Knowledge and Power: Reincarnated Into A Society That Only Values Strength.

Chapter 31: The stranger.

They got back on their respective mounts and rode back into the stables just behind Jerry and I parted ways with the guards and went to see Finlo. I was never allowed to go into the stone portion of the stables where the war beasts were held.


Well, I suppose it would be more accurate to say I couldn't go in without the key, and it was dangerous to go in alone. So with my training keeping me busy, it was more like I never got a chance.


I snuck in after them and in an instant, my breath was taken away. I had seen the giant stone dome from the outside of course, but actually being inside of it made it feel a whole lot bigger. For some reason it was well kept, the floor was even made of smooth rock, unlike the dirt floor from the rest of the stable.


It was far nicer than my room, which had been converted from an old storage room. The floorboards were filled with slivers that I would catch if I wasn't careful, and while I did technically have a bed, it was just an old wooden frame. The giant straw pile looked far more appealing.


Trying not to think about it, I took my time looking around and let the awestruck feeling wear off. I wasn't very discreet though.


“SIYA!” Finlo yelled my name, jumping off of his huge beast, “Did you see me, did you see me, what did you think, I was like zshoom and kapow, it was awesome right?”


I couldn't help but laugh, he was always so childish. I had no idea how old he was, but something about the fact that I had seen him with a full beard before made him acting like a little kid funny to me. “Come on Finlo, how do you have so much energy all the time?”


It was a serious question. I was always overworked by force but he overworked himself by choice and still had the energy to act like a kid. He had the normal duties of a guard, typically did all of the maintenance on gear, and worked the fields, and now I was finding out he worked with the animals too.


“How could I not, I find out you're finally ok after a whole week, of course, it's going to make me happy. We were all worried. Without you being around Gaius has been all grumpy. I don't like him when he's like that. Plus no one’s around to help me take his money when we play anymore, it's been 50/50 ever since you left which is crazy right? Of course, we've only had a few rounds played with your father being back, and oh-”


I raised my hand to cut him off. “You said it's been 50/50… Finlo, I'm disappointed.” I shook my head with a smile.


He opened his mouth, but almost like he knew he was going to get carried away again he slowly shut it and just nodded instead.


“Come on, I thought I taught you well enough to not lose to those guys anymore.”


He raised a hand to the back of his head and smiled so wide it made his eyes narrow. “Yeah, but I kinda taught everything you taught me to everyone else so now it's even again. That's why it's so good you’re back. Not that that's the only reason I'm glad you're ok, I was worried about you too. What I'm trying to say is it's really good to see you well.”


He always talked so fast that I was the only one who could follow along with his rambling, but it still took a lot of effort, and I was tired enough as it was. That was probably the only reason he liked me so much though, so I would feel kind of bad if I asked him to slow down. “Sorry I worried you so much, Finlo, you must have been lonely with no one to talk to…”


“It's fine cuz your back now right, you're healthy right, so everything is fine.”


I chuckled. “Yup, that's right, look, all better.” I spun around, partially just because I wanted to show off my new dress. It was the first thing I had worn that I wouldn't call a rag. Even if I wasn't terribly fond of dresses, It still made me feel like a princess in comparison to my only other set of clothes.


I had expected him to be asking me about it, or giving me compliments, or even rambling on about something else entirely, He didn't do any of that though. Instead, he just sat still, silently staring at me.


It began to make me feel uncomfortable, but after a few moments the man I was unfamiliar with stepped into the conversation just before it became unbearable. “Who is she? Should she really be in here, it's dangerous for a kid you know.” The other man had already finished putting the panther back in its stall and walked over to join the conversation.


“Oh, her, no, she's fine, she's only a few years younger than I am and I ride them so it's cool. The animals are super well trained too since I've worked with them for so long.”


‘Maybe that's why they didn't fight after the match ended. Wait though.’ The other man and I both fell silent and stared at him. “Uh… Finlo, how old are you anyway?” I asked


He pointed to himself with his thumb. I'm 15. He smirked, “I'm actually the youngest to ever pass the rider class examination of Skorveyati, one of only three people in the garrison to be legally able to take them into combat without special exception.” He seemed especially proud of that fact, or he was trying to show off. I couldn't tell.


We were both stunned. Although, thinking about it clearly. When his face was shaved he did look kind of young. It was still hard to believe though. “We really are only a few years apart,” I mumbled.


As far as he was concerned, I was only 12. He came to the garrison after I was born, so he was never let in on the secret. Still, though, I knew the truth… He was only a year older than me, maybe less.


Finlo snapped his attention to the other man who was still shocked. and introduced me to him. “My goodness you two haven't met yet, my apologies my lady, I shall introduce you.” He said, turning back towards me.


He wasn't being sarcastic like Jerry and the other guards sometimes were. Every word was genuine, that fact only made me more uncomfortable though. Finlo was the only one who ever actually treated me like a noble lady, even if we were still informal with each other.


“Adventurer Zǐyǎn Zhě, allow me to introduce Princess Siyasavide Aliah Nayanathulu.” He bowed and gestured towards me. The man with the name I wouldn't dare to try and pronounce was frozen still, but before long bowed as well, following Finlo’s example.


I felt his pain, being caught off guard like that. I was in the same boat. Although, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. ‘Should I bow as well? Or, courtesy maybe?’ I had never been taught etiquette. Mara was too busy teaching me how to fight.


Too unsure of myself, I ended up standing still, embarrassed by all of it. ‘Finlo… did you have to go and use my full name, and introduce me as a princess, sure technically it's true since I could claim the throne if I was the strongest, but still…’


I felt my face get hot when they both raised their heads, expecting me to say something.


“I-uhm, oh I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.” After I decided what I would say I managed to get the words out in time, but talking like I was playing around, and serious about it, made me feel even more embarrassed.


“The pleasure is mine, my lady,” he said in response, offering the solute of respect. A closed fist pounded over the heart.


‘You had to go and do that too didn't you…’ I looked down, discouraged. I had done nothing to warrant him doing that. He probably didn't know, but only those who have shown how strong they are deserve to be saluted. If you were weak like me then It was the same as a slap in the face or even a challenge. It didn't bother me that much, I didn’t even fully understand the custom myself, and it was kind of confusing anyway. That's what I told myself at least.


He slowly relaxed his hand, maintaining the position. “This is the custom isn't it? I offer my respect, and then you offer yours in return. That was how Lady Catherine explained it.” He looked over to Finlo to confirm.


“Well…” It was clear Finlo was unsure of how to explain the situation. It was almost sweet. I'm sure he just didn't want to hurt my feelings.


I turned to the adventurer and tried my best to smile. “I will return your solute someday… But… For now, I am unable to.”


His purple eyes burned with determination, and I could feel a sort of intense pressure surrounding him. “I will become stronger, today's defeat will not hold me back, I promise. Thank you for your confidence in my future abilities!” He bowed again before eagerly taking his leave.


As he walked away, for a moment I felt like I could see a dull purple glow surrounding his black hair. It was so apparent that I hesitated in my response. “I think you have the wrong idea!” I yelled, but he had already turned the corner. “And… he's gone… Finally, why do these things always happen when we're together.”

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