Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 4- Three Years Later


More time has passed and I’ve just turned three.  Not that much has changed in this time.  I still basically live in my prison cell of a room, though I’ve been allowed to roam around a small amount as long as I’m accompanied by my maid whose name is Saki.  Since that day three years ago I haven’t seen my mother again, much less my father.  I know that they both exist since I overhear other servants talk about them, but for the most part it’s like I don’t even exist to them.  Another thing is, excluding Saki, the other servants avoid me like a plague and I have to sit beside my door if I ever want to overhear what they say when they think no one is listening.


I was sitting in the small chair that Saki had procured for me some time ago while staring into the mirror and brushing my tail.  I was prepared for another boring day of just sitting there doing nothing when my door opened and someone other than Saki entered.  Imagine my surprise that my father shows his face to me for the first time since I was born.


“Girl, stand up.”


I decided to humor him since his tone and expression said that he wouldn’t accept anything but compliance.


“Hmm.  You are now three, correct girl?”


“Yes.” (MC)


“It’s yes sir.”


“Yes sir, I am three years old as of two days ago.” (MC)


“Good.  You will be moved to a more appropriate room today and you will start undergoing training in the ways of nobility and combat tomorrow.  If you do well and show decent results, you will be given a name and accepted as part of the Fafnir family.”


“May I ask something?” (MC)




“Why have I been basically ignored this entire time?” (MC)


“Why would I interact with something that has no purpose?  You are now at an age where you can gain a purpose, so I’m gracing you with an opportunity.”


“I see.” (MC)


My father turned to leave the room but stopped just as he was about to walk through the door.


“Also, I expect you to learn to read by the end of the week else you will fall behind in your studies.  Get the maid to teach you until a tutor is found.”


With that he slammed the door shut.  I moved to the door and put my ear to it so I could see when he was far enough away for me to talk out loud to myself.


“Mongrel.  Me, have no purpose?  What else am I supposed to do when I can’t do anything by myself?  And it shouldn’t matter anyway since I’m your daughter.  Also, what do you mean I start combat and nobility training tomorrow?  I’m literally three!  The only thing good to come from this is that I get a new room.  Hopefully it’ll have windows.”


I sat back down in my chair while I grumbled to myself.  After some time, Saki came into the room with a smile on her face.


“Saki!” (MC)


“Kukuku.  Hello young miss.  Have you hard the news?” (Saki)


“That I’m getting a new room today?” (MC)


“Indeed.  And I’m happy that Lord Lucius has finally come to see you.  No child should have to go without knowing their father’s face.” (Saki)


“He didn’t stay long.  Only told me that I apparently start training tomorrow and that I need to learn to read by the end of the week.” (MC)


“Then we should get to it.  Come and I’ll show you to your new room.” (Saki)


We left the old room and walked to the place with the big staircase.  We ascended the stairs and walked down a long hallway before stopping in front of an ornately carved wooden door.  Saki opened it and we both walked inside.  My first impression was that it was a stereotypical noble’s room.  It had two big windows, a bed with a canopy, a large wooden desk, and a full length mirror.  The other thing that stood out was that every wall was covered in bookshelves, making this place more like a study than a bedroom.


The first thing I did after walking into the room was run up to one of the windows.  It was my first time seeing outside and to say the I was mesmerized would be an understatement.  Outside the window was a sprawling city made mostly of white stone.  In the distance a giant castle towered over everything.  Instead of roads, there were water channels that reminded me of Venice in my old world.  That wasn’t to say there were no places for people to walk, but those places from what I could see, weren’t very wide so at most two people could walk shoulder to shoulder.


“Pretty.” (MC)


“Kukuku.  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you smile like that, young miss.  You should do it more, then maybe more of the servants will approach you.” (Saki)


“Mm.” (MC)


After taking in the view of the city, I turned my sight up to the sky.  I could see both suns hanging there, looking down on everything.




“Young miss, why do you look so sad?  Are you not happy with your new room?” (Saki)


“It’s not that.” (MC)


I looked up at the suns one more time before moving over and jumping up onto the bed.


“It’s a lot better than the old one, I’m just not sure how I’m supposed to learn to read in a week.  It seems rushed.” (MC)


“We just have to try our best, young miss.  And if we only have a week, then we should get started now.” (Saki)


She walked over to one of the many shelves and picked out a book before walking back over to me and sitting down.  I looked at the book in her lap and tried to read the cover, but it just looked like squiggly lines if gibberish.


“What does it say?” (MC)


“This is a storybook, young miss.  I’ll read it to you slowly so you can see how words are spelled.  If that doesn’t work, then we can try something different.” (Saki)


I just nodded my head and Saki started reading.  The book had many small stories in it, but I noticed that all of them took place in this country and extoled how great of a place it was.  Regardless of that, we spent the rest of the day doing this.  By the time night fell, my head was hurting from trying to figure these things out.


“I believe we should call it a night here, young miss.” (Saki)


“But I didn’t make any progress, Saki.” (MC)


“It’s alright, you are smart for your age, but these things take time.  I will try to think of an easier way to help.” (Saki)


I nodded my head and hugged Saki.  She started to gently pat my head before she stood up.


“Sleep now, young miss, you have a big day tomorrow.” (Saki)


Saki then left my new room.


“*Sigh*  I’m glad Saki is trying to help, but there are easier ways to do this.  Maybe I can subtly hint at one or something.  Anyway, I need to sleep this headache off.”


I moved under the blankets of the bed and hugged my tail before falling asleep.


[Amaterasu POV]


{Damnable mortals, what do you mean she has no purpose?!  She’s more important than all of you combined!}


I wanted to break something.  It’s so infuriating only being able to watch and get petty little revenges here and there.


{Treating her like she doesn’t exist for years, then randomly deciding that you will train her to do something.  All because I made you infertile for treating her badly.  Just adopt…no, that would make things worse for her…damn it!  Fia, please hurry.}


As I was monologuing, I watched her face as she finally got to see the outside world.  The sparkling in her eyes was adorable.  When she looked up at the sky and the suns, her sad face nearly broke my heart.




{I know.  I want nothing more than to take you away from there, but I can’t.  They hold no true dedication to me, so I can’t send Fia there to get you quickly.  Please don’t think I’m just leaving you there to rot.}


After that I watched as she and her good maid attempted to read and eventually her lonely look as she went to sleep.  Seeing this, I couldn’t help but get fed up with things that were out of both of our control and decided to figure out what other kind of curses I could get away with.


{I’ve already made all her so-called father infertile and her so-called mother can’t have children anymore, so what else can I do?  I won’t take away your magic since that will hamper my Fated One, not that that will stop me from doing so when she gets out of there.  Hmmmmm.  Oh!  It’s just barely under my Life Authority, but enjoy having bad smelling fungus growing on your upper lip.}

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