Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch176- History


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Orochimaru's gaze flickered between Koushin and Yamato, taking a moment to assess the situation before replying. "Let's see the prize, then I will decide."

Koushin laughed lightly at that, a sound that seemed to float through the tense air. "Well, aren't you crafty. Anyway, even if you accepted, a snake's promise is as good as nothing." His gaze then landed on Mito, and his tone took a slight change, curiosity replacing the previous lightness. "Mito-sama, do you know where the mark on your forehead originates from?"

Mito looked taken aback at the sudden question, her blue eyes reflecting a hint of surprise. After a moment of contemplation, she answered, "From the ancestor of my clan, mother of all Uzumaki."

Koushin nodded, his smile giving away his satisfaction at her answer. "She learned it from Tengu," he revealed, his tone almost casual as he dropped the bombshell.

The impact of his words was immediate. Mito's eyes widened in shock, her previous calm shattering like a broken mirror. "How do you even know that?" she demanded, her voice echoing in the silent forest.

Mito took a deep breath, her serenity somewhat restored but her blue eyes were still wide in shock. "Indeed, you're right about my ancestor, Uzumaki Hana. I found an ancient scroll left by her when I was a child. It mentioned Tengu and some techniques that I could never quite grasp," she admitted, her voice a soft murmur against the tense silence. Her gaze bore into Koushin, filled with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. "But how do you know about that? The scroll was a secret. My father and I were the only ones who knew about it. Not even Hashirama was privy to that information."

Koushin with an undercurrent of amusement as he replied, "Naruto, the last of your lineage, was reverse summoned into the realm of the Tengu. He was the only one other than the mother of your clan to have ever contracted with them."

"Seems you are all unaware of the deeper, darker histories that lurk within our world," he began, an amused smile playing on his lips. "Very well, I shall enlighten you."

"Before the Sage of the Six Paths, before the tailed beasts and before humanity started wielding chakra, the world was already teeming with it. Every leaf that whispers secrets to the wind, every creature that roams these woods, every ripple on a serene pond— all are manifestations of chakra."

A moment of silence followed his words, the only sound the rustling of the leaves, as if the forest itself was confirming Koushin's statement. Tobirama's expression remained stoic, his icy gaze never leaving Koushin. Mito wore a pensive look, her tranquil blue eyes clouded with thought. Orochimaru, on the other hand, looked amused. His thin lips pulled into a smirk, his eyes glittering with intrigue.

"I'll take your word for it, Koushin-kun," Orochimaru replied, a hint of mockery lacing his words. "But I fail to see why this history lesson is relevant."

Koushin chuckled at that, the sound echoing through the still forest. "Patience, Orochimaru-san," he admonished lightly. "Context is important. Your thirst for knowledge will be sated."

Orochimaru's smirk didn't falter. "I eagerly await."

"Anyway, the world believes that it was the Sage of the Six Paths who gifted Chakra to humanity. And who could blame them? It's a compelling narrative, one of enlightenment and progress. But the world is older than a single story, richer and more complex than a single origin."

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" Koushin mused,  "Our story begins, as many tales often do, with a woman. But this was no ordinary woman, mind you."

His gaze turned speculative, as though he could see the threads of time itself, unraveling before his eyes. "She hailed from a realm beyond our understanding, far beyond the stars we see in the night sky. Her name was Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, and her power was... unimaginable."

"Now, her objective was simple enough," he continued, his tone deceptively light. "She wished to subjugate the world, to turn humanity into mere tools to further her powers."

Even as the words left his lips, Koushin's smile took on a darker edge. "A horrific vision, wouldn't you agree?"

Mito's face had hardened at his words, her blue eyes reflecting a flicker of fury. "So this Kaguya, she was the first one to use chakra against humanity?" Her voice was cold, her earlier calm shattered by the grim tale.

"That's right," Koushin replied, inclining his head in agreement. "But she didn't count on one thing: her three sons."

"Hagoromo and Hamura were the sons of Kaguya. But you all know Hagoromo as the Sage of Six Paths, don't you? The one who is credited with the inception of chakra."

Tobirama's gaze was cold and unforgiving. "And the other brother? You mentioned three sons."

Koushin laughed, the sound light and mirthless. "Sharp as ever, Tobirama-san. Yes, indeed. The third son was almost forgotten, his existence buried deep within the sands of time."

"Hogoromo and Hamura sealed their mother to the moon and split the creature into 9 Tailed Beasts."

"You're saying the Tailed Beasts... were one?" Tobirama echoed, his sharp eyes narrowing. His mind buzzed with the implications of this revelation. This wasn't just a new historical fact, it was a complete upheaval of the existing understanding of the Ninja world.

"Oh yeah," Koushin chuckled, leaning casually against a moss-covered tree trunk. His tone was jovial. "An ugly strong beast, the Ten Tails. But wait our tale takes another twist now."

“Before she was sealed,” Koushin continued, his voice smooth and composed, “Kaguya created her third son and ordered him to free her. Well, not many know him, but many have seen him. He is...Black Zetsu."

Orochimaru and Yamato could hardly contain their astonishment. "Impossible!" Orochimaru protested, his voice echoing across the quiet forest. His pale hands clenched into fists, knuckles blanching under the strain. Yamato, on the other hand, remained silent, the gravity of the revelation sinking into his heart.

"I was there when Itachi questioned Obito," Orochimaru explained, his normally calm demeanor fraying at the edges, "Black Zetsu is Madara's will embodied."

At this, Koushin chuckled. Not a boisterous laugh, but a subtle ripple of amusement that suggested a deep-seated understanding of the universe's ironic jests. "Obito thinks so," he said, a smug smile gracing his features, "hell, even Madara thinks so. They are all puppets, really." He paused, his gaze piercing through each of them, punctuating his words with a sternness they seldom saw in him.

His gaze finally landed on Orochimaru. The smile on his face had vanished, replaced by a knowing smirk. "When Ten Tails is freed, Black Zetsu will use it to free his mother," he declared, his words weighty with implications. And then, leaning in slightly towards Orochimaru, he added, "So that, Orochimaru-san, is your prize. You can do whatever you want with this information."

It felt as though the air had been sucked out of the forest. The world seemed to hold its breath, awaiting Orochimaru's response. The serpentine ninja's eyes flickered with an amalgamation of disbelief and fascination. His lips thinned into a contemplative line, a hissing sound of consideration seeping past his teeth.

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