Komand’r On Deck

Interlude 3.7 (Final)


Interlude 3


(General Overview)



The fact that everything that happened in the last three years was a Darkseid plot left the heroes and the world reeling. The Justice league in particular, some of them were ashamed to have fallen for it; they regretted their past actions, the death of some of their friends and contributing to making the world a worse place.

The next day, Lady Miracle helped Gotham further by finalizing her current service. Five pillars planted themselves outside and around Gotham, forming a pentagon. A barrier came to cover the entire city and a portal to a realm of overwhelming purifying light opened in the sky washing down the darkness of the city. It was at this point that the roar of pains started sounding all around the city.

Gigantic horned and eldritch creatures surged from the ground and were getting burned by the light. They started trying to flee, beating their fist or magic against the barrier. In vain. Whatever those pylons were made off, they were more than sturdy. The creatures ended up slowly being devoured by the light, not even leaving ash behind.

After this, the slaughter swamp, which is located several miles outside the city, was cordoned off and magical walls were created around it. It was now considered a magical hazard. Was it able to create zombies? Why no one has done it before is a mystery… or was it because of the now defunct Court of Owls? No one will know till the prisoners have been interrogated.

Lady Miracle rebuilt Downtown Gotham which consisted of the Financial Center, the Statue of Justice, Wall Street, William Street and the Gotham City Center. When the inhabitants and owner came back from the refugee camp outside the city the next day, it was as if nothing had happened, the place looked pristine. The people from downtown Gotham also found their bank accounts full of money for their trouble.

It was the first time that since Metropolis was destroyed that people were surprised that such an event happened. In general, a city which has been destroyed took months to rebuild.




When she came to again, it was to a white ceiling and the pervasive smell of disinfectant. It was overpowering and made Kala cough hard before her senses normalized. She looked around her and recognized where she was; this was the medical room in the Hall of Justice. Kala realized that something was wrong, shouldn’t they be in the Watchtower? The space station had more effective medical facilities than the Hall.

She heard the door to the room open, and she was surprised to see Diana standing in the frame of the door. She looked worried as she entered and her eyes shifted between Kala’s chest, face and hips. “Diana?”

Kala sat up and tried to take off the bed sheets from her body, and tried to exit her bed. Diana forced her to stay in it by using her strength; Kala couldn't resist as she felt terribly weak. “Lay down, Clark. You’re still hurt.”

This was strange to the kryptonian, being still hurt… Diana soothingly added, “Much has happened since you were in a coma.”

Kala flinched as she heard the coma word, and panicked.“W-w-what’s the date, Diana?”

As if ripping a band-aid, the Amazon princess replied, “It’s been two weeks since you were last awake, Clark.”

The kryptonian looked at herself, her chest was bouncy and her voice high, reminding her of Lara's voice that he heard in the Fortress. "Why am I still a woman? Can't anyone do something?"

Diana didn't seem to be put out by the change, she put a hand on Kala's shoulder and let it slide onto the Kryptonian's arm."We tried, but nothing seems to work."

Kala closed her eyes and she made fists with her hands; she wanted to kill Darkseid for doing this to her/him; she couldn't settle on an identity right now. The lantern ring had said that it was permanent. The Kryptonian became even more despondent, but was pulled out of her funk by Diana who looked at her worriedly.

"Clark? I think we need to talk, the others chose me to be their spokesperson." Diana said as she sat next to Kala's bed on the chair.

The Kryptonian was surprised that no one else was there, did they expect him to get angry or moody. "Is something wrong?"

Diana began with, "What do you remember of your fight with Darkseid?"

Kala frowned. "Darkseid?"  

"What do you-" Then a surge of memories full of desperation and fear struck her.

"Aah. I remember." It was the first time that she felt herself being dirtied by another man; she shouldn’t be feeling this way at all. Kala is a man, not a woman; that is why she hated entering into contact with pink Kryptonite, it always messed with his/her sense of identity. 

"Everything, Everything we did, we were playing into that bastard's hands. My wife and unborn child's death… it’s his fault that they were taken from me."

Kala’s eyes glowed red as she said with finality, “I will kill him, Diana. I will kill him.”

Diana nodded, understanding what the Kryptonian has gone through, or did she? "Hal and Barry told me what he had in store for you and that one of our new members helped save you through time travel. I am happy that you're safe and that you avoided that fate."

Kala perked up, stunned by the news."Velocity joined the JL?"

Diana grimaced. "It's more like she tentatively affiliated herself with us."

“Ah.” Kala remembered how he forced the young woman to come to them before the operation to subju… neutralize the court of owls. They didn’t endear themselves to the female speedster. Diana seemed to know about it as she must have met the chaotic Australian speedster.

Diana coughed and stared meaningfully into Kala’s eyes. “Anyway, Clark. I don’t want to alarm you… but something disturbing has happened, the Watchtower is gone. The reason the others aren't here to see you wake up is because they are searching and investigating its disappearance.”

"The Watchtower disappeared?" This made Kala sit up again.

Diana sighed and forced her to lay back again. Kala insisted on knowing by asking, "How, Diana?" 

She shook her head. "We have no idea, Clark. Cyborg has disappeared, Lex as well. I think that someone struck at us while you were busy in Gotham."

Kala stayed silent as she took in the fact that someone had taken advantage of their operation to strike a blow at them. Further reducing their ability to do their duty to keep the peace. When she spoke again, Kala seemed tired, defeated. "So we lost our main Headquarters, and some of our members…"

There clearly was someone targeting them, it wasn't Batman that was not his style. Everything happening made it look like some Chessmaster was cornering them. Billy Batson’s disappearance, all the villains going to ground so suddenly, the advent of heroes going against the system like Lady Miracle…

Diana replied with an angry expression while holding a smartphone to the Kryptonian. "It's actually worse than this, we have a lot of bad press in how we handled the Court of Owls and the destruction of downtown Gotham. Here look…"

Kala sighed and took the smartphone in hand and touched the screen, playing the video…




The uncovered face of Harley Quinn wearing a black and red suit and a jacket appeared on screen. She stood in some sort of variety show studio and twirled on herself like a ballerina. She stopped dancing and smiled. "Good morninnnnng, world! This is Harley Quinzel…"

"...and Lady Miracle!" In a shower of golden sparks, the platinum blonde appeared in her usual work costume, a large blue hat and sundress with heels.

She grinned and waved at the camera; she was highly photogenic and beautiful. Two sofas and a coffee table with a tea set on it appeared by magic and the two women sat, facing each other. Harley spoke again with a smile. "We're here to report about the cape community struggles and the battle that happened in Gotham some days ago, we even got some videos to show you!"

The blue clad platinum blonde excitedly said, "Let’s give them the deets, Harley."

"Okay then let's start this!" 

Harley took a bat and threw it at a gong behind her; it ran and the woman started her interview. "So, Lady M, how come you got involved in that business in the bat's city? I mean, fighting isn't what you do. The pediatric ward in most hospitals in the US and other countries are getting empty because you go around healing kids for free."

Lady Miracle became thoughtful as she started her tale. "It started like this: I was putting on a show for the children by turning things into candies and summoning unicorns for little girls in the burn ward when a redheaded speedster appeared before me. It was the heroine called Velocity and she looked troubled."

"Oh what did she want?" Harley asked, as she leaned forward toward the platinum blonde.

"She first asked me to help her save Superman. Of course I refused, if big blue dies it will do the world a service after all the murders and crimes he committed."

"So why did you go help, Lady M? I mean… I'm surprised you did, usually you try to not get into the capes and robbers business."

"I am a mercenary, Harley; my rates are posted on my personal website and my Twitter account. Ah where was I? Yes, Velocity told me that I needed to save the League, in particular Superman from being brought to Apokolips. I refused on the spot and said, ‘They can have him’ but later she insisted that things get worse twenty years later when Superman’s son gets back on our planet and is way worse than him.

Oh yeah did you know that Superman got turned into a woman? That entire plan was made by Darkseid to turn the Kryptonian into… his girl. I’m not so vindictive as to refuse to help a woman in need. Still… I didn’t do it for free. I'm kinda proud of myself, the League owes me two billion dollars for helping them dispatch Darkseid and stop him from absconding with the Kryptonian."

"Yeah speaking of Darkseid…"

A holographic screen on the wall next to the two women appeared, showing a video of Lady Miracle cutting Darkseid's left hand and the Newgod being treated like a ragdoll.

"Damn, you really beat the stuffing out of him." The ex-joker minion whistled, impressed. 

With a hand jerk motion, Harley added, "I don't know if I should applaud you for giving him a hand or causing a breakup with his personal time."

Lady Miracle shrugged and said without boasting, "He didn't seem so legendary to me, the guy was a weakling, I still don't see how your Kryptonian Overlord was having difficulties with him."

Harley gave a deadpan look at Lady Miracle. "Lady, not everyone can be as BS as you."

“I worked hard at my BS, thank you. But anyway, I really don’t like how things have ended up.”

“Is that why you rebuilt the city after the fight and… cleansed it of the demonic parasite cursing the people to become insane and never happy?”

“I’m surprised that none of your sorcerers found the cause of Gotham’s curse… all those people who became crazy and tempted to do bad… At least now the crime and villainy should become normal. Now, I’m just waiting…”

“What are you waiting for?”

“For the One Earth Regime to collapse, obviously. It’s unsustainable for a handful of supers to hold a planet; unless they want to start a genocide.”

“Why do you think Superman will stop? I mean, the guy is kind of unstoppable right now.”

“Kal El could have chosen to slowly teach the people of Earth how to develop into a utopian society with the technology at his disposal. At least that’s what I would have done instead of becoming a superhero, I would develop society and the planet and slowly make it so that all the problems he met as a superhero disappear and people would be happy. But in his grief… no even before that, he chose to think that punching people in the face and playing capes and robbers was going to change something. 

Again and again, he let his opponents and villains escape to return to try and kill him. Either fix the problem or kill them I say. And now he is forcing his will on everyone, becoming what he was fighting. You have an earthling expression that describes this perfectly: Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

The thing is, when you become a monster, newer heroes rise up to take the monster down. It may take some time, but in the end, it will happen. And everyone will forget all the good he did in the world, his only legacy will be the tyranny and atrocities he committed in the collective mind of humanity.”

"Wow, that's a massive diss there, Lady M." Harley gave 'fuck me' eyes at Lady Miracle. 

The platinum blonde put on a serious expression as she leaned on her sofa and crossed her legs. "Not to me, this is reality. No man or woman can be an island. And if everyone refuses to humor Superman because of his temper tantrum everything should eventually go back to normal. That's the problem with people who have never truly suffered, they think that no one has suffered like them before."

With a knowing smirk, the woman in red and black said, "Oh, I understand what you mean… everyone should indulge in malicious compliance."  

While she stared at the clock she looked quite disappointed. "Ah, we went overtime! Thank you for your insight and time Lady Miracle! It's time to sign off."

Lady Miracle and Harley stood up, they kissed each other's cheeks. Then Harley turned toward the camera and said, “Remember everyone, if you have the need to hide from the Regime, contact us!”

She threw her left arm up with a fist closed. “FUCK THE REGIME!”

“FUCK THE REGIME!” Lady Miracle emulated her with a giggle.




Kala's eyes turned red and her heat vision destroyed the smartphone. The smell of burnt plastic was overwhelming; Wonder Woman showed that she didn't look pleased as well and couldn't take the criticism, sent Kala's way.

"Are we doing anything to catch them?" Asked Kala, her anger self-evident in her tone.

Diana sighed and shook her head. "Without Cyborg, and the technology in the Watchtower, it's hard."

Kala stewed in her anger, but deep down inside, she became introspective as Lady Miracle's words rang in her mind. Could she have made things better by not putting on the cape?



(Kara Zor-El)


Alpha Centauri
Aboard the Sojourner


The Sojourner was a scout class Kryptonian crystalline ship. From bow to stern, the Sojourner has a length of 150 meters, a beam of 73 meters, and a height of 30 meters. This made it the largest ship of its class in the nascent Kryptonian flotilla. The ship is covered in a thick quantum crystalline armor and it also possesses four layers of energy shields with different effects; a byproduct of MACHINA reverse engineering of the different technology possessed by Komand'r. 

The triple-star system Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to Earth. It was powered by a prototype zero point module. The ship possessed an array of scanners which could rival a science vessel, but it was geared toward Infiltration and stealth operations. 

It was lightly armed, just three torpedo launchers, and standard phased plasma bank strategically placed at the fore and aft of the ship with some point defense turrets. The Sojourner's first shakedown cruise started in the solar system, with Kara and Komand'r on the bridge with MACHINA who built herself a gynoid chassis and was cosplaying as a Nier Automata 2B because she wanted to perfect the jiggle physics in the real world.

"This is what happens when you let a child roam the internet and my memories for too long." Complained Komand'r. 

MACHINA giggled, happy to embarrass her creator by proxy with her fetish and remnants of her dark past as a 2B fan. Kara was surprised that Komand'r gave so much agency to her Artificial Intelligence helper; she thought that a technologically advanced society would prefer to chain them so as to not let them go rampant. 

It's been two weeks since the operation which robbed the Justice League of their HQ and their technology specialist. Like an anthill that has been kicked, Kara's cousin and his allies were trying to put out the fire that has been lit since they lost their hold on the orbits of the Earth.

The JL was less effective at keeping its forced 'peace' going on. More and more countries started to flaunt their self-given authority and slowly the system put in place by the Regime was falling apart; at least until Kara's cousin recovered. It was scary how effective the Princess' plan was to Kara, a poke here, a distraction there and an operation to abscond with a valuable asset to disturb her foe's focus and morale.

Kara didn't wish to be the princess' enemy. She hasn't even truly revealed herself to the world; the blonde Kryptonian remembered that MACHINA called this selective blindness from the part of the hero community. There were more circumstances that Kara wasn't privy to, so she decided to reserve her judgment until she met Kal El again.

The blonde female Kryptonian stared at Komand'r with a side-eyed glance; Kara was psyching herself up to find the courage to ask Komand'r out on a date. She was aware that if she didn't do it now, that she would be sidelined by the human, Harley.

Komand'r had her hand on the control crystal of the ship and was doing a brief survey by deploying scout drones charged with the mission to do more analysis on the giant blue star in-system. Proxima Centauri was going to be used as a catalyst to awaken Kara’s Kryptonian abilities by jumpstarting them with blue sunlight.

Komand'r put her hands in her lap as she waited for the drones to report and her chair swiveled toward Kara. She tilted her head as she asked, “Is there something you want to say, Friend-Kara? You've been staring at me a lot.”

The blonde blushed for a second, but took on a determined expression as she tightened her hands on her Kryptonian skinsuit. She played with the hem of her short white dress with the House of El emblazoned on its front. "Princess… no, Komand'r. Would you be amenable to go on an outing with me in Kandor?"

Kara's blue eyes stared in the glowing green ones of the princess'. Komand'r seemed to think about it as her gaze roamed Kara's body and she opened her mouth to say, "Why not?"

Kara jumped from her crystal chair and jumped up with her fists in the air. "Yes!"

Komand'r stood up and placed her hands on Kara's shoulder, staring at her seriously. "Friend-Kara, so that there's no misunderstanding between us; you want me to go on a date with you, right?"

The blonde frowned, she didn't think that she needed to give context. "Huh, that's what I meant, Princess."

The Tamaranean let go of her and asked. "Why me? You have choices amongst your species."

Without hesitation, Kara caught the princess' hands. "I like what you did for my people, you're a generous, kind and smart individual; I wish to get to know you better…"

The conviction and determination that Komand'r saw on Kara's face caused her to blush. Kara was aware that the princess was used to being seen negatively as a killer and a person hard to get along with; but for once being complimented seemed to do her good. At least that’s what Kara understood from the story she gleaned from MACHINA about Komand'r, it was too bad that the AI didn't go into too much detail. 

Komand'r diverted from Kara's eyes, then said,  "I'm not… well versed in Kryptonian mating rituals… but I must appraise you of my situation before this goes any further…"

But before she could continue, the blonde informed her with amusement. "I already know you have a polyamorous relationship back in your universe…"

Kara hadn't misjudged Komand'r; she had honor and would tell her about the others she was involved with. But the thing is, she didn't care much and just wanted the Princess for herself, even if she had to share.

Yeah, I told her mom. Declared MACHINA from behind the safety of a crystal console.

Komand'r turned toward the gynoid platform and glared at her. "MACHINA… why are you airing my business to others?"

The AI shrugged, rolling her shoulders with grace and with an impish smile. Kara needs to know what she's getting into.

Kara looked between the two worriedly, but she didn't need to worry as Komand'r simply sighed. "Fair enough."

The Tamaranean royal turned back toward the blonde Kryptonian. "Friend-Kara, let's see where this is going between us for the next six months…"

Kara, who knew exactly what she could get away with, threw herself at the princess and hugged her. She only reached the Tamaraneans breast area. "Thank you! You won't regret this."

The Kryptonian found herself embraced in Komand'r's arms. Kara felt herself warming up when she looked into the eyes of the smiling Komand'r. Obviously someone had to ruin the mood… 

Mom, the drones are transmitting… and can you two stop looking into each other's eyes? MACHINA interrupted with a teasing tone.

Komand'r let go of Kara and said, "She's not wrong…"

The blonde reluctantly let go, and threw an annoyed stare at MACHINA. The AI showed Kara her tongue, showing that she was completely remorseless. After this, they all returned to work.


Spectral type: OOV-type main-sequence star.

Mass: 53.0 

Luminosity: Class V, 1,308,458.

Temperature:  57226.67℃


Komand'r asked after reading the result on the holo-screen projected by the crystal console, "MACHINA, can we use this?"

Blue Stars are a type of Main Sequence star. They are the hottest type of star, and as such produce the most energy, even more than Yellow Stars. This increased energy output enhances the Photonucleic Effect in Kryptonians. Kryptonians living under a blue star would be incredibly powerful, even more so than they would under a Yellow Star.  

The blue giant is good enough, though there's way hotter ones out there. I would have preferred to have gone to the Pleiades, there's many more blue suns there. But Proxima Centauri is the closest. We don't have the time to go on an expedition.  The frequency and solar radiation shown on the instruments should supercharge Kara's cell, but I don't think she should be exposed for more than one hour.

"Excellent, I will bring us into the habitable zone." Komand'r put her hand back on the piloting console, mentally driving the ship to 600 Astronomical Units near the blue sun.

Kara felt the smooth acceleration of the gravity engine, she saw on screen the ship approaching near a planet that Komand'r simply ignored. The drones reported that it was unfit for colonization as it orbited too close to the sun. The ship started decelerating and Komand'r stopped and inclined the ship 45°.

"Come Friend-Kara, we will start the procedure." Komand'r stood up and held her hand to the blonde.

Kara took it without hesitating and held it tight. "I am nervous…"

"Don't worry, Friend-Kara. I will be there with you." Komand'r soothed, caressing her cheek.

The Kryptonian's smile blossomed, her heart beating faster. MACHINA rolled her eyes and gagged at the sappy atmosphere. They left the bridge, the crystal doors parting when it detected their approach. They took the nearest gravity lift to reach deck 1 of the Sojourner. When they exited the lift, they emerged into a long corridor with smooth white crystal walls.

At the end of the corridor there was a door; it is called the sun room and it was built to allow Kryptonians or Tamaraneans to easily absorb solar radiation. There was a reason for the room’s module to be built near the hull. As they walked up to the end of the deck’s corridor, Kara couldn’t help but gulp down. Only the reassuring presence of Komand’r made her courageous enough to still go through with the Tamaranean princess’ plan.

The door scanned them and opened; Kara peered into the big empty circular room, only to see the ceiling shift from an opaque white to transparent crystal. As they entered the room, the doors closed and Komand’r let go of Kara’s hand.

“Are you ready, Friend-Kara?” Komand'r asked, her verdant gaze settling upon the blonde who started twitching. 

Kara replied, “Do it before I change my mind, Princess.”

The princess spoke out loud, “MACHINA, slowly deactivate the layer of radiation shielding over the period of one hour, let’s have Friend-Kara slowly power up.”

Complying. The AI who was still on the bridge reported.

Kara was exposed to the blue sunlight as it was allowed to pass through the shield, the blonde stood ramrod straight as she protected her eyes from the furious glare of the blue sun. Kara felt herself progressively filled with energy, so much so that a blue aura surrounded her.

“Friend-Kara… sit down. Slowly.” with a hand raised, Komand'r made a sign to sit down on the ground. 

Kara, who was struggling with the rush of energy, asked, “Why?”

“You’re glowing and the scanners are telling me that your muscles are being strengthened.” Komand'r explained with a soothing tone.

Kara looked at her body and started to notice the blue aura around her starting to become denser and hotter. She started to panic and jump up and down as she said,  “We should have started with a yellow sun…”

Komand'r shook her head. “No, we must make your sunlight absorption more efficient than Kal-El. The simulation shown by my AI companion has revealed that you'd become way stronger this way; think about what's out there, New God's, powerful aliens, and energy beings…”

Kara stopped panicking and thought about the dossier MACHINA had shown her about her universe and how dangerous it was. The blonde decided to cooperate and sat on the cold kryptium plates forming the floor. Komand'r did the same and looked warily as the blonde's eyes glowed red and shifted to blue.

The blonde's eyes started to itch and then to hurt; Komand'r sat right before her and let herself be hit by the twin beams of blue light. She started absorbing the solar energy coming from Kara to offset the overload of solar radiation. 

Kara looked at Komand'r who now had frizzy hair because of her. The blonde held onto Komand'r with fear. "Princess! Rao, no!"

Komand'r passed her glowing white hand into her hair to smooth them out with magic. "It's alright, I didn't feel it. Get used to the heat vision. Hmm, I somehow feel stronger."

You are, mom. She zapped you with Superman vision. MACHINA helpfully added.

The Tamaranean royal sighed as she closed and opened her fist as she seemed to be able to feel a difference. "Ah… that's going to be annoying to get used to."

Kara held onto Komand'r, unsure of what she needed to do. The princess smiled at her and said with a little laugh, "You're getting stronger, almost to Koriand'r level."

Kara let go of Komand'r, realizing that she had no control on her strength at the moment. Then she remembered what the grapevine about Komand'r and Koriand'r said about them; humans were gossipy and they said that the sisters were having intercourse. "Your… sister's counterpart." 

The sun cast blue and white light as the silence stretched between the two of the women. Komand'r seemed to perceive that Kara was visibly upset. "Is there something bothering you?"

Kara stared into the princess' eyes. "Are you having sex with her?"

Komand'r honestly replied, "Yes, she offers me specific comforts. I don't like being without familiar and intimate contact for too long. My species actually goes a little… crazy when our needs aren't met."

Kara nodded, then asked hesitantly while wringing her hands, "Tamaraneans don't have a taboo on incest?"

With a shake of her head, Komand'r seemed unperturbed by the question; it truly sank in for Kara that Tamaraneans were really different… even more so when Komand'r added, "Nothing can come out of our couplings, it is more a form of showing affection."

With a little pleading voice, Kara asked, "Would you stop if I asked you to?"

She feared the princess' answer, this budding admiration and love she felt for her people's savior might truly die if Komand'r refused. But she didn't need to fear as the princess floated up to her and put Kara's chin between her fingers, causing her to stare into her eyes. "If I didn't, it would be disrespectful toward you and your intentions. Koriand'r will understand my position and it is expected when we're in a committed relationship to stop those little acts."

Komand'r let go of Kara’s face and returned to sit before her in a lotus position. Kara's faith in Komand'r felt even more validated as a smile blossomed upon her face. "Thank you."

Komand'r added, "You're welcome. However… when I get back to my universe and I bring you with me if this works between us; you'll have to adapt to my other companions. There's Darcy, and Amora who might take umbrage at you stopping them from being intimate with me. Barbara-Love is also my first lover in this universe, how does that make you feel?"

Kara thought about it, there was this pang of jealousy making itself known, she felt possessive of Komand'r, a woman with more experience than her. Tamaranean culture was hard to get used to, but she chose this course of action and she decided to see if things got better. Tamaraneans were more like felines than anyone would believe, their core personality was best described as neurotic, extroverted, dominant, impulsive, and agreeable. 

The blonde put on a serious face. "I can live with it… I just don't want it to be in my face while I get used to that… lifestyle. It's important to set boundaries before delving in too deep into a relationship. "

Kara looked at her wrist computer, it was ten minutes since they started the sunlight radiation exposure. She wanted to make more conversations so asked, "Who is this Darcy?"

The eyes of Komand'r sparkled and a sweet smile appeared on her face. "She's the cutest, smartest and nicest human ever. I love her."

Seeing this amorous expression on the princess' face was different from her amused or serious one. Kara, again felt mildly jealous. "I thought that humans were too fragile for us?"

Aura had explained this to her daughter about romance with humans, how fragile and different they were mentally and physically. Komand'r didn't seem bothered by it. "I just gave her something to not be a squishy human anymore."

This was news to Kara, Komand'r enhanced her lover. "Wait. What did you give her?"

"A serum, a genome enhancer. If I could compare you two, then Darcy is now as powerful as an unenhanced Kryptonian under red sunlight." Komand'r explained as if she was talking about the weather.

Kara was a Science Guild trainee, she knew how complicated those genetic enhancing serums could become. At worst it turns people back into primordial ooze if badly designed; but it could turn the subject into a powerhouse if done well. The proof was with the nano-bot filled pills Kal El was feeding his soldiers.

"This is what you gave to Harley and the other humans?" Kara asked as she remembered how strong the humans in Odyssey are.

Komand'r looked impressed. "Kryptonians are sharp like a nubbler's claw."

Kara laughed. "And don't you forget it! Hmm, I like the compliment." 

The kryptium grav plate was scratched a little bit when Kara put her hand on it. She looked at the plate and looked quite embarrassed. Komand'r seemed amused by her blunder. "Let’s focus on channeling the sunlight energy, Friend-Kara. Now you'll have to be careful of everything you touch. We will start control exercises later."



(Harley Quinzel)


Space Station Odyssey
deck 001
Isley garden


Pamela and Harley were lounging in her private garden. The most crazy plants created by Harley's wife were contained here. The redhead, on a plant lounger, was sunbathing while the blonde was thinking about her current lifestyle. Pamela was living her dream life without the constraint of being a criminal, she could experiment and research all the time when her duty as the main physician in the station didn't take her time.

As for Harley, she was busy training with the team of ex-villains, heroes and unaffiliated scientists she was helping collect throughout the Earth. So far they've avoided taking in any bad eggs; but their luck couldn't hold forever.

"Hey Pammy?" Harley found herself calling out her wife, lowering her sunglasses.

The blonde straightened her red and black bikini while her muscles rippled sensually under the sunlight. Pamela's gaze was attracted by the movements and she replied, "Hon?"

Harley looked at the redhead who sat up to speak to her. "Do you still have to work on the tin can?"

With a thoughtful expression, Pamela said, "Victor Stone, huh. His case was quite special; Councilor Alura helped me separate him from the crude Apokoliptian cybernetic enhancements he had gone through. Now he is in the regeneration pods for at least three months."

The goal has never been to kill Victor Stone, but Cyborg; Komand’r had a lot of style and integrity, she didn’t wish to kill anyone in the end. But the Superman supporter needed to be neutralized. "Will he be totally human again?"

"Yes, one hundred percent… with minor cyberpathic powers. At least that’s what Doctor Elias reported to me." Pamela answered.

Doctor Darwin Elias was the current lead on Metahuman physiology aboard the Odyssey. At this point with the Kryptonian and alien technology gathered here, the scientists could engineer a serum to give someone elemental power in nature; they were still working on more esoteric ones. But they could give someone power and that’s what mattered. People like Killer Frost were being non-invasively experimented on and their condition treated.

But to give one of their enemies powers even as a side effect didn’t sit well with Harley. "I don't like the sounds of that."

The ex-Joker minion sighed; she was bothered by something else and she wished for more conversation to take her mind off her trouble. Harley had miscalculated… she had thought about waiting it out to finally get into Kom’s pants/leotard/suit… whatever she was wearing at the time. But Kara Zor-El was circling the Princess like a shark and Starfire was having sex with her sister’s counterpart. That wasn’t construed as incest though, it’s a Tamaranean thing it seemed.

But Kara would take advantage of this opportunity to steal a march on her, that was certain. One week with Komand’r alone on a ship; sure, MACHINA was there. But she was totally shipping Kara and Kom.

“Harley?” Pamela called out her wife’s name.

With a warm smile full of innocence, Harley replied, “Yeah, Pammy?”

Lately, it was as if Pamela was reading her mind sometimes, it was scary. “We need to talk about your fixation on Komand’r.”

Gulp. “Uh oh.”



(Random labor guild Kryptonian, Bel-Ned)


Mobile Station Odyssey
Portal room


Bel-Ned had a great time in Kandor now that they had a regular supply of resources and access to the outside world. The first few to be out, Jor-El, Lara Jor-El and Alura Zor-El had inquired about the happenings in the outside world first before the council could give limited permission to its chosen to go out. To not allow nepotism to choose the limited spots to help the Kryptonians’ heroine, Princess Komand’r, to safeguard Kandor and find a place for them; examinations and tests started city wide, they only choose the best of the best in their fields.

Bel-Ned was a farmer and a Hydroponics engineer; Hydroponic engineers are responsible for designing, building, and operating the hydroponic systems that are used to grow plants or crops. But thanks to the newly minted Kryptonian Council’s reforms, Bel-ned could branch out of things he has mastered. Computer Engineering, mechanics, biochemistry and physics had become his hobbies.

There weren't a lot of people at the portal room, barely fifty of them; there were more men than women, consulting their wrist computers or checking their luggage. Those who were accepted to take a position on the space station were mainly the unattached Kryptonians. Bel-Ned succeeded in becoming one of the chosen to go outside after an intense week of reviewing his knowledge and diving into simulations on his private virtual reality server.

The portal opened, creating a whirlpool of blue light in the transport ring. Someone was arriving in the room. It was a redheaded woman followed by another with blonde hair. They wore the skin suits that the people associated with Princess Komand’r all seem to have.

The blonde human hollered, “Hello everyone! Please gather up!”

The fifty or so Kryptonians advanced further before the two humans. The redheaded woman looked rather severe. She had a dark green skinsuit and boots; her belt was a utility belt with a lot of filled pouches. 

“I’m Doctor Pamela Isley, Princess Komand’r’s second in command and I thank you for accepting positions in the station’s staff. Before we enter the portal, I will transmit to you the rulebook on your wrist computers. What to do, what to report; the princess doesn’t like drama, which is why if you have any grievances between each other, you’ll need to speak to the station manager’s, Lisa Snart.”

Ding! Bel-Ned raised his arm and looked at the screen of his crystalline wrist computer. He swiped the notification pop up and the file opened to show him the rules.

List of rules:

1: Don't be an asshole, you might get the shit duties on the station, literally.

2: Always check your work twice.

3: Crime doesn't pay. Thieves, Murderers and rapists will get swiftly disposed of by Princess Komand’r herself or the Station's council.

4: Everyone is entitled to their opinions, respect them even if they are moronic.

5: Respect the hierarchy in the Space station.

6: Use common sense.

*This was simple and quite… straightforward.* Bel-Ned thought.

Kryptonian were used to complicated protocols and rules, that was how it was because of how their society had been structured for the last ten thousands years. After the fall of Krypton, the New Council relaxed some laws and decided to  completely forgo some traditions and etiquette. 

A lot of people demonized the previous Council for its decadence and nepotism. Bel-Ned was happy to see them gone, Jor-El had warned countless times what was going to happen if they didn't at least get a fleet in the system. Full demilitarization was a bad idea, but people were afraid after the coup attempt from Dru-Zod and his loyalists.

*Never again.* Bel-Ned thought as he remembered the Brainiac bots killing his wife.

The voice of the woman called Pamela Isley interrupted his reminiscence. “Do you have any questions?”

“Is the food any good?” A woman who looked to be in her middle age asked. That meant that she was at least between 200 to 300 Earth years.

Some people laughed at the question, but after living 38 years of shortage, it was a decent one to ask. The blonde woman at the Doctor's side giggled and said, “You bet it is! If you have any samples or scans of dishes, you can add them to the food replicator’s compendium.”

It seemed that they were well prepared and showed everyone what was available on the Odyssey, such as activities, food, the number of hours they would have to work and the current tasks that might interest them. Bel-Ned smiled, “This is going to be great.”



(Ace & Courtney Whitmore)


Residential deck 023
Whitmore family unit


Ace aka Ashley Blackfire was having the time of her life, her new mom had saved her and made her a half Tamaranean by overwriting half of her DNA with her own to stop the degradation of her body. On the genetic level, she clearly appeared to be the daughter of Princess Komand'r. Her formal education was completed on the virtual network by the Princess and her alternate sister Koriand’r who was delighted to have her in the family.

Right now, Ace was catching up on her pop culture by watching Star Trek TNG season 2. Stargirl aka Courtney Whitmore was babysitting her for Komand'r who had gone training with Kara Zor-El. Courtney knew something was afoot when this happened and didn't want to tell Ashley her suspicions. 

Ashley was watching the episode called 'Elementary, Dear Data'. It was kind of funny as a concept, Picard, LaForge and Data playing Sherlock Holmes. This episode was basically an attempt to provide Data with a challenging Sherlock Holmes holodeck RPG scenario which backfires when its Prof. Moriarty character accidentally becomes self-aware.

"But why are they so stupid?" Courtney asked.

She was precisely asking about the piece of paper Moriarty gave to Data with Enterprise's sketch on it. "Shouldn't the sketch disappear once they leave the Holodeck?"

"That’s a good question, how do they explain that? That's a plot hole." Ace shrugged.

Courtney was strangely involved in the entire TNG series after watching the cheesy Original Series and movies with Ace, Kara and Machina in her virtual reality server. Watching tv series and movies, and reading books from another reality was an exciting hobby for her. It gave her a new viewpoint, and in her opinion she came to the conclusion that her own reality was softer than the one where Princess Komand’r came from.

Courtney took a potato chip from her own bowl and said, "Well at least they saved the ship. There should be more safeguards to not create an AI like that." She started munching on it.

Ace wasn’t as reserved and continued to eat while the food replicator continued filling her bowl each time she finished. “I miss MACHINA… she would be able to tell us why.”

The Half-Tamaranean whipped her head toward the blonde human and glared. “Don’t tell her I said that!”

Courtney laughed, she understood Ashley; MACHINA was clingy with her friends and her new little sister. The AI has revealed that she has a dedicated portion of her computing power focused on watching Ashley at all times, even now.

“Okay squirt.” Courtney nodded as she watched the younger girl calm down and take a handful of chips. As Ashley put them in her mouth, Courtney was once again baffled on how much a Tamaranean could eat. 

Crunch. Crunch. Gulp. Ashley had many stomachs, just like Koriand'r and Komand'r and could digest fast. 

She took another handful and opened her mouth to swallow the snack. Munch. Munch.

This was frustrating for Courtney so she asked, "Ashley sweety… I love you, but can you eat silently?"

Like a kicked puppy, the purple haired girl said with a sheepish tone, "Sorry."

Ashley's appetite was huge, a side effect of being a half Tamaranean; she has developed a fondness for crunchy and spicy food. The Star Trek's episode finished and just when they were about to go on episode 4, there was an insistent ping sound coming from Ashley's PADD. 

It was someone calling her, when Ashley looked at the caller's ID, her expression brightened. “Hey, it’s mom!”

The purple girl slid a finger onto the screen to accept the call. Komand'r appeared on screen with a happy expression. She said in perfect Tamaranean, “Hello, how is my little Princess?”

Ashley switched from English to her mother's language. “I’m good, Courtney is watching Star Trek TNG with me!”

The little girl blushed when her adoptive mother laughed. Komand'r then proceeded to become serious as she informed Ashley. “That’s good, I’m calling you to tell you that I will be back in two days. Then we will start your training in the danger room.”

Ashley perked up at the news. “Sweet!”

She has been itching to get into the holographic training room for a while to test herself. Her control over her starbolt wasn't the best and sometimes an accidental discharge of stellar energy happened from time to time. This made her unable to play with the other kids as she didn't have any control. This has been bothering Ashley since the start… at least she could fly easily and her new mother had been worried that she couldn't do it.

Komand'r further added, “I will pit you against Kara, you should have more battle experience than her.”

*Combat training right off the bat?* Ashley had gotten used to the control exercises Komand'r had put her through to control her strength and speed.

“Okay.” Ashley was happy to fix her problems and spend time with her new mother. Beating up a Kryptonian was going to be awkward though.

Courtney interrupted the two of them by sitting closer to Ashley and waving at Komand'r. “Hey princess! How are you doin'?”

“Stargirl, thanks again for taking care of my baby for me. I am doing very well there in my training of Friend-Kara.”

Ashley glared at Komand'r and crossed her arm with a pout. “Mom! I’m not a baby!”

Courtney saw Komand'r sigh in contentment and say, “Ash is so cute when she’s embarrassed.”

The blonde giggled but then something attracted her gaze, behind Komand'r and sleeping on the bed she was sitting on was Kara Zor-El. “Huh, is that Kara in your bed?”

Komand'r smiled, not even bothered that she was caught with another female in her bed. If it had been any other person, Courtney wouldn't have commented on it, but Komand'r was notorious for being attracted to other women. Her dalliance with Barbara Gordon and Starfire were the talk of the station as they are often caught being overly intimate with each other.

“Yes, she’s helped with the cuddling.” The alien Princess looked behind her, and covered Kara's sleeping form with the purple bed sheets. When Komand'r looked back at the screen she was smiling libidinously.

Ashley had no idea about what Courtney and Komand'r were talking about. Courtney entered gossip mode by asking, “Are you and her… dating now?”

Komand'r nodded. “She asked me on the first day.” The princess showed a happy expression that was almost blinding. 

Courtney couldn't believe it, that shy little Kryptonian stole a march on Harley? “Damn, she moves fast, Harley won’t be happy and I lost the bet.”

She just lost 50 dollars over that news… 

Komand'r tilted her head. “What is it with Harley? And what bet?”

Courtney can't believe what she was hearing, Komand'r and Harley have been flirting since the start! Even Doctor Isley had joined in. There was another big pot bet about Pamela and Harley inviting the princess to their bed of love, and the betting pool was organized by MACHINA herself. The smart AI shipped the three of them hard.

“Come on, Princess! You must know about Harley! She's interested in you.”

“I didn't know that, Courtney-Friend. I will be paying attention to it now.”

Courtney felt like she had won, there were more chances for Komand'r to do something about the ex-villain duo.

"Mom with aunt Harley? But isn't she married to doctor Isley?" Ashley poured icy water on Courtney's plan.

Komand'r smiled at her adopted daughter. "Precisely, my little one. I tend to not become a homewrecker, like our starry-Friend wants. Oh, you're having spicy chips, do you want to know my favorite blend on the replicator?"

Courtney pouted. “Hey! I know what you're doing, I saw Starfire do the same to shift attention and it doesn’t work on me!”

Ashley giggled, and Courtney poked her with a finger. “Don’t mimic her, Ashley. That’s how Tamaranean acts when they want to change the subject.”

The Half-Tamaranean was smiling until she began to think about the instances when Komand'r did the same deflection trick to her. “Oh, so that’s what she does each time I ask her how babies are made?”

Komand'r flinched, then the video began shaking. “Oh no, there seems to be dimensional turbulence, the signal is breaking up.” 

The video became grainy and the screen became completely black; the holographic window shutdown. Ashley and Courtney looked at each other. “Did she just hang up on us?”

Courtney laughed. "Yeah, she did."

Ashley shrugged, she knew her mother would call back when she readied herself to explain what The Half-Tamaranean wanted to know. However it seemed that fate wanted to take this initiative from her as Courtney said, “Ash, how don’t you know something so basic as making babies? Here, let me tell you how it’s done…”

Courtney took her PADD and began going through it, when she found what she wanted, she handed the device to Ashley. When she looked, Ashley saw the drawing of a naked woman and a man holding each other.

"Pure love 100%. It's vanilla as fuck, but it should explain things to you." Courtney said with blushing cheeks.

Ashley tilted her head, she was used to seeing people naked because of her aunt Koriand'r and Wonder Girl who were always in the spa onboard the station. “What’s that?”

Courtney laughed. “This is a japanese doujin…”



(Komand'r/ Blackfire)

Alpha Centauri
1 week later


Kara was a delight to be around and she learned fast. She already has the hang of flying, and could survive in space by channeling the energy of her cells, like me she didn’t need to breathe, drink or eat in this environment. Learning how to navigate space was still difficult for Kara because she was no longer planet bound, she panicked in dark space. 

Fortunately, MACHINA fitted her with a HUD linked to the ship that told her where she was in the solar system. I will work on that deficiency with her later.

I floated in the orbit of Proxima B, watching Kara fly at high speed around the planet. She was a blue glowing line around Proxima B. She quickly veered right, flying at high speed, almost at FTL velocity. But she suddenly decelerated and stopped right before me with a smile on her face.

She spoke in sign language because there’s no air in space, [I got it!]

Using my hands, I said, [So, I see. I can remember you crashing into me again and again though.]

With an outraged expression, Kara animatedly replied, [It only happened two times!]

With a disapproving expression, I squinted my eyes at her. [Two times too many. When we go back to Odyssey, I will prepare an obstacle course for you.]

Something in the greater solar system should be alright. I remember trying to catch micrometeorites with my bare hands while they moved at FTL speed for my training. Kara should be able to do the same. Developing her reflexes could save her life.

I explained all this to Kara who cringed back from me. [You’re worse than aunt Lara sometimes, Princess. Always demanding perfection.]

Perfection? Perfection is an illusion, what truly matters is training and knowing yourself. At least that’s what is taught to the cadets in Tamaranean military school. I shook my head, [I don’t ask for perfection, but something close to it. I want you to be more than a match against our foes, you should be able to make them wish they weren’t facing you.]

Kara sighed as she sat while floating, [I feel the love.]

[Yes, I want you to be able to beat anyone. I want you to be safe, Friend-Kara. Anyway, you mastered speed, now we are going to do something about mastery of your senses.] 

The suns are quite loud in Alpha Centauri, I wouldn't want to live here. Sol is just a little buzzing background sound compared to the annoying ringing noises I hear in Alpha Centauri as the three suns frequencies merged into one. Anyhow, it was time for me to start Kara’s subtle training… I took some canisters from my belt and approached the blonde.

I handed her a bead of iron and told her with sign language, [What metal is this? Please taste it]

The Kryptonian girl took the bead and licked it and signed, [This is Iron.]

[Good, next.] I had a lot of elements of the periodic table that weren’t gas in my canister. I handed her the next bead, and the other girl popped it into her mouth like a smartie.

[This is… titanium, its taste is lighter than iron.] Kara signed with a smile.

We continued this exercise for all the elements, Kara got some of them wrong eventually; she was particularly fond of vibranium, she said that it tasted like candies. Now I will have to worry about my girlfriend taking a bite of vibranium coated tech.

I put an end to the exercise, but Kara swiped the vibranium I had on me and started eating it. Kryptonians are bullshit. When she was done, I prepared the next control exercises. Pointing at the small moon orbiting around Proxima B, I signed with one hand, [I want you to start carving trenches in the moon there, I saw that you're able to draw.]

[Huh, with my hands?] Kara asked with a put upon expression.

With a roll of my eyes, I said, [No, with your heat vision. You need to learn how to switch between your senses and powers quickly. From what I understand Kryptonian powers aren't always On.]

[Oh.] The Kryptonian blushed embarrassingly so much that it was even visible in space.

Kara left at speed and went to carve up the rocky moon with her heat vision, not the superman making one, but the normal kryptonian one. With laser precision, Kara started carving a fresco depicting history, her personal one with a skullship and her fleeing krypton with baby Kal.

She then started carving a depiction of me fighting Brainiac and bringing back her people from the brink of extinction. There was no better thank you message in my opinion.  It was like watching a visual novel made out of stone, Kara was stupidly talented with the arts.

I saved her work for posterity with my powers ring by scanning the entire moon. With my hand I signed to her, [You’re more than ready, it's time to go back to Odyssey. ]

A happy smile stretched on Kara's face as she said, [Finally! Let's go back. I need to visit the spa on Odyssey!]



(Lex Luthor)


Deck 200


The lab and quarters he was given were more than adequate, and the tools and equipment more advanced than what Lex had seen in the Fortress of Solitude. He was also given access to material that he would never have found in this universe thanks to the molecular synthesizer onboard. Lex actually understood how the scientist he met, alien and human, had no intention of going back to Earth; Odyssey was the holy grail of Science and research.

The space station was bigger than the Watchtower, with a height of 2 Km and width of 3Km. At each cardinal point at the top of the station there were huge pressurized hangar bays where drones and ships were circulating materials as they were building up to something.

The bones of a structure being constructed one hundred kilometers outside the space station were clearly visible.

Lex was mystified by what was going on; the Kryptonians around him and the ex-villains working in harmony on the space station were one thing; but the magic user doing experiments in space was something else. Lex looked at Jinx, who was conjuring elemental spheres of energy and turned them into water and fire, thanks to golden Mandalas and magic circles. Magic and Scientific research were the norm, Jinx had told him in confidence that she was learning Extra-dimensional magic from Lady Miracle.

Someone was amassing an army and they possessed resources that dwarfed Earth's. That woman, Lady Miracle? Who was she? Not human, that's for sure. The Kryptonian placed Lex in the lower decks where he was taking care of… Superman’s female clone.

Lex looked at the naked teenage girl floating in the tank. He hoped that God would forgive him for having betrayed his friend, Kal. But Lex wasn't blind, Kal went too far and became a true tyrant.

It was why Lex' answer to neutralize his friend was before him. Project Kr was a project run by Cadmus with the intention of cloning Superman. The product of this project was this girl, whom Cadmus intended to replace Superman with if he ever died or "turned on everyone". Their fear became true and Cadmus has been sinking resources into Project Kr since then.

However, before he aligned himself with Lady Miracle, she found out about Cadmus and decided that she didn't like what they were about and destroyed their operations thoroughly. Lex luckily took Titha, this hybrid Amazonian/Kryptonian clone of Superman and Wonder Woman away from Cadmus beforehand. The previous subject named Match didn't survive past the toddler stage.

Before he knew it, Lex got attached to the child growing; knowing how important she would become to the future. He didn't allow Cadmus to touch her mind with their telepaths, leaving her mind pristine and devoid of influence.

Swish. Lex turned to the sliding door and saw a bearded man wearing a skinsuit and a cape enter the laboratory. The S shield if the House of El emblazoned on his chest. The blue eyes of the Kryptonian settled on the businessman. "Lex Luthor."

Lex tilted his head and with a frown began thinking, then his face showed signs of recognition. "I know you, in the end you aren't dead like Kal thought. Jor-El." 

The kryptonian looked around the lab, the equipment in particular. "Many of my people survived."

His eyes settled on the girl floating in the culture tank; she was hugging herself in a fetal position. Jor-El pointed his hand toward her and with a flash of light scanned her. He checked the results on his wrist computer. "Hmm… A clone, crudely made. You used Kal's DNA and someone else's… I am surprised that this clone DNA isn't completely corrupted and that she reached that level of maturation."

Lex couldn't believe that the Kryptonian could see the problems with Titha so fast. He tried to say what he did to keep her from turning into another doomsday expy, "I used-"

Jor-El interrupted him. "Yes, the godly ichor that you used which is part of her now is what keeps her alive and from turning into an abomination."

Lex was becoming annoyed with the superior tone in the man's voice; but he was desperate, so he calmed himself down and put his ego aside to ask, "Can you do anything to help her? I did everything I could to keep her alive, even used Nth metal to bond with her."

Jor-El stares in surprise at Lex then back at the clone. "I see, this explains the exotic energy I've detected. You used the restorative powers of the metal to stop the genetic degradation; it is working in tandem with her divine seed. There's hope… Yes, Mister Luthor; I will be able to save her but this isn't my speciality. I must therefore call for help."

Just to keep Titha alive, Lex has repurposed a nanotech weapon invented by Dr. Serling Roquette. And by using Kryptonian programming and Nth metal he operated on Titha to form her cybernetics and have it bond with her, allowing her to live to this point.

Lex felt relieved when Jor-El spoke on his wrist computer and said, "Alura, this is an emergency. Bring in your best genetic engineers and physicians."


"Yes, a clone… or is it better to say that she's a hybrid, a new sort of being."


Jor-El cut the call short and said to Lex, "My sister-in-law is coming to fix whatever those primitive scientists did to the girl."

The bald man's shoulders sagged in relief. "Thank you."

Jor-El turned to Titha's tank and walked up to the main console and started poling around the files and transferred systems. "No need to thank me, Mister Luthor. Whether I want it or not, she's part of my house, I don't care how she came to life."

Alura and a dozen scientists and staff came to the laboratory 40 minutes later. They added to the current equipment and loaded the cable attached to the culture tank with a batch of medical nanites that formed a fog inside it. The nanites would repair the genetic structure of the clone and make sure that the degradation never recurred.

The liquid the clone floated in was also replaced by a synthetic amniotic fluid which someone could only find into a Kryptonian birth matrix to nourish the child inside. Jor-El was two steps ahead and placed a sleep learning device which would teach Titha the Kryptonian language and different fields of knowledge.

Alura said, "Mister Luthor, leave the rest to us, she should stabilize in the next two months."

The businessman showed warm emotion as he touched the glass of the culture tank. "Thank you Councilor, if you need anything, please contact me."

He left right away, he needed to speak with someone in charge about what to do with the Justice League. They had erred long enough.




6 months later



(Kara Zor-El) 


November 23rd, 2010 (Earth time)
Hangar 04


All that training Kara had with Komand’r and Ashley has paid off. Kara could hold her own against Lara for one minute… her aunt was scary to fight, even more so under yellow sunlight. The blonde was pacing before the ramp of the crystalline troop transport, worrying about her performance while waiting for the team to gather.

This was the big day of the operation, it took six months to train everyone involved; watch old videos of the JL and JSA fighting against their enemies to find their weaknesses, make plans to separate and confront them. The Danger Room has been used to fight individually against people like Green Lantern, Superman or Wonder Woman; when Kara had started she was thrashed worse than in her training with her aunt Lara…

Kal El could be handled, she fought stronger opponents than him in the person of Lara and Komand’r; Wonder Woman… was simply unbeatable even if Kara was boosted by her solar combat skin, the amazon always beat her or killed her in the simulation. Only Komand’r had succeeded in taking her down so far and they destroyed a small island.

It was an eye opening battle, and Kara was now aware that she needed more training. The blonde felt arms snaking around her waist and being pulled into a hug. The familiar voice of Komand'r telling her, “Kara-Love, stop pacing, you'll wear out the grav plates.”

Kara let herself melt in her princess' embrace, Komand'r placing her chin in the cook of the blonde's neck. The Kryptonian girl was used to this little display of affection from Komand'r since they started dating six months ago. “But… I’m nervous. It’s the decisive operation to put a stop to the League…”

Kara shuddered in pleasure when Komand’r spoke with a sultry voice in her ear. “Do you want me to help you relax?”

Her cheeks red and her nipples hardening, Kara tried to pry herself away from the princess’ embrace. “Kom… please we’re in public…”

Komand’r laughed and let her go. “You Kryptonians can be so prudish…” However the Tamaranean princess caught her right hand and kissed it.

Kara, with her free hand, swatted Komand'r's left arm playfully. “Hey!”

The princess smiled impishly and moved her fingers in a certain pattern and a bubble of magic surrounded them. Komand'r said, “Here, no one can see us now.”

Kara often forgot that Komand'r wasn't above cheating with magic to get what she wanted. The blonde noticed how the outside of the bubble was frozen. *Did she stop time?*

Kara turned toward Komand'r to ask her what she did. “But-”

However, she was trapped into her warm embrace once again and found her lips molested by the princess'. The Kryptonian gave into the kiss they were now sharing, now used to how aggressively she was being sought out by Komand'r. Gradually, Kara lost herself and all thoughts of not being adequate or her nervousness completely disappeared. 

Since they started courting, Kara has become more confident in herself and certainly more open as she interacted with the humans surrounding Komand'r. 

“Kom… please… if we continue… I’m going to want more.” Kara added between kisses with her girlfriend.

Sigh. The princess reluctantly let go of Kara and said, “The mission first, then I will be taking care of your needs after, deal?”

“Yes!” Kara said in a victorious tone. 

Komand'r stared at her with an amused expression, then the blonde made herself smaller and said in a little voice, “I mean, yes, my Princess!”

Komand'r wriggled her fingers and the bubble of magic ceased to exist and time seemed to resume. It was at this point that the two noticed the people who had come while they were busy making out.

“Mom!” The childish voice of Ashley was recognizable.

But the young woman who appeared in Kara's field of vision didn't look like a child anymore. Tamaranean puberty struck the once flat and lanky little girl; Komand'r and Koriand'r swore that this was normal for their species. Ashley had become taller and curvier, her skin tone became closer to her Komand'r's. The shade of black of her hair deepened into dark purple; her eyes have also changed to become a glowing green.

She looked definitely like a petite version of Komand'r.  

Children like Ashley who have been denied familial love were extremely malleable, Kara was happy that the psionic girl had ended up being rescued by Komand'r. Who knows what would have happened if Ashley had fallen in the hands of people less than trustworthy. 

The Half-Tamaranean flew into Komand'r's arms. “Little one, you look even prettier with your combat skin on.”

Ashley stepped back away from her mother and twirled on herself. “MACHINA fabbed it in purple and black for me! I want to be like you.”

I do good work! MACHINA piped up.

Kara laughed at the Smart AI's antics. Kara wore a similar combat skin with the House of El's symbol. It was in white and red and thanks to Komand'r's technology was turned into a solar armor, the sunlight radiation able to shift between red, yellow and blue easily. Technology that she chose to not share with the rest of Kandor, because… it was dangerous to allow it to circulate with trust in the Military guild being at its lowest.

Komand'r quirked her lips into a smile as she looked appreciatively at MACHINA's work gracing her adoptive daughter.  “I’m flattered, Ashley. But I would like for you to stay yourself and be better than me, all parents want their offspring to surpass them.”

Kara looked between Ashley and Komand'r and she had the hunch that they were having a silent conversation, the two of them used a form of telepathy. The blonde saw her aunt Lara and her uncle Jor-El float toward them at a sedate pace. Behind them there was Barbara and Harley in their combat suits.

Top, our speedster came in with the rest of his team at super speed, one by one; Heatwave and Captain Cold looked around themselves, sizing up everyone. In a shower of pink sparkles, Jinx appeared, wearing a slinky black bodysuit with an integrated pink skirt. 

"Here I am!" Jinx said with her arms spread wide.

Most of the men rolled their eyes at the magic user; Harley clapped her hands with magnanimity and took a sign out of nowhere and showed it to everyone. "I give you a six on your entrance."

Jinx gasped, her hand on her chest in outrage. "No way, Harley! It deserves at least an eight!"

"Kom, darlin'. Show her how it’s done!"

The princess sighed, disappeared from view and all around them flower petals manifested and in an explosion of purple sparkles Komand'r reappeared becoming slowly visible and the wind picked up, letting illusionary flowers bloom. Top, Harley and Ashley began applauding with enthusiasm. 

Kara was biased, but this was a way better entrance than Jinx, who began to pout with her arms crossed under her chest. Harley used the same sign and wrote on it, and showed a ten to everyone. "That will show her to do better!"

"That’s not fair!" Jinx cried out.

Kara laughed, until Jor-El opened the cargo hold of the troop transport, it made the usual noise of crystals clinking together. The middle-aged Kryptonian turned toward everyone and said, "The ship is ready, please everyone board up. Lara will be the pilot and-"

Komand'r disappeared from Kara's and Ashley's side and interrupted Jor-El by appearing next to his wife. "I am going to follow you, Friend-Lara. I call 'shotgun' like humans say."

"As you wish, your highness." The Kryptonian chuckled.



(Diana Prince)


At the same time at the Hall of Justice…
Washington D.C.
Locker room 

Diana wasn't used to being on this side of the investigation; originally, it would be one of the Robins or Batman who would be delegated to investigate the source of all their setbacks. "Who are you, Miss Miracle?"

Since she was in a coma after tanking a nuclear explosion from an exploding Captain Atom, the League has had many setbacks, and had to retreat on many fronts. Healing people and solving problems without fighting or being too destructive has given the woman a lot of followers and clout all over the world.

She even entered in the business of fixing monuments and what she destroyed in her fights. Gotham was the perfect example of that. Diana opened youtube on her phone and looked again for the video of the fight between Darkseid and Lady Miracle. Diana realized that she wasn't confident in taking on the woman if this was the type of attack she would be subject to. Lady Miracle targeted Darkseid's weaknesses and gouged his body with her swords; the final beam attack was akin to an orbital bombardment…

Diana put down her phone on the bench amongst her effects and started thinking. When it came to a confrontation, she doubted that the League would lose, all they had to do was treat her like they would Darkseid, disturb her concentration, never leave her time to rest and have Kala and herself take care of the CQC while Raven and Hal busy themselves with her swords.

At least that was the embers of a plan if all of them had to fight against the woman; so far she has been rather elusive and always on the move. Without the Watchtower and Cyborg, there was no way to track her. But to Diana’s mind… this didn’t seem to be a coincidence.

What happened to Kal El… had changed him… no, her. Thirty years as a man could be overwritten in a snap because of a pink rock; Diana had always thought that Kryptonite’s effects on Kryptonian didn’t make any sense. A smile still spread on Diana’s face as she was getting what she wanted; Kal was depending more and more on her. She had dreamed about their lives together in her coma and she was determined to make it a reality.

Footsteps echoed beyond the female locker room, and Diana heard someone beating against the door. Bang, bang, bang!

"Diana! We're under attack! Come quick!" She heard the voice of Damian.

The Demi-Goddess started to put on her armor and seized her shield, lasso and gladius. Diana was going to show to whoever had come that the league wasn’t weak.



(Ashley Blackfire aka Ace)


The Hall of Justice, the current Headquarters of the Justice League of America. The center of the tyrannical One Earth's Regime since Komand'r took their space station after shrinking it. Ashley had seen it float harmlessly in the vault of Odyssey. 

BAM! Her mother kicked in the door of the Justice Hall while Top, Captain Cold and Heatwave took care of the super soldier squad at the entrance. Ace had received a disguise from Komand'r, she looked exactly like a mini version of her Lady Miracle glamour. Kara, and her aunt Harley were following behind Komand'r. 

From what Ace remembered from the pre-mission briefing, most of the ground floor is a publicly accessible museum dedicated to heroes and souvenirs of their battle. There were no civilians inside, no visitors, only super soldiers and some staff. A scan of the building has revealed that the door leading to the true HQ was behind the Statue of Superman, it also led to a basement storing dangerous magic artifacts and a cafeteria. 

Ashley's mom announced herself with the point of her umbrella poking the ground three times. "Guttentag everyone, I've come to collect my fee."

No one said anything, the super soldiers stayed frozen, knowing exactly what they shouldn’t be doing: fight her. Ashley landed on the ground and watched the staff fleeing through the service doors. The super soldiers chose that moment to point their rifles at the group, but Komand'r was having none of that.

"Zun Haal Viik." Like thunder, those three words rang in the room and a wave of blue energy struck the jackbooted soldiers and their weapons were ripped out of their hands.

It was Ashley's cue, and her hands lit up with purple starbolt energy and she grabbed all the weapons with her telekinetic ability. Her mental abilities were now mixed with her power as a Tamaranean and it was great in a way. The rifles floated up and she pointed them at the men and women.

Ashley smiled at everyone around her and… the smell of burnt plastic and metal melting filled the museum. The supersoldiers watched as their weapons were getting slagged with purple energy. 

Green Lantern walked in and looked at the melted rifle on the ground, still smoking. He looked back at Ashley's mom and said, "Lady Miracle… I thought that our lawyers had contacted you."

Komand'r made her handbag disappear and said, "They've been stalling long enough, I don't intend to settle with you anymore. Like a certain Pimp named Slickback would say: Bitch you better have my money."

Her hand lit up with pink light and Green Lantern's ring covered him with his own passive forcefield. "I feel trouble here, guys."

Princess Diana of Themyscira appeared from the door leading to the headquarters. She was armed and glaring at everyone in Ashley's team. She asked in a conciliatory tone, "Could you give us more time to… gather the money?"

Komand'r shook her head. "I've waited 6 months already, even heroes need to pay their dues."

No more was said after that. With a snap of her finger Komand'r conjured a shield that surrounded the Justice Hall; then the fight broke immediately after that, Ashley saw her mother focus on Wonder Woman that she estimated to be the bigger threats.

Ashley did as anticipated in the briefing, she lifted all the super soldiers with her TK. It didn't matter if they were doped with Kryptonian super soldier pills, if they had no leverage to exert their strength, they were completely useless. That's when the first heavy hitter of the League arrived; Kal El, or was it Kala El now?

Before she could attack Ashley, Powergirl, aka Kara interposed herself between them and stopped the attack on the Half-Tamaranean. Kara held onto the fist as she looked the other Kryptonian in the eyes.

Kara glared as he saw his house shield on the chest of the other woman. "Who are you, why are you wearing my house's symbol?!"

The blonde spoke in perfect Kryptonian, "I don't have to say anything to a Zod cheerleader like you, Kal Kent."

Ashley decided to put the other super soldiers outside the Hall of Justice and began moving them, knowing a huge fight was about to happen.



(Kara Zor-El) 


Kara had been dreading this confrontation since the start, she was now facing the result of her failure. A Kal who has grown up without her; who doesn’t understand what it means to be a Kryptonian. Kara knew that this failure was due to the hand of fate, but she couldn’t help but feel guilty. 

From what Komand’r and MACHINA had told Kara; Clark was raised by his foster parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent, as a human being, as neither of them knew anything about Kryptonians. Therefore, Clark considers himself to be essentially human, as he is, psychologically, culturally, and morally. Therefore, his identity as “Clark Kent” is not a false one, as that’s how he was raised from infancy, so it is not an act, or just a disguise.

Kal-El is the disguise for him, so her little baby cousin was dead on arrival on Earth since she couldn’t take care of him. Kara let go of Kal’s hand and couldn’t help but squint at the house of El symbol on his chest. Kal has made it something reviled on this planet due to his action.

With a tilt of her head, Kara taunted. “Where's your Zod house symbol? You left it at home? You’ve been emulating him since you took over this planet.”

Kal started to float and turned up her nose at Kara, knuckles cracking as she said with a growl, “I don’t have to justify my action to you, I did this to bring lasting peace on this planet.”

Amused, the blonde started floating as well at Kal’s level and replied, “It’s astonishing, you’re saying the same things as him. What was it that he said to the Kryptonian council? Ah yes… Every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people.

 “Who are you to judge me?!” She flew at Kara and tried to punch her.

Kara evaded at high speed and said behind Kal. “You want to know? If you insist, I will tell you. Cousin."

The blonde Kryptonian grabbed Kal by the hair. "My name is…"

BANG! She slammed her in the ground, creating a small crater as she controlled her strength to not destroy the Hall of Justice completely. Kal extricates herself from the hold she was kept in by using heat vision on her hair, slicing it to escape by rolling on the ground before a red boot found her face.

Crack! The floor fractured as Kara avoided a swing from Kala, seeing it miles away. "Kara…"

With a cross-counter, Kara exploited the jab thrown at her. POW! Sending the black haired female Kryptonian into the statue representing her male form, destroying it. Kara didn’t let up and followed up on her attack by landing feet first on the still laying there Kal. Destroying the floor and ending up in the basement of the Justice Hall.

Kara smiled cutely as she crouched next to Kal and said to her face to face. "Daughter of Zor-El…" 

SLAM! Kal punched her, but it did nothing as Kara’s combat skin absorbed the shock. She couldn’t help but say to her fallen cousin, “You are weak, son of Kent.”

Kal glared at her. "Why are you doing this? Shouldn't we be family?"

Kara was mad, Kal was now thinking about emotional and familial ties?! She hissed, "You have betrayed what it means to be part of the House of El. You don't deserve to wear this symbol…"

Riiiiiiiiip. Kara ripped the El house symbol from Kala's chest and said while taking something from her inventory space in her belt, "Cover yourself."

Another symbol on a piece of blue fabric landed on Kala, it was etched with the Zod symbol. Kala couldn't believe what the blonde did, then her face became twisted in rage, she stood up and struck Kara in the face, creating a shockwave and Kal grabbed her by the neck and flew up breaking the ceiling of the hall at super speed.



(Barbara Gordon)


South of the North Pole
Desolate Island
Fortress of Solitude 



Meanwhile in the arctic…

Barbara was excited, they were finally going to strike another blow to the Regime. This time, they will target their ability to produce the 5-U-93-R nanotech drug. The non-superpowered troops in the Regime will be more manageable by the UN and the NATO force which are now ready to get back the sovereignty of planet Earth back into its hands.

The troop transport landed before the crystalline formations of Kryptonian architecture. Barbara, Jor-El, Lara and Jinx exited the transport and flew toward the entrance of the Fortress. 

Jor-El was sorely disappointed when he saw the key made of electron degenerate matter being the sole defense to the Fortress. Barbara smiled at that, Clark Kent was a doofus. Lara opened the door and fair enough it opened, letting her see the ice and crystal inside as the cavernous space stretched into a well lit corridor.

Jor-El and Lara then started using their wrist computers and minutes later a Kryptonian android came flying at the entrance where they stood. It looked like a typical tentacled oval construct that Barbara was used to seeing following the Kryptonian scientists aboard Odyssey. 

The android raised a tentacle with a metal pincer in salute. “Welcome, creator Jor-El, Mistress Lara.”

The two Kryptonian floated toward the android caretaker and replied in kind. Lara touched the android's tentacle and said, “Keelex, I’m happy to see you.” 

After the greetings, the Android finally asked, "Are you trying to repossess this repository?"

Jor-El sighed. "Yes, Kal can't be trusted, he perverted our teachings… Now that our species has survived, we can't let the knowledge inside fall into the wrong hands."

Lara added, "And currently, Kal is considered a dissident."

The android visibly thought about this and Barbara asked herself how advanced those are truly compared to MACHINA who was basically a synthetic Tamaranean at this point. The servant finally replied, "Then you must speak with the main Intelligence inside the Fortress."

Jor-El was surprised, "Is my copy still active?"

Barbara recognized a so-so gesture from the tentacled construct. "Mostly, Kal El cut him out of most of the Fortress' functions."

*How typical of Clark Kent.* Barbara thought; the Jor-El AI must have tried to stop him.

With a sad expression Jor-El said, "Good, we're going to put in the codes and move the Fortress to Mars."

"Understood." The android said and then started leading them further inside the building.

Barbara didn't feel quite relevant right now, despite having her new suit on. Jinx who was at her side complained with a whiny tone, "What? We don't have anything to do?"

"We're here just in case Superman appears." Barbara patted her kryptonite batons, they were currently inert.

With a stomp of her feet, the apprentice sorceress pouted. "Damn it! Komand'r and the others are hogging all the fun again."

Barbara accessed her communicator and watched the second Tacnet and saw that team Miracle is currently engaged in combat like Jinx said. *Well at least everyone is getting a workout…*



(Komand'r/ Blackfire/ Lady Miracle) 


Back with Komand’r…


The fight between me and Wonder Woman was quite close as I constrained myself to fight at her level and she knew it. She had vastly more experience than me because of how long she's been alive. I sidestepped from her tackle, then she wiped toward me with a jab that I deflected with my own arm.

She attempted to have me in an armlock that I broke with my superior strength. She was relentless and switched smoothly between techniques, strikes and holds. 

Diana suddenly asked after stepping back away from me, "What do you think that fighting us is going to bring you?"

"I thought that you were smarter than that, Princess Diana. It's really obvious…" I stepped at super speed before her. "I am going to ransom you."

She punched me, because I let her. And in retaliation I asked, "What did the five fingers say to the face?"

"What?" She asked, confused.

Slap! The imprint of my hand was on her face and she fell to the ground.

"Those hands are rated E for everyone." And I kicked her and sent her flying into a wall. "Those feet too."




On the internet…

The entire confrontation was being streamed on Harley's resistance website by phased stealth drones. MACHINA was hosting the website on a server housed on Luna. The comments on the fight between Wonder Woman and Lady Miracle were full of confusion and shock.


Doc Sara Hunter:

"Did... Lady Miracle just pimp slap Wonder Woman?"



"ROFLMAO! The League is getting its ass handed to it."



@Doc Sara Hunter "Yes she did. That is so hot."



"Why did Lady Miracle pimp slap Wonder Woman? I thought Lady M was a good gal?"



@Wonder-woman-simp1990 "The League didn't pay their bill, so no nice Lady Miracle for them."



"Ohh that is very bad. You always pay your bills even if you're a 'Hero'."



"Notice how everyone forgot that Harley Quinn is still there…"



"Omg, did Harley just whack Green Lantern on the back of the head and… it shattered his ring?!"



"Things are getting heated." 




(Harley Quinzel)


"And one depowered Lantern, one!" The blonde with the harlequin themed combat skin jumped up and down reveling in her success.

Hal found himself back in his pilot jumpsuit, looking at himself. "What the-"

On the ground were the shattered pieces of his power ring, Hal looked at it in shock.

Another one bites the dust! MACHINA sing-songed.

The Smart AI was having fun monitoring the fight, advising the more vulnerable members of Team Miracle. The man crouched and tried to pick up the pieces of the power ring. In vain as there were too many shards. With a vengeful glare, he stared at Harley.

"What did you do?"  Hal demanded. 

"What must be done, take a nap, Hal!" With her wrist mounted weapon, she stunned him with her electro-laser.

"Who's next?" The blonde said as she looked around herself, using her hand as a visor.

Just at that moment, Harley deflected a Batarang and turned where the sensors of her suit detected someone hidden.

"The clown's sidekick, why am I not surprised to see you there?" Damian Wayne appeared from behind the foot of the Statue of Batman.

Harley went for the jugular right of the bat. "Ah… Nightwing's murderer. Killed any of your siblings lately? You're wearing his suit and his hero name, is this what you wanted?"

"It… it wasn't my fault." A look of self-loathing and utter guilt appeared on his face despite the domino mask he wore.

Harley pointed her wrist at him and fired her electro-laser; Damian dodged and the two started fighting. 



(Koriand'r aka Starfire) 


Hovering over the Hall of Justice, Koriand'r was acting as a backup for her sister from another universe's plan. She was obviously disguised to look like Lady Miracle's twin, they needed to keep the charade that the titans were still aligned with the Justice League for a bit longer.

Two streaks of red and green colors were quickly approaching the Justice Hall, and Koriand'r knew exactly who it was. The Flash and his new sidekick, Velocity. It was comical to see the two speedsters bounce on the magic barrier deployed around the Hall.

The duo tried to pass through the barrier by using their vibrating and phasing trick, to no avail. The crimson clad speedster beat against the barrier with his fist, making it bounce. "Damn it, we can't pass through it!"

Velocity looked around, seeking for something until she looked up and saw Koriand'r. She poked Flash's shoulder while never losing sight of the Koriand'r. "Huh, Flash…"

The flash was trying to get into the bubble. "What? This is important V, we can't-" 

"Flash, look up." Velocity interrupted him.

Koriand'r was slowly floating down and when the attention of the heroes shifted onto her she waved at them with a smile. "Hello, heroes."

A beautiful platinum blonde in a pink sundress and glowing with green fire was what the two heroes were seeing. The Flash stared at Koriand'r while saying, "The pink sundress, and the big hat mark you as a member of Lady Miracle's team."

Koriand'r rolled her eyes. "Clearly."

"What’s your name?" Velocity asked while still sparkling with bright pink lightning. 

Koriand'r put her hands on her hips and declared, "Lady Providence."

The flash quipped, "I am seeing a theme here…"

The Tamaranean was having fun, using a different persona was quite liberating. She showed her fist shining with green starbolt but which looked more eldritch because of the combatskin Komand'r had given her. The suit actually made her starbolt stronger. "So, are we doing this or what?"

Velocity immediately said with a fearful look on her face, "Huh, Flash you know I don't like to fight…"

The flash sighed at the pacifist Australian speedster. "Calm your tits, V. We will not fight her, just… disable her?"

"Semantics." Velocity pointed out.

Koriand'r glared at the Flash. "You're being awfully cocky to assume that I am easy to take down. Fortunately for you, Just like you… I am not trying to fight you."

The scarlet speedster was surprised by what Koriand'r said. "Are you here to delay us? I won't let you!"

"No, I am here to capture you." Koriand'r said calmly while slowly walking up to the duo.

They both looked at each other and moved in different directions, speeding beyond the speed of sound. Koriand'r sighed and moved; she was happy that Komand'r had done some of those changes to her and lifted her limiter. She was stronger, faster and tougher.

That is why she was fast enough to run after them and catch up to the Flash and ambushed him and Velocity both in Washington by imprisoning them with different starbolt constructs that they couldn't phase through and slapped the Flash with a power inhibitor collar and took Velocity's belt from her.

"Oh." Velocity found herself powerless and she seemed to not like that. 

"Fuck." The Flash tried to use his speed but nothing happened.

Koriand'r laughed. "Now come with me, heroes."



(Kala-El/Clark Kent/Originally Superman now Superwoman) 


The Hall was surrounded by a forcefield of some sort, she noticed it while she brought Kara Zor-El outside the Hall earlier; Kala had intended to bring her to orbit but the bubble of energy had kept them here. This assault was prepared, Lady Miracle knew exactly how to take each of them down.

Kala realized that fighting had been the worst decision the League had made, they should have paid the money like she thought at first. Where did they find another Kryptonian though? What’s more the name Kara was familiar to her, but Kala couldn’t place where she heard it.

She dodged a Haymaker that Kara swung at her. But with an aerial roundhouse kick, Kara caught the black haired Kryptonian on her left flank, sending Kala flying against the magical barrier and falling into the fountain at the entrance of the Justice Hall.

Kala stood back up but what she saw was a fist coming at her at a speed she couldn't hope to match, so she tanked it and tried to redirect it. She might have changed build but Kala had way more experience in combat than her new cousin. And it showed. However she noticed that Kara acted as if she wasn't getting tired at all and some of the hits Kala made were somehow nullified by something.

Then she started to understand when she looked at the suit that Kara was wearing. Somehow, the suit was feeding her yellow sun radiation; making it so that she always regenerated and was topped off while Kala was tiring as the sun was going down.

Kara stopped wailing punches on her and giggled. "You finally realized."

Kala looked at the white and red suit Kara was wearing. "All I have to do is rip that suit off of you."

The blonde Kryptonian shrugged. "It's too late for that, cousin. We already won, don't you find it strange that no one is coming to help you?"

Kala perked up at this and used her powerful vision to look at the Hall, she saw the downed super soldiers, and Harley Quinn punch Nightwing in the solar plexus and KOed him. Lady Miracle, was now exchanging blows with Wonder Woman, but Harley who had put Nightwing on her shoulder in a fireman's carry came up behind Diana and whacked her on the head with a silver metal bat. The amazon fell, like a sack of potatoes, on the ground unconscious.

A golden portal opened and the woman started loading the unconscious heroes through the aperture. Lady Miracle felt Kala's gaze on her somehow, then smiled and waved at the Kryptonian. 

Kara giggled and sent a flying kiss at Lady Miracle; meanwhile Kala started floating and moving toward where Lady Miracle and the rest were leading his friends and colleagues. But she was stopped by the blonde Kryptonian grabbing her cape. "Ah ah. Where are you going?"

"Let go." Kala turned and swung a fist at her.

The blonde caught her fist and neutralized the shockwave emitted from the hit despite Kala having put everything into it. It was frustrating, Kara seemed to be better trained and equipped.

"Miracle took care of your friends, we now have them. You better try paying your dues, even if I find the concept of money primitive…" His blonde cousin explained as if what they were doing made any sense.

Kala thought about retaliating until the sky turned from the orange sunset to a red color; she felt a sudden wave of weakness assault her. The blonde let go of her and she noticed that she was looking at her smugly. "What have you done? Why is the sky red?"

Kara shrugged. "We're just taking steps to escape, do you feel it? You're losing your powers because of how the magical forcefield is shifting the color and properties of the sun's radiation."

Kara started flying while Kala was now grounded because of the loss of her power. A despairing expression started to appear on Kala's face. "While you're fine with your suit providing you with yellow sun radiation…"

"Yes." The blonde Kryptonian nodded.

This was planned from the start, but she didn't understand why they didn't use that from the beginning. "What was the point of all this?"

She laughed. "You'll know soon enough. Kal-Kent."

"Stop!" Kala saw her newly discovered cousin flying up, a golden portal opened in the sky. 

Kara looked down and said, "See you soon!"

Kala stood there, looking up, powerless; the silence around the Justice Hall weighing on her. She also saw the destruction that their fight had wrought, the Justice League was just defeated by a band of mercenaries. Their apparent invincibility was tested and found wanting. 



(Ashley Blackfire/Ace)


5 minutes later…
Outside the Tower of Fate


Ashley was satisfied with her first operation as a member of Team Miracle. She didn't help much, her and Captain Cold’s team held back the super soldier minions of Superwoman. But it was a good experience, because apparently in her mother's universe things are not so simple. 

Kara descended from the second portal Komand'r had opened and she landed next to her. Ashley's mom hugged Kara for an instant, then she started checking her damages. She found none and then asked, "Did you beat her?"

"I technically didn't beat Kal, just delayed her. It's weird that she's not male you know." Kara said with a sheepish tone, putting a lock of hair behind her ear and lowering her eyes.

With a hand on her cheek, Komand'r said, "Stalling him was best for this operation and you did the job. And don't worry if everything pans out, in some years she will be back to manhood."

Ashley wished that one day she would find someone as cute as Kara to share her life with. Male or female, it didn't matter what their gender were. They were approaching Nelson's house when all of a sudden, an individual with a strange green hooded cloak with silver skin and barely enough to wear under it appeared.

"Mom, who is that? Is that one of those perverted streakers you and MACHINA warned me about?" Ashley asked innocently. 

Komand'r stared before her and she tensed, placing herself between the newcomer and her team. "Huh, what is the Spectre doing outside Mister Nelson's home?"

Ashley saw her mother close her eyes and MACHINA must have reminded her what she forgot because she opened her eyes again and said, "Ah, I remember."

Everyone put themselves on their guard when Komand'r commanded to Harley, "Harley, ready your bat."

The woman with the harlequin markings approached, her silver bat in hand."Whoa, what for?" 

Ashley noticed that they started to speak on the Tacnet in a private communication and she saw her aunty Harley tighten her hands around her shiny little bat.

"We might die or worse if you don't." Ashley's mom pointed out and it was terrifying. 

To Ashley, her mom is an impregnable bastion of strength; she saved her from death, treated her like a normal girl and she even got to have friends. Despite herself, Ashley's hands lit up with starbolt energy, she had just found a family she wasn't going to lose it.

The hooded man floated toward Komand'r. "Lady Miracle or should I call you Princess Komand'r? A stranger to this universe."

Harley, Captain Cold and his teammates surrounded the captured heroes. Komand'r started floating, her armor shifting from the blue sundress she wore when at work to her black and gold Nth metal combat skin. "Spectre. Or better known as Aztar, the Spirit of Vengeance." 

*Who is he, MACHINA?* Ashley asked, worried by the arrival of this unknown being.

He is Aztar, the divine Spirit of Vengeance, a powerful agent of the Presence. MACHINA revealed a bit fearfully.  

*The Presence?* What a silly name.

Literally, God. MACHINA said more accurately. 

*Oh.* Now Ashley understood why MACHINA and her mother were wary. If an angel of God came, she would not be so ready to fight it…

"I've come to stop you; will you leave willingly or will I have to force you?" Aztar said as he landed before Komand'r. 

With a smile, and a tilt of her head, Komand'r replied, "Oh, and what for?"

Aztar's gaze left Lady Miracle and slid over everyone present and he looked reproachful as he explained, "You changed the tapestry of what was supposed to happen. The earth was supposed to fall completely under the control of Superman by this point in time. Your interference made it so that it will never happen. Kal-El was supposed to bring order to this universe. Kryptonians should be extinct with just a handful of survivors roaming the universe."

Ashley heard the noise of bones popping, she looked toward Kara and saw the expression of Fury etched on her face. Ashley flew up to Kara, put a hand around her arm and said, "Calm down."

Komand'r looked downright annoyed and a cruel smile spread on her face. "Right… I doubt that, you don't believe that and the fucker possessing you is playing mind games. And I won't fall for that."

With her hands lighting up with pink starbolt, ready to fight, Komand'r ordered, "Do it, Harley."



(Harley Quinzel) 


The condescending voice of the guy named Aztar was getting to Harley. "What do you hope this sin wrought mortal to accomplish? She's less powerful than you. Begone clown."

He waved his hand but with a smile, Harley disappeared and used her Xth Metal bat to travel outside of reality and away from the material world, as if she slipped behind a curtain. She really liked this toy, it made her a really dangerous person as she could literally materialize or do whatever she wanted with the reality warping manipulation conferred by the metal.

The attack on the Watchtower has been for this moment; for Komand'r to fight against beings such as the Lords of Order and Chaos battling it out and interfering in her plan to save this world. The alien Princess has harvested all the Xth metal from the mother and father boxes that the League had confiscated. The wonder metal can be manipulated via thought, even change form, but Harley liked it has a bat.

From an outside perspective, Harley could see the tower of fate floating in the dark space she found herself floating in.

It was a strange space, she could see some bright light in the distance, but Harley chose to not focus on them. Instead she focused on spreading her newly acquired cosmic awareness conferred by the magical metal bat and stopped time in the bubble of reality where Komand'r was. She saw the Spectre and inside of him was the form of a small man.

*So this is the troublemaker.* From what Komand’r told her, the being who Hijacked the Spectre from his previous host was called, Mister Mxyzptlk, an imp from the 5th Dimension. The creature was basically a super-powered stalker with a penchant for pranks that went too far, like right now. 

Komand'r had told Harley that she wasn't happy about the imp's meddling in this delicate time. Harley brandished her bat and willed to separate the Imp from Aztar. She reappeared behind the Spectre and… Whack!

The glowing bat severed the link between the imp and Aztar and the two separated. The bald creature was on the ground while Aztar was motionless. Harley didn't end it here and started attacking the dimensional creature, inhibiting its powers. She kicked him in the back and started beating him up. 

Bam! Pow! When the creature was covered in bruises and bloody, Komand'r stopped Harley with a hand on her shoulder. "Harley stop."

As the imp laid on the grassy lawn, Harley watched Komand'r crouch next to it. The tone used by Komand'r gave Harley goosebumps. "Good, now you fucking Imp better get back home, there's nothing here for you."

With his one good eye, the imp asked with a wheeze to Harley and Komand'r, "You… how did… you do that?! How did you know that I was-"

Komand'r sighed and looked at Harley, the princess nodded and the blonde gave her a wicked smile. And brandished her bat again and struck the creature again. Full on the belly. Whack!

"Cough. Cough. H-hell… and damnation, s-stop that!" The imp still thought that he had control of the situation. 

With a killing glare, Komand'r reiterated, "Return from whence you came, Mxyzptlk. You're not welcome on Earth and this dimension."

"You can't do this to me!" The imp cried out, trying to get up again. However, Komand'r put a boot on him and the creature was laying back on the ground, glancing at her with hate-filled eyes.

Komand'r was completely different from Mister J, but right here, she was scary with her eyes glowing pink and the sword at her hip flew by itself out of her scabbard and started floating like a sword of Damocles over the head of the imp. The crystalline blue blade shifted to a purple color until Komand'r pushed more energy into it that it became red.

The Tamaranean's voice became cold, without inflection. "It's that or I'll kill you, right here, right now. Damn the consequences."

The weapon became even more menacing as the blade turned black with a purple aura. The imp gulped and seemed to give up, "Raaaaaah! Fine, I am leaving. But Mark my words, it's not the last time that you hear of me!"

The creature threatened Komand'r and on the Tacnet, Komand'r asked, "Shouldn't I kill him for good?"

"No, mom, don't…" Ashley answered.

Kara gave a more thoughtful reply, "You should let him go, but if he does trespass again, you should kill him."

"Kill the little bitch." Mick aka Heatwave gave his opinion.

"Whatever you need to do, boss." Captain Cold said.

Komand'r sighed and she made her sword return to her hand and looked in the creature's sole working eye.  The imp's face was swelling and he looked even more stupid than usual. "There won't be a next time if I see you again. This, I can promise you. Imp. Now get out of this dimension."

Relieved, the imp shouted his name in reverse, "Kltpzyxm!!"

Sheeeeeen! In an explosion of sparkles he disappeared from this dimension. Harley jumped at Komand'r's side, preparing a quip but it wasn't to be. Everything around them became dark, with sparkly stars all around them; and a rotund man with a bowler hat and suit appeared, he had a nondescript appearance and seemed to change ethnicity everything Harley blinked.

"What now?!" The blonde asked ready to fight,

The man crouched next to Aztar, and checked him, the Spectre disappeared and then he reappeared some second later behind the man, looking at everyone with confusion. 

"Thank you for freeing him, child." A powerful voice said to Harley.

"Who might you be, old man?" The blonde asked as the appearance settled on a white man with a white mustache, he looked right out of the Hercules Poirot tv series.

Vorp! The familiar appearance of Doctor Fate was seen as he appeared in the dark space. Komand'r waved at him and greeted him. “Ah hello, Docteur Destin, can you tell me who this individual is?”

His eyes fell on the mustache man and he immediately bent the knee. “Lady Miracle… please, be more respectful. This is…”

"I can introduce myself, Nabu." The powerful voice assured the Lord of Order who took possession of Doctor Fate.

The sorcerer dipped his head low. "Yes, my Lord."

Harley didn't like that, another big poobah showed up right after the first… their life became more of a roller-coaster. 

"Komand'r and company. You may call me, the Voice." The powerful entity introduced itself.

Harley felt herself being judged under the gaze of the being that was basically God. She had listened to MACHINA's description earlier. Komand'r didn't look phased at all, she even quipped, "Ah, I heard of you in passing." 

The powerful voice laughed. "I sure hope so, it's not everyday that we see extra-universal visitors in this part of the multiverse."

Ah, the being sounded quite excited to meet Komand'r, Harley understood. She was quite frankly awesome to know; another reason, Harley wanted in her pants.

Komand'r let go of her human disguise and sighed. "Why are you speaking to us, an entity like you is always… busy."

The old man with the mustache who is the Voice's avatar started smiling. It was a bit creepy to Harley how he seemed to treat Komand'r like a novelty. Even more so after it said, "You are an intriguing being able to break Destiny's plans; he really likes you by the way."

Komand'r made a cute frown. "You mean the Endless?"

"I have no idea about what is happening." Harley complained as she looked between the old man and Komand'r, then at Doctor Fate who didn't dare speak.

MACHINA started to speak and inform Harley: Destiny is the cosmic emanation of destiny as a member of the Endless. The eldest brother of Death, he presides over the Garden of Forking Ways and wields the Book of Souls. This allows him to guide the events of history, which he controls with judicious order although he has the power to change them. 

"Ah, do I need to worry about another person trying to get into Kom's leotard?" Harley lamented, there were more and more of those people surrounding Komand’r lately. Kara stole a march on her, but those two were cute together… so she couldn’t blame the Kryptonian for wanting some of that piece of ass.

Maybe? Mom is quite the catch. MACHINA praised her Creator/Mother.

Komand’r asked a pertinent question to the being. "So why are you here…?"

Harley watched the mustache avatar look at the bat in her hand. She hugged it defensively in her arm, she liked her toy after all. Komand'r saw the subtle gaze of the entity. "Huh, it's the bat isn't it?"

The voice nodded, "It's the bat. It is too powerful to be in the hands of a mortal like you."

The Tamaranean princess nodded. "Very well, I agree to hand it back… but can I negotiate with you another… two uses of it?"

The voice twirled its mustache like one of those oldie villains from the sixties, making Harley laugh at him in her heart. The entity seemed to think about it and smiled, "Oh, I see what you're planning. Why not? But it will be just two uses and I will come back to retrieve it."

Komand'r bowed slightly. "Thank you my Lord Voice, for your generosity."

With another laugh, the entity grabbed the Spectre. "You're welcome, I guess it's time to get Aztar back to his favorite host, toodles!"

The dark space dissipated and everyone was back before the Tower of Fate's mundane location. Harley was sad that her favorite new toy was going to be handed back to a deity, she also hoped that Komand'r would make it up to her…

"Well, that happened…" Harley said as she looked at everyone grabbing back the prisoners and walked to Nelson's hideout.



(Komand'r/ Blackfire) 


Tower of Fate 


After my brush with the Presence or the Voice's aspect of it, I decided that we should all take a break. MACHINA reported the successful subordination of the Fortress of Solitude by Jor-El and Lara; there was also the fact that our own operation was successful. 

We took a rest after securing the prisoners, and I don't speak about low effort bars and a cell. I straight out placed everyone under temporal stasis with my magic; those spells that the Wizard Shazam had given me came in handy despite it being DC comics magic. They always had a price… 

It was also with the help of Doctor Fate that we detected something wrong with Wonder Woman. Some… energy centered around Diana’s head that kind of manipulated her mood and moral center that told me that there was some fuckery going on with her as well. Until we got her to Odyssey, we couldn't see what was wrong.

Right now, I was accompanying Harley who had Damian Wayne on her shoulder. Bruce Wayne was waiting for us in the conference room; the man was pacing when we opened the door. He saw us enter, and put upon a neutral expression onto his face. But my telempathy sensed many different emotions going through his head. He knew that Damian killed Nightwing by accident, but it was hard for him before to interact with the kid because of his code.

The healing I practiced on him shifted his priorities though, so he forgave the boy and intended to be a father for him. MACHINA was telling me that there was 80% chances that Damian Wayne would become the new Batman. This was Bruce's way to sidestep our deal.

Harley threw the kid on the stone floor. "Here is your son, Brucie."

"Harley… did you have to be that violent with him?" The man glared at her as he saw how roughed up his son was.

Harley cutely pouted. "He went for the kill all the time, I had to teach him a lesson. Miracle healed him sufficiently to keep him stable." 

"Here is your bill." I said helpfully by handing my invoice to Bruce.

Bruce, who must have expected an exorbitant sum, was shocked by the current price I attributed to the retrieval of his crotchfruit.

He looked up at me and said, "$50?"

"That’s all he is worth to me, a bag of my favorite snacks." I nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want more money?" He was about to take a check from his jacket pocket.

I shook my head negatively. The man sighed and took his wallet and gave me a big fat fifty dollar bill. "Here."

"Thank you, Mister Wayne. Pleasure doing business with you." I said while the man took his son in a princess and left after giving me a nod,

Harley then turned to me and gave me a smile. "Let's go to Chicago, Miracle! I want three deep dish pizzas, wait… let's bring everyone!"

I shrugged. "Sure, Harley."



(Diana of Themyscira aka Wonder Woman) 


The brig
Cellblock 02


Diana opened her eyes to a black metallic ceiling. She sat up and discovered that her armor, bracelets and weapons were stripped from her. She was wearing some kind of tight fitting orange jumpsuit with her name on the tag on her breast. Diana thought about the fight she had with Lady Miracle and understood that she didn't fight seriously. It wasn't a fight to the death, more like a spar at this point. Diana had more combat experience but her foe had been stronger and faster.

How could that be? Who was Lady Miracle? A New God or an alien? In six months, the woman has saved more men, women and children than in her entire career as a superhero. 

The cell she was in had a shower cabin and a covered toilet and a bed. There weren’t any bars though. But when she stood up and tried to exit the cell she bumped against an invisible forcefield. "Captured… how unsightly." 

Diana heard someone's footsteps coming in; she wasn't surprised to see Lady Miracle. Instead of the perpetual smile on her face she looked rather serious right now. "Princess Diana."

Diana raised her hand to show the black walls of the square cell. "Lady… Miracle. Where am I?"

"We cannot tell you for safety reasons." The woman bluntly informed her.

With a harsh glare, Diana planted herself before the Lady Miracle, only the forcefield separating them. "Why did you take me?"

"Originally, to force the Earth-raised-Kryptonian to pay my fee… but I incidentally discovered that something is wrong with you." The woman said awkwardly.

Diana stepped back, giving herself space from the platinum blonde to take in what she just said. "What do you mean?"

"Your sudden attraction to Kal-El and how you allowed yourself to tolerate all that evil shite you and your friends have been doing. It was strange, you are described as upright and a protector. After a scan we discovered something."

The woman passed through the forcefield like it wasn't here. Her gaze focused on Diana, she asked, "Did you know that you were cursed and someone with divine magic mind whammied you?"


Lady Miracle approached her again and with an insistent tone, "Are you sure? Doctor Fate found a divine curse thrown on you after we examined you. It's like you have been hit by a horny beam of some sort."

Diana raised an eyebrow, outraged by what the woman insinuated. "Pardon me?"

"Here look at this." Lady Miracle was quickly on her and performed a palm strike.

The amazon felt herself being pushed; what wasn't her surprise to see herself down on the floor. Lady Miracle pushed her Astral body out of her flesh and blood one; but that wasn't what was surprising, it was the metaphysical divine silver arrow embedded in her heart.

It only meant that Diana has become compromised that everything she's been doing out of love for Clark was out of misguided infatuation. She knew exactly who did that to her. Her Fury made her blood boil as she screamed, "EROS!!!"



(Kala-El/Clark Kent/Originally Superman now Superwoman) 



2 days later



At the previous location of the Fortress of Solitude… 

Kala was downright furious, someone… someone stole her home. She stood before the mouth of the empty cavern that had been hollowed out by the crystal that had been the repository of Krypton. Some villains had penetrated the Fortress' defenses before, but this was the first time that they literally stole it!

And all they left was a letter under the EDM key of the Fortress. It read something like this:


Dear Superwoman,

I wanted to send you this friendly little letter to tell you that you're now homeless. I did this to instill in you a sense of urgency to pay your bills. My associate and I have your friends and your Kryptonian heritage well secured and safe. Though I do have to add more to Our Bill because of problems we found among your teammates.

You can contact me with this number: 555-XXX-XXX  

Sincerely yours, 

Lady Miracle


This was pretty straightforward; now, she understood why Lady Miracle attacked them at the Justice Hall. It was a deflection, to keep them focused on her and her team. What Kara Zor-El hinted at finally made sense; the true target must have been the Fortress, his colleagues and friends were side objectives.

In a flash of light, another note appeared, but Kala was wary of magic; she looked at it with her vision and saw an address. It was a hotel in Gotham and Lady Miracle was telling her:


Go there, no one will say that I am cruel.

Still waiting for your call.


Kala wanted to dismiss the offer, it might be a trap; but she doubted it. She still took the time to burn the letter and the note with heat vision after memorizing the address of the hotel and the phone number. The kryptonian jumped and flew toward the East Coast of North America.





Tower of Fate
Scrying Chamber


“So, did Kal go to the decoy hotel?” Kara asked impatiently.

She came to sit on my lap, she wore a gray normal Kryptonian skinsuit with an integrated skirt; the El symbol on her chest. We were currently in the scrying chamber, looking at the dozens of scrying windows which allowed us to view the whereabouts of Kal-El.

She came to the hotel, another bit of proof of what we discovered recently because of Diana. Someone did a number mentally on the current superheroes. “She did.”

The 5th Dimension Imp, Mxyzptlk, mind whammied everyone to become low-key evil and stupid. He made a deal with some of the Greek Gods to do so, at least that’s what I think happened, because of the Eros' arrow which had impaled Diana. If I didn't specialize in Astral projection which Queen Frigga had taught me… I would have never spotted it.

Currently Kal-El was in the hotel, brooding over recent events. Killing the currently female Kryptonian or even depowering her wasn't a solution when her mental ability is currently compromised. I am glad that I didn't kill her like I wanted at first.

“Excellent, when she enters the room spring the trap. It’s time to make her an offer she can't refuse.” Kara gave me a serious nod; I have given her hope that Kal could be completely innocent of all the crimes she had committed. I was playing devil’s advocate here though.

Kal had still killed many people… and I think that she should get suicide watch after we're done cleaning the mental influence on her. Why did I have to land in this universe? Things were completely different from what I knew of Injustice. 

This annoyed me, there must be things that I missed. Like what the fuck Darkseid wanted to do by turning Superman into a woman and wanting to impregnate her? Is this the idea of a joke from the Imp? Did Mxyzptlk put the idea in Darkseid’s head? Did I end up in the Dark Multiverse by accident? TALI was telling me that I wasn't, in the back of my mind.

Once again, I changed the plan; it is the second time! But I am flexible, I will just adapt. I missed Thor, Amora and Darcy; I think I’ve been too long in this dimension. In my mind I asked TALI if I can take some people with me and eventually find this universe after I leave. Her answer was that, ‘Yes I can only bring back three people with current energy levels and that yes, I can come back to this universe’ then she proceeded to load schematics into my mind that will allow me to do so.

My decision was already made, I would take Kara, Ashley and Barbara with me.

In the scrying window, Kal finally went to sleep (despite not needing it), and Kara perked up as she saw her close her eyes. “When she falls fully asleep… we act, right?”

“Yes.” my hands wandered around her curves.

I had fun with Kara while also focusing on the scrying window. We were no longer at the level of just 'dating' at this point, I fully intended to take her with me when I left. MACHINA'S nano-bot sensors in the room Kal was sleeping notified me that she was sleeping deeply enough to teleport her.

Superwoman was hard to capture… Yes I know that I could just fight her myself and get her. But I wanted to eventually be able to speak with her without having her fighting me all the way. And I wanted to prove that I could do things without violence to Ashley, Barbara and Kara.

I swatted Kara's ass, making her stand up and said, "Let’s go to the ritual room."

I pulled the blonde by the arm and she eagerly followed me out of the Scrying Room. With one hand, Kara was warning everyone that the plan to capture the others was happening. On my personal HUD, I saw that MACHINA turned on the red sun lamps in the ritual room.

Kara and I arrived in the room, with Jinx and Doctor Fate inside. They knew more about summoning magic than I did so I decided to let them do it. Yes, we were going to summon female Kal, restrain her and clean her of any mental curse or whatever the Imp did to her, even if I had to use one of my uses of the Tenth Metal bat.

Thanks to Lex we got access to Kal's blood, so we will be able to summon her, and undo the shit the imp did to her. Why were we sure that they were manipulated? Well Barry, Diana, Hal, Damian and Cyborg had the same subtle mental manipulation shit happen to them. When the two sorcerers started, the elemental pentacle on the ground started glowing with blue light.

Each representation of the four basic elements began to glow one after the other. With a surge in the local mana field, Kal appeared in the middle of the pentacle on the floor. She didn't immediately wake up, and the Doctor and Jinx looked at me. It was my turn, I was going to cleanse the Kryptonian at my feet from the stuff making her crazy.

Kara walked up and said, "Hi, cousin." 

Kal immediately opened her eyes and looked at the blonde blearily. She didn't register that she was captured yet until I said, "Hello, Superwoman."

She quickly stood back up on her feet and swung a fist at me. SMACK! It did nothing because of the red sun lamp in the room. With a laugh I asked, "Was this supposed to do anything?"

But before she could answer or attack me again, I threw down a spell to entrap the Kryptonian within the chains of Gleipnir. And I quickly astralized her soul easily. Beside Kara everyone watched the Astral body of Superwoman floating over her unconscious body. A nimbus of silver light was orbiting Kal-El's head, showing that she was indeed under influence. 

"And now to finish this…" I used the Light attuned cleansing spell from the book Frigga gave me. "Let the healing mist of Eir drive those harmful energies from this being! Let the Mystic Hosts of Asgard prevent those energies from ever returning again!"

Golden and green mist spread from my hands, coalescing toward the silver nimbus of energy. With stubbornness, it didn't quite break up as the healing mist touched it; but I was channeling dimensional magic into the spell. As it couldn't sustain its integrity, the silver nimbus broke down into sparkles and disappeared.  

"Would you look at that, she did it!" Jinx was surprised that I succeeded in freeing the Kryptonian. 

"How peculiar, the magic she uses is dimensional and divine in nature. I really felt the presence of a Goddess." Said Doctor Fate as he analyzed my spell.

Kara looked between me and Kal, and I shook my head. "Don't touch her body yet. I must speak to her first."

The blonde nodded. Kal looked at me with a clear sight now, the anger and mourning shroud which had been filling her were… considerably less than before.

I spoke to the disembodied soul. "Hello Kal, how do you feel?"

"Less furious, but still angry about myself falling for such an obvious trick. The hotel was a trap."

"Well yes, that's not your fault. Actually… that entire situation of you going Justice Lord on everyone? I think it was supposed to be a trick on you or a way to make you miserable." I said bluntly.

I was aware that the JL met their counterpart who went evil, it was in the Archives of the Watchtower. 

"We would never become the Justice Lord!" The Kryptonian looked as if I had insulted her. 

But she seemed to think a bit more about her actions… The floating disembodied Kal frowned and said with a confused tone, "Explain… I find myself confused by everything. Why… Why did we take over the planet?"

"That’s easy to answer… I think someone instigated your wife's murder, the destruction of Metropolis and you and your friend going crazy and low-key evil. I just destroyed some kind of spell/curse which muddled your thoughts, made you angry and lowered your moral inhibitions. We found different and obvious ways of control on Barry, Hal, Diana, Damian and Victor."

As she heard me speak, I saw her cave in on herself. "Who? Who did that to us." 

I continued to inform her in an apologetic tone. "An unlikely confluence of your and friends' enemies. The main instigator is the 5th Dimension Imp, Mxyzptlk; Darkseid and some other Greek gods I'm not familiar with."

Kal went dead silent as I gave her the names of the instigator. "I will kill them."

With a snort, I said, "Get in line. Originally, I wanted to do it but Kara and my daughter convinced me to not kill him." 

My eyes fell on Kara who could infer what I was discussing with her cousin; she looked rather sheepish from having stopped me.

Kal's mood shifted between anger and bone weary sadness. "He took everything from me."

And this was the hook I've been waiting for… with a serious expression I asked the Kryptonian, "What do you think about getting some of it back?"

"What do you mean?" She frowned her face.

"I can get your wife and unborn child to you, as well as your male form. Without any side effects or destruction of the time-line like Flash would have caused if he tried." I declared.

Like wet tissue paper the dark emotions in Kal were ripped out as a seed of hope burst forth from her. "You…. You can do that?"

"I am Lady Miracle, give me one day and I will do it." I preened and took on a pose.

Jinx laughed, Kara rolled her eyes and Doctor Fate pushed a tired sigh.

Kal floated toward me and with tears in her eyes said…"Please, please… I will… I will do anything. I want them back"

I perked up at this and with a sly expression said, "You said anything?"




1 day later

Me and my current team were exiting the troop transport ship; as I looked around me I saw ruin. The city was slowly being rebuilt, with magic, science and technology destroying the radioactivity was trivial. I could at least show this Earth that people could do good once they set their mind onto it. I could actually see the epicenter of the nuclear blast. It had started from the port to reach downtown Metropolis where the daily planet was located.

The Joker knew exactly what he was doing, Superman was his target all along. So much destruction and death happened here… it reminded me of when the Citadel had attacked some Arcology and city centers on Tamaran; this gave me back PTSD.

Harley who looked downright sad, walked up to me and handed the Tenth Metal bat to me. "Give it back later, I still haven't given it a proper send off yet."

"Don't look at me like that, Harley… I will eventually make it up to you…" I promised her. I hoped she wasn't going to ask for too much, like Courtney said before, Harley is attracted to me and wants in my pants; but she loved me as a friend as well.

The woman’s eyes sparkled in interest. "Really?"

"Cross my heart, hope to die, like you humans say." I smiled at her.

The pigtailed woman jumped up and down. "I expect a ride on your spaceship then!"

Kara who was next to Ashley glared at Harley for putting the move on me. I sighed and said yes, I will give her a tour. MACHINA laughed at us and then became more serious as she asked, Are you sure that you're ready, mom?

"As ready as I can be, MACHINA." I gripped tightly on the Tenth Metal bat.

Kara, Harley, and Ashley stood ready, they had deployed the portable healing bed that we prepared to save Lois and her baby when I would take them from the past. I focused on the power given to me and willed myself going back in time to fetch Lois Lane to my time period.

SPATIO-TEMPORAL FIELD DETECTED! MACHINA notified me as a red glow surrounded me. Kara-Love and my friends disappeared from view as the temporal field engulfed me.



3 years earlier
2 minutes before Nuclear blast

I reopened my eyes to find myself in an intact Metropolis. The gleaming skyscrapers and the people going through their lives this afternoon's day… all will be gone. I regretted the fact that I couldn't save them all; but I wasn't going to become greedy.

"MACHINA, look for Lois Lane's smartphone, use the GPS to locate her." I commanded my Smart AI.

Roger! MACHINA acknowledged the order and right away, a holographic map of the city unfolded on my augmented reality HUD.

The smart AI declared after ten picoseconds. She's at the Daily Planet! 

Alert! Fissile material ignition detected!

I moved immediately, at full speed, not caring for the damage I was already doing right now to my surroundings. The air burst and high speed nuclear blast were almost on me, following me. My sight was on the Daily Planet's floor office and I spotted Lois through the window.

Dark brown hair in a layered Bob hairstyle, pouty lips, fit with subtle muscle. Lois was pretty for a human woman, but my Darcy or Barbara had her beat any time of the day. I smashed the window and entered the building; Lois looked at me with surprise in her eyes and was about to run, but I was faster and caught in my arms. 


With the Tenth Metal bat, I was quickly covered by the red temporal field and we disappeared in a blink before the blast reached us. When we reappeared it was in the air, I was holding Lois in a Princess carry and then when she looked up at me she started to struggle.

"Let me go!" The woman said as she started beating on my combat skin. 

With an amused tone I asked, "Are you sure? I mean look down."

"Huh?" She looked down and noticed how we were seventy meters from the ground.

She suddenly started tightly holding onto me while screaming. "Ah! Please don't let go, don't let go!"

I chuckled. "Don't worry Mrs Kent, I am not going to let you go."

Turning my eyes right, I saw Ashley flying toward us with Harley in her arms, she was followed by Kara-Love. Lois flinched when she saw Harley; ‘Huh, I forgot that she came from a time where she is still a criminal.’

"Are you a villain?" The journalist asked, a bit scared. "You want a fight with Superman, right?"

"Oh Darling, we need to tell you a lot…" Harley stared at Lois with pity.

"Welcome to the future, we're three years after your death."

"What?!" The journalist found herself looking googly-eyed at Harley.



(Overview General) 


Komand'r and Doctor Fate explained to Lois Lane what happened in those three years where she had been gone. They started by saying with a combination of Darkseid, Mxyzptlk, criminals and some Greek Gods that the Justice League was brainwashed into becoming evil like the Justice Lords and took over the Earth. Superman is pretty much reviled by a lot of people, but he still had some support; Kal-El didn't dare see her as he felt ashamed of himself and of what he had done. 

Lois Lane decided to go see her husband and be there for him despite how horrified she was of what he was doing with the perspective of her loss. But before that, Komand'r offered her the option of having Kryptonian powers. Lois accepted when Lara, her mother in law, told her that she might not carry the child to term with her fragile body. Komand'r gave her access to Platinum Kryptonite which had the effect of permanently bestowing the full range of Kryptonian super-powers to non-powered humanoids to Lois Lane-Kent. 

With Komand’r holding out the deal she made with Kal-El by turning him back into a male and saving Lois Lane-Kent, things went smoothly with the Justice League as it was revealed that they were being manipulated by Mxyzptlk while he was possessing Aztar, the Spirit of Vengeance.

Komand'r had no choice but to give back the Fortress and the Watchtower, which are important for the defense of Earth. She had to make it up to Victor Stone and made it so by giving him access to a combat skin as powerful as his Cyborg body and enter into symbiosis with his complete human body with MACHINA's version of a Mother Box. Reverse engineering the technology was simple with the Smart AI's help.

Black Canary, Dinah to her friends, literally begged Komand'r to help her bring back Green Arrow. Having seen this coming, Komand'r asked for permission to use some DNA from her husband and eventually grew a brain dead flash clone in a month and went back in time to the moment where Superman killed the man in the Fortress of Solitude. Komand'r replaced Oliver Queen who was about to be pummeled by the mad Kryptonian and came back to the present. 

The Presence made itself known when Komand'r got back with Green Arrow in the Watchtower. Komand'r gave him back the Tenth Metal bat in her possession. The entity swatted her ass and disappeared in a grand manner. This problem led to everyone asking who Komand'r was, and she had to tell them that she was from a different universe where some of them were completely normal or didn't exist.

After this, they backed off for a while; she had no other choice than to show them where Odyssey was as the Kryptonian survivors were living there. If Darkseid and the force of Apokolips come back, the League knew that they would have support there, until they left for her current universe.

Alura and Jor-El were given schematics for a Bridging Transuniversal Space-Time Device to allow for passage between the two universes. With this, taking Kara and Barbara to Komand'r's universe wouldn't be difficult as they could come back once TALI had built a mirror device.

The next problem was with the UN and most of the countries having suffered under the One Earth Regime. Fortunately, Alura and the Kandorian Council came through for Kal-El and decided to offer them guarantees that the takeover of their world wouldn't happen again. Some technologies and science were exchanged to soothe everyone. But there were still people dissatisfied with those choices, however, this is a story for later.



(Komand'r/ Blackfire) 


2 months later
Portal room



This trip to another universe had become a teaching experience to me. I got stronger, but everything that I thought I knew was different. Superman going crazy and becoming evil wasn’t his fault, and it taught me to always have some kind of mental shield on me and over my loved ones. I didn’t want what happened to Kal to happen to me.

Everyone that mattered was there in the portal room to see me leave. The Justice League, my Kryptonian friends, The Titans, Kori, Harley and Pamela. Harley was downright sad seeing me go, but I reassured her that we will see each other again. It wasn’t a goodbye, more of a see you later event here.

“Okay people, we will be back soon. Try to hold the fort while I’m away.” I said with seriousness.

“We can manage, hot stuff.” Hal said.

He has a duplicate jail broken power ring like mine on his finger, I felt bad for his previous one so I made a power ring duplicate of own ring. Well at least the Guardians won’t be able to steal the ring from him anymore. I showed him how to create stable portals to get around everywhere as well, that should cut down his travel time in space.

“I sure hope so, Friend-Hal.”

“Remember, Lady Miracle. You always have friends in this universe… you saved us, you saved my family.” Superman said in a solemn tone with an arm wrapped around a visibly pregnant Lois. At their side was young Titha and Princess Diana, I didn’t want to touch that family dynamic at all.

“Ah, Kal-El. Don’t worry, just be more wary of everything here.” I said with a serious nod.

I and MACHINA have created more stringent Master/Stranger protocols which would have made the PRT in Worm blush for the League. Taking them over with the technology and magic I gifted everyone here was going to be more than difficult for the bad guys. Then there were my ex-villains turned mercenaries who would be working for the good of their planet under Pamela and Harley.

"Goodbye everyone! See you in six months!" I waved at them while Kara-Love, Barbara-Love and Ashley glued themselves against me. 

I looked at my two lovers and my daughter. "Kara, Barbara, Ashley… Hold tight onto me."

They obeyed and then blue and white light wrapped around us… TALI and the Murder Deck pulling us back to my home universe.

A/N: And we're finally done with Interlude 3, but we're going to get back to Earth 22 after some time! Now let's go back to her original universe and do something else.

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