Komand’r On Deck

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


I woke up suddenly to an alarm blaring in my ears. My eyes opened to view a metallic ceiling, I was sitting on a comfortable chair, as I looked around me I saw that I was in a sort of… wait is this the set of a movie or something? The blue and white light and silverish surface everywhere took time to adapt to, my eyes seemed strangely sensitive.. 

This looks like the bridge of a spaceship, because various consoles and devices surrounded me. I stood up and then I looked at my hands. Strange, why was my skin orange? My hair was reddish black and from a chromed surface I could see that I looked totally different from my normal self, I was supposed to be of Caribbean African descent, with brown eyes and a curvy body. I used the nearest reflective surface near me that was some kind of tablet and… green eyes looked back at me from the silvery surface. I didn't recognize my face nor my body. Well originally I was still cute and curvy but now… now, I look far more attractive, like blazing hot! What the hell had happened to me?!

Despite that, I found myself sobbing, I bawled my heart out for at least a half hour. It honestly took time for me to refocus on my situation; I felt different, as if my emotions were amplified but somehow I felt detached from my older memories. It was as I wondered what happened that a memory slowly untangled from my mind and then I understood.

I was given another body, because my previous one was dead… Fuck, I was dead. No, it's better to say my world died, there was war, pestilence and famine. World War 3 happened in my lifetime because the Chinese shot their nukes first. The oceans boiled, and nuclear winter was there. My family died little by little and then… and then I woke up in this chair. My eyes fell on the technological chair with a computer combined to it.

A Control chair.

Huh, what? How do I know it’s name? I held onto my head as I started to feel a bit of a headache. Then the floodgates of my memories opened. 

The chair was a form of neural interface for the purpose of activating and directing the critical systems of the spaceship I was in.  The ship’s name was the Hyperdimension. It was my spaceship, I was given it because I had a mission… huh? What mission? Explore and have fun, boldly go where no being has gone before, save people but don't spread myself too thin.

All of a sudden, the image of a woman glowing with light and with wings appeared in my mind. She was radiant and ethereal, she smiled at me and then the scene stopped there. My body moved by itself, I panicked as I felt myself stand up and walk toward the control chair. Sitting myself in the chair, the computer in the armrest activated and my hands started working on the solid holographic keyboard that deployed, multiple holo-screen appeared as I typed what was seemingly the master code of the ship. This code was required to access most of the main systems aboard Hyperdimension like navigation and advanced power management, however, I noticed that I was refused access to all the main guns of the ship, I had basic access to the minor weapons and shield control.

Once I finished, everything around me lit up. Three workstations were located near the front of the room, each delegated to a specific area of the ship's operation. It appeared that the far-left station is used to access navigation. The consoles on the side of the chair itself can take control of most, if not all, of the primary systems.

As I watched everything come alive around me, I felt the entire room raise itself and then I saw window shutters open and I could finally see Earth. I couldn't help but remember a poem and spoke out loud.


Mother of all the high-strung poets and singers departed,

Mother of all the grass that weaves over their graves the glory of the field,

Mother of all the manifold forms of life, deep-bosomed, patient, impassive,

Silent brooder and nurse of lyrical joys and sorrows!


Wait, wait, wait! It wasn't French or English I was speaking! "What is happening?" I said in another language that I didn't have a name for. My voice was silky-smooth, sexy and strong, but still warm.

Then just like before,  another rush of memories floored me. Like a tsunami, some new facets of my mind came online and my humanity withered as new instincts and behavior were now born into me. I am a Tamaranean from the planet Tamaran, I am part of a peaceful race, my society is driven more by emotion than reason and my name is Komand'r, it means Blackfire in my language. My race could absorb and process stellar radiation, which provides us with incredible power, strength and vitality.

A veritable pallet of abilities were available to me, flight, interstellar travel, durability and strength. UV energy manipulation was what attracted me the most, like the starbolt projection or the stellar energy vision. 

I fell asleep when my mind stopped being reworked. In my mind I saw the memories of the alien girl whose body I took. She was a bad girl, but not evil, her bad feelings about her family were born out of jealousy and from a loveless family. The being who gave me Komand'r's body gave me all the abilities that Tamaranean possessed after curing it of its illness.

I wasn't Komand'r, but I was going to be a better person than her, there was no way that I would become as bad. Suddenly I woke up and the world was full of color, smells and other things I couldn't exactly put into words. It must be because I could see more frequencies and wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum than a normal human. My humanity was well and truly gone, I felt giddy at this turn of events. I had lost everything, but now I could gain even more than I had; don't get me wrong, I loved my family, but now they were gone and I felt a bit distanced from their loss right now, as if it was centuries ago. It still hurts a bit, but I could live with it now.

The control chair deactivated at my mental command, I stood and walked to the nearest console and then I spoke again. "Computer, can you tell me on which Earth I am?"

The screen of the communication console lit up and then the ship connected to the nearest satellite and I looked at the result. So far, everything seemed the same. Same countries, same personalities (politicians, movie stars, etc.), same historical events (World War II, 9/11, etc.). However, it also contains new ones, such as countries like Wakanda, and Genosha….

I frowned and downright panicked at the mention of Captain America. I sat at the console and began doing a search manually and five minutes later I found, by hacking the primitive internet, the existence of organizations like the espionage agency, S.H.I.E.L.D. and its enemy, Hydra.

And the most recent news… "I AM IRON MAN."

"By X'Hal, I am in The MCU." I sighed heavily and facepalmed to block my eyes.




May 23rd, 2010
Earth's orbit

I decided that I didn't care for the events of the infinity war, even more so for Iron Man 2, it was such a stupid plot when I watched it with my husband and kids. Though Alex, my son had loved the movie. The entire situation with Ivan Vanko was ridiculous, let's get him to prison forever, hmm maybe I should kill Hammer too? No, I am not a murderer. Where did that thought come from?

Shaking my head, I sat at the piloting station while TALI, the ship's artificial intelligence guided me. She -because it's a she- controls, repairs and regulates the ship through the ships systems, nanobots and dozens of androids which serve both a security and maintenance function. TALI manifests itself as a hologram and an on-screen avatar image when she doesn't want to use her gynoid body that looked like me but with orange hair, she could mimic my power as well, I still didn't know how she worked. TALI was nosey, and used the command module that has been linked directly to my brain via a neural web, to monitor my health. 

I had discovered her by surprise, she was waiting for me outside the bridge of the Hyperdimension, she was a pleasant person to be around. She was my leash and my servant at the same time. The Unlimited one, the angel who saved me, had given her tight orders and the gist of my situation.

"Hey, are we there yet?" I asked TALI.

I didn't expect for space travel to be this... boring. It must be because I had some kind of built in ADHD that made me want to do things instead of sitting here piloting.

TALI's avatar turned to me, she looked mildly annoyed at me. "No, Captain. I am still calibrating the Tempest so we will stay in orbit for another hour."

*Well I asked her the same thing ten times already.*

TALI wore a full body uniform which reminded me of what a Romulan aligned Klingon uniform was like in the MMO I played in my previous life, but hers was purple. I asked myself if the being who sent me to this universe didn't take my memories and likes to design the tech I was using to my liking and what I knew. It would explain why the Hyperdimension looked like the Destiny from Stargate Universe and the Tempest looked like the ship from Mass Effect Andromeda; the technology my ship used was similar to the Asgard and Alteran one if they had a baby.

"Okay, I will use the primitive extranet." I answered her

Primitive because my mind was loaded with technology, methods and science to allow me to use the ship I was the captain of. My memory continued to periodically unlock knowledge for me to take advantage of and it mildly scared me a bit. For example, I now knew everything I needed to know about my current ship.

The Tempest is a scout ship, a small heavily armed and armored ship, it was one hundred meters in length and fifty in width. It was stealthy and fast, capable of both interstellar exploration and subtle infiltration in equal measure. With it's cloaking system, the Tempest can remain hidden from most forms of detection, while its superior speed and maneuverability make it easily able to evade any pursuing vessels should its presence be discovered. The gravitic engine onboard allowed the Tempest to be one of the most maneuverable vessels I'd ever seen, making sharp turns at high speeds and engaging in dogfight-style tactics.

The Hyperdimension couldn't land on the planet so, in it's cavernous docking bay were a series of spacecraft ranging from shuttles to frigates. Some of those were for exploration and science vessels to study planets and spatial anomalies. The Tempest was armed and could serve as an overwatch for the other ships.

The ship’s sensor focused on Monaco for the grand prix de formula 1 events, but it hadn't started yet. I also began to look for ways to make money on this planet. Siphoning off funds from criminal organizations or crooked political figures sounds like it might pay off nicely by depriving them of resources AND funding me. Mining asteroids for rare materials might also be worth checking into.

"Calibration complete, Captain Komand'r." TALI appeared on the holo-screen, interrupting me while I was looking over online shops for clothes.

Smiling, I nodded at the AI's avatar. "Just in time, my prey just climbed into his formula 1 car, how long will it take to enter the atmosphere over Monte Carlo?"

A rare demonstration of emotion on TALI's face appeared as she said smugly, "Seven minutes."

I rose up from my seat at the pilot station and took in the golden interior of the ship; it was more attractive to my eyes and more finely decorated. Even the seats and command chair were heavenly to sit on. 

"Go then, I will be flying the rest of the way." I commanded my assistant.

Turning heels, I walked to the bridge's exit but was intercepted by a worried TALI who used a solid hologram to catch my right arm. "But captain… you haven't taken the time to test your abilities yet."

The fact that I was planning to free fall out of the ship from the upper atmosphere seemed distressing to her. It shouldn't be, I intended to drink in the solar radiation of the main yellow sequence star and do my own testing as I tumbled through the air. "I learn better under pressure, TALI; and remember, I have all the muscle and mental memories of how to use my powers."

For long seconds, the AI looked at me. "A compelling argument, Captain. We will see if it holds water on the field."

I understood that she was humoring me right now, she was without a doubt preparing contingencies in case my sudden decision landed me in hot water. I shrugged and walked to the turbolift that quickly delivered me to deck 2 at the bow of the ship that led to the main airlock. I waited before the airlock interface while the ship trembled a bit as it inserted itself into the atmosphere at quick speed and asked myself if I wasn’t being influenced by the memories of the original owner of this body.

Just like earlier, I was thinking about killing a man in cold blood and now I was confident that I would be okay by jumping out of the airlock without killing myself. But some instinct was telling me that I would be able to do it, and I was willing to listen.

“Prepare for orbital drop, Captain.” 

The Airlock opened with a woosh of air, but I saw that the port was covered by a thin haze that told me that there was a climate shield stopping the oxygen from escaping the ship. Then it was there, I felt the sun’s rays on my skin; I felt as if I was taking an enjoyable and revitalizing bath as my body drank in the sun’s radiation and UV rays. Lilac colored energy covered my skin as I successfully absorbed copious amounts of solar energy.

I began to hover over the gravity plate, then the star in the center of the system hit me and I felt strong, stronger than I could imagine… It was like the biggest rush of my life. It was at this moment that I let go of my old life and embraced what I’ve become. I passed through the port and jumped out of the ship’s airlock screaming in joy. Somehow I felt myself going full speed ahead toward the ground, as if it wasn’t the first time that I had flown, but it was still an exhilarating feeling as I had to just think about a direction and I just moved there.

My gaze narrowed as I quickly located France, the nanites living in my body used my retina to project a HUD interface that helped me find my way to southern France at mach 10, the multiple sonic booms only caught up to me when I was over Monaco and it’s circuit. Floating one hundred meters over the circuit, I looked as the Formula 1 cars raced on the road, to my eyes they didn’t go as fast as I could imagine, I could follow their movements. It seemed my reflexes and mind could keep up and it was nice.

I stayed aloft waiting a good ten minutes before the action finally started and someone was on the race track starting to cut and dice the Formula 1 cars and creating a pile up. An impressive series of collisions happened, slowly I floated down, until I placed myself between Tony Stark and Whiplash. The man was wearing a harness with electric whips just like in the movies I had watched. Just like the people in the bleachers bordering the race track, Vanko stared at me, I felt his gaze upon me, from my empathic abilities I could feel that he was all anger and hate for the man that I was protecting behind me.

The man spoke to me, but I couldn’t understand him, my brain was still set on the Tamaranean language. I saw a bit of frustration on the man’s face then he suddenly began to electrify his whips and he lashed out with one of them. I caught it in my hand and I felt myself tingling from the high voltage passing through the whip.

I giggled. “Yes please, it feels so good.”

The man raised an eyebrow and used the second whip that I didn’t care about and I simply stared hard at it, and from my eyes, twin beams of destruction shot out, and then the whip exploded. It was gone. Vanko let it go with a horrified expression on his face. I raised a hand and projected a focused solar energy blast targeting Vanko who evaded it by backpedalling away from me. He tripped over a piece of car that he had previously cut in two.

Skipping toward the man I loomed over him and at super-speed took out the crude and primitive energy source at the center of his harness and crushed it in my hand. It created a mini explosion that I contained in a bubble of lilac colored energy. I did all this while looking into the man’s eyes. From my utility belt I took some simple flex manacles to restrain him, I hummed a song at the same time.

"Here, now you won't do anything bad again." I said as I made Vanko float with an energy construct and pulled him toward Tony Stark.

People cheered at me when I took the villain down, it was a weird feeling of being filled with all their emotions and a lot of people started taking pictures of me with their personal portable devices, I didn't care that they admired me.

Tony was still wearing his racing pilot jumper and looked in panic as I floated toward him. He was saying something to me as I put down Vanko at his feet, not understanding Tony was becoming a bother so I did what my instinct told me to. I caught him with my hands and as he struggled to get out of my grip I kissed him deeply, while this was happening I felt myself assimilating his language. When it was done, I let go of Tony who looked at me absently.

I giggled as I said, "Now I can understand you."

The man finally looked up at me and not at my chest on display with my skintight armored white and purple leotard. I giggled at him as he asked, "Who are you?"

Tony blushed as I patted his head and said, "I am Princess Komand'r of the planet Tamaran."

"Wow, no wonder you look out of this world, Commander? Is this how you pronounce it?" Tony quipped, giving me a lame pickup line.

Tilting my head I asked, "Is this what you humans call the flattering? We have similar concepts at home. But no, you are pronouncing it badly, Komand'r means Blackfire in your language. You can just call me that."

Even though Tony was smiling, I could feel how utterly lost he was. I took my scanner from my utility belt and pointed it at him. The device was like a tricorder from Star Trek, it was loaded with sensors and analysis software tailored for medical diagnostic purposes.

"By Glorthrog the All-Seeing*, you are dying. You got some poisoning of the blood, how are you still alive?" I looked in concern at the black haired man who looked resigned at my announcement. 

Tony looked at the sky and spoke out loud. "God help me, why did it have to be me to make first contact with the hot space princess? And now she pries open my secret, just like that." He snapped his fingers together. 

"Hmm?" I tilted my head cutely as Tony looked at me with frustration. I was about to tell him to not worry and that I had something that might save him when we were interrupted.

"Tony!!" A shrill cry was emitted from a woman exiting a black expensive looking car and she ran toward Tony at full speed.

It was Pepper Potts, damn she was attractive in a lush way, she had a good pair of lungs and could speak rather loudly. It hurt my ears a bit. But I didn't take umbrage at it as I looked at the two of them fussing over each other. "Aah love, it is so nice to see."

"I am doing good Pepper, look I am alive." Tony spread his arms grandly but winced and let them fall.

Pepper shook her head. "Not for long Tony, you are grounded! What did you think you were doing driving a formula 1 car?! You could have died!"

Tony looked like a kid who was caught with a hand in the cookie jar. He raised a finger and said, "No! You can't! You are my girlfriend, not my mother! And… and I wanted to…"

Well okay this is giving me diabetes, time to put a stop to this. I put myself between them and looked at Pepper and said, "Oh, are you his Knorfka*?"

She wore a pretty yet conservative blue dress and her hair reminded me of my sister Koriand'r. Pepper looked up and down at me and then looked at Tony. "Tony what the hell? Who is she? She doesn't look human."

Was it jealousy that I felt when she looked at me? I must be imagining it. A second man appeared, he was more rotund than Tony, he huffed and puffed as if trying to get back his breath. When our eyes crossed he stood straight and tall, he even tucked in his belly. I smiled at him and felt how attracted he was to me. I waved at him and he waved back. 

Tony chuckled nervously at the scene and coughed then began to speak. "Cough. Um, Pepper, this is Princess Blackfire. Princess, this is Pepper."

I floated toward her, took her hand, pulled her to me and kissed her cheek. "I am full of wonder at the meeting of you."

Tony smiled. "As you can see she has speech impediment."

I let go of Pepper who looked shell-shocked by my forwardness. I was about to say something when the avatar of TALI appeared in my field of vision and mimed that it was time by showing me her gauntlet with the time. Oh, SHIELD is already there, I didn't want to deal with them so… "Oh, it's time already? I am sorry friends, but I must take my leave, right now. Oh, and friend Tony, I will look for how to save your life, my healers might come up with something. Farewell."

I waved at them and floated up and as I ascended I heard pepper shout loudly and in panic, "Tony? What is she talking about?"

The Tempest appeared in the sky, decloaking and I gained speed to enter via the open cargo hold. When I landed on the ramp I looked as people in black riot gear swarmed my new friends and secured the prisoner. The ramp closed and then I felt the ship leave. 

"It was an awesome introduction."



(Nick Fury)


Super secret location
May 31st, 2010


It was happening again. 

After twenty years, aliens were invading their planet without even announcing themselves! First in Monaco in full view of thousands of people  and second at Puente Antiguo in New Mexico. They couldn't contain the information, already on YouTube and Facebook videos and pictures of the female alien, were circulating.

I put my foot on my desk and crossed my arms while looking at a photo of me and a certain super powered blonde. This has become a cluster fuck of epic proportions, now everyone knew that we were not alone and that we were outgunned. I watched the mashed up videos of the fight with this new bad guy called Whiplash and that female alien who simply outclassed him. 

The man had a technology similar to Stark and he was simply toyed with by his superior opponent. Already, SHIELD was combing the site to see if any alien DNA could be harvested. The WSC was already smelling blood and after him to get into contact with the female alien and found her ship. A ship that could cloak and evade all of their detection methods.

My smartphone rang, so I adjusted my posture and took it in my hand, the caller was Phil Coulson. "What is it?"

"Sir, we have a problem." The cultured voice of the agent answered.

For sparse seconds, I closed my eyes and with fake calm in my voice I asked. "Do you need reinforcement?"

"Not yet, but some strange looking person has entered the town." Then Phil proceeded to tell me what has been happening, how their camp has been infiltrated by a man with a fake identity and how he has tried to take the artifact. Then the next day three more people in weird reenactment armor appeared in the sleepy little town of Puente Antiguo.

"Deal with it at your own discretion, Coulson, keep an eye on them and call me if something goes wrong." I finally said.

"Understood." Coulson hung up.

"Alien… I hate aliens." I said as I replayed the video of the fight.

His phone rang again one minute later. "Motherfucker, this is one of those days, huh?"




A/N: This story is a xover fanfic that starts in a mix of Marvel/Cartoon/MCU/ And some DC Elements. The SI wake up in Komand'r's body (Starfire's sister) after dying from the nuclear winter after World War 3 on a different earth. She's given a second chance at life to fix wrongs and have fun while she's at it.

Let me give you some lexicon for context from the Tamaranean dictionary lol.

Glorthrog the All-Seeing: Tamaranean deity.

Knorfka: A caretaker, a guardian.

X'Hal: The first God empress of Okaara, the first homeworld of the Tamaranean

If you want to speak with me or some of the other patron you can join us here:




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