Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 13- Solar Convergence

[Keeno POV]

The next time I woke up, I wasn’t laying in the bed I fell asleep in.  Instead, I was laying in nine extremely fluffy black tails.






I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her to make sure she was real.  When I actually felt the sensation of hugging her and her hugging me back, tears spilled from my eyes before evaporating.




{My precious Keeno, it’s been too long.}


I hugged her tighter and tighter, not wanting to let go.




She just smiled at me as she hugged me with her arms and tails.  It took a bit, but I finally calmed down enough to speak more than just her name, though I never let go of her, thinking that if I did, this amazing dream would end.


{Keeno, this isn’t a dream, it’s Solar Convergence.  We have the whole day together.}


“I told you that I wouldn’t let go until I’m forced back, and I’m keeping my word.”




Ama started to pat my head.  I closed my eyes as I enjoyed her caresses.


“Ama, I didn’t realize just how much I actually missed seeing you until now.  It feels like a pit in my heart.”


{I understand your feelings, Keeno.  Though I have the better part of this, being able to see you from here, I know it’s hard on you.  That’s why we need to make the most of it every time we meet here on Solar Convergence.  For today, I have a schedule for us.}


“What are we doing first?”


{I’m going to make sure your tail is perfect.  After that, we have several hours of snuggling together.  And that’s as far as I could think.}


“…I approve.  Though I feel like you would have already planned everything we did in the five years we haven’t seen each other.”


{There was no time for that.  I had to watch over you all the time to make sure nothing happened.}


I smiled again and buried my face in one of her fluffy tails.  She moved them in front of her and before I could take my face out of it, I felt the sensation of a brush on my tail.  I unintentionally let out a kind of purring sound.




“Ama, this feels even better than when Saki or Emma did this.”


{Well, they are both human, so they don’t really understand the best way to do this. I, however, have nine tails to tend to, so if I don’t know what I’m doing, then no one does.}


“Fair…Come to think of it, is there a way for me to get more tails?”


{Living long enough is the surefire way.  As for others, I don’t know.}


“Then, if I do find a way to get more aside from age, will I need to hide them all the time?”


{Not really.  Though it was before the Fiend Season, there were a few mortal kitsune that managed to live long enough to get at least three tails.  You could just use the excuse that you are from one of those old bloodlines and were born with more than one.}


“Then why don’t kitsune live that long now?  I’d think that since dying isn’t very good at the moment, people living really long lives would be ideal.”


{Yes, you’d think that, but the lifespans of mortals is still relatively short and it was only shortened after the Fiend Season.  It has recovered a bit since then, but it’s still only a third of what it was in the beginning.  It also doesn’t help that mortals love finding ways to die stupidly.  But enough of this, we only have so long together, and I don’t want to waste it talking about things we can talk about at any time.}


I shut my mouth and made myself comfortable as Ama continued to brush my tail.  When she was finally done, she conjured a big bed and hopped onto it.  I untangled myself from her tails and moved to another, more comfortable position to hug her.  This time I was also able to stare into her eyes.


“Ama, you are so pretty.  I hope I get to be half as pretty as you are.”


{While I hate the ones that gave birth to you in this world, I do have to admit that they looked pleasant, so I believe you have nothing to worry about in that department.  All you need is time and you’ll turn into a stunning beauty that will turn all the heads, both male and female alike.}


“Meh.  The only person’s head I want turned in my direction is yours, so I could do without that happening.”


{You little flirt.}


“It may be flirting, but it’s also a true statement.  Just like how I only act like this when I’m alone with you or Fia.”


{You’ll be such a heartbreaker in the future.}


“Those future suitors can get over it.  Anyway, is there anything you want to talk about that isn’t to do with the world or my future?  Any just random fun things?”


{Hmmm.  I can’t think of anything now.  I’m just too happy that you are here that my mind keeps going blank.}


“Same.  Though I wouldn’t mind taking a nap right now.  That may just make our time together feel shorter, but if I’m being completely honest, I feel the safest I have in a while here and now.  It has nothing to do with Fia not being enough or anything, but I think it has to do with us still being somewhat near Falheim.”


{A nap is fine.  I honestly think you need it.  As for not feeling safe in the mortal world where you are, I think it’s understandable seeing as you still have a mortal mindset.  Give it a few hundred years and you’ll start seeing things differently.  And before you think of saying you won’t, you will, there is no avoiding it.  It happens to everyone that becomes an Apostle unless they were already a part of a super long lived or immortal race.}


“Hmmm.  Just which races are like that?”


{The light and dark elves, who are different from normal elves.  The angels, demons, and fallen.  Certain subraces of beastkin, like the turtles.  And the giants.}


“So angels, demons, and fallen have a feud?”


{Not really, it’s more a friendly rivalry.  They like to try and outdo each other in everything, but stop just short of making actual grudges…for the most part.}


“Then how do angels become fallen?”


{Save that question for another time, Keeno.  We have a nap to take, remember.}




I hugged Ama tighter again and quickly started to fall asleep.


Chaos Realm:

Luna: …

Oh boy.


Order: I had a feeling this was going to happen.

Tamamo: It can’t be helped.

Luna: She didn’t even focus on the worst spots on Keeno’s tail!  She brushed it too softly, so no deep tangles got fixed, and she stopped too early!  This is unforgivable!

Tamamo: Luna, calm down.  That just means we need to teach them when the show up here.

Luna: You’re right, Tamamo.  I just need to calm down, and start preparing a full lecture on proper fluff grooming.

Tamamo: I’ll help.

*rumbling noises*

Order: What was that?

*Sigh* I’ll be back.

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