Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 16- Plans for the Future

[Keeno POV]

I was sitting in Fia’s lap on the bed as she played with my hair.  We were discussing what our future plans were.


“So, to sum it up, once we get settled in our own place here, I’ll start training to control my mana and body heat as well as actually reasonable physical training.  I’ll continue this until I manifest my Soul Weapon which is when you’ll start teaching me magic.  After that it’s whatever regimen that is suitable for me until I’m an adult.  At that time, I’m free to do whatever until I ascend.” (Keeno)


“Yep.  So, we have 13 years until that point.” (Fia)


“So, adulthood is 18 years old in this world?” (Keeno)


“Yes.  That’s about the point when kitsune are considered fully grown adults.  However, you’ll be able to get a Guild card at 10 and be allowed to do simple quests like gathering or basic tasks around the city.  We also have to get you caught up on some semblance of common sense that isn’t tainted by the outdated information you have now.” (Fia)


{Of course, it’ll only be enough to get you by in daily life since some aspects of it won’t apply to you.  Oh, and to add to that, I’m going to teach you about controlling your Authorities.  You can’t use them to their full potential since they are sealed, but we CAN figure out what you can do with them even in that state and go from there.  I can help you most with your Sun Authority, but Death is something you’ll need to feel your way through with just basic things all Authorities share.}


“And finally, we’re going to try and get you used to people a little more.  Going forward your previous royal training will be useful, but neither me nor Rasu want you to go through life in the mortal world with the only two people you actually trust being me and Rasu.” (Fia)


{Don’t get her wrong, Keeno.  Fia is ecstatic that she is the only person you currently trust with your life and brags about it to me while you sleep, but she won’t be around you forever.  She does have things she’ll eventually need to get back to, so I want you to make at least one true friend before you are 18.}


“Rasu, why did you have to share that?” (Fia)


“I kind of already knew that Fia.  I am your hug pillow, so I do hear what you say sometimes.” (Keeno)


“…” (Fia)


Fia started to blush at our teasing.  It was then that two questions came to mind.


“While I’m fine with everything we decided, I have two questions.  The first is, how are we going to train my control over my body heat?  And the second is, once I get old enough and Fia sets off to wherever, will I see you again?” (Keeno)


“Starting with the second question, of course.  I’d never just up and leave my little sister forever.  We may not see each other much, but we’ll always be able to meet on Solar Convergence, if Rasu lets me up there, and depending on where you go in your travels, we’ll probably meet up if Fate is on our side.” (Fia)


{He owes me and Keeno, so it’s just about when really.}


“Wait what?” (Keeno)


{I’ll tell you in detail later.}


I nodded.


“As for your first question, I have an idea, but I’m going to need to find the things I need to start that training.” (Fia)


“Alright.  I don’t have any more questions, so what do we do now?  Do we just stay in here for the rest of the day or do we go and look around outside?” (Keeno)


{It’s actually gotten pretty late, so I’d suggest going to sleep.  You have time to relax and explore at your leisure, so take it slow while you still can.}


“I guess you’re right.” (Keeno)


“Hehe.  Don’t sound so disappointed, Keeno.  Like Rasu said, we have some time to actually look around later, for now we should sleep.” (Fia)


“Alright.” (Keeno)


We started to get ready to go to bed when something else popped into my head.


“By the way, what’s up with the Eternal Flame thing?” (Keeno)


Fia stopped moving.  I looked over to her to see that she was blushing again.


{It’s her Adventurer title.  She got it way back when the Guilds were still separate.  It comes from the fact that when she uses her Soul Weapon, it produces fire that never goes out.  If you decide to travel the world one day, you might want to visit the place that earned her the title.}


“…” (Fia)


“Is it really that embarrassing, Fia?  I think it’s kind of cool.” (Keeno)


“It’s nice and all that you think it’s cool, but please don’t call me by the title.  You are the only two I don’t want calling me that.” (Fia)


Besides the obvious embarrassment, there was another emotion inside her voice that I couldn’t quite make out.  Seeing that Fia really didn’t want to keep this convo going, I dropped the subject.  We finished getting ready for bed and promptly went to sleep.  The next day we mostly spent time relaxing while we waited for news from the Guild master.  When noon came around, the homunculus from yesterday knocked on the door.  It told us that the Guild master and someone from the merchant part of the Guild were waiting for us.


We made our way to the Guild master’s office again and met with him and another person.  There, Fia took the lead and after a while of discussion, she decided on a few places that were suitable for us to live.  After a little more preliminary deliberation, she narrowed it down to two places after getting as much information about them as she could without actually just going there in person.


“Alright, all that’s left to do is check out these two places and decide.  Can I ask that you lead us there?” (Fia)


The merchant nodded and started to organize the papers before the three of us stood up and left the room.  We walked us some stairs and out of the heavy wooden doors of the guild.  When we got outside, even my royal training couldn’t help me hide my shock at the outside.  A common looking city, from my brief experience, covered in pure white snow.  While I wasn’t sure how cold it was, I could tell that it was significantly colder than anywhere else I’ve been, not that it mattered that much.  I regained my composure and Fia and I started to follow the merchant.


Chaos Realm:

Amaterasu: …Where am I?

Oh, hello Amaterasu.

Amaterasu: God of Chaos?

Just call me Payto.  This is Order, my wife.  This is our home, and you’ve been invited to visit whenever you feel like it.

Amaterasu: That’s nice and all, but why am I being stared down by a ten-tailed kitsune that I’ve never met before?

Order: That’s Luna, someone that was in a similar situation to Keeno.  She became a Goddess in her world and has been watching your world every so often with us.

She also has some choice words for you and Keeno, so you should prepare yourself.

Amaterasu: What?

Luna: Sit.

Amaterasu: *shivering due to the pure Authority as she sits*

Luna: Pay attention, I will now give you a full course on the proper way to care for Fluff after seeing the pure disgrace you’ve shown.  Listen carefully because I don’t want to repeat myself.

Amaterasu: Y-yes ma’am!

Order: Where’s Atmos when you need her?  She’d get a kick out of this.


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