guarding our mansion.

Our 1,000 soldiers took turn between training and guarding the 6 towns surrounding Athena city. When they were on guarding duty, they wore red coloured uniform and  weapons, to display their official authority bestowed by the ruling party. A month ago, we declared the 6 towns including Red town, to be separate territory from Athena, with a separate ruler, Joan Maynard Keynes. The thousands of citizens of the 6 towns and Athena central city assembled to show their support for the new ruler, while being witnessed by representatives from several families. Using our popularity and the 1,000 patroling soldiers as peacekeepers, the new government was practically established, with Red town as the administrative centre. We called the new territory within Athen as Red territory. 

Our immediate action was to abolish all forms of taxation which was met with aggressive protests by the Athena rulers. After dozens of their men were defeated on street, they stopped direct attacks. Since then, assassins kept invading our mansion at night which were all killed by the guardians, skeleton ninja.

As the Athena's actial force far outnumbered us, we had our men undergoing rigorous training with the help of the fatigue recovery potions made by our herbalist, Milennia.

At this time, the road between the 6 towns had nearly been upgraded to the the quality which was on par with Athena's central city . But with each passing day, I would become particularly more concerned about the matter with the ruling families.

Over the past week, the the archers had entered the comprehensive exercise stage, which included setting up the defensive line in order to welcome an enemy’s attack and the close combat men trained in how to pursue and attack an enemy under Irijina's guidance.

For the former they heavily relied on the flying Amber and Gina to always inform them of the distance between them and the enemy from above, the archery teams would shoot according to the flying sorceresses' commands – making it much easier, regardless of whether it concerned giving orders or acting on given orders. For example: Shooting long bows at 800 meters and 500 meters, while using short bows when the enemy approached 200 meters, and retreating at 50 meters and so on. As long as they saw Gina and Amber raising the corresponding flag, the team leader would then give the signal to his team to attack.

The key for the victory on the battlefield laid in the pursuit and attacking stage. When the enemy was defeated, they would turn around and retreat to Athena city centre, for which they would also need to half an hour. Even if the families head fled on their own, leaving their militia and the hired mercenaries behind, they would still need half an hour for the journey.

This gave the close combat men the perfect chance to chase them. The whole process of monitoring would be done by the flying Gina and Amber, while the archery army would always be out of the enemy’s scouting distant but ready to catch up at any moment. 

The problem was the our soldiers were spread thin over the 6 towns. That's why we then started training vigilantes among the thousands of citizens. The vigilantes were poorly trained civilians but they their number easily exceeded 6,000 persons. We gave them cheap and crude weapons. They also covered the soldier's role in patroling.

As we had a lot of supporters within the city centre, they frequently notified us on the families' activities.

Even though the plan didn’t seem complicated, it was almost impossible to coordinate the 6 towns because of the absence of any modern communication devices. We could only hope for the flying girls be Gina and Amber, to make up for the lack in communication.

Prior to this, I had already sent out two hired mercenaries, one to implement the plan called “Attracting the jobless” and another to work on the “finding the seeds” program.

The former had posed as either travelers or peddlers, and spread out through the streets and lanes, pubs and other places in other territories in Athen nation, the rumors of Red town in Athena as being a job haven for refugees and jobless people.

The other had gone directly to trading cities, and purchased some peculiar crops from across the region. Of course, when they found any particular seeds in any of the city’s on the journey, they had also sent them back. The seeds in would then be used by Leaf, the druid to develop our farms. The fruits and vegetables from our farm could now supply over half of our citizens. Our ultimate goal, of course, to be fully self sufficient in basic necessities.

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