Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch166- SHOUT: Can You Calm the F*ck Down?


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He stood there, sans the mask he was notorious for, revealing his face to the shocked assembly. His Sharingan eyes bore into them, a cold, calculated look etched on his face.

His gaze flitted across the room, from the Kages to their guards, and finally landed on Koushin. "You know too much. Way too much," he said, his voice carrying an icy undertone.

Koushin, unfazed by the sudden arrival of the Akatsuki leader, merely smirked. "I will let you know, Obito," he retorted, "I know more than you can imagine."

The challenge was clear in his voice, his eyes twinkling with a defiant spirit. For a moment, everyone in the room held their breath, waiting for Obito's response.

But instead of reacting with hostility, Obito tilted his head, curiosity sparking in his Sharingan. "How?" He asked, his tone reflecting a genuine intrigue.

Koushin simply shrugged, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement. "I just do," he replied, his tone carrying a hint of cheeky arrogance.

"I believe you are here to declare war against the five Elemental Nations, am I correct?" Koushin asked, his gaze meeting Obito's eyes with unwavering certainty. The spiraling patterns of Obito's Sharingan danced ominously in their sockets. The eye he had once lent to Kakashi had been repossessed, rightfully restored to its original owner.

Obito scrutinized Koushin, surprise etched on his face. Koushin, known for his humor and banter, was being deadly serious. "We are hiding the remaining Tailed Beasts," Koushin began, his voice steady, "and you cannot find them unless they come out for the war. You need this war to happen."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the room before returning to Obito. "And since hidden villages are basically slaves for Elemental Nations and Daimyos, they will fight even if they know what your plan is. So declare your little war and get the hell out of here. We have important things to discuss."

The chamber held a heavy silence as each individual absorbed Koushin's blunt words. The faces of the Kage, their guards, and Mifune reflected a myriad of emotions. Respect, surprise, appreciation, irritation... they all flickered across their features. Even A, usually stony-faced, seemed to be on the appreciative side. Koushin's lethal tongue, when used against an enemy, was indeed satisfying to behold. But when it was turned towards them, it stung like a hornet.

Obito's hand clenched into a fist at his side, the only visible sign of his rising frustration. Yet he didn't retort against Koushin. Instead, he shifted his gaze towards the gathered Kage. His voice, when he spoke, was cold as ice. "We, Akatsuki, declare war against all the elemental nations," he announced.

His declaration hung in the air like a chilling winter wind, seeping into every corner of the room. "You should know that we have Gaara, Roshi, Han, Utakata, and Fu. Five former Jinchuriki with us. Although their Tailed Beasts have been removed, we can temporarily return them, and they have full control over their Tailed Beasts."

A wave of unease washed over the assembly. The thought of Akatsuki possessing such power was a frightening one. The sheer audacity of Obito's announcement sent chills down the spines of even the most seasoned shinobi in the room.

"This war," Obito continued, his voice heavy with foreboding, "will rock this world. We will unleash a hell upon all of humanity. You better call out your Tailed Beasts, or perish while protecting them."

With Obito's threatening words still echoing through the chamber, he disappeared into the swirling vortex from which he arrived. The space-time twirl dissipated as quickly as it had formed, leaving a chilled silence in its wake. All eyes shifted toward Koushin. It was clear he held more knowledge than the rest, a fact that intrigued, but also unsettled, the gathered assembly.

"Let's start," Koushin commanded, the room silent in the aftermath of his words. He flashed a playful grin, tension defusing in the light of his humor. "The leader of this alliance is the Hokage," he said, matter-of-factly.

This abrupt declaration caught the room off guard. Raikage, A, was the first to react, rising from his seat. His large form was imposing, lightning occasionally sparking from his clenched fists. "Who gave you the permission to select the leader, brat?" He growled, the title of 'brat' intended as an insult to Koushin's youth and audacity.

The elderly Tsuchikage, Oonoki, also joined A in standing, albeit with a noticeable wince. His age was a limitation, but it didn’t take away from the intensity of his glare.

Koushin raised his hand showing five fingers. "Konoha has the greatest might at the moment, that's one." He lowered a finger. "We're also the only village that hasn't lost our Tailed Beast or their chakra, that's two." Another finger down. "We have the most intelligence about Akatsuki, their members, and their powers. That's three." Two more fingers remained.

Before he could continue, Raikage slapped the table, lightning covering his body. "What do you mean the greatest might? My Cloud is ten times stronger than Konoha!" His voice echoed in the room like a clap of thunder, the raw power in his tone evident.

As the sound of the Raikage's voice faded, another rose. "Do you need a reminder?" It was the voice of Oonoki, the Tsuchikage, old but with an undeniable grit. "I haven't used my Dust Release for a few decades, and every smelly brat thinks they are mighty. How old are you, 12?"

The room was still for a moment, waiting for Koushin's response. His laughter filled the room, a lively contrast to the heated accusations. "Do I look 12? Well, thank you. I started to use the new cream my Pumpkin makes, and it made my face so smooth." Turning to Ino, he said, "See, Ino-chan, it works."

The drastic shift in his mood was so sudden that the room descended into a momentary silence. Then Oonoki turned a shade of red that could rival the Mizukage's flaming hair. "Are you mocking me?"

As suddenly as his mood had lightened, Koushin's expression turned serious once more. His gaze fell on Oonoki, then traveled across the room, meeting the eyes of everyone present. There was a new gravity to his voice as he pronounced, "KAAN DREM OV!"

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