Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 9- A Town and Destination Plans

[Keeno POV]


The closer we got to the town, the more details I could make out.  There was a wall made of stone surrounding the town, though I could still see the roofs of buildings behind it.  When we got to the gate, we stopped as two guards approached us.


“Oh, it’s a rare sight to see a carriage from the esteemed Fafnir family.  What’s the occasion?”


“Solitude.” (Fia)


“…Pffffft.  Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  So even a family as important as the Fafnir’s can produce a bad egg, eh.  That’ll teach them to be so uptight about their ‘unblemished history.’”


“While I agree with the sentiment, can you please hurry, if I don’t get back by the end on the month, it’ll cost me my head.” (Fia)


“I hear ya, just gotta check the inside.  Lot of rebels been showing up in recent years.”


“Just hurry.” (Fia)


The guard that was talking with Fia opened the carriage door and looked inside.  He didn’t meet my gaze at first and just took a quick glance around.  When his eyes finally met mine, he froze up for a second before backing off rather quickly.  He told his partner everything was clear and they quickly went back to the gate.  When the carriage was inside the town and far enough away that the guards wouldn’t hear us anymore, I spoke up.


“So am I just going to have to go through the rest of my life with people being afraid of me because of my eyes?  I mean, I’m already kind of used to it, but it still annoys me.” (Keeno)


“You’re wrong, Keeno.  While your eyes may have been a small part of it, he was more nervous about gaining your ire.  The way you are holding yourself gives the impression you are a royal, and the people here are taught to respect royals above all else.  Even with the prior knowledge of you being sent to solitude, it was an instinctual reaction on his part.  He even quietly apologized when he passed by me.” (Fia)


“Why a royal?  I had nobility training, not royal training.” (Keeno)


{The one that taught you was the one that gave birth to you.  She is a princess, so it follows that she only knows how royals were trained to act.  Call what that training was whatever name you want, royal training, nobility training, it was all just an excuse to abuse you.}


“She’s still a princess?  I thought once a princess marries outside the royal family, she drops out of the line of succession.” (Keeno)


{It’s complicated and I don’t really feel like explaining the whole drama of this country’s royal court.}


“And I don’t want to hear it, I was just a bit shocked by that revelation.  Though now I’m a bit curious about why none of the royal family ever came to at least see me.” (Keeno)


{Because most of them don’t care.  They are all just as vain and narcissistic as your sperm donor.  Well, there are one or two decent ones, but they aren’t important since they have no chance of changing anything here.}


“This is a riveting conversation, but I need to ask, do you want to stop in this town for the night, or move on?” (Fia)


“I say move on.  The sooner we get out of this country, the better.  Plus it would contradict the story you told the guards about getting back by the end of the month.” (Keeno)


“I just wanted to make sure.  Sleeping in a carriage all the time isn’t the most comfortable thing, especially for someone as young as you are, so I thought I’d at least give the option.” (Fia)


“Thanks for caring about me like that, but I still think we should make as much distance every day as possible.” (Keeno)


{If you are worried about them sending people after you, don’t.  I’ve taken care of them in a way that they won’t be able to do that.}


“I just want to get out of the country.  Just being here feels constricting to me.” (Keeno)


“Got it.” (Fia)


The conversation ended there and I decided to peek outside.  The town was simple.  Stone houses, thatched roofs, people walking about here and there.  Completely generic.  I moved back from the window and laid down on the seat.  I closed my eyes and shortly after that, I fell asleep.  When I woke up next, it was dusk.  I touched my head with my hand and felt the cold sweat.




“Yeah.  One where all of this was just a dream and I was still stuck there.  Only Emma and Sigurd were gone and I was all alone.” (Keeno)


Before I realized what was happening, I was pulled into a hug and my head was being patted.  I was too occupied with my own thoughts that I didn’t notice that the carriage wasn’t moving and Fia was sitting next to me.


“I know that this would probably be better coming from Rasu, but since I’m the only one physically here, we just have to make due.” (Fia)


“Fia…” (Keeno)


“Don’t say anything.  Just calm down, take a deep breath, and relax.  Neither I nor Rasu are going anywhere.” (Fia)


I did as she said and started to calm down.  When I finally managed to and looked up, I noticed that Fia had taken her disguise hat off, so I could get a better look at her face.  Her hair was a reddish-orange mix and things that looked like feathers were mixed in here and there.  The way it was styled made it look like she also had horns, but it was just more feather like bits.  Her eyes were also red with some orange in them.  Her face had a somewhat stern look that contradicted with her personality.  All in all, she was beautiful.


“You are very pretty, Fia.” (Keeno)


“Thank you, Keeno.” (Fia)


“Are those feathers in your hair, or does it just look like that?” (Keeno)


“They’re real feathers.  I’m not human, I’m a phoenix.” (Fia)


“That’s so cool.” (Keeno)


At that point I started to doze off again.


[Fia POV]


When Keeno went back to sleep, Rasu spoke up.


{I’m so jealous.}


“Don’t be.  I know the second she sees you in person again, she’s going to jump onto you and never want to let go.”


I started to pat Keeno’s head while she slept.  She shuffled around a bit at that but didn’t wake up.


“Hey Rasu.”




“Which country should I bring her to when we get out of here?”




“Alright.  But why there?”


{Well, taking into consideration that you want to take care of Keeno at least until she is considered an adult, that place would make the most sense.  No Dead Zone, always snowing so the heat she produces won’t make other people uncomfortable, and very open so that when you start helping her practice with magic and her Soul Weapon, you won’t have to worry about inconveniencing people.}


“Then we’ll head there.”


I looked down at Keeno again and smiled.


“You know, I’ve always wanted to act like a big sister.  This is the perfect opportunity to do so.”


{Well, I guess Keeno thinks the same thing since you also got the Okami name.  Though it helps that I think of you as family as well.}


“Heh.  I’m looking forward to the things she’ll do.”




With the end of the conversation, I drifted off to sleep as well.


Chaos Realm:

Tamamo: Luna, what is your opinion?

Luna: About Keeno?

Tamamo: Yes.

Luna: She has ideal Fluff.  She could do more to take care of her tail, but with everything going on in her life, I don’t blame her for not focusing on it more.

Tamamo: Payto.

I already know what you are going to ask.  No, I cannot let Luna bless Keeno and Amaterasu from here.

Luna: Then what about if I bless them when they show up here as well?

As long as you aren’t in their world, then I see no point in stopping you.  You’d be in neutral territory after all.

Order: Stop trying to act coy you big goof.


Luna: Fufufu.

Tamamo: Ufufufu.

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