Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 49 Star Ninja Village

Chapter 49 Star Ninja Village
Obscure night has some impressions about the destination of Bear Country.

As far as he knows, the Kingdom of Bear is a small country adjacent to the Kingdom of Fire. Its area is less than one-fiftieth that of the Kingdom of Fire. In the eyes of the five major countries, its strength is not very strong.

But the reason why it can last forever is also because it has its own unique geographical advantages.

In this country, the border is surrounded by canyons full of poisonous gas, and there is even a hellish valley in the ninja world. The defense is better than the border defense of any country. It is a daunting place.

The leader of the ninja village of the star of the bear country, who calls himself star shadow.

Because it is self-proclaimed, not called, there is little deterrence.

This so-called title is naturally not recognized by other countries. To put it bluntly, it is a title for self-entertainment, and it is respected in one's own country. Shadow and Hokage are completely incomparable.

Hazy night recalled this country, and thought of the strange cultivation form there.

In this village, there is a meteorite, which is said to be a meteor that fell from the sky hundreds of years ago. After falling here, it turned into a meteorite.

The meteorite was regarded as a godsend by the people in the village. Since then, they practiced around the meteorite, and later, they cultivated a strange ability.

That is the chakra in the body, activated to an unimaginable degree, able to change into any form at will.

For example, a pair of wings can be changed to give people the ability to fly.

Of course, all of these cultivation methods require specific cultivation methods. This secret method is called the Peacock Magic Method by the people of the Bear Kingdom.

Although it is very strange, this kind of cultivation is more superficial.

Although the activation of Chakra has reached the extreme and can change into various forms, its own power is fixed. No matter how it changes, the power itself remains unchanged, so this method of cultivation does not cause too much trouble.

But it is not useless. At certain times, this wonderful use of Chakra can display all kinds of ingenuity, which is something that other Chakra practitioners cannot have anyway.

The third day on the road.

The two finally entered the territory of the bear country.

The two of them were very lucky. They met a caravan from the Kingdom of Craftsman. They spent 1 taels per person. After dressing up in disguise, they were taken through the poisonous miasma canyon.

The country of craftsmen is a neutral country, good at making ninja tools, [-]% of the ninja tools in the ninja world are made by them.

With the outbreak of the ninja world war, the demand for ninja tools in various countries has increased to an unprecedented level. The country of craftsmen has made a fortune in war, and trade with various countries has become more frequent than usual.

The two of them left the caravan after quietly entering the territory of the Bear Country.

Wearing a black cloak with only two eyeballs, Oboro looked sideways at Terumi Mei who was also dressed.

"This country of bears is indeed not a place for people to come. Even with the caravan's gas mask, it still makes me dizzy."

"Now that we've finally come in, where can we find the black hoe Lei Ya?"

Terumi Mei shook his head: "When looking for someone, one depends on ability and the other depends on luck. The information I got is that someone saw him enter the country of bears. As for where, no one can say for sure."

Obscure night nodded helplessly.

After all, the other party is a living person, not a dead thing. He was in a place three days ago, and he might still be there three days later.

"Black hoe Lei Ya, how long have you been hunting him down?"

Obscure night asked thoughtfully.

"It's been several years! This person is strong and cautious, so he hasn't got rid of this traitor..."

"Just a month ago, we organized an assassination team to get rid of him completely, but in the end it fell short. He killed a few people and ran away. This time he was wise and ran to the country of bears."

Terumi Mei said in detail.

Wu Ye touched his chin: "According to what you said, I feel that this person may not come here just to escape, maybe he intends to find a way to get rid of your pursuit once and for all."

"what do you mean……"

Terumi Mei seems to have realized something.

"The country of bears, Star Ninja Village, there is a magic technique of peacock."

"As far as I know, this magical method may not be very useful for killing people, but because of the unique chakra activity, it can produce all kinds of strange abilities."

Terumi Mei nodded: "That's right! People who come out of this ninja village can display a chakra winging ability called peacock tail, which can achieve long-distance flight."

She glanced sideways at Misty Night: "You mean, he came here to obtain the peacock magic technique, so that he can have a stronger ability to survive."

Obscure night said: "If you want to cultivate Chakra to that kind of activity, the peacock magic method is only one of them. The second most important thing is that you must borrow the meteorite in Star Ninja Village for cultivation."

"You mean, he might have infiltrated Hoshi Ninja Village?" Terumi Mei asked.

"It's not impossible."

"In that case, let's sneak in and find out." Terumi Mei said decisively.

"How do you get in?"

Just after Wu Ye finished asking, both of them turned their heads to look into the distance.

Two figures galloped over.

These two people wore "five-pointed star pattern" forehead protectors on their foreheads, and their feet seemed to be pressed by springs. Every time they jumped, they were ten meters away, and their speed was very impressive.

"Who are you two? Report your name quickly."

Two members of the star ninja village guards, seeing the two wrapped in cloaks and dressed mysteriously, rushed over to question them immediately.

The two looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.


The two entered Wuyin Village smoothly.

The clothes were provided by the previous two.

As for the two people before, they have naturally evaporated.

After stripping off the clothes, Terumi Mei used the "transformation technique" to change into one of them.

As for Oboroya, among the several ninjutsu he practiced, there was no transformation technique, so he could only use physical means to cover up his face.

Fortunately, in the entire ninja world, all kinds of strange costumes are common. Covering the lower half of the face with a black face scarf is a relatively common one, and it won't attract attention.

After the two mixed into Xing Ninja Village, they first found a private room and ate a meal, which was the most common tonkotsu ramen.

After filling their stomachs, the two rushed to the destination of the trip, the "Meteorite" of Xingren Village.

Obscure Ye had also seen meteorites in her previous life, but she had never seen such a large meteorite.

The meteorite in front of me is the size of a house, half of it is sunken into the ground, the whole is gray-black, and the surface is uneven, which looks very mysterious.


After Obscure got closer and closer to the meteorite, he found that the chakra in his body became active uncontrollably, as if being intensified by a kind of energy that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

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(End of this chapter)

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