Komand’r On Deck

Interlude 2

A/N: The point of view of other characters beside Komand'r will be switched to 3rd pov.


Interlude 2



Golden city
After Loki’s defeat


Healer Eir was a hard woman, she didn’t care who I was, her job was to heal me as best as she could. So the blasted woman placed me in the solarium and let me recover enough from Gungnir’s wound. The sunlight was having an effect, but it was slow, the damage inflicted by Gungnir was magical in nature.

As I laid belly first on the table I was thinking about what I needed to do. Earlier, I couldn’t but let it slip that Loki wasn’t dead.

I resolved that I needed to share more with Odin and the rest of the Asgardians in the Golden City. They were delaying the feast until I could heal fully. I needed Asgard in my corner if I wanted to succeed in my mission to keep this universe running and avoid it’s destruction.

If I didn't just come out from the fight of my life, I would think that I was in a spa. I was waited on hand and foot by a lot of pretty healers. I was fed until I was able to sit up, I wasn't recovered at 100%. Eir entered the room and scanned me with a spell, then took notes on her tablet. The physician looked as my wound was slowly closing with a bit of fascination.

Not liking being treated like a lab rat, I interrupted her by coughing. “Lady Eir, what’s the verdict?” I gave her a smile when she looked at me.

*I wish my ship was here already, I would just be in the regen tank for an hour and boom, healed.* I lamented in my heart.

With her blue eyes finally focusing on me, the middle aged looking healer spoke with a clear voice. “You are healing, Princess. But too slowly for my tastes.”

The woman looked mildly impatient as she pointed her tablet at me while still scanning me with the spell in her free hand. I shook my head, a bit amused by her diligence, then looked up at the sky that was still clear, with no clouds in sight in the blue sky. 

The sun rising made me think of Superman, and it automatically made me think how the unfiltered sunlight might greatly speed up my healing. “I have a suggestion.”

Eir’s eyes focused on me. “I will listen.”

Happy that she would hear me out, I bluntly laid out the plan. “I need to reach space and get unfiltered sunlight.”

She stopped the spell and lowered her hand. “No! I will not allow you to do such a foolhardy action!”

Scowling at her, I understood that she was doing her job; but I had better things to do than sit on my ass. It was getting boring, and I had a feast to participate in.“Please, it will heal me. I know my body, and you aren’t familiar with my people’s physiology, I can assure you I can take it.”

I didn’t plead, I was a princess of Tamaran; and we had our pride.

Taking on a thoughtful expression, Eir looked for the words she wished to express; she gazed into my eyes when she formulated her answer. “You are right, I’m still learning about your people right now, your biology is simply astounding… my instruments are telling me that you can absorb and process stellar radiation that gives you tremendous vitality and healing… however, I don’t think you are able to fly through the atmosphere in your state, you’ll need help.”

“What is your proposition?” I asked her.

She told me, and it was damn right smarter than me flying all the way while braving the pain. Eir was really smarter than I thought.




Asgardian Frigate ‘Drakkar’
2 hours later


The plan was to use one of the spaceships from the Asgardian system patrol. It was a one hundred meter ship, it was fast and serviceable; why it looked like a wooden ship I didn’t know, but appearances were deceiving. Asgard hid their technology under the veneer of the old. I was on the open deck looking at the stars while being helped up by Eir when the ship got closer to the sun.

I was made to rest on a chair near the mast, then the rest of the crew left the deck and they… cut the atmospheric shield around the ship, exposing the deck to space. Fortunately, there was still gravity. The ship faced the life giving star and then I felt strength fill me. 

Eir had gushed about Tamaranean physiology, how our absorption and processing of stellar energy was akin to photosynthesis. the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. My cells basically captured the radiation produced by the sun and energized them, enabling them to feed this power to my body and organs.

This process was so potent that it made me really strong and incredibly durable to a lot of known forms of injury and abrasion. Making me able to survive in the cold vacuous expanse of deep space and resist the intense surface heat of stars; I decided to try this later.

My wound rapidly closed, I eased on my seat and slowly leaned forward. This made me smile in relief as I felt the uncomfortable feeling in my back disappear. Hmm it was negligible but it was still there, I wasn’t at one-hundred percent more like ninety five? Standing up, I walked toward the forward-most part of the ship. The sun bathed me into its bountiful energy, I resolved myself to go do a sun dip, but not now. After the damn banquet I will; I needed strength, a lot of it.

My fight with Loki had shown me how fragile I still was. Leaning against the Dragon’s head at the prow, I began to ask what should I do, did I need to make a speech? A part of me wanted to do something bombastic, but I decided to go with impactful instead. The atmospheric shield re-engaged and the temperature on the main deck became normal after the system or enchantment (?) cooled it down. Eir appeared from the airlock leading inside the ship.

She came to fuss over me.







Here she was, drinking a green wearing fop under the table. Many paths and streams had to be crossed or discarded to arrive at this point. She had worked tirelessly for this timeline to be viable. Short of using time travel she had carefully pruned the forks that she didn’t want or were useless. Asgard was going to survive. 

Those mortals further down the timestream who had started to play with time on Midgard or Terra are never going to exist now. The universe hated contradiction and it erased them completely. The future was always in motion, but for millions of years, her people have learned to tame the time storms and twist the present in their favor in the dimensional sea.

She took a mug of mead and sipped on it; leaning against one of the chairs and taking a sweet roll the interloper began to observe the chosen one. The war between Tamaran with the PSION and the Citadel had been instigated by her people, it had been necessary for Komand’r to become what she is. With careful manipulation, she pruned the future where she betrayed her people and family, choosing to sacrifice her reputation and position.

It was for the safeguard of their universe, and there was nothing that she wouldn't do for this singular goal. Already, she was seeing how this little speech by Komand’r would go; Asgard was a warrior society, and telling them that a big fight was about to come will embolden them. When Komand’r was done drinking the Warrior Three under the table, she floated up and landed on the table laden with food and alcohol and clapped her hands, creating small controlled shockwaves that stopped the festivities and attracted the attention of everyone around her. “Greetings Asgard. As a stranger from a distant star, I’m thankful to receive such a warm welcome from you.”

With her gaze sliding around the room, Komand’r looked at everyone; obviously seeing that some people were grieving, Loki may have thought that everyone hated him, but it wasn’t true. The precog shook her head at how unobservant some mortals were. 

“I see that some of you have learned that one of your princes isn’t here today. I have good news for you, Prince Loki is alive, despite having fallen into the void of space.” Komand’r began to say.

With a big smile and a reassuring tone she added, “I assure you that I am not lying; I have already informed the High King that he will find his son.”

She turned her head toward one of the doubters who asked, “How do you know that!?”

Komand’r took one of the pitchers of mead at her feet and simply gulped it down in its entirety. Everyone cheered at how talented of a drinker she was, the princess crouched and put it on the table when she was done. Looking into the eyes of the warrior who doubted her, she said with pride and awe in her voice, “I have received the honor to work at the behest of the One Above All.”

There was a hush of silence at this; the precog knew that she worked for someone who was superior to this old deity. But it had been eons since there had been any sign of the entity once thought to be simply a legend. If the One Above All reigned supreme and managed the multiverse, then it was obvious that someone, or something, else managed the part of the omniverse they found themselves in. It was still a theory amongst the precog’s people.

Komand’r was endowed with knowledge of what is to come in some ways that the precog salivated to discover. As she schemed on how to do so, she paid attention to the rest of the speech. "You Asgardians will be tested in the next twenty years in a long series of very fierce battles. The Dark Elves will be coming back, the Demons will storm the Nine Realms, we will be swept by The Mad Titan,  Thanos, in his quest to woo Death; then we have the Prophecy of Ragnarok. Everything we know stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it, you’ll unite or you’ll fall. I hope that you are ready, because I sure am going to be."

Silence reigned, everyone hung onto her words: already, the blood of the warrior was boiling in excitement.

In a polarizing tone, Komand’r asked for help in a roundabout way. “I am seeking comrades, brothers and sisters who will help me fight those threats, and we shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end.”

Thor jumped on the table to stand at Komand’r’s side and lifted his Hammer. “Then you won’t be doing it alone, my Friend! I shall help you! You have my hammer!”

The Warrior three and Lady Sif acted as one and kneeled before the table where the two royals stood. It was Hogun who spoke for them. “If by my life or death, I can protect Asgard and the Nine Realms, I will. You have my sword, Princess Komand’r!”

Many warriors, healers, and sorcerers pledged their help; much to everyone's surprise, Odin and Frigga appeared and shouted, “We are with you as well!”

So much hinged on that moment, the precog declared that she shall help as well. *All According to Plan.*

A/N: This is just the beginning! CHapter 13 is already on and I am writing chapter 14.So yeah guys, we got ourselves a meddler...  Anyway! We are soon going to be done with Earth and go to space, meet new people to befriend and kill!

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