Komand’r On Deck

Chapter 15.1


Chapter 15 part 1



May 14th, 2010
Captain’s Quarters

The situation settled nicely and I wanted to relax for my remaining days on earth. We took care of most of the bad things that would have stopped progress on the planet and unearthed plots and secret cabals; though I couldn’t find the purple man yet as he was somehow hidden or just afraid of showing himself. TALI was still looking for him through the drone network, like in the show or comics he must be bunking with other people and torturing them for fun to satiate his psychopathic tendencies.

I closed my eyes and ignored all the prompts of my command module and enjoyed my own slice of heaven. I was laying on my bed with Amora on my right side and cuddling with me while Darcy was sleeping on my left. We just had a team building experience to see if I could have the two in bed with me without them fighting.

“What is left to do beyond this?” Amora asked me as she played with my hair. 

Not answering yet, I turned my face toward her and saw how happy she was at this moment; Amora smooched me and put her head under the crook of my neck.

While in that comfortable position, I found myself saying, “We’ve already captured all the Widow agents around the world for deprogramming. The mission is complete now.”

Amora sighed, it must be because I’ve been unavailable for a while since coming back to Earth. “Can we rest now?”

I chuckled and grabbed one of her breasts. “Yes I can relax, but you? I still don’t know how you can stay cloistered so much in the Librarium.”

Moaning, Amora glued herself to me. “Y-you have no idea of how… important your library is… and reading books is relaxing to me!” She exclaimed at the end, squirming a bit.

Looking deep into her eyes, I pinched one of her beautiful pink nipples. “Explain it to me then, Amora-mate.”

Another moan, she was almost there… but my alien goddess slapped my hand from her breast and glared at me. “Don’t you dare start anything you won’t finish!”

Tssk, I wanted to see her cum face… “Hmm, fine… let’s get out of bed.”

Floating up away from the bed completely naked, I landed at super speed on the floor and stretched. The knot in my back and my bones made some painful cracking noises. Putting my right hand before me, I made a fist and my star bolt aura manifested with purple light. Evaluating the fluctuation in my power, I decided to go for another twelve hour sundip session.

“But before that! Breakfast!” I declared out loud.

A familiar voice rang out behind me. “Yes! Hashbrowns and bacon!”

Smiling, I turned to see Darcy rub her eyes and yawn. “Oh Darcy, you woke up!”

Sleepily she said while opening her arms, “Morning hug.”

“Here!” I floated toward her and was engulfed into her embrace.

She smelled of lilac and sex. Poor Darcy doesn't have the same stamina as I and Amora. A situation I planned to change by giving Darcy similar upgrades to Natalia. My favorite human deserved it, she has been good and patient, in fact let's do this today.



(Nick Fury)


In all his career, Nick would think that hearing that there is a low key operation to get rid of those who are slowing down Earth’s unification projects would have made him think he landed in a sci-fi movie. The fact that the plan for a Union with a different economic model came from the alien Princess and her people was disturbing. But, it also happened to be a damn smart one.

The president and America’s allied countries were all lapping up at that Unified Earth Government plan of theirs; that other extrasolar governments were going to be more susceptible to dealing with them if they all gathered together. And what’s more? The carrot was that Princess Komand’r would be able to share common technology to slowly shift Earth from its destructive path, though Fury knew that Tony Stark was already working on that. 

The man seemed to have received knowledge from Princess Komand’r; this clear show of nepotism was just another red flag to Fury. They were being tested, it was obvious; will they succumb to greed and let the few dictate what everyone should do, or will the people of Earth rise to the challenge and become better? Nick didn’t believe that getting to galactic standard would be easy, unless those damn politicians and rich muckety-mucks were all being put down by the dozen.

Roxxon Energy was already making moves to appropriate the technology and scientific knowledge that Stark had in his possession. They will be sorely disappointed when the hammer of the government makes them back off. Nick was already compiling an Arrest Warrant to convict the board of directors of Roxxon for instigating the murder of Howard Anthonia Stark by hiring the Winter Soldier to kill him. This should destroy them as it gives Tony Stark a target for his ire and a way to dismantle and absorb Roxxon’s resources and workforce.

On another front, Agent Romanoff was now an Ambassador (and spy) for Earth as she successfully infiltrated the Princess’ retinue. Nick needed to give her an aide and he knew exactly who to send, another attractive young woman; he looked at the folder before him and opened it. 

Agent: Barbara Gordon
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 126 lbs (57 kg)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Clearance: Level 3
Ser. No. B 09151546

Originally she was slated to become a data analyst due to her skill, but she was revealed to be an expert hacker and computer operator with a genius intellect and an eidetic memory. Her martial arts level was below Romanov, but she was decent. She was wasting her time as a low level agent and she wanted to do good.

He forwarded the file to Agent Romanov’s account and… *What is that?*

Nick opened the email and saw a big picture of Komand’r dancing on a striper pole and winking at him. The information displayed gave a date and place with instructions to come early. “What is this? An invitation to a party?”





(Thor Odinson)


Smith Motors
11:21 AM


He felt at peace. Jane was in his arms and under their bedsheets, they were about to wake up and about to break fast; his mood shifted when he received a notification from the PADD his friend Komand’r had given him. Thor didn’t want to move, so Jane opened her eyes and took the PADD and slapped it on his chest. She was irritable in the morning, Thor found this side of her adorable.

Thor consulted the PADD and selected the mail box to see an invitation addressed to Jane, him and Selvig. With a frown, the prince clicked on the electronic mail and began to read its contents. With sparkles, the letter unfolded and the PADD projected a hologram of Komand’r dancing around a metal pole and doing some, if he were being honest, rather erotic poses. Thor looked transfixed as he tracked the sensuous movements of his friend Komand’r on the pole, until she exploded into stars and the text on the message revealed itself. 




You’re invited to Celebrate our leaving Earth 

Friday, 15th may

Cliffside Dr & Birdview Ave, Malibu, CA 90265 

Please bring:  Your own swimsuit 

RSVP TO: (TALI xxx-xxx-xxx)


Another reminder that his days were numbered on this planet; Thor wanted to bring Jane with him and never let go. Fortunately, he will be able to come back to Midgard when he wants when the Bifrost is rebuilt; it should take another six months…

Thor was only here on Midgard because Komand’r had helped transport the troops to Vanaheim and Nidavellir and that they had enough free time in between. He needed to talk it out with Jane…

He kissed his woman's brow and said gently, “Jane, wake up.”

The woman glued herself more to Thor, her head sticking to his chest as she comfortably continued to hug him.“Five more minutes.”

Thor chuckled and his deep voice rumbled as he said, “Tis’ almost midday, please, we need to talk.”

The brunette abruptly opened her eyes and her gaze fixed on Thor. “I don’t like those words.”

Thor wasn’t laughing, or chuckling as usual; he wanted for this relationship to work, he had to be better than he has been. His strings of failed relationships and advice from his mother showed him what not to do. Communication was key, so he would tell Jane what was going to happen and offer her solutions to their problems.

“They are unpleasant to me as well my dear.” Thor caressed Jane’s cheek.

The Asgardian then began to explain that he will have to leave soon, due to the instability of his father’s kingdom and that he had a duty to help their people resist the rebels and seditious elements in the realms under Asgard’s rule. The Bifrost, the Einstein-Rosen bridge type device of his people that linked all the realms together was destroyed in his fight with Loki when he tried to weaponize it. It took Komand’r and him to stop the destruction of Jotunheim.

He especially made it clear that if Komand’r hadn’t come with him, that Thor would be stuck on Asgard for years while she waited for him; it was also thanks to Komand’r warning them that Asgard could protect the Dwarves of Nidavellir. Having the dwarves' grace had considerably sped up the rebuilding of the Bifrost.

As expected, Jane was beyond sad, so sad that her emotions turned into anger. “So, just like that; you’re leaving?”

“Not until tomorrow.” Thor felt like he was betraying Jane somehow. 

The Prince came to her home, ate her food and they got to know each other intimately… The astrophysicist clearly wanted a relationship with him and he was scared of not being able to provide. If he couldn’t make a woman he was interested in happy, what did it matter that he was Prince? Being a Prince so far had been nothing but a liability Thor discovered…

He had no freedom, Thor realized; this was at this point that he became somehow jealous of Komand’r who was afforded a modicum of freedom for her mission of saving the known universe. He and a lot of Asgardians had already pledged themselves to her cause, but when will they be called to fight? The wait was too much, but Thor believed that his sort of adopted sister would deliver.

“That is… I want to stay with you Jane. But my people's only means of fast travel is damaged …” Thor reiterated while looking into her eyes once again to show honesty.

Jane could feel his genuine feelings and her anger turned into displeasure, then into guilt as the man of her dreams wanted this to work more than her apparently. “What are we going to do?”

Thor has been waiting for this exact question and leads with, “Do you want to come with me?” He asked with a serious tone.

Jane’s body went rigid; diverse emotions appeared on her face, such as love, lust, happiness and sadness. “Thor, I have a life here… can’t you stay?”

Thor sighed, he had dreaded that answer; it’s been just one week that they’d known each other and his Jane couldn’t let go of everything. She had a career and research to do, but this gave Thor an idea, a way for them to be together and it all depended on Komand’r…

“Oh I wish to, believe me, I really want to.” Thor replied, not letting a hint of what he had planned show on his face.

Jane sat up on the bed, Thor mimicking her. She didn’t look at the prince as she said out loud, “So I either come with you or I wait for you for six months?”

Thor showed Jane the PADD, the gray colored handheld computer interface’s screen lit up and showed the message of invitation; fortunately, there was no Komand’r dancing on a pole this time. “And we have the PADD to communicate, Commander linked Asgard to Midgard with her subspace quantum uplink satellites.”

Jane’s head whipped toward Thor and snatched the handheld computer from him. “Wait, she has FTL communication?! That’s the first I’ve heard about this!”

Thor harrumphed, a bit miffed that his almost adoptive sister was keeping secrets from him. Not just this technology. “There’s a lot of things Komand’r has neglected to tell us.”

Jane cocked her head adorably. “Is that a complaint I hear?”

There were many areas of the Hyperdimension under lock and key that TALI had forbidden Thor, Sif and the Warrior Three to try to access; dangerous areas she had revealed. “The Hyperdimension, her ship, it’s bigger on the inside… it’s the size of your Manhattan.”

Jane got out of bed and went to snatch her journal from the desk nearby; the brunette took a pen and started to write in it and mumbled things such as ‘Spatial Compression’ and ‘higher dimensional space’ and scratched some mathematics formulas on paper. Thor hadn’t seen Jane be that excited since she had seen the Bifrost in action.

With a cunning smile, Thor rose from the bed and came behind Jane, kissing her brow while saying, "I could ask Komand’r to bring you on the Hyperdimension, to travel with her; Komand’r will often dock in Asgard…"

Jane froze on the spot and closed her eyes, Thor’s big hand landed delicately onto her shoulders and he began massaging her. "This is… han… tempting! R-really… tempting! We-we… Yes right there… could ask Selvig… to co-me as well!"

One of Thor’s hands slid from Jane’s shoulder to one of her breasts; he slightly pinched her right nipple, eliciting a moan from the Midgardian scientist.

"Darcy is already going." Thor whispered into Jane’s ear. 

The woman was like putty in his hands; while she was being pleasured Jane thought that going to space might not be such a bad idea. "Can… can you imagine? If I go with Blackfire, I could discover so many things…"

Thor lifted his woman’s head and kissed her briefly, giving her some tongue in a passionate exchange that almost burned them both. Opening her eyes, Jane stared into the storm blue eyes of her paramour, who made a big dopey grin that made her fall for him each time. "This is the best outcome for us too, you could easily do your research in space and I get to see you more often!"

The prince omitted mentioning the enhancement package that Jane would receive that will without a doubt elongate her lifespan for centuries to come; no one could prove that it was his goal all along. After spending so much time with Loki, Thor had to pick up some things from him.

Jane’s desk chair swiveled and she hugged Thor. "I will do it, fortunately, I can work and transfer my research to the university through Mister Stark, he has the same PADD for communication as you right?"

"The last time I saw him, yes he did." Thor took his woman into his arms and they spent the next ten minutes making out like teenagers.

It was a moment later that Jane consulted the Handheld computer and read the mail on screen. "Huh, there's a party?"

Thor asked as he sat on the bed. "Do you want to go? This is organized by Komand’r, and a lot of people are guaranteed to be here."

"Yeah, yeah why not?" Jane looked into her wardrobe, walked to it and looked for a dress. 







She had bought the land and filed the paperwork for the creation of Ambassadorial space that had swiftly been accepted by the authorities of this continent; it was time to build the Hall of Festivities. It was simple to hack the governmental computer to get what TALI wanted, now she had obtained enough land to create an arcology, with enough vertical space, she could stuff half of Los Angeles inside; and more into the underground.

The Intelligence went to work as she directed her construction drones to Cliffside Dr & Birdview Ave, Malibu. The drones were tripod-like structures mounted with energy drills and teleportation beams to shift material away. TALI intended to install a foundation that would support the arcology she planned to build, and reinforce the cliff with enough support that it could survive the continental shelf being destroyed so that the area could become its own island if necessary.

TALI sent a message to Stark’s PADD and told him to not get alarmed, that they were building a simple structure for their embassy on Earth. It wasn’t a lie, normally, she would have gone for a flying structure powered by a zero point energy reactor, but it would be too much of a temptation for the locals to attack and steal from it. TALI evicted everyone from the land, compensated them with some millions of dollars that she stole from criminal enterprises around the planet after laundering the money and teleported everyone to a stadium in Los Angeles after telling them what was going on. 

This all took thirty seconds, while it took significantly more for the foundation and the crater to be created, the shifting earth was used to form walls around the crater. TALI was intent on placing a shield projector to defend the structure from any vigorous assault. A device infinitely more advanced than the shield used to protect Puente Antiguo; based on the shield hardening technology on-board her ship body, allowing the shield to absorb cataclysmic amounts of weapon fire or environmental damage.

Overseeing the construction, TALI diverted the flights coming from the nearby cities and neighborhood as she teleported materials and more drone swarms to quickly finish the structure. After finishing the foundation and reinforcing the cliff, she started to build the underground level where the self contained energy system needed to be to feed into the city.

Slowly, but surely, the ambassadorial city was coming together.



(People in Los Angeles)


The city of Los Angeles, a sprawling Southern California city and the center of the nation’s film and television industry. The city is internationally known for being the home of the rich and famous, Hollywood, the main home of major entertainment companies, bad traffic, ethnically diverse, and the second-largest city in America.

They were similar to New York in the fact that nothing fazed them much, it must be because of all the vegetarian food and the lack of meat.

But seeing a gigantic tripod-like metallic robot land far away from the city and be surrounded by swarms of other spider-like drones truly surprised the population. The city panicked and some loons announced the end of the world or an alien invasion was happening. But when the POTUS made an announcement on all TV channels, Radio and internet streaming, everyone listened; those were not invaders but Princess Komand’r building an Embassy on American soil and the structure and drones floating around were here for construction purposes. She even filed all the appropriate paperwork.

As the day went on, the rapid construction of the Ambassadorial city was followed by the entire nation. When the gigantic structure passed the one kilometer mark, everyone became worried. But experts in architecture became really excited as they recognized that what was being built was something that was only theorized and present in science fiction: an arcology.  

Imagine a skyscraper. Every five or so floors, there is an entire floor dedicated to the inner workings of the floors above it. This is called a deck. The deck level houses all power lines, plumbing mains and anything else that needs to work properly for life to be livable with all the modern conveniences. Now make the skyscraper cover the ground area of a small city or a large town and realize that the decks number in the triple digits. There's the ideal description in a nutshell. 

The military watched the construction like a hawk, recording the matter transportation and blatant Spatial manipulation technology used in building the mega structure. They revised the threat rating attributed to Princess Komand’r, obviously this was kept hush hush.

Meanwhile, Komand'r was down on Earth with Darcy and Amora looking at the construction of her embassy while having pastries and coffee in a local Cafe with a panoramic view. 




Paradise Cove Beach Cafe
12:05 PM

The sky was blue and I felt the winds coming from the coast. The average daily high temperature hovers around 70°F and up. California had a Mediterranean-like climate that made it easy for me and TALI to choose to put down roots on Earth and build the Tamaranean embassy there. But what I witnessed was done with the subtlety of a battlecarrier orbiting a core planet.

I… did expect a commotion when TALI made her move, but this took the cake. Too many so-called experts were saying that what was happening was impossible, that such a structure was breaking the laws of physics; but what did primitive humanoids still poisoning their planet and using nuclear fission know of physics? They barely scratched the surface of what’s possible, despite being shown how insignificant they were, humans clung to that sense of superiority they developed after becoming the dominant species on their planet.

Though I can't lie about the fact that Earth’s cuisine is leagues better than the Tamaranean one. My species hunted or foraged for what we ate, at least the nobles did while the commoners and military were fed cloned meat and farm products produced from the arcologies distributed throughout Tamaran. 

The Palace where my previous self lived was such a self-contained city, but on a larger scale. It’s worth mentioning that the royal palace was what’s called an arcoplex, it was a mega city made of specialized arcologies that were linked to each other to form a unified ecosystem; residential, commercial, or industrial arcologies were linked together so that the residents didn’t have to leave, well yes they could leave but they were assigned citizenship in those special areas. The mayor didn’t like it when people attempted to leave for other megacities.

I was lucky to have my own estate in a mountain overlooking the palace to have my own peace; try to imagine living in a city where almost everyone hates you for existing… fun times.

Suddenly I was craving some Tamaranean dishes, a type of sandwich made of flat breads with delicious eggs from a pink lizard only found in my mountain retreat. My stomach roared like a pack of starving Myondorff and everyone in the Cafe looked at me with surprise or humor. Damn humans, still I chuckled at my own weakness at controlling my body; some old Tamaranean could easily sustain themselves by basking in the sun like I was doing right now. Amora and Darcy were sitting under the large parasol shielding our table, unlike me.

Darcy put a well manicured hand on mine; I looked into her eyes and saw the earnest gaze she gave me.  “Fire, it’s okay they have food here.” 

We were sitting at a table under a parasol, wearing Earth-like clothes, Darcy had on a black frilly top, dark blue jeans (with pockets) and sandals. Amora had gone for a sexy green top showing a deep cleavage with her golden amulet between her breasts, a short black skirt and gold low heeled sandals that went well with her gold belt. I went with the usual purple silver leotard, tight jeans and battle boots; TALI recently gave me a new version of my morphing unit that created vambraces with focusers for my Starbolt energy. I looked briefly at the watch-like device at my arm, it was absorbing sun radiation to power itself, just like me. 

We had the attention of everyone around us, but humans were like sheep, their feelings and emotions so easy to understand… The only one I cared about was at my table. I smiled back at her, completely ignoring the other people around us. Amora chuckled at us and asked a really pertinent question. “But do they have enough in quantity for her?” Amora added. “Our Lady is Tamaranean, she eats as much as a full grown Asgardian warrior.”

We could still use magic to duplicate the food, this was one of Frigga’s early lessons; Amora was surely able to do the same, so I didn’t count it as a problem. I looked at the chips and quesadillas on the table with the fruit juice we had ordered; it was barely enough to wet my appetite. Did humans really eat so little food? The more time passed, the more I forgot what it's like to have been part of the species. I was changing, subtly enough that I didn’t notice it; I wasn’t scared to lose myself, but I want to keep the memories of who I was before.

While I was musing over my humanity being slowly ground into nothingness, a blonde and blue eyed man with a hair net, the white and blue uniform of the cafe covered by a green apron approached them. He oozed nervousness emotionally but didn’t show it outside. With a fake smile he asked, “Are you satisfied with the food, Ladies?”

We turned to him, Amora looked at him with superior disdain, she did this to everyone who wasn’t me or Darcy; I just smiled at him. Darcy was the one who spoke to him. “Yeah, the guacamole chips are to die for!”

“We wish to order lunch.” I said to the waiter.

The man looked at me and took a pen and a notepad from the front pocket of his apron. “Right away, ma’am. What will it be?”

“Lemme choose.” Darcy said as she looked at me.

She was worried that I might ask for strange orders or to mix some ingredients… I did that only one time at the dinner in Puente Antiguo! My taste buds have changed, experimentation was needed! Still, some things were sacred, pineapple didn’t belong on pizza.

Darcy had an intense expression of concentration on her face as she held onto the menu. She knew that Amora and I were big meat Eaters, and ignored the vegetarian dishes like the plague. The brunette put the menu on the table and looked up at the waiter. “We will take two cheeseburgers in paradise, three BBQ onion burgers and one paradise patty melt.”

The waiter looked at us, I sensed that he didn't believe that we could eat that much. He put on a professional smile and asked, “Will you have any drinks?”

Darcy looked at the time on her special wristwatch and chose something on the menu. “One orange juice screwdriver for me… and um, what’s the strongest drink you have here, these two metabolize alcohol like Russians.”

The man raised an eyebrow as he looked at the classy and beautiful Amora and the athletic me. “Really? They don’t look like it… the strongest drinks we have in this establishment are Vodka, Whiskey and some Caribbean Rum but we prefer to use them in cocktails.”

"Then what do you recommend, Mister?" Darcy inquired.

The waiter seemed more at ease with speaking with Darcy, I was sometimes jealous of how easily she formed social connections, it reminded me of Koriand'r and the ease with which she navigated the court. I took a chip that I dipped into a bowl full of guacamole sauce and ate it.

The blonde waiter said, “I recommend the Malibu Starburst and a Perfect day for those two strong looking ladies.”

Amora mimicked me and took more chips while Darcy smiled and was being social. “Thanks, we will take them.”

While we waited for the food to be ready, Amora held her hand out and a heavy bound book manifested. It was a copy from one of the magic books that Queen Frigga had handed me for my magical education. Amora took advantage of the fact that she was my wife to gain power through my library. I wanted to see her fight one day, I know that she could use a sword and was a potent magic user, but she focused on curse and magic manipulation completely different from the sorcerers on Earth. I knew that we used the ambient magical energy provided by Eternity and shaped said energy with our will to form spells; but I wished to know more about it.

Amora had a lot of talent with magic, despite being strong enough to rival Frigga or Sif physically, she preferred intellectual pursuits. I didn't care that Amora showed off the illusion spell that she was testing on the table, she had created mini animals looking strangely like bunnies but had a horn on their heads.

She wasn't that good at illusion yet, as my right hand passed through her constructs; high level illusions manipulated the senses of the observer. 

"This is harder than I thought." Said Amora. 

Loki was a master at illusion magic, I could only guess that he was using illusion thanks to how they interacted with light at a passive glance. That's the problem when using them on someone with super senses. I looked around me as people started recording Amora doing tricks with her magic on their phone. I joined her by making some rainbows with my own light magic, I was still a debutant compared to Amora.

My Asgardian wife looked smugly at me as she was my superior in this discipline; I rolled my eyes at her and she continued to practice until the food finally arrived. Darcy put the PADD she had been reading  back in her handbag and sat straight into her seat. The same waiter from earlier came back with a platter loaded with food while one of his colleagues had a tray with their drinks in her hand.

“Here’s your order, Ladies.” The waiter put the platter at the center of the table, and I was suddenly in burger heaven.

The waitress placed the tray with the alcoholic beverages near Darcy who immediately took her screwdriver orange juice and sipped a bit of it. “Hmm, not bad.”

I took one of the Onion burgers and bit into it. It was delicious… “Finally, now I understand why this place calls itself  Paradise.”

The waiting staff at our side stood straighter when I praised their establishment, and the man who served us chose that time to make idle conversation, or was it information gathering? The waiter asked, “So I see that you’re the alien Princess that has made a splash on the planet for the last two weeks… may I ask why you’re in L.A?”

Amora bit into her own burger and I saw her own eyes sparkle at the taste of the beef and grilled onion flavor. But it was the sauce that made everything good as well as it had soaked into the meat. I made a sign for the waiter to… wait, and drank the Perfect day cocktail that was all sort of fruity and sugary. Then I turned my head to the man and said, “We’re looking at the constructing of my new house while doing the relaxing.”

I didn’t need to justify my presence here, but I didn’t want to appear less social and be rude while I was with Darcy. Amora wouldn’t care, she thinks this planet is beneath her and would have preferred to laze in the Librarium of my ship.

“I… see, you’re using the Cafe as a good vantage point.” The man realized as he looked at the horizon and at the budding arcology being built.

It was already one of the tallest buildings in the US at five kilometers high; the structure was barely half done and TALI was building the defensive installation at the moment. Some other countries have tried to infiltrate the place already but all of their devices were found and destroyed, their agents were also discovered and handed over to SHIELD. I expect the building to be complete by tonight.

I nodded at him. “And I did the smelling of the food here, instead of just doing the roaming endlessly we came to eat. Everything tastes delicious.”

We’re definitely going to scan the menu from this cafe for the food replicator; it’s going to make traveling to Asgard tolerable; the realm was beautiful and fantastical, but the food left a lot to be desired.  Maybe I should introduce recent Midgardian Cuisine as a result of our visit to Earth. The All-Father might like some new varieties in his food, he really liked his boar cutlets last time I checked.

The waiter nodded and with a proud grin explained, “We’re using fresh fruits and ingredients for our dishes, no pesticide… we take real care of our clientele.”

Ah so they didn’t use supermarket products and cooked with fresh ingredients from scratch; if they were this conscientious, this establishment might be a good addition to the Embassy. “I might recommend a branch of this Cafe to be opened in the Embassy.”

The man opened his eyes wide, then raised his left arm and pointed his hand to the arcology. “You mean, like… there.”

“Yes.” Then I took another bite of my burger.

The blue haired woman at the waiter’s side wearing a similar uniform spoke with an enthusiastic tone. “It would be good for the Cafe brand, I guess. Though you’d have to discuss it with the owner.”

Darcy watched me eat and decided to take control of the conversation. “We might do that later peeps, let Fire eat!”

I loved that woman, she totally got how I thought; it was one of the reasons I won’t ever let her go. I still don’t know why Thor focused on Jane that much when there’s a perfectly awesome, sexy and cute Darcy shining with personality at her side. His loss, my gain. My resolve to ask her about getting enhanced solidified even more, I couldn’t just force it on her; Darcy needed to see the upside of getting stronger, faster, smarter and healthier by herself.

Darcy took a french fry from the burger platter, chewed on it and looked at the blonde waiter. “When the owner is available, we will speak to him or her, I guess.”

*Did Darcy-Love turn into a secretary?* I asked myself, she was taking on more administrative tasks lately.

Amora and I slowly started to eat more, ignoring as more and more people filed into the cafe until the waiters had to make people leave. Celebrity had its downside, I just wanted to eat in peace with my women… I sighed when I saw the camera crew park before the Cafe, I knew that we had to leave but the food was too good to spoil it. Before I could ask TALI, in a shower of blue light, the intelligence of the ship teleported two of my royal guards before the entrance of the cafe.

I continued to eat, not caring at all about the media and their bullshit, it was all fake news anyway.




Los Angeles
LAX International Airport
03:55 PM

Zeb was happy to finally touch down. He relaxed the tie of his business suit as the Californian heat was already getting to him, he preferred the humid continental climate of New York. If it wasn’t for the prize he had come to claim, he wouldn’t have bothered with coming here. He walked out of the LAXit area east of terminal 1, pulling his suitcase with him. There was a swarm of yellow vehicles waiting in queue; Zeb raised a hand and called on a taxi and one suddenly stopped before him with screeching tires.

A black man was at the wheel and unlocked the boot, where Zeb placed his suitcase. He had packed enough for a week; he intended to be at his best when the time to introduce himself to his new pawn would come. He climbed inside the taxi and put on his seatbelt.

“Welcome to Los Angeles, sir. Where are you going?” The young driver said in a cultured voice.

With an amiable tone, Zeb answered. “I have a reservation for the Venice V Hotel.”

The handsome black youth smiled at the strange purple skinned man. “I’ll take you right there, sir.” 

The driver lit on the counter and drove away from the terminal, they quickly ended up on Lincoln Boulevard. Zeb looked at his smartphone and watched the youtube video related to the structure being built, he needed more information on it. He asked his driver, “Are you aware of the structure that is being built in Malibu?”

The man looked into the mirror, looking at the purple skinned man. “The so-called arcology? Yes, it’s been the talk of the day.”

Zeb inquired while watching the video of the drones building some kind of arch and pillars. “How far is it from completion do you think?”

The man shrugged while avoiding a black van. “Well, sir, they went past the four mile height, this is now the tallest structure on the planet. But my money is that they will stop tonight and start working on the garden or something, did you see how much earth they dug? This shouldn’t be possible.”

“Our visitor from space seems to enjoy showing us that they don’t care about our preconceptions. Or physics, for that matter.” Zeb commented with a smile.

“No, sir, they don’t.” The driver said with his eyes on the road.


A notification made itself known and Zeb touched the screen where it had appeared. It was another video of his target, the princess was eating there with two others in a cafe at Malibu. Zeb played the video and looked at the alien woman eating her food with great satisfaction; he couldn’t wait to make her his, to possess everything she had. She was his ticket to world domination, he couldn’t help himself of wanting her sexually as well; she was easily the most beautiful female he had ever seen.

Zeb whispered low, “I shall have you, Princess.”

A/N: There's always some motherfuckers who always want to ice-skate uphill.

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